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Monks behaving badly -  abbot caught attacking dogs, claims fellow monk


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Its very easy to throw stones. In the UK Priests are often in the news for the things they do wrong and rightfully so. But as other people have said to tar everyone with the same brush is wrong. The number of priests and Monks that do the right things far far outweigh the ones that do wrong. Bad news always makes better reading and this is why we tend to read more bad news than the good people are doing.

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So monks are just human as everybody else: bad and good.....

same as priests.....bad and good

but sorry never ask me the respect neither a monk nor a priest just while they are priest/monk

as all behave as they are....


so never bend down in front of a monk!

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Monk behaving badly, surely not monks are good decent honest men default_cheesy.gif
Every day you see reports about monks raping/ murdering / stealing / abusing animals.
Yet people still show respect, give hard earned money to them WHY?

It reflects upon their own lives a sort of terms of endearment!!!

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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

People say people will be people, but what is so hypocritical about monks being 'like people' is that they are, supposedly, above all that and DO NOT desire. This 'monk' desires to harm a dog because it is annoying him? He lies that he didn't throw the dog in the water because he desires not to look bad. He takes the defamation angle because he desires to cover up his wrongdoing. This person is not a monk. He is just a normal, everyday lowlife that deserves as much respect as other wrongdoers and liars -- ie, none.


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5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Sadly such institutions attract the best and worse of society.  Putting the dead dog in the river is not good for the river either. 


I don't think the dog in the pictures is dead, this was the second complaint against him after allegedly killing the first dog.


Still, that is a pretty severe treatment to get rid off tics & fleas of a dog. Better than a couple of cycles in a washing machine I suppose, but still pretty severe.............................:sad:

Edited by chrisinth
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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

Monk behaving badly, surely not monks are good decent honest men :cheesy:

Every day you see reports about monks raping/ murdering / stealing / abusing animals.

Yet people still show respect, give hard earned money to them WHY?

Maybe because there are still a few good monks among them....Just like the Pedophile priests in America, Canada & Europe are not representative for all the priests. !

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This dog is not dead its moving the leg positions have changed and you are all criticizing the Monk and insinuating

he did this dastardly deed what happened to innocent till proven guilty and the monk who put this up is no good anyway as he has no concern for his monastery bringing it into disrepute,  if indeed it is true there is more than one way to skin a cat oh sorry I mean dog. With people and children been abused everyday how can people be more concerned about dogs doesnt make sense to me. Also dogs are good swimmers I have often thrown my dog into the water shed come back out have shake she loved it sadly she was killed by a bloody bus speeding through the village where I live.

Edited by LUSHGOAT
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41 minutes ago, LUSHGOAT said:

This dog is not dead its moving the leg positions have changed and you are all criticizing the Monk and insinuating

he did this dastardly deed what happened to innocent till proven guilty and the monk who put this up is no good anyway as he has no concern for his monastery bringing it into disrepute,  if indeed it is true there is more than one way to skin a cat oh sorry I mean dog. With people and children been abused everyday how can people be more concerned about dogs doesnt make sense to me. Also dogs are good swimmers I have often thrown my dog into the water shed come back out have shake she loved it sadly she was killed by a bloody bus speeding through the village where I live.


Re read the article dude.


the monk admitted (so guilty as charged) taking a stick to fighting dogs... and that one subsequently died... said dead dog was buried nearby.... no picture supplied


the pictured dog, is supposedly alive, and going through a delouseing ritual.


that there is a whistle blowing monk at this monastery is, contrary to your belief, a good thing, as killing (or beating) dogs is not a good thing, and people should be bought to account for the evils they do, wether monk or not


or... especially because they are monks, given the teachings they espouse.... more worrying is that you seek to defend the actions


its a pity that there wasn't an active whistle blower at the tiger temple of ill repute, or would you have condemned him, as well?


further, that this story is about a dog, does not, in any way, mean that people are more concerned about abused dogs than abused people.... that's an absurd assumption... 

