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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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35 minutes ago, stander said:

The establishment is terrified of Trump. If he is elected it will ruin their parasitic lives and many will end up in jail.


The establishment is turned off to Trump as are most of us here online, and most Americans.  The people who know him best are among the most scathing about Trump.  That's not counting his immediate family who are feeding at the Trump trough.  Actually, there are thousands who know Trump well and hate him, but are legally forbidden from saying anything in that regard because Trump has so thoroughly slapped gag order on thousands of people, including at least one of his ex-wives.


TRUMP IS THE ESTABLISHMENT, hook line and sinker.  If you can't see it from all the stories of him paying VIP's for special favors, the you plainly don't want to see it.  

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10 hours ago, Chicog said:


The Tape was in an NBC archive, and not found by the Democrats.






Naive is not a word most of us consider when reading your posts cog.


With Trump's record out there in just about everything, to include wives, daughters, women as written up in his supposed autobiography, a rape case in the courts and all the rest Trump has said and done just since summer 2015, anyone who thinks the Clinton campaign is dutifully sitting around well scrubbed and counting registered voters in Florida while Trump goes after Bill and Monica etc etc would in fact be naive.


The Clinton campaign is not going to get Swift Boated nor is it going to get Willie Hortoned to death. Let's not forget Bill and Hillary are the ultimate pros at winning elections of Potus. Indeed, the Clinton campaign is not only competent, it is sharp and savvy and it is as aggressive as a swarm of bats out of hell.


As I'd stated, there's more of this to come -- and the Clinton campaign knows every word of it, and every name, place, date, time of day, words spoken and things said by Trump. This is the election of Potus which means he who hesitates is lost. It's kill or be killed. All's fair against this rotten guy and les despicables.


The trick here that is impossible to do is to hang these revelations on the Clintons and the Clinton campaign. Even Putin can't find his way to that place. No one can.


The name of this game is to win. Which means you gotta play.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

And Hill is taking on the fascist monster trump and beating him to a humiliating pulp. Respect! We've got our iron lady and she wears pantsuits!




The sensationalizing going on in here is so much cringe. 

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42 minutes ago, Strange said:




The sensationalizing going on in here is so much cringe. 

 Or is it, dude.




Donald Goes to the Dogs

Given that Trump has dubbed so many women dogs, there’s poetic justice in comparing him to one.

Throw a tennis ball, the black Lab goes after it. But it’s not fair to compare Trump to a dog. Dogs are awesome.





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14 hours ago, DrTuner said:

PC has really buried it's legs deep in the west. If you're a billionaire, of course you screw everything that moves and say whatever the hell you want. That's the point of being a billionaire, innit?


Ask Warren Buffet or Bill Gates among others who are opposite Donald Trump completely and entirely.


So it helps to have some good points of reference in the particular special group of people. Trump is an animal while other U.S. billionaires are not.


If Trump is in fact a billionaire. Trump is a classic case of wretched excess -- across the board as we've seen in this Potus election cycle. Gives new meaning to the expression 'what an animal'.

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Billionaire or not, what difference does it make, he's a PIG. 


Each week, the Washington Post names a politician that had the worst week in Washington (national politics not literally geography). This week of course it was trump, but with an extra special distinction: WORST WEEK EVER.

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On 10/8/2016 at 8:07 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

I hate to be the one to have to break it to these women, but 93% of men say these things about women when there're among themselves (the other 7% are gay and say the same things about men but the body parts are different). As Trump said, it was "locker room talk." Your shock and horror is misplaced, and if such talk is a real concern of yours, you need to have a talk with your own husbands, boyfriends, and sons who talk about women in the same way when you're not around.


And keep in mind,  we're electing the president of the most powerful country in the world...not a church choir director.

Yes, we are electing the president of the most powerful country in the world, which may be why people are upset at his vulgar language and that he admitted to sexually assaulting women. Or it maybe because Trump and the Republican party in general have been going after Hillary Clinton over her husband's behavior (he's not running for office) and now they can't turn a blind eye to Trump's behavior. This is a man whose first wife claimed he raped her during their divorce and for Republicans, this was okay because she later withdrew the accusation. He has talked about how hot his own daughter is, let others refer to his daughter as a "piece of ass". Let's not forget the litany of lies, insults and unfounded accusations that have come out of his mouth.

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"Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling"... No it doesn't -- just wishful thinking on the part of people who never supported him in the first place and the people who have hated Trump from the start.  Trump will come back even stronger.  Trump's supporters are not leaving him - their statements of support are even stronger.  The major reason?  The hypocrisy of the accusers is staggering ... 


The Faux Outrage and blatant hypocrisy of Trump's critics is amazing. People of the Republican Elitist Establishment and the Leftist Democrats who would sell the Constitutional Rights of American Citizens for political gain complain of Trump barroom banter.
The Faux Outrage and blatant hypocrisy of Trump's critics -- The dishonest panderers of the Republican Elitist Establishment and the Leftist Democrats who are totally absent any moral compass pass judgement on Trump's words said in private... Outrageously Hypocritical

The Democrats worshiped the worst sexual predators ever elected to high office ... Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton with Republican Elites applauding them ... Are now setting themselves up as judge, jury and executioner trying Trump for using bad language. Trump SAID sexual profanities ... Ted Kennedy left a young woman to drown to cover up a tryst. Bill Clinton had to settle out of court for $800,000 to avoid a criminal rape charge.

