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GSB introducing "Virtual School Bank" to teach children about the importance of saving


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GSB introducing "Virtual School Bank" to teach children about the importance of saving




BANGKOK, 5 October 2016, (NNT) - The Government Savings Bank (GSB) has unveiled an online edutainment program called "Virtual School Bank" that teaches students about the importance of saving. 

According to GSB President Chartchai Payuhanaveechai, the computer program is designed to encourage youngsters, who are greatly affected by the online community, to learn more about saving money. 

Virtual School Bank allows users to create avatars that can interact with a virtual environment and engage in virtual activities. Mr. Chartchai said through this online multimedia service, participants will be able to easily understand the reasons to save money and learn saving techniques. The GSB President believed the program would be a good introduction to the era of digital banking. 

The virtual environment replicates real world institutes, such as school banks, training facilities, branches of GSB, and online learning centers. The avatars can also visit several tourist destinations, while taking part in online activities, which the GSB will soon reveal. 

The bank is expecting to see at least 3,000 users within three months after its release. Those interested can visit the website www.gsbschoolbank.com to find out more about Virtual School Bank.

-- nnt 2016-10-05


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3 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

.........or........I really need an iPhone 7.


They need an iPhone to participate in this edutainment endeavor that's supposedly beneficial.

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Or how to raise a whole generation suckered into the idea of giving their money to a bank to play with, for returns less than inflation, and with virtually no chance of getting their investment back if the bank invests their money capriciously and goes bankrupt.


Who dreamed this one up - the funny little man with the big booming voice hiding behind the green curtain?


If Thai kids really want to know about the "virtues" of banking, all they need to do is ask their parents (most of whom are up to the neck in debt) what they reckon. Then cover their ears.



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This needs to be accompanied by some type of medical shot that makes them ill when they look at the the IT products on display. I think alcoholics have such a pill they take to make them violently ill when they consume alcohol. Yes the children learn at an early age here that having whatever your little old heart desires is OK regardless of the cost. Its a right of passage. 

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