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Takeaways: Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate


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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:




The only movement right now is hillary staffers shitting their pants after their boss was revealed to be an inept, double faced career politician full of lies, deception, corruption and ducking & weaving.

Dream on, dude, but enjoy the alternate trumpist bubble reality until the real s--t hits the fan, NOVEMBER 8.

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Of course he will. He knew in advance this was going to happen.


Absolutely. He's (Bill Clinton) also a seasoned and grizzled battle warrior. Who has fought more dirty, long, drawn out and nasty political battles than he has and is still standing to fight another? This one is for the triple crown. Third presidential term on deck.

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

Is there are any company who would hire a corrupt, almost 70 year old woman, who is a habitual liar, who is under investigation by the FBI, as there CEO?

It depends on who else applied and their qualifications to actually do the job.

In this case, YES, if the job was to be president. For a business position, I suppose trump would be better.

trump lies a lot more than Hill, and that's been well documented. 

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7 minutes ago, stander said:

Is there are any company who would hire a corrupt, almost 70 year old woman, who is a habitual liar, who is under investigation by the FBI, as there CEO?


LOL…i doubt it…unless that CEO was just a puppet to be manipulated from the boardrooms of other companies.

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I really don't care, who has won this debate!

So Trump brought out the alleged Bill Clinton- victims, to do ...what?

Reflect from the fact, that he (Trump) is a racist, misogynist bully with a bunch of bad, not very well thought out (if at all) policies and a bunch of really dangerous and @#$%^& up ideas?

I still don't understand, what Bill's affairs have to do with the election?

Go after Hillary where it counts (and I don't mean the dead horse "eMails" or "Benghazi") and you have enough materila.

But for that, Trump and his minions need to do their homework and that is way to inconvenient and not be dome on a Golf- course or (sic!) in a locker room!


By the way: are his "grab her by the mou- mou"- remarks despicable!

Hell, yeah!

But he has advocated for WAR- CRIMES, for $#%@'s sake!

Compared to that, his rapy ';locker room talk is nothing that should matter!

On the other hand: he has the audacity, to come out and throw fecies at the husband of a candidate, when he himself, has OBVIOUSLY done these things, although he says, he has not! (What about "telling it like it is". Donald?)


What a trainwreck of an election!  

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


LOL…i doubt it…unless that CEO was just a puppet to be manipulated from the boardrooms of other companies.

Like Trump with Russia and China?...sorry...Gjina...

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Only time I've ever heard a candidate threatening to jail his opponent was in the Congo. He lost & was later convicted of war crimes.

Worst possible moment of #Debate? The threat to put opponent in jail. We are not North Korea, we are not a 3rd world dictatorship


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Personally, I thought Hillary came across as more presidential. Donald came across as menacing the way he paced around and stood directly behind Clinton. He got in a few zingers, mainly about threatening to have her thrown in jail if he is elected. Kind of Duarte-esque in my opinion. Trump missed multiple outreach opportunities. His faux-apology about bragging about using his celebrity-hood to grope women with impunity failed to win over women, particularly college educated women, and his response to the Muslim woman about rising Islamaphobia was incredibly tone deaf. 


The problem is that the most recent polls, which show him trailing, were taken before the Access Hollywood tape surfaced. The second debate didn't reverse that trend. During the debate, he denied that he had never actually exploited his celebrity-hood to sexually assault women. Does anyone really believe that? When testimonials start flooding in between now and election day from beauty pageant contestants, employees and others who claim otherwise, I suspect his campaign will quickly return to tailspin mode.



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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Let me sum it up for you on a policy level


Clinton: Status Quo policies meaning rich get richer , poor get poorer but more handouts to make them seem happier, and we continue mucking up the rest of the world and causing instability and misery.


Trump: Nobody really knows because he evades most questions regarding policy and then changes his original stance on the few areas he has taken a position on.

Do you have any acquaintance with the facts at all?  Trump has specifically and in detail proposed huge tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the .01 percent. He wants to abolish the inheritance tax that currentl only affects  inheritances over 11 million dollars in the case of a couple leaving it to their heirs. The current inheritance tax affects only 5400 families in the USA.  Those poor afflicted multimillionaires and billionaires.  He wants to abolish Dodd Frank so Wall Street can go back to tanking the economy.  In other words, Trump wants to make the rich and powerful even richer and more powerful. Oh yes, and he also proposed a special loophole that will cut taxes for..... wait for it....real estate developers. Hmmm...which of the candidate might benefit from that?

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Michael Savage Threatens To Leave The Country If Hillary Is Elected

(bad link)

These 23 Celebrities Say They'll Leave The Country If Trump Is Elected (Barbra Streisand, Samuel L. Jackson, Cher, etc.)



No problem either way for me -- I've already left the country.

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1 minute ago, stander said:

While they tried to distract us by the leaking a 11 year old audio tape of Trump, Wikileaks was exposing the fact that Hillary had called for a New World Order, where the US has no borders.


