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Trump apologizes, but also calls crude remarks a distraction


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16 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, former Republican candidate to Vice President selected by Romney for the 2012 POTUS election, said in response to Donald's sex-laden audio tape, "I am sickened by what I heard today." Ryan immediately UNINVITED Donald to a Republican event in Ryan's district in Wisconsin designed to show party unity. Apparently Ryan wasn't swayed by Donald's excuse of locker room remarks and apology.



Ryan hasn't withdrawn his endorsement of Trump.

Speaker Ryan thinks Trump is too creepy to come to Wisconsin. But not so creepy that he shouldn't be President. I'd like to see him explain that logic.




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18 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, former Republican candidate to Vice President selected by Romney for the 2012 POTUS election, said in response to Donald's sex-laden audio tape, "I am sickened by what I heard today." Ryan immediately UNINVITED Donald to a Republican event in Ryan's district in Wisconsin designed to show party unity. Apparently Ryan wasn't swayed by Donald's excuse of locker room remarks and apology.


He's quite a snowflake if some ribald humor gets him in such a twit...he'd be right at home in the Democrat Party...and the sooner the better.

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29 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

The deplorable, Trump fanboys are spending a lot of time talking about Secretary Clinton whilst she has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.


I wonder why that is.


Probably because that is who Trump is running against. 

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22 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

He's quite a snowflake if some ribald humor gets him in such a twit...he'd be right at home in the Democrat Party...and the sooner the better.

Utah Republican House Congressman Chaffetz who led the investigation into Hillary's private email server as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee announced he's no longer voting for Donald. He said of Donald's recording, "This was not just locker talk -- this was offensive." He officially withdrew his endorsement of Donald.

Another future Democrat?


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5 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Utah Republican House Congressman Chaffetz who led the investigation into Hillary's private email server as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee announced he's no longer voting for Donald. He said of Donald's recording, "This was not just locker talk -- this was offensive." He officially withdrew his endorsement of Donald.

Another future Democrat?



A Utah Republican becoming a Democrat? Isn't the the first sign of the apocalypse?

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2 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting

F60.0 Paranoid personality  is another description.

Trump is out, now the trumped posters have to clean themselves.

Not easy.

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Well, since a member of the "Duck Dynasty", Phil Robertson, is okay with Trump's comments and Pastor Mark Burns has said that Trump has "repented and God has forgiven him", we can put this all behind us now. Whew, and to think this was going to be an issue for awhile. I am so glad this all got cleared up so quickly.


Trump's Comments on Women: 'Duck Dynasty' Star, Hannity Weigh In


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2 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

The deplorable, Trump fanboys will vote for him no matter what.  This most recent outrage is not a negative to them.  In fact, they revel in it.


Moderate, female voters are another matter altogether.  They are going to abandon Trump in droves and there is going to be a landslide next month.  I also predict that the Senate is now completely lost and the House majority will decrease significantly.



Both JFK and Bill were/are womanisers - both before and during their time as POTUS (and Bill still is).  About time the Republicans had a POTUS that grabed a bit of p**** on the side.


PS - Bill's ratings went up after the Monica 'affair' - so did JFK's after Marilyn Munroe .


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Cant deny Trump said what he said - and it is gonna hurt him. Hopefully he has enough time to get over it.  Something is going to have to come along to help though - but as they say 24 hours is a long time in politics and 30 days is a lifetime. 


The sort of thing that would help Trump recover is if Crooked Hillary says something on tape similarly deplorable ........... like:   'black males are super predators' ;  or something like 'what does it matter' when defending her incompetence in failing to help in Benghazi; or maybe lying to Congress by saying 'I did not delete any classified emails'.


Hey wait a minute - has she not already said all those things?  Why has there not been the same amount of media outrage??


I dont understand :ermm:  A woman can lie to Congress/FBI/DOJ, can breach national security laws, can insult dead soldiers, and can say despicable things about blacks,  but nothing happens.  And yet a man says what most other men have said in private to a close mate about a good looking woman, and he is attacked and ostricised as if he has committed murder/rape.  Makes no sense to me :blink:


Candidate A - offensive and makes rude comments.

Candidate B - liar, corrupt, abuses power, owned by elite.


The answer is obvious - A.

As the bible says: always choose the lesser of two evils  :smile:

Edited by Bob9
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While Trumps Republican black propaganda has been hard working rehashing old news trying to discredit Hillary


...She has been keeping her powder dry, this news about Donald may be shocking and well timed but 

52 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


Both JFK and Bill were/are womanisers - both before and during their time as POTUS (and Bill still is).  About time the Republicans had a POTUS that grabed a bit of p**** on the side.


PS - Bill's ratings went up after the Monica 'affair' - so did JFK's after Marilyn Munroe .




Edited by Basil B
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54 minutes ago, Bob9 said:


Both JFK and Bill were/are womanisers - both before and during their time as POTUS (and Bill still is).  About time the Republicans had a POTUS that grabed a bit of p**** on the side.


PS - Bill's ratings went up after the Monica 'affair' - so did JFK's after Marilyn Munroe .


But they never boasted about or demeaned the fairer sex... 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is the only reason that anyone might vote for her. 

Ever heard of "two for the price of one"?


That makes no sense. You presume to know the minds of a potential tens of millions of Americans as to why they would vote for her.



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Just now, Thakkar said:


That makes no sense. You presume to know the minds of a potential tens of millions of Americans as to why they would vote for her.



Yeah, people can see Bill Clinton is very mellow now and not really getting the two. That was a thing 8 years ago. Not now. Moved on. 

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16 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


That makes no sense.



It doesn't need to make sense.  It's all just an attempt to distract from the topic of the thread:  Trump being forced to apologize for his derogatory remarks about women.  AKA more than half the electorate.


The closeted Trump fanboys know this likely the end, and they're understandably rattled.



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The media is so corrupt with their use of hyperbole to describe what is just a guy talking about male stuff at a time when he had no clue he'd be running for president. 


They call trumps apology astonishing because he said he apologises "if anyone was offended". 


Why is that astonishing? I wasnt offended...


Crooked H is so scared now that all the emails revealing her duplicitous positions on free trade are making it into the open...revealing her as a liar and a crook who cant be trusted to act in the interests of ordinary americans. She'll take any scurrilous tack to avoid talking about the real issues and instead focus on the "men behaving badly narrrative"..... which her own husband pretty mch owned...and he was an elected president at the time

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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Oh good, trump say he will never drop out. Wouldn't want to deal with Pence right now ... he could actually win. 


Pence will win !   He will be the Vice President !!  

The Clintons and all their corruption aint getting back in the White House.


And Pence will be elected POTUS in 2024 !!!

The Democrats and their liberal/socialism aint getting back in the White House for a long time.

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41 minutes ago, Basil B said:

While Trumps Republican black propaganda has been hard working rehashing old news trying to discredit Hillary


...She has been keeping her powder dry, this news about Donald may be shocking and well timed but 


You need to update and get a smartphone and stop using that old teleprinter.

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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I wasnt offended




Senate Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan can rest easy then.


The GOP brass  isn't worried about expat men who live in (ahem) Thailand, they're worried about genuinely offended women who live in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Colorado, North Carolina and Florida.


It's over for Trump.  The only question now is who else he's going to bring down with him.

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