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For Clinton, election likely to be won or lost in October


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18 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Bug-eyed ?


Is it possible for a liberal to not spew negativity and vitriol ?

Anything's possible Clutch, I suppose anything's possible. Why, just now I'm commenting on your comment about liberals being unable not to spew negativity and vitriol and doing so in a very civilized and dare I say it liberal and understanding manner ..... no.....wait on.....can't stop ...it....vitriol can't fight it....bug eyed Rudy in Trump's trouser pocket like malformed ugly elf. Sorry. You're right. Not possible.

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1 minute ago, Neurath said:

Anything's possible Clutch, I suppose anything's possible. Why, just now I'm commenting on your comment about liberals being unable not to spew negativity and vitriol and doing so in a very civilized and dare I say it liberal and understanding manner ..... no.....wait on.....can't stop ...it....vitriol can't fight it....bug eyed Rudy in Trump's trouser pocket like malformed ugly elf. Sorry. You're right. Not possible.


I place a mans ability to bring humor to others far above his political leanings. 


Thanks for the chuckle !

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6 minutes ago, Neurath said:
31 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Bug-eyed ?


Is it possible for a liberal to not spew negativity and vitriol ?

Anything's possible Clutch, I suppose anything's possible. Why, just now I'm commenting on your comment about liberals being unable not to spew negativity and vitriol and doing so in a very civilized and dare I say it liberal and understanding manner ..... no.....wait on.....can't stop ...it....vitriol can't fight it....bug eyed Rudy in Trump's trouser pocket like malformed ugly elf. Sorry. You're right. Not possible.


Oh sure, I can't catch a break today. I was just poking a little fun at Rudy. If you watch Rudy lately in his excitement to praise Trump, you will see what I mean. Rudy gets all excited and his eyes go wide. The problem is Rudy's glasses magnify the effect like a cartoon character. I really don't have a problem with Rudy so much. I just think it is a little funny how worked up he can get.


Sorry Clutch, it seems like I might have offended you twice today. Maybe I am a little bit tired from a restless sleep. My damn cats kept meowing in the middle of the night.

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21 hours ago, Neurath said:

You mean like asserting that they weren't born in the US?

No. I mean much more personal things ............. like calling millions of USA people "deplorable'.


And I dont mean Obama saying it would be a personal insult if any black votes for Trump - now THAT is deplorable !!

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10 minutes ago, Bob9 said:

No. I mean much more personal things ............. like calling millions of USA people "deplorable'.


And I dont mean Obama saying it would be a personal insult if any black votes for Trump - now THAT is deplorable !!

Dude, she was talking about hard core racists, KKK, white supremacists, American Nazis, Jew haters, etc. ... what, you don't think those groups of people are deplorable? Really, dude? It's so funny. The trumpists, and yes a lot of them are indeed deplorable and irredeemable, love to rail against "PC" and brag about straight talk as long as it's trumpist straight talk. But if the groups I've mentioned aren't objectively deplorable, then I don't know which are.


Again, she wasn't talking about ALL trump supporters. She was talking about that portion. Get it now? I'm sure you already did but are just pushing the predictable propaganda lies that she was talking about all trump supporters when she explicitly explained she was not in the same speech.


Next ... 

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11 hours ago, stander said:

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!





I really don't think you can call an irrelevant email "new" when it was rattling around the whackjob websites last December.

Nice try though.


If I were you, I'd read the eight Benghazi official investigation reports that will explain it to you a bit more clearly.

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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, she was talking about hard core racists, KKK, white supremacists, American Nazis, Jew haters, etc. ... what, you don't think those groups of people are deplorable?


That is about 2% of his supporters at most and Hillary has just as many nut cases supporting her.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


That is about 2% of his supporters at most and Hillary has just as many nut cases supporting her.

Wrong. It's got to be much greater than that. Trump support base is deeply infected with racists. Have you actually watched the rallies? Misogynists as well. 

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"Last month, a member of The Wall Street Journal’s traditionally conservative editorial board endorsed Clinton,

calling Trump the candidate of “white supremacists and swastika devotees.”


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49 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. It's got to be much greater than that. Trump support base is deeply infected with racists. Have you actually watched the rallies? Misogynists as well. 


Aren't those called "Riots"? 


Oh, my mistake, I thougt we were talking about the BLM supporters for hillary. 


These darned senior moments.

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Boy o boy o boy…..i cant think of what to say after listening to Mr Trump's little tape that aired on CNN a short while ago...


Looks like this might do him in.


The only thing we can be sure of is that Crooked will only be a one term prez…..cos she'll most likely have a serious health problem by the end of 4 years.

