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Most of vegetables and fruits on sale in fresh and modern trade markets are laced with pesticide residues


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You aren’t likely to be instantly aware of any effects of pesticides or other pollutants in your food.


Effects can be mild to serious and long or short-term.

Handling pesticides - abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, as well as skin and eye problems...long-term consumption

Cancer - leukaemia, lymphoma, brain, kidney, breast, prostate, pancreas, liver, lung, and skin cancers,

Neurological, reproductive, respiratory problems, including asthma,[25][26] memory disorders and depression............


A lot of these illnesses are hard to connect to pesticides in an individual - as association and causation are difficult to define


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27 minutes ago, fruitman said:



If you can't stand msg you better not eat anywhere in Thailand, so i doubt that's the issue.

To get strong and get antibody in your blood you should eat there often untill you don't get sick anymore. That's the best way (for me) to become Thai (read a person who can eat anything without getting sick).


I don't know what happens in the Sizzlers kitchen but vegy gets washed (i assume) and cut/stored in a fridge. I have never seen a more professional restaurant in Thailand than Sizzlers. The personell is Thai though, just like everywhere else in Thailand. I 've seen baby's walking over the buffetbar, people sneezing, touching food with bare hands and putting it back....just Thai things they all accept.


I wonder how they can get the real bbq-flavour on their steaks since i doubt they have charcoal. Guess it's smoked oil or fat they brush on the meat. Well tastes good to me. 

Maybe you ate medium/rare meat in there, i would avoid that anywhere in thailand but up to you.


I'm a big fan of the Makro these days but don't touch the carts there, people grab chicken with bare hands and then go pushing the cart. Again if you can't stand that you shouldn't go there, it will never change. Those people also have restaurants......or hotels.


What we do to avoid chemical buildup is just eat different vegy/fruit/meat every day.  Also not using bleach helps i guess, don't live too clean and build up resistance. I travel all over asia and last time i got sick was in India (serious sick) decades ago. That time i was green to asia and after that have not been sick anymore.

The toxic or reactive effects of MSG are largely a myth started by a Chinese TV chef in the USA.

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On 10/7/2016 at 6:18 AM, Deepinthailand said:

And the purpose of this story is!!! 

Oh yes silly me Thai visa wants to keep the anti Thai everything going get much more hits then so advertiser can see just how many people come to this site.



 So you think this is a Thai bashing thread ?  Pathetic

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1 hour ago, balo said:


I can't find NZ imported berries anywhere in Chiang Mai .plenty of them in Bangkok and Pattaya. I tried Rimping, Makro and Big C but only local berries and they taste terrible.



 I know it's not exactly the same... but Central had a big promotion a couple months back on 500g boxes of U.S. (Washington state) fresh cherries for like 179 or 199b per box...


Tried one or two boxes at first.. They were fresh and DELICIOUS... Wife and I must have bought and eaten 10 or so cartons/boxes of them over the couple weeks Central had the promotion running... WOW they were good.



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2 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

The toxic or reactive effects of MSG are largely a myth started by a Chinese TV chef in the USA.


Apparently Sizzler Thailand is operating under a different presumption.


When I went to their website tonight, I didn't find anything about them supposedly using Royal Project veggies. But I did find this re MSG.





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2 hours ago, brling said:


 So you think this is a Thai bashing thread ?  Pathetic

I said Anti Thai everything. I stand by this, the more hits on site more they can charge for advertising. As they know only to well they will get more hits when they show Thailand in a bad light than a good light.

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Apparently Sizzler Thailand is operating under a different presumption.


When I went to their website tonight, I didn't find anything about them supposedly using Royal Project veggies. But I did find this re MSG.





