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Police in Bangkok Conduct Random Checks on Tourists Ahead of Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit


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1 hour ago, hansnl said:

Good show guys!

Go on irritating tourists by confronting them with Nazi-like tactics.

Your neighbours are getting bigger smiles day by day.

When will realisation come to you that expats and tourists bring in a huge amount of money.


True, why are the neighboring countries looking so tranquil, while Thailand looks to be coming unhinged ?  How is TAT going to explain this ?   Yesterday the government was only profiling people of a certain color.  Today its back packers and tomorrow ? Sad and laughable.  

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3 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

True, why are the neighboring countries looking so tranquil, while Thailand looks to be coming unhinged ? 


Tranquil?  In SE Asia?  Name one.  Singapore doesn't count...


Edit:  Better Google recent events first.  Or you may embarrass yourself.

Edited by impulse
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Great for tourism anyone that was forced to take a urine test while on holiday will never come back .People should show this government that this practice is outrageous and just not come here they don't deserve the income no respect for anyone on holiday spending their hard earned money. 

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Like to see them check the "people " along Asoke from around the Interchange Tower to Las Colinas some night. Enough low life's there  from midnight til 4 am to warrent 200 BIB and enough drugs to make a chemists ship envious!!!!

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1 minute ago, impulse said:


Tranquil?  In SE Asia?  Name one.  Singapore doesn't count...

Malaysia, almost catatonic.  Singapore does count.  It is in SE Asia.  When it comes to being left alone by the authorities, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos win hands down.   Burma still has issues.    Thailand is a hassle now, and you should only go there if the need arises. 

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1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i was wondering what happens if you refuse. think i would call a lawyer to witness it, would rather pay her than the cops. easy enough for someone to spike the container. military law is in place, does that mean the cops can do what they want?


Cops anywhere can do as they want. Haven't you noticed?


But yes, this sends a totally wrong vibe and as another has said can be downright scary. Certainly not what tourists expect when they come to the self-styled Land of Smiles. Does anyone know of anywhere else - anywhere at all - where tourists are intimidated in this way? And why tourists should be expected to simply accept it as part of their vacation?

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15 minutes ago, impulse said:


Tranquil?  In SE Asia?  Name one.  Singapore doesn't count...


Edit:  Better Google recent events first.  Or you may embarrass yourself.

You too :

WSJ says "The clerk pointed to a sign that says the pharmacist -- the only person who can legally dispense gum"

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2 minutes ago, Remus1830 said:

Why do they have to get tested on holiday???? I would never go back to any country if I was tested while on holiday


I wonder the same thing myself.  But just about every time I'm at Soi 11 to get my work permit physical, there's a couple of them walking in with some kind of drizzle dxxk.


Well, not every time, but often enough...


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Can't see how pulling tourists in Kosan road going be linked to security plans for upcoming summit. Western tourists like shown in the image are most unlikely be doing anything seriously wrong. Yet when people do go round with bombs in backpacks and playing with plant pots no police or military know much about it and blabber nonsensical statements ... Best thing that can happen is mass loss of tourism as it not worth wasting your holiday time pi55ing in a cup on a sidewalk !

Edited by BuckBee
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1 hour ago, JerryinTH said:

It's always the same areas. Usually Asoke and Thonglor. Now they started fetching people on Soi 3 which actually makes sense. 

I really don't understand why they do this in Thonglor area. I understand that there are lots of clubs around, but there is also tons of very affluent foreigners living there. 

None of them breaks the law, pays the overpriced rent prices and has most likely less to hide than people on Soi Africa. 


Never bite the hand that feeds them, but they didn't hear that before I guess. I'll move out of Thonglor as soon as my lease is up. 

Really tired of it. 

Saw a heap of them inside the Ploenchit Centre near Nana last night about 7pm Young ones and all dressed in that same style uniform as shown in the photo. 

This lot were hiding downstairs on the lower ground floor near the Villa Mart and presumably keeping out of sight  of the boss. All sitting neatly in a row around the pond playing with their smart phones. God knows how long they stayed there for.

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1 hour ago, bridge2bridge said:

What about all the TRASH Tourists that come here and cause problems for ALL of us.

Good to see the crack down IMHO.