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22 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

Its interesting that you can callTrump a baboon with zero repercussions but if you were to call our cureent Commander-In-Chief a baboon, monkey, ape or gorilla then it would be racist.

And a Forum suspension...but if you're a social justice warrior, racist comments about whites are de rigueur.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. It's got to be much greater than that. Trump support base is deeply infected with racists. Have you actually watched the rallies? Misogynists as well. 

You spotted Bill at a Trump rally...and Hillary's are just as infected with anti-white racists and female chauvinists.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Boy o boy o boy…..i cant think of what to say after listening to Mr Trump's little tape that aired on CNN a short while ago...


Looks like this might do him in.


The only thing we can be sure of is that Crooked will only be a one term prez…..cos she'll most likely have a serious health problem by the end of 4 years.

How about saying 93% of men say the same things about women when there're among themselves (the other 7% are gay and say the same things about men but the body parts are different). As Trump said, it was "locker room talk." What's hysterical to see is the reaction of women and the girly-men of the Democratic Party to the comments...their feigned shock an horror, when the men have made similar comments in private; and for the women their own husbands, boyfriends, and sons joke about them in the same way when they aren't around.


Again, more "gotcha" journalism from the lame-stream media. Nothing to see here from 10 year old off-the-cuff comments.

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Clinton secret paid speech to bank: "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,"




Wikileaks publishes 2,050 emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta 


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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

How about saying 93% of men say the same things about women when there're among themselves (the other 7% are gay and say the same things about men but the body parts are different). As Trump said, it was "locker room talk." What's hysterical to see is the reaction of women and the girly-men of the Democratic Party to the comments...their feigned shock an horror, when the men have made similar comments in private; and for the women their own husbands, boyfriends, and sons joke about them in the same way when they aren't around.


Again, more "gotcha" journalism from the lame-stream media. Nothing to see here from 10 year old off-the-cuff comments.

Isn't funny how when a Hillary supporter post this all the white knights come out saying "men never talk like this"

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He's running as a married man going after the right wing Christian "traditional values" evangelical/fundamentalist vote. He already lost women. If he loses many more evangelicals, well, he would not only not win ... but lose dramatically. 

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Hacked Emails Tie HBO’s John Oliver Directly To Clinton Foundation.

Hacked emails obtained by transparency group DC Leaks show that the Clinton Foundation reached out to HBO’s John Oliver about cooperating on an unknown, joint project during the spring of 2015.

In the email in question, Greg Propper, co-president of social activist group Propper-Daley and longtime Clinton Foundation partner, wrote to Clinton ally Capricia Marshall and Sarah Henning, a top Clinton Foundation official, that “we’ve made contact with John Olivier [sic].



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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's running as a married man going after the right wing Christian "traditional values" evangelical/fundamentalist vote. He already lost women. If he loses many more evangelicals, well, he would not only not win ... but lose dramatically. 

Right...like the evangelicals are gonna vote for Hillary. They're hostages of the Republican Party...like blacks are to the Democrats.

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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's running as a married man going after the right wing Christian "traditional values" evangelical/fundamentalist vote. He already lost women. If he loses many more evangelicals, well, he would not only not win ... but lose dramatically. 


I just made a drive through that Deep South Land of Evangelicals.


There were numerous billboards and they alternated every other one between a passage from the Bible and the next was a peepshow or Asian Spa next exit.


The folks you talk about are Sinners themselves and a Sinner loves the concept of Redemption.


I know in my heart of hearts that Donald repents what he said and I bet you a good Southern Evangelical knows more than anyone that Jesus forgives.



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22 minutes ago, stander said:

Hillary will lie and say anything to win. She said so herself in a secret paid speech:





Yawn, wake me up when you have something shocking. Everyone you meet has a public and private position. Every politician since the dawn of time has a public and private position.


I see the boys are salivating over the latest batch of Wikileaks non-surprising doc leaks. Oh, oh, John Oliver, oh oh, different positions in public/private, oh oh open trade! Give me a break.

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

I know in my heart of hearts that Donald repents what he said and I bet you a good Southern Evangelical knows more than anyone that Jesus forgives.


Ah, Clutch, thanks for the humor this morning. I needed the laugh. "Donald repents"...ah, that is a good one.

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Clinton sought Pentagon, State Department contracts for Chelsea's friend


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations.

Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.


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1 hour ago, stander said:

Clinton sought Pentagon, State Department contracts for Chelsea's friend


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations.

Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.


I can remember back to Harry Truman and Hillary is the most unethical presidential candidate I've ever seen.

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