I think Sizzler are the LAST people aI would turn to for advice on food saferty......this is a rather nasty but well-tried piee of advertising which first generates a fear  (which is actually unsubstantiated) and then uses that fear to drive people into the "safe" arms of the advertiser.



here is a bit from wiki on the Sizzler food poisoning scandals


Food safety[edit]

In 2000, over 60 people became ill and a young girl died in an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 that originated at a Sizzler restaurant in MilwaukeeWisconsin. Health officials said that the likely source of contamination was meat supplied by the Excel Corporation meat packer. They believe that cross contamination to other food items occurred when Sizzler employees handled the meat near areas where salad bar items were prepared.[13] This was similar to an outbreak in Washington and Oregon in 1993. In the 1993 case, as in 2000, the tainted meat apparently came from Excel, and contaminated salad bar items.[14] This ultimately lead to Sizzler closing the remaining few of its Midwest locations including those in Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana.

In 2006, all 28 Sizzler restaurants across Australia suspended salad bar service after rat poison was found in two Brisbane Sizzler restaurants. Sizzler Australia referred to the incidents as sabotage.[15][16] The culprit turned out to be a woman described as being mentally unstable.[17]


furthermore Sizzler were criticised for this 2011 ad and there is a statement here that basically withdraws the ideas they piut forward...


"Note: Sizzler does not add MSG to any products however, MSG may be present in bought in ingredients and also occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Whilst many people think they have an allergy to MSG, it is not a recognised allergen. "

Edited by cumgranosalum
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The point is, apparently Sizzler Thailand has taken specific steps to reduce/limit the presence of MSG in their food. They had no obligation to do that, but they did decide to do it for some reason, perhaps because that's what their customers wanted. They certainly weren't forced by the Thai health authorities to do so.


As for food contamination outbreaks, it seems that they're pretty much everywhere these days, at least, everywhere like the U.S. and some other countries where there is are functioning and responsible public health systems. I suspect, if Thailand had such a system, there'd be a lot more reports here than there are.


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4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The point is, apparently Sizzler Thailand has taken specific steps to reduce/limit the presence of MSG in their food. They had no obligation to do that, but they did decide to do it for some reason, perhaps because that's what their customers wanted. They certainly weren't forced by the Thai health authorities to do so.


As for food contamination outbreaks, it seems that they're pretty much everywhere these days, at least, everywhere like the U.S. and some other countries where there is are functioning and responsible public health systems. I suspect, if Thailand had such a system, there'd be a lot more reports here than there are.


the point is that the company has been plagued by bad publicity and was trying to attract people by making a false suggestion about MSG - it's a cynical attempt to pull in customers - that's all. I'm surprised you can't see through this. -


Furthermore MSG isn't a pesticide and occurs naturally in many foods. Hence their apparent rebuttal of the original claim.

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This has been a very interesting and informative thread thanks everyone. And no infighting either which is always good. Just as a side note and to do with chemicals in Thailand does everyone know that for the most part termite treatment in Thailand for the most part still uses Lindane which has been banned in the UK since the 80's . A seriously bad chemical. We really don't know what's going on around us do we and what harm it does !!

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11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Apparently Sizzler Thailand is operating under a different presumption.


When I went to their website tonight, I didn't find anything about them supposedly using Royal Project veggies. But I did find this re MSG.







this is from 2010:   http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2010/12/06/business/Sizzler-to-use-more-royal-project-food-products-30143831.html



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1 hour ago, fruitman said:

You do realise that the tomato is one of the main natural sources of MSG??

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I really don't want this thread to disgress into a debate about MSG. I mentioned it above only in connection with the veggies offered at Sizzler and my experience there, in terms of wondering about the pesticide presence or lack thereof in their food.


The thread here is about pesticides.


In that regard, there's an interesting thread and discussion from several years back here regarding the Royal Project Foundation and the status of their fruits and veggies. Like a lot of things here, the posts don't really lead to a solid conclusion. But based on the various posts, I'd say it's not exactly clear just what's going on there in terms of pesticide use/testing/organic or not. And in looking at the Foundation's website this morning, which is entirely in Thai, not exactly clear either.




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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/11/2016 at 7:28 AM, fruitman said:


Re Sizzler and their use of Royal Project produce, today, the wife and I ended up eating dinner at the Sizzler at Siam Discovery (first time we'd eaten at a Sizzler for probably a year or more), and I took the opportunity to talk with the manager on duty there.


