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Returning To University, But Would Like To Study Overseas Fulltime


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Good day,

I'm seriously considering returning to University to finish a degree in finance, then gaining an MSc in international banking.

As I am not in the financial position I was at 19 y/o with parental assistance, I will need to find a way to do this on my own.

I have a few thousand dollars, and am wondering if anyone is knowledgable in financial aid for overseas studies.

I have 2 years towards a BBA with a 3.65gpa from 5 years ago (private liberal arts uni). Through some searching, I did find one study abroad scolarship, but am wondering if there are other financial assistance programs for international students.

As many countries don't allow students to work, I'm worried that I will have to return to the US to finish my studies. I would greatly prefer to stay abroad for my own personal and professional reasons.

Any assistance in this area would be greatly appreciated.

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Slated, most US based universities will require you to start the process from inside the US. Have you considered online education? I couldn't recommend anywhere specific, but it is worth considering.

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I am hoping to study at an international business school outside of the US, but my personal finances are my concern.

I am very familiar with online study, as I did all the leg work researching it for my ex fiancee two years ago. I would greatly prefer to to study on a campus and even live on campus however.

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I would look for a US based university which shares programs with overseas universities. It may mean you start your studies in the US and then move overseas to complete all or part of your studies.

But my main advice is look for the reputable program with a reputable institution rather than the location.

If you want a recommendation for a School that I would give my hind teath to study at (just to take time out and enjoy life), take a look at the John Cabot here in Rome - Wonderful in many many respects.

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As I am desiring to finish with an MSc in international banking, I contacted a university in Switzerland. The reply was enough to make gasp:

Thank you for your email.

We send you our brochure today, we hope you will receive it as soon as possible.

For a BBA programme, you will need :

- English "A" level, a US High School Diploma or equivalent

- English at TOEFL level 550

The price of a BBA programme is CHF 84'800.--. Duration two years.

The tuition fees include the use of the computer laboratory, all printed course notes, printed cases, graduation fees, courses books.

The above fees do not include travel, accomodation, meals, medical and accident insurance.

Estimated living expenses :

* Furnished studio apartment with bathroom and kitchen facilities from CHF 950.-- per month.

* Food & Toiletries if you prepare your own meals CHF 950.-- per month.

* Medical & accident insurance : The cost is between CHF 100.-- and CHF 300.-- per month depending on benefits and age.

The next starting date is on Monday 26 February 2007. (Spring Term)

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need some further information.

Best regards,

Marjorie Schönauer

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I would suggest you are not looking hard enough.

I did an exercise this morning on this very subject on scholarships for both Indonesia and Thailand and other ASEAN countries because we are looking to promote more students to go and study overseas and my search criteria in Google was simply: "Scholarships Thailand OR Scholarships Indonesia"

Just a hint :o

If you go onto MOST Universities websites you will find info for Scholarships. The UK is offering hundreds of scholarships. Chulalongkorn has a Scholarship program. The Asian University in Thailand offers a Scholarship program for foreign students, Almost all Australian uni's offer a Scholarship, some Canadian and USA universities offer Scholarships via their local Thai Embassies and so on and on...

You may want to also look at:




To name but a mere few...

Ping me if you like and i'll e-mail you the entire search links I found this morning.

Edited by Casanundra
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Have you thought about Sasin at Chula? I belive they have a partnership with Kellog or Northwestern.

Not distance, but potentially part time or at night

pay for it as you go.

Local MBA like Sasin, is around 950,000 baht for the whole two years. That's around 25,000 dollars, so not really cheap.

You can get funding from the US. Just ask your US bank. You will get a loan of up to 8k a year up to 88k total including undergrad and grad. You don't have to start paying back interest or principal until you graduate. I'm not sure if this counts towards foreign institutions but I believe it does as long as the institution is accredited.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would suggest you are not looking hard enough.

Almost all Australian uni's offer a Scholarship, some Canadian and USA universities offer Scholarships via their local Thai Embassies and so on and on...

one thing to keep in mind though..although australian uni's offer scholarships the majority are for postgraduate research degrees.

and if you are going through the embassies, again bear in mind that those would be msotly for the local people. not saying scholarships that would meet your needs dont exist...but just some info on the above ideas.

good luck..I will see if I can think of something positive to add, rather than just disheartening the other ideas :o meantime continue with the search....try also some corporate websites...for example Shell and such big name companies....

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