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Fidel Castro says Donald Trump is "disqualified"


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Fidel Castro says Donald Trump is "disqualified"

Source: Xinhua  


HAVANA, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- Former Cuban President, Fidel Castro, said on Sunday that the U.S. Republican candidate for President, billionaire Donald Trump, is "disqualified," after the first debate with his Democrat adversary Hillary Clinton, two weeks ago.


"Mr Trump, who was supposedly a capable expert, was disqualified," said the historic leader of Cuban Revolution in an article entitled "The uncertain destiny of the human species," published by the island's official media.


Officially retired from power since 2008, Castro, 90, called on his compatriots to remember that on Sunday there will be another debate between the two U.S. presidential candidates and he stressed that the previous one caused a "shock."


Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-10/10/c_135741942.htm


-- Xinhua 2016-10-10



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4 hours ago, Rancid said:

Priceless, so Putin suggests it might be easier to ensure peace with Trump and the press goes completely bananas. Now here we have that old commie Castro effectively endorsing Hillary, what's the bet not a peep?

First, Castro has been retired for years.  Second, he endorsed no one.  Third, of course Cuba does not want to see the idiotic embargo reinstated. Fourth,, anyone with a brain, no matter of politics, can see Trump is crazy as an outhouse rat.

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6 hours ago, Rancid said:

Priceless, so Putin suggests it might be easier to ensure peace with Trump and the press goes completely bananas. Now here we have that old commie Castro effectively endorsing Hillary, what's the bet not a peep?


Of course.  Hillary already grabbed Trump by the pussy in the first debate.

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2 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

That will help get Trump over the top in Florida - all those Cubans will do the opposite of what Papa Fidel says. 

All those Cubans have minds of their own.

Basically the older ones are party line republicans and the younger ones are starting to trend heavily democratic.

Political impact of Castro's comment? Basically BUPKIS.


Next ... 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

All those Cubans have minds of their own.

Basically the older ones are party line republicans and the younger ones are starting to trend heavily democratic.

Political impact of Castro's comment? Basically BUPKIS.


Next ... 

Dude ....Clearly you don't know any Cuban Americans 


btw You promised me that I'd be on your ignore list please place me back on your ignore list or refrain from quoting me as I won't engage - I already had the tshirt made and frankly you're far to out there for me to waste my time.

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6 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

Dude ....Clearly you don't know any Cuban Americans 


btw You promised me that I'd be on your ignore list please place me back on your ignore list or refrain from quoting me as I won't engage - I already had the tshirt made and frankly you're far to out there for me to waste my time.

You are not on my ignore list.

You are always free (and welcome) to put me on yours.

Moving on ... 

You obviously don't know Cuban Americans if you're IGNORANT about the big political changes in their YOUNGER generation.

I guess that's a trumpist thing, not bothering to consider facts.


After decades of GOP support, Cubans shifting toward the Democratic Party


Edited by Jingthing
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6 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

So does anyone with an I.Q.  over 50 care what Fidel

has to say 


Well after last night's debate with the two less than stellar candidates moderated by the shallows of CNN, why yes, Fidel may have more to say than any of the above.

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15 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Dude ....Clearly you don't know any Cuban Americans 


btw You promised me that I'd be on your ignore list please place me back on your ignore list or refrain from quoting me as I won't engage - I already had the tshirt made and frankly you're far to out there for me to waste my time.

You won't engage?  You just did.

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