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Body in freezer: Focus shifts to the death of "Peter's" friend Robert Grundy


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13 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


No doubt if you google you can discover long-running but undiscovered crimes in other countries, including developed countries, with far greater consequences as well. And it's to the credit of the gov't that they're not hiding it but giving the press free access. Basically you just want to bash, and it's the usual damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I'm not "bashing" anybody I'm just stating that they seam to pound there chest a bit when a crime falls in there lap. I never said it is not the same in the west, look at how fast the US, my home country put a lid on all the bungled up work they did on the lead up to 911.

   Your observation that it is a credit to the government that they are allowing free press on a dead cinch fall in your lap crime is ridiculous, They have stymied the press in many much more high profile cases that I am sure you are aware of, including the referendum.

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37 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:

Please, don't refer to a decomposing human as "rotten meat". Thanks. I've spent at least a year in Bangkok over the years, granted along Sukhumvit, and never once, not once, had even a brown out much less a power outage. The late Ted Williams's head was put in liquid oxygen by his family to preserve it. An awful story, hopefully the authorities finally intervened. What's happened to this persons remains BTW? Still frozen? Hopefully they cremated him after proper respects paid. 

I'm sure there has been many outages in 8 years especially in 2011, but even if there had been none that body would be so freezer burt it would be hard to get much info from it. Rotten, then freezer burnt, then rotten, then freezer burnt. Not much left.

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28 minutes ago, Grubster said:

I'm just stating that they seam to pound there chest a bit when a crime falls in there lap. I never said it is not the same in the west, look at how fast the US, my home country put a lid on all the bungled up work they did on the lead up to 911.


And I'm stating the news is closely following the case and drawing attention to it 'cause it is in fact interesting in itself. I don't see any particular chest pounding. In fact they've freely stated they are relying on the FBI etc.



Your observation that it is a credit to the government that they are allowing free press on a dead cinch fall in your lap crime is ridiculous, They have stymied the press in many much more high profile cases that I am sure you are aware of, including the referendum.


The usual straw man argument pointing to something else. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. As you think it's in fact an embarrassment that they didn't discover the crime earlier, then yes they could have covered that up and the entire case. True, if our CSI: TVF were in charge, they would have of course discovered the crime many years ago. And yes it's to their credit, even if you wish to deny it, that they do permit some--maybe more than might be expected, actually--in the country. Yes, they could get even more credit by doing something else, and we have no lack of posters to tell them what that is, like yourself. But that isn't this particular case.

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Anecdotal evidence. 


I know several people that were approached by either Peter or Aaron to assist in their 'extortions'.


I have no doubt of the veracity of the claims as I heard this long before this story broke. 

I still don't get the extortion stuff...since they are in jail, can you kindly explain how this played out? Thanks. 

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4 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

It seems like solid police work for a change as they unravel this difficult case. 

huh ?

what are you smoking mate ? it took them two weeks to decide the freezer owner may have had a hand in the ice cube's  death ? and they are just now talking about it ? they may be waiting for a new batch of tea to hit the shelves .  now if they only had some tea money ..........



Edited by mikiea
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5 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

It seems like solid police work for a change as they unravel this difficult case. 

I will hold fire on that for a while if you dont mind

Just in case they issue an arrest warrant for Roberts brother Solomon

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2 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


From what I gather they were in the business of extorting expats and tourists. 


The details I heard were that they would drug their victims and then use their ID and cards to empty their bank accounts. 


As I said a few people I know on Soi 22 were asked if they could assist with their extortion activities. 


That is as much as I know.

What in between issuing speeding tickets or just at weekends

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25 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


From what I gather they were in the business of extorting expats and tourists. 


The details I heard were that they would drug their victims and then use their ID and cards to empty their bank accounts. 


As I said a few people I know on Soi 22 were asked if they could assist with their extortion activities. 


That is as much as I know.

I used to drink with Aaron on Soi 22 but would describe him as no more than a friendly acquaintance. He seemed like a decent guy and never tried to recruit me into any nefarious activities or extort me. I only met "Peter" twice. I don't really take to him, he told me he was a physicist and was developing new battery technologies. Again, he never tried to get me involved in anything nefarious. I took him at his word that he was doing R&D.


I find this whole thing a bit shocking as I drank with these guys and had absolutely no idea what they were up to.


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6 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Somebody trying to hold something over the other guy?   Waiting for the perfect time to get the body cremated or find a place to do it and work out the details of delivering a cutup corpse to a place for cremation with no questions asked?


What 8 yrs,  I don't think so.

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57 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

he details I heard were that they would drug their victims and then use their ID and cards to empty their bank accounts. 


As I said a few people I know on Soi 22 were asked if they could assist with their extortion activities. 


What about you ? Did they approach you and offered a piece of the cake? 


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4 hours ago, Grubster said:

Yeah remember the Hotel owner turning in the bomber, The cops solved that one too, and took the reward money, If I were Thai I would never take the risk of implicating someone like that after that fiasco.

       Yes there must have been a reason to keep that body, or any half sane man would have gotton rid of it by now. 

The police shouldn't be allowed to claim any reward money. Reward money is for members of the public, not the police.