If you don't do wrong you have no reason to worry.


Do you mean the police will call ahead to the airlines to delay your flight whenever they detain you for a security search of bags whilst you're on the way to the airport?


And so glad we heard from one of "good farangs" to turn the light on the bad farangs. Feel sorry for you that these trash people are ruining your life. Maybe you could try moving to Syria, I hear they don't have much in the way of tourists to upset you there.

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2 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

What about all the TRASH Tourists that come here and cause problems for ALL of us.

Good to see the crack down IMHO.

If you don't do wrong you have no reason to worry.


Are you just being smart or something why the f??? Should you have to piss in a jar if you have done nothing wrong what a joke this place is .

the TRASH Tourist give me a break that statement is as stupid ,  as your statement about having to have do nothing wrong.

keep up thailand and you will have no 

tourist come to thailand then you will go broke .


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There should be travel warnings issued by all the major tourist market countries that you run the risk of being arbitrarily jailed and/or fined in Thailand, that spot drug tests are run by the police in major tourist areas and that whether or not you abuse drugs these tests are known to sometimes erroneously show positive for drugs. Essentially it is possible, if things went really wrong, to find yourself in a world of trouble in Thailand for simply trying to enjoy yourself walking around the tourist street markets on Sukhumvit when the police were making sweeps.


The media never seems to report what happens to people who test positive. Given the rather draconian laws, in theory, people could be serving 5-10 year sentences simply because they smoked a bit ganja at a party back home or even worse because the tests were triggered by a legal perscription medication, as can happen. One can only hope that in the end the police are, in practice, letting people go after paying some relatively minor "fees." 

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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2 hours ago, Dexlowe said:


Please define TRASH Tourist? If you are referring to backpackers, then you're a clown. 



I understand your concern and can define trash tourists as the ones we read about here on a regular basis: dancing naked in places the locals see as sacred, lying drunk in the streets, here to share and take drugs ... I am sure you have a better definition than that.


However, I read a post on discussion site about places to avoid in Thailand and someone volunteered Pattaya because of all the prostitutes, drinking, harassment ... he was there as a backpacker. I asked him how far from Walking St he ventured during his three day stay. Yes, bad things happen and belong to Walking St but I have stayed in Pattaya with my family several times and not once have I had any cause for concern there.


Of course, I wasn't looking for trouble and might have walked right past some for all I know. Avoid Pattaya because a backpacker didn't like it? Not convinced!

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There is no way that I will ever let the police make me provide a urine sample on the street or search me. They have no probable cause to do any of this and thus it is illegal. I will of course show passport and visa. If they insist on a search or sample- my answer is take me to the police station and I will bring a witness and a lawyer and to notify the officer in charge of the situation.  Luckily, I have never been stopped  but I do carry my original passport when going out in Bangkok. Their excuse of looking for potential 'terrorists' ring hollow as those stopped do not fit any of the profiles.

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Yeah, looks like this conversation soon is going to come to an end too. 

I just don´t see the problem here regarding the passport checks. They are quite in order now, when they start to try making
a clean up. It´s highly welcome to see that, due to the big amount of people residing in this country out of the wrong reasons.

About the urine check, I really do not think that they give everyone they check up the passport a cup. I would rather think that
if someone fail to produce a valid visa, then the cup comes automatically but then that person is already wrong and have to
face that fact. If someone is residing or visiting the country in an illegal way, then they surely want to see if there is anything
more that the person does that is illegal or any other reason for failing to show the proper documents.

There is also very easy to see if someone is high on something or have been using drugs, and then I am sure that the cup will
come out for all thoose people too. How anyone can think that it´s something wrong with that, is something I can not understand.

In my opinion everyone that have a problem with that, must have a reason for their behavior. Probably that reason is one of all the
things people can not do anymore as a turist or expat in Thailand.

I am not pointing out anyone or any kind of people or race, but for me it stands clear that everyone with cler papers and nothing to
worry about, doesn´t use prohibited drugs and have a positive mind would welcome all this.

Finally it is happening something and that must be positive, when most of all the people coming here want to feel safe. That is
something that all the criminals are taking away. Just good police work, and they definetely don´t give tha cup to people that
they clearly can see are not using drugs.

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