And - I am far less worried about what Donald Trump has SAID than what Hillary Clinton had DONE.

 I hope that in the coming Debate Session, that Trump repeats his solid apology to the American people BUT NOT TO THE Republican Elitist Establishment and NOT to the Democrat Hate Machine.. The Faux Judgemental Slanderings coming from these political snakes deserves no .acknowledgement


Trump will see that all restraints are off in the debate and the awful truth of Hillary Clinton will be spoken for all America to hear without the compliant filter of the Leftist American News Media.




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I hereby say that I do not now think Trump is finished. I withdraw everything I said about how he should drop out. The Donald OWNED the debate. He wiped the floor with HRC. To see the look on her face was GREAT.

NO DOUBT, HRC came to the debate thinking it was all over, that she was going to be the victor, and was shocked that he put the VDO out of contention sooooooo fast, and moved on to showing how bad a choice she was. Even the audience was cheering for him and against her.


As for the moderators, like he said it was 3 against 1, and the look on the female moderators face was CLASSIC as she realized it was not going against Trump.


The highlights of the debate for me were when she used Abraham Lincoln to justify having 2 personalities, and he ridiculed her to the audiences delight, and also when she said that when he went low she went high. Ye gads, the gall of a woman  that is putting out such disgusting ads to claim she is on the high ground is unbelievable, not forgetting her comments about his supporters.


None of which is to say he will win now, but he's definitely still in the race. If he can build on the debate, he has a great chance of being POTUS. I'd say it comes down to the last debate. I anticipate it will be very entertaining.


Go Donald, go. You ruled that debate.

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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

"Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling"... No it doesn't -- just wishful thinking on the part of people who never supported him in the first place and the people who have hated Trump from the start.  Trump will come back even stronger.  Trump's supporters are not leaving him - their statements of support are even stronger.  The major reason?  The hypocrisy of the accusers is staggering ... 


The Faux Outrage and blatant hypocrisy of Trump's critics is amazing. People of the Republican Elitist Establishment and the Leftist Democrats who would sell the Constitutional Rights of American Citizens for political gain complain of Trump barroom banter.
The Faux Outrage and blatant hypocrisy of Trump's critics -- The dishonest panderers of the Republican Elitist Establishment and the Leftist Democrats who are totally absent any moral compass pass judgement on Trump's words said in private... Outrageously Hypocritical

The Democrats worshiped the worst sexual predators ever elected to high office ... Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton with Republican Elites applauding them ... Are now setting themselves up as judge, jury and executioner trying Trump for using bad language. Trump SAID sexual profanities ... Ted Kennedy left a young woman to drown to cover up a tryst. Bill Clinton had to settle out of court for $800,000 to avoid a criminal rape charge.

And - I am far less worried about what Donald Trump has SAID than what Hillary Clinton had DONE.

 I hope that in the coming Debate Session, that Trump repeats his solid apology to the American people BUT NOT TO THE Republican Elitist Establishment and NOT to the Democrat Hate Machine.. The Faux Judgemental Slanderings coming from these political snakes deserves no .acknowledgement


Trump will see that all restraints are off in the debate and the awful truth of Hillary Clinton will be spoken for all America to hear without the compliant filter of the Leftist American News Media.




Excellent post. Thank you.

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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

Yes, we are electing the president of the most powerful country in the world, which may be why people are upset at his vulgar language and that he admitted to sexually assaulting women. Or it maybe because Trump and the Republican party in general have been going after Hillary Clinton over her husband's behavior (he's not running for office) and now they can't turn a blind eye to Trump's behavior. This is a man whose first wife claimed he raped her during their divorce and for Republicans, this was okay because she later withdrew the accusation. He has talked about how hot his own daughter is, let others refer to his daughter as a "piece of ass". Let's not forget the litany of lies, insults and unfounded accusations that have come out of his mouth.

He denied assaulting women, and did so on the debate. Let the accusers prove it.

HRC's husband is accused of rape, and she went after the victims. The women that were assaulted by Bill were at the debate. They did accuse Bill of assault. None of the women supposedly assaulted by Trump were there and are not on record.

Let's not forget the litany of lies, insults and unfounded accusations that have come out of her mouth.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

And Hill is taking on the fascist monster trump and beating him to a humiliating pulp. Respect! We've got our iron lady and she wears pantsuits!

Did you see the debate when he cleaned the floor with her? Did you see her face as she realized she was losing?

Still think that?

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The most consequential part of the debate was Clinton's insane threats against Russia. Her policies could start a nuclear war. Any no fly zone will require a war with Russia

She is a dangerous zealot.

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The liberal media will ignore everything he said and report the few things that she won on over and over and over.

The best line of the debate was "You'd be in jail".

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32 minutes ago, stander said:

Trump won the debate tonight. Now the media have their work cut out for them, to spin it the other way.

Watching the BBC now. They had a woman ( of course ) spinning for Clinton so fast it was amazing her head wasn't rotating. She even claimed Clinton won because she was more calm!

Then they had an old Californian woman ( good old BBC playing the anti Trump card as much as they can ) who claimed Trump lost!


Spin, spin, spin
Spin around, spin around
Spin, spin, spin
Spin away, spin away
Spin, spin, spin
Spin around, spin around


From Spin spin spin by Jim and Ingrid Croce

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