In response to the question about Sizzler's use of Royal Project items, the manager indicated that they are just using 3 or 4 veggie items from the Royal Project among all the many fruit and veggie items offered on their salad bar.


As of today, their Royal Project items included just their roasted pumpkin, a salad green labeled as wild rocket, and baby corn. Interestingly, when we went to look at the salad bar together, it turns out that they have little printed labels attached to each salad bar item, and those from the Royal Project were actually labeled as such, as in "Royal Project Roasted Pumpkin."


So, bottom line, their use of Royal Project produce is token at best. It's nice that they have a couple items from the RP to offer their customers. But the RP content among the entire salad bar of fruits and veggies is really minimal at best.


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5 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Re Sizzler and their use of Royal Project produce, today, the wife and I ended up eating dinner at the Sizzler at Siam Discovery (first time we'd eaten at a Sizzler for probably a year or more), and I took the opportunity to talk with the manager on duty there.


In response to the question about Sizzler's use of Royal Project items, the manager indicated that they are just using 3 or 4 veggie items from the Royal Project among all the many fruit and veggie items offered on their salad bar.


As of today, their Royal Project items included just their roasted pumpkin, a salad green labeled as wild rocket, and baby corn. Interestingly, when we went to look at the salad bar together, it turns out that they have little printed labels attached to each salad bar item, and those from the Royal Project were actually labeled as such, as in "Royal Project Roasted Pumpkin."


So, bottom line, their use of Royal Project produce is token at best. It's nice that they have a couple items from the RP to offer their customers. But the RP content among the entire salad bar of fruits and veggies is really minimal at best.


A while ago sizzlers had big promotions for their Royal Project vegetable. They claimed that all of it  came from the RP-farms.


Maybe that farang owner of Sizzlers/Burger King/Swensson/Pizzacompany can enlighten us if he is reading on this forum?


But we don't go to sizzlers often lately, you have to be in qeueu for 30 minutes now and i don't like that.



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I think I remember reading something in the past at least suggesting that they were going to be using more RP items in their local outlets around the CM area where those items are grown -- and lesser amounts in more distant areas such as Bangkok and elsewhere.


But maybe someone from CM who frequents Sizzlers there can update as to just how much RP items  are showing up at their restaurants there. If BKK is representative of the broader chain, then those items from the RP at Sizzler are going to be visibly labeled as such.


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  • 5 months later...
On 10/7/2016 at 11:50 PM, Enoon said:


Good idea, the growth hormones will do wonders for your physique.


You are going for gender reassignment, right?

This subject may have died but just noticed this important post re hormones.

Probably the most risky hormone they use is oestradiol, that shortens the number of weeks the cattle are on grain but is the breast growth promoter in women.

Unless it is opposed by the beautiful hormone;  Progesterone, it causes abnormal breast growth in women and men.  Breast cancer can be just a step away.    

There are supposed to be witholding times after stopping the growth hormones for cattle but the truth is that Oestrogenic  hormones have an affinity to fat and hang around for a long time and infinitesimally small amounts do great damage.

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12 minutes ago, Jing Joe said:

This subject may have died but just noticed this important post re hormones.

Probably the most risky hormone they use is oestradiol, that shortens the number of weeks the cattle are on grain but is the breast growth promoter in women.

Unless it is opposed by the beautiful hormone;  Progesterone, it causes abnormal breast growth in women and men.  Breast cancer can be just a step away.    

There are supposed to be witholding times after stopping the growth hormones for cattle but the truth is that Oestrogenic  hormones have an affinity to fat and hang around for a long time and infinitesimally small amounts do great damage.

Why would Oestrodiol be used in cattle, surely Finaplex is better as it increase muscle?

E2 doesn't

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  • 7 months later...
4 hours ago, EcigAmateur said:

If you believe that imported are better, you really are a dreamer...

It would be hard to imagine imported could be any WORSE than local veggies, considering that various versions of pesticides are allowed here that have been long banned in most first-world countries. Not to mention the fact, that there's basically NO government regulation or oversight of such things here. It's another example of the Wild Wild East when it comes to pesticides.


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