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PM pleads with media to report bomb plot in capital with caution


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Such a ridiculous thing for the PM to do. He is using the media to inform the media to be cautious, how on earth is this going to inform the public of anything or help in keeping people calm. It is his job to deal with this threat and his job to ensure the public know what is going on.


So, rather then making silly statements like this why doesn't he work with and use the media to accurately inform the public and try and get people to on guard against suspicious activities. 


This is childish and stupid, but I am sure someone will say I just don't understand the Thai way. 

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15 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


Translation: 'Please don't accurately report the gravity of the situation and scare the tourists away, we still need them to come to prop up our flailing economy; if some of them may die in a terrorist attack because they weren't adequately warned, no problem.'

but ... but ... but ... you must understand it is not convenient to make every one aware of bomb threats .  nooo  not at this time nooo not at all ..... maybe later we can worry about the the people , not know .....bada bada bing ........

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I tend to agree with the general.  If you compare the chances of having your 'ticket punched' as a victim of a bomb plot, as compared to being the victim of a vehicle accident on Thai roads, the victim of a 'rapid deceleration' accident off a high-rise, or the victim of a robbery or assault - I much better like my odds with the 'terror bomb'.  Your chance of being a bombing victim are infinitesimal as compared to getting killed on the Thai roads.   Needless to say in a day and age where Westerns, especially American, are now trained to run in circles yelling, "The sky is falling" every time the media mentions a bomb, at least the leadership in Thailand is attempting to have cooler minds prevail while letting the Thai police and military do their jobs.

Edited by connda
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9 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Why doesn't the PM address the same warning to his officials, senior BIB officers etc. who don't exactly help situations by talking at cross purposes and we've seen this in the last few days with senior police confirming or denying a bomb plot ?

It's not only confusing but just highlights the amount of incompetence there is and how officials just love to talk without considering what they are saying.



Agreed. Thais in general suffer from 'blurtitis'. They just can't help themselves or stop themselves from blurting. Proof of the pudding, watch any of them when they see a microphone nearby.

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16 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


I personally think the powder keg is close to blowing. Not just the threats of the car bombings, but the recent scandals involving the junta, the bizarre obsession with destroying the shincrims, the increasing disunity within the government itself, and the increasing desperation of the junta's farcical lies and contortions. When the spontaneous nationwide mass prayers fail and the inevitable occurs, it won't be a place I'd want to be.

Yes looking at the enclosed photo of the PM a lot of the previous smugness has disappeared and I see signs of desperation. Of course its still rule at the end of a gun barrel so until someone comes along with a bigger gun the status quo will remain. 

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At least the intelligence report wasn't "leaked" by some unknown internal source. 


On the surface, of course it's right and preferred for the police to inform the public.  There have been incidents where a bomb has gone off and turns out the police had some info about it in advance, but didn't share it with the public, and were (rightly) lambasted for that. 


Media, social and alternative in particular, speculates and that morphs into a new set of faux 'facts' that don't resemble the original statement, and goes viral on social media.  Trying to unwind that after the fact sends the same into orbit about the oppressive government stifling the media and free speech. 


So right, we've seen the PM be heavy handed with the media in the past.  No doubt.  But in this case, because there is an obvious, very real precedent for the media to do exactly what he's talking about, I've got no quarrel with him telling them to chill the F out, stick to the known facts and don't make s**t up to increase their clicks and ratings over competitors.

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More uniforms on the streets usually means more stability,
and a better chance of keeping insurgents under control,
during a period of turmoil by whatever cause.
Stability is good for the country.

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Spreading rumours that an airport could be the target of a car bomb attack is a good way of diverting police resources to both Swampy and DMK while the real target will be relatively easy to hit due to a lack of security.


After all, setting off a car bomb at a major intersection busy with shoppers and tourists would likely result is just as many casualties as an airport.

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It is already in the media, and the people are, therefore, warned already, here in Thailand. Concerning the foreign media, the PM is actually right. We don't need any more stories in foreign newspapers and tabloids, screaming ' terror in Thailand'  etc.

Most of us ( me and my mates ) here work in the tourist sector, diving centers, or have our little businesses here depending on tourism ( yes, the Thai guys are not gonna bring their baht to us farang ...)  and have been going a long way to invest, and get legal here in the country, so screaming stories about Thailand under attack etc. are surely gonna help nobody here

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A post using foreign language has been removed.  This is the English language side of the forum, English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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