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Australian Share Market At Record Highs


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Here's a good idea!

Let's buy some Australian shares, they're at record highs!

Umm, I always thought the idea was to buy low and sell high.

So, please, somebody explain to me why Australians are jumping over themselves to buy shares at record prices.

I know of late Oz has become an imagination-less, sheep-like society but this need to want to pay top dollar for companies escapes even me.

For example, the banks are trading at 14-16 x earnings. You can buy the top banks in USA and UK for 10-12 x.

The mining sector has doubled in the last year or so, but will it keep going? Is China really going to stay on track financially?

Woolworths is at 23 x earnings!

So if you're an Australian and you're buying up shares at these prices, please, fill me in as to why?

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Here's a good idea!

Let's buy some Australian shares, they're at record highs!

Umm, I always thought the idea was to buy low and sell high.

So, please, somebody explain to me why Australians are jumping over themselves to buy shares at record prices.

I know of late Oz has become an imagination-less, sheep-like society but this need to want to pay top dollar for companies escapes even me.

For example, the banks are trading at 14-16 x earnings. You can buy the top banks in USA and UK for 10-12 x.

The mining sector has doubled in the last year or so, but will it keep going? Is China really going to stay on track financially?

Woolworths is at 23 x earnings!

So if you're an Australian and you're buying up shares at these prices, please, fill me in as to why?

i think one reason is that there are a <deleted> load of aussie's with spare cash at the moment.

a lot have sold property at amazing profits and are reinvesting in shares for the long term.

blue chip company's as china has signed big contracts with ozzy and the mining sector has exploded.

many people are not worried about a slump in prices as shares will always come back on the rebound. ( history proves this.)

alot use it for tax purpose's as well.

the interest rates on housing are on the rise after being stable for a long time.

housing prices have doubled in 2 years.

for me ill keep my real estate thank you and let the other punters play the stocks but i know many people who have and are MAKING A KILLING. :o

if you have the spare dollars to play with and dont need that money in the short term it is a fair bet.


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The mining sector has doubled in the last year or so, but will it keep going? Is China really going to stay on track financially?

Most uranium stocks are having a huge run lately, but I'm thinking along your lines, how much more upside is left in this market?

With the US dollar on the skids, the gold price is about to take off big time. Any rise in the gold price will have a positive effect on Oz mining stocks.

The same thing applies to the oil price.

I'm expecting an end to come to the share bull market soon, a recession to follow sometime next year and then the start of the next property boom as money comes out of the share market and into property.

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As an Aussi I have some minor interest in this subject... but I fail to see where it is Thailand related.

Any reason(s) why this thread should not be closed?

top idea JD.

give it the flick as who really cares whats going down in aussie as we are in thailand. :D

kick its arse out of here. :D

cheers :o

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