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I think everyone who posts on TV is entitled to their opinion and if they knew the persons involved in the thread topic article being discussed then I would be very happy and thankful for posting about it. Remember that this is voluntary, you don't have post. Personally I don't know any of them, but enjoy puzzling all the pieces of the jigsaw together, an arm chair detective. Always been interested in true crime mystery's, this one especially because of foreigner's being involved and it is a big story covered by many of the world's press.

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


From what I gather they were in the business of extorting expats and tourists. 


The details I heard were that they would drug their victims and then use their ID and cards to empty their bank accounts. 


As I said a few people I know on Soi 22 were asked if they could assist with their extortion activities. 


That is as much as I know.

Okay, thanks. I'll assume the accomplices were Thai bargirls and lady boys from the nearby GoGo's and stairways. No further comment really needed. It seems more like robbery than extortion but maybe they took photos and then proceeded to "extort" the victims. May they all rest in peace. No doubt there are more corpses out there some place, frozen or otherwise. 

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Maybe you keep a body in the freezer to show people who do not want to pay their debts to who want to go to the police.  These guys are not stupid and if they wanted they good have disposed of the body. They used the body as a tool of their profession. 

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18 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Maybe you keep a body in the freezer to show people who do not want to pay their debts to who want to go to the police.  These guys are not stupid and if they wanted they good have disposed of the body. They used the body as a tool of their profession. 

I must admit that scenario would have the effect on myself that Herbert  / Peter and his mates desired

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7 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

This is why the guy who posted that it may have been to hold something over another is feasible .

The fact that this Herbert La Fon moved around the world so often with impunity on forged passports not only makes a mockery of Thailand's passport security but many other countries, including Interpol.

Ex Vietnam, wanted by the FBI , moves around the world on forged passports while escaping all the time while being involved in murder and fraud on a global scale.

He sounds like a CIA operative, maybe some other nasty that was involved had something over him, and the fridge was the insurance stale mate, who knows, then what other reason is there other than complete insanity.



Various reports have given "Peter's" age as early 60s.  Isn't he a bit young to have served in Vietnam?  Most Vietnam vets I know are over 70.

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

I'm sure there has been many outages in 8 years especially in 2011, but even if there had been none that body would be so freezer burt it would be hard to get much info from it. Rotten, then freezer burnt, then rotten, then freezer burnt. Not much left.


Many, many power outages in Bangkok every year, mostly linked to thunderstorms and most reasonably local due to transformers blowing up. But also quite a few Bangkok wide outages over the past 20+ years that I know of.


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Various reports have given "Peter's" age as early 60s.  Isn't he a bit young to have served in Vietnam?  Most Vietnam vets I know are over 70.

In 1965 Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war, but it wasn't.
It was different in many ways, as so were those that did the fighting.
In World War II the average age of the combat soldier was twenty-six.
In Vietnam he was nineteen.
In inininininin Vietnam he was nineteen

In inininininin Vietnam, he was nineteen.
In Vietnam, he was nineteen
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3 hours ago, charmonman said:

I used to drink with Aaron on Soi 22 but would describe him as no more than a friendly acquaintance. He seemed like a decent guy and never tried to recruit me into any nefarious activities or extort me. I only met "Peter" twice. I don't really take to him, he told me he was a physicist and was developing new battery technologies. Again, he never tried to get me involved in anything nefarious. I took him at his word that he was doing R&D.


I find this whole thing a bit shocking as I drank with these guys and had absolutely no idea what they were up to.



Why, this clearly explains why he needed to keep a body in the freezer for so long!


Everybody knows that batteries run out much more quickly at lower temperatures and he must have been experimenting with long life (8 years) extreme cold-proof batteries to try to reintroduce life to the body instead of the unpredictable old fashioned Frankenstein method of waiting for a thunderstorm to supply a bolt of lightning to give the dead in a bit of a jolt.


Elementary TV deduction really.


Of course (with apologies to Mr Mangosteen who clearly thinks neck is not a superior cut of meat) the missing neck might have created additional complications, but clearly none a man of this versatility could not overcome. Possible substituting a nice neck of lamb?


I expect his wife was always saying "jai yen, yen Herby dear" "jai yen yen" and he took it a bit too literally.



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7 hours ago, kiwikeith said:


Maybe -- if true he was working for the CIA, supplying passports and whatever else in the seedy game.

The fact that they have been operating so long under many countries noses probably adds a little weight to this guess.


Whatever the outcome the CIA would deny any involvement and write them off as nutcase passport forgers, with drug dependence and severe psychological problems

The BIB will put together a bit more info maybe come out with a litany of gobbly gook and case over.

They would not want to embarrass the CIA even if they could.


If this guy is CIA, the RTP are never going to get him to talk.

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40 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

In 1965 Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war, but it wasn't.
It was different in many ways, as so were those that did the fighting.
In World War II the average age of the combat soldier was twenty-six.
In Vietnam he was nineteen.
In inininininin Vietnam he was nineteen

In inininininin Vietnam, he was nineteen.
In Vietnam, he was nineteen


I went out with a guy in 1968 who was on his way to Vietnam.  He was 19.  That would make him around 67 today.  "Peter" has to be older than 63 to have served in Vietnam.

Edited by IslandLover
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