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11 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Re read the article dude.


the monk admitted (so guilty as charged) taking a stick to fighting dogs... and that one subsequently died... said dead dog was buried nearby.... no picture supplied


the pictured dog, is supposedly alive, and going through a delouseing ritual.


that there is a whistle blowing monk at this monastery is, contrary to your belief, a good thing, as killing (or beating) dogs is not a good thing, and people should be bought to account for the evils they do, wether monk or not


or... especially because they are monks, given the teachings they espouse.... more worrying is that you seek to defend the actions


its a pity that there wasn't an active whistle blower at the tiger temple of ill repute, or would you have condemned him, as well?


further, that this story is about a dog, does not, in any way, mean that people are more concerned about abused dogs than abused people.... that's an absurd assumption... 

READ my post DUDE I'm not defending him I said innocent till proven guilty yes he admitted to the dog being dead but it wasn't clear if the the dog died as a result of the fight with the other dog where is the video of the monk killing the dog why didn't the squealer supply proof ie video or more photos and if he strongly felt for the dog why didn't he stop the abbot from  supposedly killing the dog its a load of crap as far as I can see the dog the abbot is throwing in the water is NOT DEAD and people often throw their dogs in the sea or river to get rid of fleas seen my uncle do it loads of times and he loved his dogs. Also I'm not big into religion I think its a curse  it has caused more wars in the world than anything else so I'm not defending him because he's a monk. I'm sure you have been accused in the wrong sometime in your life did you like it. How often do you see posts with concerns about people been abused. I don't  agree with abuse of any kind let it be Human, dog, bird, insect or even machine.  

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10 hours ago, colinneil said:

Monk behaving badly, surely not monks are good decent honest men :cheesy:

Every day you see reports about monks raping/ murdering / stealing / abusing animals.

Yet people still show respect, give hard earned money to them WHY?


Because the ones the you read about are a tiny proportion of the monkhood, not the norm.

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5 minutes ago, colinneil said:

I totally disagree with you, i have yet to meet a good one.


I wouldn't expect you to agree with me because I'm being rational. 


How many monks have you met and out of all of those that you have personally met what was it that made every one of them bad?

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13 minutes ago, gdgbb said:


I wouldn't expect you to agree with me because I'm being rational. 


How many monks have you met and out of all of those that you have personally met what was it that made every one of them bad?


You think i am going to repeat myself,  sorry wont happen .

I have posted on here before about several incidents with monks over the last 20 years.

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1 hour ago, LUSHGOAT said:

This dog is not dead , its moving. The leg positions have changed, and you are all criticizing the Monk,  and insinuating he did this dastardly deed.


What happened to innocent till proven guilty?


The monk who put this up is no good anyway,  as he has no concern for his monastery, bringing it into disrepute. 


If indeed it is true, there is more than one way to skin a cat (oh sorry, I mean dog).


With people and children been abused everyday, how can people be more concerned about dogs?


This doesnt make sense to me.


Also, dogs are good swimmers. I have often thrown my dog into the water, and it comes back out and haves a shake. 


She loved it, but sadly she was killed by a bloody bus, speeding through the village where I live.


Ok then, I have taken another look at your post.... and... I took the liberty of attempting to restructure your post into understandable English... please forgive me for this assumptive transgression, especially if I got any of it wrong.


so, to start, you critise people for commenting on the fact that the monk allegedly killed a dog, insinuating that it was the dog in the picture, that people were talking about (some did, but not enough to warrant commenting so vehemently about)


however, this was not the reported case, but rather, the reported dead dog was a different dog, which was not shown. (Hopefully you now agree)


you ask were are the pictures... perhaps the whistleblower didn't have his camera (iPhone) with him at the time, but that doesn't matter, because the nasty dog beating monk, admitteded beating the dogs with a stick, and that one died and was buried. (Hopefully you now agree)


now... dogs fight all the time, but very rarely to the death... on the other hand, beating a dog with a stick, could very well lead to its death. (Hopefully you now agree)


either way, dead by dog bite, or being beaten, attacking an animal with a stick is abusive.... and not very Buddhist like (hopefully you now agree)


then... "what happened to innocent to proven guilty"... fair question.... but admitting to beating a dog, which subsequently died, is, in my book, an admission of guilt... if not of killing the dog, then at least of abusing an animal, which is contrary to Buddhist beliefs. (And again... dogs rarely kill other dogs in a street fight... especially one that are broken up by a bystander... whereas dogs do die from being beaten with a stick) so... the monk is GUILTY. (Hopefully you now agree)


then you claim that the whistle blower is the bad person in this sad saga... what?

