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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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6 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

A third party would be a way to try to re-democratize to the States, but I am sure the establishment would plant their puppets shortly, in order to manage the threat of actual civilian rule


The last time a third party succeeded was when Lincoln won in 1860.  And that was only because the Whig party had collapsed leaving a vacuum.  Other than that one case of success, third parties only play a spoiler role in American politics.  Huey Long's Share Our Wealth Society, Strom Thurmond's Dixiecrats, Henry Wallace's Progressive Party, Ross Perot's Reform Party, Gov. Wallace's American Independent Party, and the other, lesser examples all disappeared after a brief run. 


However, Trump's and Bannon's purpose at this point seems to be more about pre-marketing their upcoming new network to take on Fox News: all the white nationalist news all the time.  The prospects for success for this endeavor look considerably brighter.

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58 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


The last time a third party succeeded was when Lincoln won in 1860.  And that was only because the Whig party had collapsed leaving a vacuum.  Other than that one case of success, third parties only play a spoiler role in American politics.  Huey Long's Share Our Wealth Society, Strom Thurmond's Dixiecrats, Henry Wallace's Progressive Party, Ross Perot's Reform Party, Gov. Wallace's American Independent Party, and the other, lesser examples all disappeared after a brief run. 


However, Trump's and Bannon's purpose at this point seems to be more about pre-marketing their upcoming new network to take on Fox News: all the white nationalist news all the time.  The prospects for success for this endeavor look considerably brighter.

Other countries have managed to make it work with more than two choices on the table. Americans just need the courage to throw off what they believe is the only way it works. The peril of twin parties is playing out now before your eyes. If you had a reasonable representation of opinions available, neither of the current candidates would even qualify to be invited to the debates.

Edited by canuckamuck
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On 10/8/2016 at 8:51 AM, Strange said:


Sexually assault? 


So if he brags about easy women its sexual assault? 


What are you wittering on about?


He explicitly said that if you are famous you can get away with kissing them, even if you don't know them. That also includes pussy grabbing. It's also called sexual assault.


To judge whether a woman is "easy", you first have to know them a little.

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3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


What are you wittering on about?


He explicitly said that if you are famous you can get away with kissing them, even if you don't know them. That also includes pussy grabbing. It's also called sexual assault.


To judge whether a woman is "easy", you first have to know them a little.

Yes, but what folks are ignoring here is this was all Locker Room talk.  Go into any men's locker room around the world and you'll hear 'pussy grabbing' or more.

Tempest in a Teacup! :smile:

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15 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


What are you wittering on about?


He explicitly said that if you are famous you can get away with kissing them, even if you don't know them. That also includes pussy grabbing. It's also called sexual assault.


To judge whether a woman is "easy", you first have to know them a little.


Wittering on about? 


There can be no sexual assault, wait for it, WITHOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT ACTUALLY HAPPENING


words spoken in private are not sexual assault, bragging about pussy grabbing and laughing like 10th graders is not sexual assault, pussy grabbing in real life IS sexual assault 




But hey, lets just start arresting people for cracking jokes and saying inappropriate things and call it sexual assault. 

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Seven of the top eight World News stories are Trump.  It was brash publicity that vaulted him to power, and it's brash publicity that is his downfall.  The sooner he crashes and burns, the better.  How much of a nuisance will be continue to be after he loses, nobody knows - not even him.  He doesn't know what he thinks from hour to hour.  He makes it up as he goes along.  The only certainties are his divisiveness, crassness, lies and cheating.

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12 minutes ago, Strange said:


Wittering on about? 


There can be no sexual assault, wait for it, WITHOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT ACTUALLY HAPPENING


words spoken in private are not sexual assault, bragging about pussy grabbing and laughing like 10th graders is not sexual assault, pussy grabbing in real life IS sexual assault 




But hey, lets just start arresting people for cracking jokes and saying inappropriate things and call it sexual assault. 


You Trump guys don't get it.  Here's the timeline:


--Trump caught on video, bragging about assaulting women and getting away with it because he's a star.

--At debate, Trump is asked whether this is just talk, or has he done such things that he claims he has.  Trump denies.

--Various women from all over the country hear this and from their experiences, come out to say he's lying.  He has done it.


So of course, Trump will deny it all because he knows there are no witnesses, no video.  And for good measure, he will attack these women (about a dozen and climbing) for lying and being ugly.  The cornered animal comes to mind.

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15 minutes ago, Strange said:

Wittering on about?  There can be no sexual assault, wait for it, WITHOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT ACTUALLY HAPPENING

words spoken in private are not sexual assault, bragging about pussy grabbing and laughing like 10th graders is not sexual assault, pussy grabbing in real life IS sexual assault Edit: But hey, lets just start arresting people for cracking jokes and saying inappropriate things and call it sexual assault. 


Assuming you're right (and I don't), let's take your attempt to water-down Trump's words and actions, and see what we get:   Here it is:  IT'S ABOUT CHARACTER ASSESSMENT.  Much of what influences individual voters is character.  Most Americans want a person who is a role model for youngsters, among other things.  Trump is a terrible role model for too many reasons to list here.  

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17 minutes ago, Strange said:


Wittering on about? 


There can be no sexual assault, wait for it, WITHOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT ACTUALLY HAPPENING


words spoken in private are not sexual assault, bragging about pussy grabbing and laughing like 10th graders is not sexual assault, pussy grabbing in real life IS sexual assault 




But hey, lets just start arresting people for cracking jokes and saying inappropriate things and call it sexual assault. 


You seem a little confused. Nobody is saying that the comments themselves constitute an assault. The acts described, however, do - and that is the point. A man running for president has been revealed as someone who brags about assaulting women sexually. 

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

That's only because there's a news blackout re Wikileaks revelations.