That was not in context. There are different kinds of borders. For people. For trade. For banking. Get it now? 

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Just now, JLCrab said:

Michael Savage Threatens To Leave The Country If Hillary Is Elected

(bad link)

These 23 Celebrities Say They'll Leave The Country If Trump Is Elected (Barbra Streisand, Samuel L. Jackson, Cher, etc.)



No problem either way for me -- I've already left the country.

I threatened to do that if Bush got reelected in 2004.  Turns out it was an incentive. So this time, I'm threatening to return if Trump wins.

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27 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:




The only movement right now is hillary staffers shitting their pants after their boss was revealed to be an inept, double faced career politician full of lies, deception, corruption and ducking & weaving.


and yet, she's still the most adept politician in the US.

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2 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:


and yet, she's still the most adept politician in the US.

And an incredibly persistent FIGHTER. trump got that right. Considering her disappointment in losing to Obama 8 years ago, her political comeback which clearly will peak in her PRESIDENTIAL inauguration is truly an amazing, wonderful thing to behold. Yes, even with all this dirt ... she's an amazing woman that will likely exceed (low) expectations quite well. 

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Some objective assessments of who won the debate out of Australia: Clinton won by a large margin by some, and by a smaller margin as measured by yougov, which may be the most objective as reported by Fortune mag.


Bottom line: Trump fought like a dog but will end up as as dog meat soon.



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Trump's team had signaled he would deliver a sincere apology, on the debate stage, for the sexually predatory language he used on the 2005 video.
He did not.


Owning up to those lewd remarks would've shown some courage. Instead he turned out to be a pussy. Such a pussy in fact, that I'm surprised he didn't grab himself!



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5 hours ago, StevieH said:

he still didn't actually answer any questions, he still doesn't have any policies and he still doesn't know what or where aleppo is. clinton 'wins' that debate simply by actually answering questions with policy proposals and a degree of expertise based on her career history in politics. he did his usual bluster, interrupted a lot, didn't know anything, wrote off his bragging about sexual assault while mic'd up for a TV show as 'locker room banter' and 'just words' again and then topped it all off with saying that if he were president he would have her thrown in jail - literally the act of a dictator.


Yeah, I love that exchange on Aleppo. Trump was asked twice on the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo. The first time he answered it was about not agreeing with Pence on Russia then pivoting to ISIS. The second time the answer was this incredible exchange.


TRUMP: I think Aleppo is a disaster, humanitarian-wise.

RADDATZ: What do you think will happen if it falls?

TRUMP: I think that it basically has fallen. OK? It basically has fallen. Let me tell you something. You take a look at Mosul...


Trump has already given up on Aleppo. Then he pivots to Mosul. What the heck? This had to be one of his best mumbling, rambling answers in the whole debate.

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Yeah, I love that exchange on Aleppo. Trump was asked twice on the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo. The first time he answered it was about not agreeing with Pence on Russia then pivoting to ISIS. The second time the answer was this incredible exchange.


TRUMP: I think Aleppo is a disaster, humanitarian-wise.

RADDATZ: What do you think will happen if it falls?

TRUMP: I think that it basically has fallen. OK? It basically has fallen. Let me tell you something. You take a look at Mosul...


Trump has already given up on Aleppo. Then he pivots to Mosul. What the heck? This had to be one of his best mumbling, rambling answers in the whole debate.


This guy has been able to fake his way this far on pure bluster. Amazing. But more amazing is that anybody takes him at all seriously.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

She'll be happier in November when she can return to the TOWER in peace.   


Very True. She can also then relax because nobody will be trying to dig up sordid details and witnesses about her past anymore.

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3 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I think Trump edged it but the moderating was appalling biased and as for the Clinton News Network I am completely disgusted at their one-sided gibberish especially from Van Jones


he's a loathsome individual he really is

Trump got more time to speak.

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I am Australian and don't have a horse in the race, although what happens in America affects the whole world, and God help us all if Trump gets the guernsey.


I am surprised that neither candidate has defended their position in words of one syllable that the voters will understand. What are their speech writers doing?


In Trump's case re not paying tax it appears his company lost $1 billion twenty years ago and has, perfectly legally, carried forward these losses, which is accepted practice in many countries including Australia. It means that a company can make sufficient profits in the following years to offset this loss before additional profits become taxable. Quite common and quite legal, end of story.


In Hillary's case re destroying thousands of emails, don't we all do that? I do, not because I am trying to hide anything but simply to clear the decks and get rid of spam and anything that is not worth keeping.


If they simply explained this they would spike the guns of their opponent.



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Just how embarrassed are the American people about the candidates that are fighting to become the next American President?  The debate was shown worldwide (it's on the TV right now) and we are all agog with the way the two candidates are behaving.  Of course it doesn't matter what we think but the President of the United States should be respected as the head of a major power and quite honestly these two are an absolute disgrace.

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