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My Thai girlfriend


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I met my wife of 10 years while on holidays here, after returning back to my country, I knew I had to come back to her, 6 weeks later I came back to her village to meet Ma and Pa Kettle, then I took her back to my country on a 3 month tourist visa, when I asked her if she wanted to stay longer, she said "up to you" a quick call to immigration back then, and they said NO, not unless you intend to marry her, if you do intend on marrying her, we will give you a bridging visa, so we got married the next month and have been happier ever after as the story goes.


I know a lot of guys who would love to have the relationship I have with my wife, and some of them do, however I did my researching, and it can give you cold feet.

Sometimes you have to free fall, go against what a lot of posts and friends say (well intended advice), and have a good gut instinct, and only invest as much as your prepared to lose, because if you allow a female to look after your finances, she has one up on you.


As far as sin sot goes, 200,000 baht should be enough, wedding with no band 20,000 baht tops, if you want to send Ma & Pa Kettle some money if she is returning with you, 10,000 baht per month should be tops. My advise regarding parents is keep your distance and avoid lending money because you will never see it again, keep her close to you, become accustomed to the culture, but don't allow it to rule your life, remember you are a walking talking ATM machine with a big heart, she will follow you and love you, till you either run out of money or break down, I am not sure about the last part of my story because I can't see my ATM running out of money or breaking down.


 Last but not least, DO NOT spoil her, because once you lift the bar, you have to go to the next level, keep her strictly a village girl, and look out for the vultures because they will know who you are.


Good luck, Cupid works in mysterious ways, really hope things work out for you.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Some Thai girls can fall in love with you head over heels, but after meeting 2 times... ? Sounds a bit odd. She is 35 years old and for Thai standards not the youngest anymore...   You being the same age as her and not bad looking guy, are a lottery ticket to her. See what happens in the relationship first, and wait with getting too serious !  I married my wife after knowing her 5 years, and I am not regretting waiting that long. Better be sure

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36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have to say no wonder you are getting roasted. Would you come on a forum asking for help on your internet relationship. If so, you deserve the flaming. Your who question reeks' of being a troll, with two posts to your credit. I am surprised the Mods haven't closed this.


Were's your humanity man, a new member is seeking guidance here, no ego's please. 

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7 hours ago, starky said:

Big wheel keep on turning, Proud Mary keep on burning. Trolling, Trolling, Trolling, Trolling. Trolling on a river.


Ouch... not nice man, here's a guy that pour his little confused heart out and you take

the micky out of him.

on a more serious side, how can any one give an opinion or an advice of such matters?

as each woman is a whole different world than the other?


True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

No, it is rarely just visa - mostly, it is promise of Western cash and earning potential... a child is a lifelong commitment of payments for most Western guys who are less likely to abandon a kid... your looks and age [being young and handsome] have very little to do with it...


the opportunity you afford, is 99% of it, especially if you are willing to marry and pay sin sod to her family... how much do you really know about her life? Any kids? Work? Thai ladies are very charming flirts... 


But, that would just be the stereotypical answer as I do not know either of you... but to answer your question, do Thai ladies fall in love that quickly - no, not usually. After 30, especially if they have had a kid or two, it can be difficult for them to find a guy... but they are not naive... 


I was at a wedding, before the ceremony, sitting about with the 35 yr old Thai lady and asking her what she really thought of the new husband... though gazing at him lovingly, she told me she wasn't sure yet... but, he seemed like a good guy and I think she will make a good wife for him... but love at first internet contact - - not really... 


Credit when deserved, you literally nailed it.


The love from her side will come down the track, maybe 2 years, she has to see how you treat her and how you can handle her family.


If you have balls, and treat her with respect and keep her family at arms length, she will "love you long time", sorry about the last part, I just had too, mine still loves me loves me long time, she does, really, everyday, she tells me she cannot believe how her life has changed in so many ways, and how her family are not able to tell her what to do anymore, they try, believe me, they try. independence in Thailand for a Thai girl can be hard, but as I have always said to her, use the falang, for any excuse that you need to get out of, works like a charm.

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1 minute ago, pumpuy said:

Shouldn't it be : Lolling on the Liver >>>?

Yes correct.

Many years ago; before the drugs and alcohol; affected my brain. 

I just remember laughing very hard.

If you want a good laugh. Ask your Thai wife or Thai girl friend to say the word  " Lime "  It will sound like " Lamb".


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Tick Tock Tick Tock......you know what that is, that's her biological clock ticking, at 35 she's getting past the "used by" date and she knows it so I would say she is genuine, if the were 20 however that would be a diffferent story. Having said that I would be looking to import something with fewer miles on the clock.

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Lots of jokes in this thread, but OP if you're not trolling, I advise you to be very careful of being manipulated. She is using the same tactics scores of other women from Thailand use to extract money and/or Visas from foreign men.