Thought everyone understood that? :sleep:


There's no blackout. The wikileaks emails have been reported on. They're just not especially interesting to anyone beyond Trump fans desperate for something to attack Clinton with. 

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

You seem a little confused. Nobody is saying that the comments themselves constitute an assault. The acts described, however, do - and that is the point. A man running for president has been revealed as someone who brags about assaulting women sexually. 

I just keep thinking "Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas". How long's he been on the Supreme Court now? And doing a fine job!

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33 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Yes, but what folks are ignoring here is this was all Locker Room talk.  Go into any men's locker room around the world and you'll hear 'pussy grabbing' or more.

Tempest in a Teacup! :smile:

As has been pointed out by several profesional athletes this is not talk they have ever heard in a locker room. Having spent quite a lot of time there myself I can honestly say that I have never heard such crass, lowlife comments.

But you are completely missing the point (as usual). This is about the character of the candidate for POTUS, and it speaks volumes of him.

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3 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

I just keep thinking "Clarence Thomas, Clarence Thomas". How long's he been on the Supreme Court now? And doing a fine job!


I'm not familiar with him. Was he caught on tape boasting about assaulting women?

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Dismissing the comments as 'Locker room banter' is a deliberate attempt to sidestep the important point here. Sure, some men use that sort of language - but the language isn't the real issue here. The offensive thing is the acts described - that Trump feels he can simply impose himself on women without worrying about their consent. 

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:

Dismissing the comments as 'Locker room banter' is a deliberate attempt to sidestep the important point here. Sure, some men use that sort of language - but the language isn't the real issue here. The offensive thing is the acts described - that Trump feels he can simply impose himself on women without worrying about their consent. 


Real men are well aware that locker room talk is usually nothing but tall tales.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Real men are well aware that locker room talk is usually nothing but tall tales.


In this example, as people queue up to report real-life incidents that match the acts described, that doesn't appear to be the case.

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36 minutes ago, Strange said:


Wittering on about? 


There can be no sexual assault, wait for it, WITHOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT ACTUALLY HAPPENING


words spoken in private are not sexual assault, bragging about pussy grabbing and laughing like 10th graders is not sexual assault, pussy grabbing in real life IS sexual assault 




But hey, lets just start arresting people for cracking jokes and saying inappropriate things and call it sexual assault. 


Yes, wittering.

Have you forgotten all the women that have come forward and say that Trump liked copping a feel without permission?

Do you seriously want this Neanderthal to be your president? Leader of the free world?


As a member of the "free-world", I say anyone but this clutz.

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10 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


In this example, as people queue up to report real-life incidents that match the acts described, that doesn't appear to be the case.


Unfortunately, Nutcases come out of the woodwork for their 15 minutes of fame in cases like this.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Other countries have managed to make it work with more than two choices on the table. Americans just need the courage to throw off what they believe is the only way it works. The peril of twin parties is playing out now before your eyes. If you had a reasonable representation of opinions available, neither of the current candidates would even qualify to be invited to the debates.


In parliamentary systems, they may have, but the US presidential system is designed to produce a majoritarian government.  The winner-take-all feature of the Electoral College strongly favors such an outcome. 


Get used to "Madame President" and a lot more fairness in government.  Not enough, I expect, but more.

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17 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


IIncidentally, what is it with Trump fans and falsely attributed Orwell quotes in their signatures? You know he never said that, right?


If you are referring to Orwell's quote about the police, he did indeed say that.  Orwell himself was a policemen in Burma before he becamse a writer and knew whereof he spoke.  If you read his story from the period, "How to Shoot an Elephant," it's pretty clear that he loathed the Burmese.

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Just now, CaptHaddock said:


If you are referring to Orwell's quote about the police, he did indeed say that.  Orwell himself was a policemen in Burma before he becamse a writer and knew whereof he spoke.  If you read his story from the period, "How to Shoot an Elephant," it's pretty clear that he loathed the Burmese.


Nope - he didn't. He said a few things that were vaguely similar, but that quote isn't his. 

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18 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

You seem a little confused. Nobody is saying that the comments themselves constitute an assault. The acts described, however, do - and that is the point. A man running for president has been revealed as someone who brags about assaulting women sexually. 


6 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Dismissing the comments as 'Locker room banter' is a deliberate attempt to sidestep the important point here. Sure, some men use that sort of language - but the language isn't the real issue here. The offensive thing is the acts described - that Trump feels he can simply impose himself on women without worrying about their consent. 


20 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Some of you seem to think that all men talk about sexually assaulting women when they think nobody is listening. This is absolutely not the case, and an insult to those of us who treat women with respect. 


Gimme a break Mr. High Road. 


Im not confused about anything. When this video/audio came out people went on a rampage. Im not condoning it, I'm not defending Trump, I'm saying that words are words. Remove Trump and Apply to any other person that says stuff like this. Cracking Jokes and laughing like a 10th grader over fuggin pussy grabbing isn't sexual assault. Weather you personally dont say anything means nothing. 


Jesus christ I've heard women talking about the same nonsense. Your Brit birds are particularly bad. You think women don't talk like this about men in private? Of course in the context of a Trump thread, EVERYONE is going to take the High Road because its easy to look like Mr. Polite do good, but real talk, I call BS. Its equally just as bad from both sides. 


Its bad trump said this being that he is running for president, but anyone that thinks that ALL these women coming out right now are being truthful, and are not in any way being coached or influenced, are extremely gullible. Im not taking any high road here and I'm calling BS when I see it. Sure maybe he did, maybe he didn't, we will probably never know. 


I give undying support to women that do not tolerate actual sexual assault. If it happens, go to your boss, go to the police, make a report, get it in writing, do whatever you can. Fight it. This is what evidence is for. Its how you know when people are lying or intentionally misleading for benefit. It happens. 

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