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For Clinton, election likely to be won or lost in October


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15 hours ago, ttthailand said:

I don't believe the country can last another 4 years with the same corrupt establishment in office and Hillary will be business as usual. It sickens me to say this but after hearing what Hillary said to wall street behind closed doors I don't believe one word coming out of her mouth and would vote for Trump before her. Being a Bernie supporter and feeling left down by the entire process I will not be voting this election. I can't bring myself to vote for the major choices and third parties just are not strong enough to win. Sad sad state of affairs our country is in !


Any Bernie supporter who's not going to vote must take two Trump voters with him/her. It is required if the Bernie non-voter wants to be readmitted to civilised society.


Not voting for HRC fails to cancel a vote for Trump. Either enough will vote for HRC to both cancel the Trump votes and to put HRC over the top, or not enough people will vote for for HRC to cancel the Trump votes. In which case, the joker is wild.


So anyone who wants to play with fire will deserve the burns he gets. Just do not inflict them on the rest of us or on the country to include the world. Stated in a more direct way, don't be a brat either.

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On 10/9/2016 at 7:25 AM, 212Roger said:

Attention all Thai Visa Forum members!  If Hillary Clinton becomes the next U.S. President, I will promise to discontinue posts and no longer comment on this web site ever again!  I doubt if any, nary a one, Hillary supporter will match my promise.  Come on keyboard warriors.  Put your beliefs/wisdom on the line.  You have my word; any challengers?  


As we see yet again Republicans love subtraction while around here we like addition so November 9th count to ten then resume whinging. It's okay. We can hack it...




Whatever youse guyz do on November 9th forward don't leave us in a lurch over on this side. Be kind. Whinge away.


We need you and we welcome your whinging. You'll have more to whinge about than even you could imagine so you wouldn't want to miss out on all the easy banging.



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12 hours ago, stander said:

Despite the fact that most of the Democrats I talk to are literally sleepwalking and almost anesthetized by MSM and manipulation, there is going to be a lot of them who will look at the choices and choose Trump. They’ll tell everyone else they voted for Hillary.

Exactly.  Polls and stats are for losers.  "Just win baby."  LSMBC is a brain numbing drug; fodder for the sheep.  It's non PC to say you'll vote for Trump.  

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


As we see yet again Republicans love subtraction while around here we like addition so November 9th count to ten then resume whinging. It's okay. We can hack it...




Whatever youse guyz do on November 9th forward don't leave us in a lurch over on this side. Be kind. Whinge away.


We need you and we welcome your whinging. You'll have more to whinge about than even you could imagine so you wouldn't want to miss out on all the easy banging.



If Hillary steals the show, I'm gone.  And without any ado.  My word is iron clad.

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On 09/10/2016 at 9:25 PM, 212Roger said:

Attention all Thai Visa Forum members!  If Hillary Clinton becomes the next U.S. President, I will promise to discontinue posts and no longer comment on this web site ever again!  I doubt if any, nary a one, Hillary supporter will match my promise.  Come on keyboard warriors.  Put your beliefs/wisdom on the line.  You have my word; any challengers?  


Farewell Roger!  :violin:

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It comes as no surprise, but a new analysis by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center shows just how badly Trump has been lying to his supporters, and how Clinton's plan is as she stated:



New analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center shows that Trump’s tax plan would cut taxes for most workers, with the richest benefiting the most. The top 1% of earners would enjoy an average tax cut of $214,690 per year. The top one-tenth of 1% would save $1.066 million.

Hillary Clinton’s tax plan would have the opposite effect on wealthy taxpayers. The top 1% would pay an extra $117,760 per year, with the tax bill for the top 0.1% rising $805,250. Trump’s tax cuts would swell the national debt by $7.2 trillion. Clinton’s tax hikes would cut it by $1.4 trillion.


Edited by metisdead
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