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Anti-graft centre not probing case of PM’s nephew


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1 hour ago, docshock13 said:

155 million on paper/that the public knows about. I suspect the real figures are significantly higher. Keep in mind also, the nephew (and other family members) might be involved in multiple rackets that we simply haven't heard about. 


Just wait until some brave guy start to dig up dirt about the 3 Subs and the high speed trains, 155 million will be peanuts compared how much they can get from that. 

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42 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:


Just wait until some brave guy start to dig up dirt about the 3 Subs and the high speed trains, 155 million will be peanuts compared how much they can get from that. 

Said brave person had better be far away from Thailand or it might be the last whistle he/she blows. 

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From the day these guys granted themselves a blanket amnesty they were telling the world that they intended to do as they pleased. The anti corruption nonsense applies to everyone bar the junta, especially those towards the red side of the spectrum. Their hypocricy is breathtaking.


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15 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

What's this, not even the pretence of a sham investigation for public consumption ?

Now that IS arrogance.

Can't wait to read what they say about the company office being inside an army base.


I'm sure the company will have paid the army a fair rent for all facilities. And being on hand in case of issues with their work made for great customer service and project management.


Nothing to see here, move on folks!

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7 hours ago, jesimps said:

From the day these guys granted themselves a blanket amnesty they were telling the world that they intended to do as they pleased. The anti corruption nonsense applies to everyone bar the junta, especially those towards the red side of the spectrum. Their hypocricy is breathtaking.



Remember Yingluck saying the same sort of thing - "we're in power and can do what we want". And they did.


Now it seems Deja Vu. 


It's the bare faced arrogance and the do as we say not as we do that's really breathtaking - from the whole bunch of them.

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12 hours ago, robblok said:

Oh they still went after far more corruption than the PTP so they are still ahead. But what has become clear to me is that they are worse as I thought but still preferable over the PTP.. but the margin is getting smaller. 


Whilst they have gone after more corruption and non enforcement of the law, it becomes more and more apparent that the targets are very selective. PTP, UDD and their friends, the BiB and their rackets, breaking the late night boozing and brothels protection payments etc etc. 

Fighting corruption would be a massive step forward - but that has to be all corruption and no one should be untouchable. Of course, if those being targeted weren't corrupt they wouldn't be wide open to such tactics. This is looking more like using a fight against corruption to conveniently remove opposition only.

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21 hours ago, robblok said:

Big fail, if they wanted to prove they were against corruption they would have done a good investigation and made it transparent and clear. Major fail here no excuses. 

A bit tongue in cheek here Rob, but are you coming over to the red side? Corruption at the highest level starts off slow and suddenly snowballs. What happens is they get good at covering it up.

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