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Nana blockade! Soi 3 sealed off as 200 police swoop and make arrests


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21 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Target the criminals based on their actions, not the colour of their skin.



LOL> Don't arrest Africans, target blond Caucasians instead.


The problem is that when you start arresting too many "dark skinned" people in raids, the PC brigade start crying "racial profiling".


If most arrested in the raid were "light skinned", no one would say a word.


Would you say anything if they only arrested Asians?


Perhaps they should have arrested one white person for every "dark skinned" individual to make it fair and balanced?


I'm sure one of the reasons expats enjoy living in Thailand is because they can leave all the PC nonsense behind.



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4 hours ago, darrendsd said:


I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world

Oh yeah,how many did they catch dealing,0.6 users out of 30 checks,hardly a crime wave.They should check out farangs from all over Thailand scoring down in Sin City off the ones meant to protect us.

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

If a soi has a crime problem question all, not just those of one colour.


They should have questioned every last person on the street when it is a Nigerian drug ring that is the focus of their target? Anyway it seems to be just you arguing over and over a ridiculous point. The raid went on and some crooks are now in jail and probably awaiting deportation in the IDC. I can live with that result, 

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1 minute ago, tropo said:

LOL> Don't arrest Africans, target blond Caucasians instead.


The problem is that when you start arresting too many "dark skinned" people in raids, the PC brigade start crying "racial profiling".


If most arrested in the raid were "light skinned", no one would say a word.


Would you say anything if they only arrested Asians?


Perhaps they should have arrested one white person for every "dark skinned" individual to make it fair and balanced?


I'm sure one of the reasons expats enjoy living in Thailand is because they can leave all the PC nonsense behind.



I don't care who is arrested as long as it is based on evidence not colour...

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Last year, immigration officers came to my school saying that they are checking Africans and African american teachers only. Some people in Thailand are ignorant and racist. the fact is This is part of Thai culture we need to accept it . For those who sell drugs , capital punishment is the only  way to deal with this problem. 

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3 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


They should have questioned every last person on the street when it is a Nigerian drug ring that is the focus of their target? Anyway it seems to be just you arguing over and over a ridiculous point. The raid went on and some crooks are now in jail and probably awaiting deportation in the IDC. I can live with that result, 

viewing racial profiling and racist thinking as being wrong is ridiculous?


Yeah right,



Edited by Bluespunk
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51 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No it's not. 


Racial profiling is racist based judgements which ignore other possibilities.


Ask the birmingham 6 and the guildford 4, what racial profiling achieves.

It works well, which is why it is used — as part of a broader approach called risk assessment — by private and public agencies in everything from mortgage and loans to security to immigration.


There is one country I know of which successfully uses it to assess people for citizenship. They (or rather a computer algorithm) weighs information about race, religion, gender, age, education, language ability and so on, to see if the prospective candidate would make a productive citizen.


You worldview, which seems to come straight from the pages of All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten, would no doubt regard that as racist, sexist, ageist, smartist, tongueist, and whatever the PC term is for religious differences.


Too bad. It works. Your subjective feelings about racism are at odds with sensible and effective policies being used everywhere around the globe. And in Sukhumvit Soi 3.

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Just now, Bluespunk said:

I don't care who is arrested as long as it is based on evidence not colour...

You do care who is arrested. You cry racial profiling loud and clear if "dark skinned" people are singled out.


If you're looking for a Black African, you don't start questioning blond Swedes.



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8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, what you are doing is trying to connect unrelated events in order to defend racial profiling.


5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

If a soi has a crime problem question all, not just those of one colour.

If you were the Thai Policeman  and told to go arrest the drug dealers and the tip of was they were African males in soi 3 would you question everyone? I think you better keep your day job.

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Just now, tropo said:

You do care who is arrested. You cry racial profiling loud and clear if "dark skinned" people are singled out.


If you're looking for a Black African, you don't start questioning blond Swedes.



You should be looking for criminals based on specific actions not colour.

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2 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

It works well, which is why it is used — as part of a broader approach called risk assessment — by private and public agencies in everything from mortgage and loans to security to immigration.


There is one country I know of which successfully uses it to assess people for citizenship. They (or rather a computer algorithm) weighs information about race, religion, gender, age, education, language ability and so on, to see if the prospective candidate would make a productive citizen.


You worldview, which seems to come straight from the pages of All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten, would no doubt regard that as racist, sexist, ageist, smartist, tongueist, and whatever the PC term is for religious differences.


Too bad. It works. Your subjective feelings about racism are at odds with sensible and effective policies being used everywhere around the globe. And in Sukhumvit Soi 3.

Racial profiling doesn't work.


As for your worldview, I'll let you know what I think of it once I stop puking.

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It's not a secret that the police here are ill-trained and generally lack professional acumen.  Applying western outrage seems a bit boy-scout naive.    I would be more up in arms about the notion you can be sat at a pub supping a beer with a friend, and have the Thai police "swoop" in and compel you to pee in a cup for some dodgy sidewalk drug test. 

Edited by 55Jay
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2 minutes ago, Monkeyrobot said:


If you were the Thai Policeman  and told to go arrest the drug dealers and the tip of was they were African males in soi 3 would you question everyone? I think you better keep your day job.

You'd hope some form of investigation went on rather than a racist based stop and question policy.

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4 hours ago, ttthailand said:

Soi 3 is not a white area. Mostly middle eastern and African. It is no surprise if they are searching people that white people would not be in those numbers. Some people are too sensitive and think everyone is a racist. It's about getting drug dealers off the street so instead of the PC gang standing in the way of the police why don't they support those trying to save Thailand from this scum.

So how many drug dealers did they arrest,zero.What a waste of resources.Maybe the BIB should what The Wire and find out how real cops do it.

Edited by louse1953
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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

You should be looking for criminals based on specific actions not colour.

You should be using any methods at your disposal, which result in the most efficient use of manpower.





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