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The overly strict censorship and law enforcement on Thaivisa.


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To the first moderator who reads this post:
I am only posting this question out of pure curiosity.
I am not telling you to change anything.
I always respect and adhere to the rules of this forum.

I would just like to know why the rules of this forum is like a photocopy of Thailand's law book, and why the moderators are acting like an extended arm of the BIB? How come every little discussion about "illegal things" gets censored and gagged, DPRK-style?

Look at websites like Reddit. People are allowed to talk and ask questions about pretty much anything (even illegal things), as long as they don't threaten each other and/or cause problems for other people.

I know that Thaivisa is Thaivisa and Reddit is Reddit, but why can't we have the same freedom of speech here?

A few examples:
if I were to tell anyone here how to bypass blockades of certain websites, my post would be deleted.
If I were to ask anyone here where to buy "Rock N Roll-tobaco", my post would be deleted.
If I were to ask anyone here how to find viagra without a prescription, my post would be deleted.

Not only that, but I would probably also end up getting a warning / threat about getting banned if I talk about these topics again.
What's up with this? This is the Internet, right? Not Thailand soil.

Edited by ricku
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Because the laws in this country are not the same as the laws in your home country. Illegal drugs here are really illegal and giving advice on where to find them contravenes Thai law and so on in respect of VPN's etc. Why are those things not clear to you I wonder.

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30 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

Because the laws in this country are not the same as the laws in your home country. Illegal drugs here are really illegal and giving advice on where to find them contravenes Thai law and so on in respect of VPN's etc. Why are those things not clear to you I wonder.

Again, look at Reddit and similar forums.

Take "rock n roll tobaco" as an example (you know what I mean, but I do not even dare to utter the real name here). This is still illegal in many parts of the US and Europe, but that does not stop people from chatting and talking about it over there. Sure they might lock threads where people are actively trying to "sell things" (conducting illegal activities) on their forums, but that's where the censorship ends.

Or even better, look at Flashback.org, the biggest forum in Sweden. People are allowed to talk and post information about exactly everything. It is called freedom of speech.

I'd really like to know where in the Thai law book it says that "It is illegal to tell other people how to visit porn websites"??.. News flash: It doesn't.

Edited by ricku
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Rick, if you're in Thailand why not set up your own personal website, to let anyone here know how to bypass blockades of certain websites, how to find viagra without a prescription, buy fake designer goods etc. etc. While you're at, it you could let people publish disgruntled reviews of businesses mentioning by name the people who disappointed them, maybe throw in a few reviews of the canned fruit industry while you're at it, along with all the latest gossip on a certain family. You will be set for life. We will all come visit you in your Klong Prem luxury apartment... promise :wink:

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Kerry, I guess what you are trying to say is that this website is actually hosted and registered on a server, located on Thai soil?

I did not really think about that. But if that's the case, then I'm slowly starting to see the picture.

Yeah, I guess it would be risky to promote freedom of speech in a country who doesn't fully understand or accept it.

Edited by ricku
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In fact the servers are not based on Thai soil they are (were at least) based in Singapore. But with a name like Thai visa and subject matter that is mostly Thai based, and a user base that is predominantly expats and tourists in and to Thailand, any violation of Thai laws would likely see the site blocked in Thailand and put out of business. Are you getting the picture yet!

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I can't speak for ThaiVisa as to where they locate their servers etc. but if they have any staff or owners residing in Thailand then they would be foolish to allow content posted that could realistically see them being charged under the computer laws of Thailand. They have surely seen what has happened to other people who have, so even if they value freedom of speech, they probably would like to avoid ending up in the courts of Thailand and who could blame them.

Edited by kkerry
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There are rules for a reason, and you agreed to them when you signed up on Thai Visa.  

The rules are made for the good of everyone and without becoming too overbearing, we try our hardest to try to keep members mindful of them. The rules are in place as protection to other members as well as protection for this forum.

The rules as they are, promote an atmosphere that members prefer rather than the free for all anything goes other places that are available at other sites.

Your choice of using the term DPRK-style in describing moderation actions is out of line and hurtful, you are venting bile in the use of that word.  

Feedback from members is shared amongst the moderation team and discussed every day.

Support answers every email up to the point that they become abusive.  Bear in mind forum rules apply to PM’s as well, if a PM to a moderator is abusive, actions maybe be taken.

 In the end, an open topic discussing moderation would end up being nothing but an insulting match from members who have a gripe with individual moderators and in the end we do not need to defend or justify our actions. 


Although this is in Forum support, this is not the place to discuss moderation policy either.  If you feel the need continue, send an email to [email protected]



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