Beyond this advice if you want to take such a big risk, it's your choice.


If you have that much goodwill and money that you want to give it away, volunteer and donate to a Thai children's orphanage.

Edited by mesterm
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For a good loking guy in his mid 30s, you sound quite lonely and desperate.  My advice to you is to achieve success with a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in your home country.  Thai females with chew you up and spit you out.  If your are not financially well to do, once she knows it, which won't take long, you will will be history.


Prestburypark said it best.  I'll add this girl is hoping to take a giant s***t on you.

Surely you must have even a little common sense.

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1. Does she gamble, drink, len share, secretly or otherwise?

2. Does she have brothers, male cousins, uncles?

3. Does she enjoy shopping, especially with your money?

4. Do you like to play the lottery? Because your situation is not dissimilar.

5. Take a cold shower, go trekking alone in the Himalayas for three months, then see how things are.

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1 hour ago, Farang99 said:

Glad to read another happy story. I got married 18 years ago to a girl I had known for 6 months. Registered the marriage at the amphur (no expensive religious ceremony or party) and have lived contentedly and mostly happily ever since.


I wasted about 3-400 baht on a meal  opposite the registry office ( no dumb party) with plastic chairs and table with her two friends who came as witnesses all in their lunch hour................i still mention it to her now.

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7 hours ago, prestburypark said:

Hey  I married my Thai girlfriend 11 years ago, we had only met twice too, I took a chance and here we are 11 years later so happy it is unbelieve-it-able.


So I suggest that you start proceedings immediately to ensure that you do not make the mistake of letting her slip out of your hands, do this:


Start with a small monthly payment to help her out a little financially , maybe just 20-30,000 baht.


 Buy land in her village, preferably from her family , who will ensure that no-one rips you off,  engage a builder locally and allow you soon-to-be wife to manage the design and build.


Remember that she must show face to the family and village, have a nice car, Fortuner or a  good Honda , few motorcycles, and a never-ending supply of whisky and beer.


Buy her mum 3 or 4 baht of gold, improve mum's house and get her a new motorcycle, she will hate you slightly less for it...wait happiness is just around the corner....


have children , at 35 she has had practise at this and there will be on or two to support from her previous life, hell, thats fine, have some more. Job done,

you are now officially happy with one of the best girls in the world you could possibly imagine, you must not forget the amazing wedding party in the village with the Lao band and dancing girls, free booze for the village and Sin -Sod for the mum, happy trails. 

I'm really unhappy with your post. What about the father?? doesn't he deserves something? And brothers and sisters? They are all part of the family. Not only the mother!!

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2 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

OP do you think it is normal for her to be head over heels in love with you ? Do you think meeting her twice is enough for you to make a life long commitment on? Do you think it is fair towards any future child that you and the gf have children even before you know each other, as the potential of a divorce is much greater if the couple don't know each other? Think with your head and not your .....

Well, he's thinking with his head enough to come here for advice - that's better than most. He's got some sort of caution light flashing, and that's good

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

I met my wife of 10 years while on holidays here, after returning back to my country, I knew I had to come back to her, 6 weeks later I came back to her village to meet Ma and Pa Kettle, then I took her back to my country on a 3 month tourist visa, when I asked her if she wanted to stay longer, she said "up to you" a quick call to immigration back then, and they said NO, not unless you intend to marry her, if you do intend on marrying her, we will give you a bridging visa, so we got married the next month and have been happier ever after as the story goes.


I know a lot of guys who would love to have the relationship I have with my wife, and some of them do, however I did my researching, and it can give you cold feet.

Sometimes you have to free fall, go against what a lot of posts and friends say (well intended advice), and have a good gut instinct, and only invest as much as your prepared to lose, because if you allow a female to look after your finances, she has one up on you.


As far as sin sot goes, 200,000 baht should be enough, wedding with no band 20,000 baht tops, if you want to send Ma & Pa Kettle some money if she is returning with you, 10,000 baht per month should be tops. My advise regarding parents is keep your distance and avoid lending money because you will never see it again, keep her close to you, become accustomed to the culture, but don't allow it to rule your life, remember you are a walking talking ATM machine with a big heart, she will follow you and love you, till you either run out of money or break down, I am not sure about the last part of my story because I can't see my ATM running out of money or breaking down.


 Last but not least, DO NOT spoil her, because once you lift the bar, you have to go to the next level, keep her strictly a village girl, and look out for the vultures because they will know who you are.


Good luck, Cupid works in mysterious ways, really hope things work out for you.

especially "Cupid  Stunt" which is what we  may be dealing with here?



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4 minutes ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Well, he's thinking with his head enough to come here for advice - that's better than most. He's got some sort of caution light flashing, and that's good

You call coming on here asking about relationships "thinking with his head"?:

The very fact that he's considering marriage to a virtual stranger suggests that thinking, to him, is an alien concept

Were you and the OP in the same class by any chance

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