Really... now that's just crazy.( I hope you now agree)


the whistle was blown... the nasty abusive monk admitted to being a nasty abusive monk... ergo, the whistle blower did a good deed, uncovering animal abuse within the monastery, by a person in authority.... how on earth can that be seen as a bad deed? (Hopefully you now agree)


Rather... the whistle blower needs applauding, and IMHO, the more people prepared to expose the truth of things, the better, but by critising this good man, by default, you defend the nasty abusive monk (I hope you now agree)


next you suggest people are more concerned about dogs, than people, which I found to be an absurd statement... this story is about dog abuse, not abuse of people... that was yesterday... or today, under another posting.... there are so many, it's hard to keep track, but in need, please excuse any memory deficiencies that may exist on my behalf (hopefully you now agree)


That said, those stories about abused people... (e.g... sodomised and killed school child) get far more comments, and rightly so, than this post about a dead dog.... so again... an absurd statement, and no wonder it makes no sense to you, as a non sensible statement will never make sense (hopefully you now agree)


lastly, dogs can indeed swim... good swimmers? Not so sure about that, they tire quickly and can't simply tread water to conserve energy, and if excessively hairy, that poses extra problems ( admittedly, this is not true of the pictured pooch, but still relevant to your comment about swimming abilities) (hopefully you now agree)


as to the claim of the self admitted nasty abusive monk, that he tossed the poor pooch into the water to delouse it... what? How gullible are you... ticks could give a rats ass about immersion in water... and I would think fleas would feel the same, or simply move up onto the dogs head for a party... but, in the interest of fair play... sea water contains salt, which might explain the dubious claim that tossing an animal, not naturally adapted to swim, into the sea, may rid it of fleas (hopefully you now agree)


and lastly... hopefully every reader agrees that it's a crying shame that your own dog died horribly... I certainly do... may it rest easy in doggy heaven


as to my reactions to false accusations, I bite back... but with this nasty abusive monk, he admitted beating an animal... not much defense there, I'm afraid, unless he feared that it would turn on him and give him rabies (hopefully you now agree)


oh... and kudos on your poor opinion on religions... I've got your back on that one... but... in fairness, I'm not convinced about the often made claim that religion has caused more wars than anything else... my personal belief is that tribal expansion and pishing contests are to blame.... after all, it wasn't religion that launched a thousand ships, it was a lass named Helen. (That one I care not if you concur with... but it's an interesting discussion)


again... apologies for tampering with your origional post ( see post 40 for the origional, if curious)

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13 hours ago, colinneil said:

Monk behaving badly, surely not monks are good decent honest men :cheesy:

Every day you see reports about monks raping/ murdering / stealing / abusing animals.

Yet people still show respect, give hard earned money to them WHY?

Hypocrisy in religion.... how unusual !! Thank Jeeeeeezzzuss I have Benny Hin, Pat Robertson, Scientology and the popes to rely on.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

I totally disagree with you, i have yet to meet a good one.

You are a poster child for arrogance, myopia, xenophobia, illogic, Arguments from Ignorance, bigotry and selective self-centered reasoning. Folks like you often make me embarrassed to be a farang

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4 minutes ago, johnhw said:

You are a poster child for arrogance, myopia, xenophobia, illogic, Arguments from Ignorance, bigotry and selective self-centered reasoning. Folks like you often make me embarrassed to be a farang


:passifier: :passifier:

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12 hours ago, johnhw said:

ooops forgot one of your attributes;  Gross stupidity and childish humor....and coming from a fellow grumpy old bugger, a failure to learn diddly squat in all your years:smile:.


Well i said i would not post about very bad experiences with monks, but after your stupid offensive posts i will.

It appears that you no nothing have learned nothing so you choose to insult others, grow up baby.


First bad experience near Buriram,  i was at a temple with my ex-wife, i went into the wrong door, monk sucking ladies breasts, others playing cards, drinking etc. Spoke to my ex it caused big problems for us.

Next 4 years ago when we were staying at Mai hong son, we went to a local temple, my wife had cooked food at 4.30 in the morning, wife went in the temple to give alms to the monks, i went walk about, behind the temple were 3 monks, throwing unopened bags of food donated by villagers to the temple dogs ( disgusting behavior )

Next at our home i was in the garden 2 monks stopped at our gate (11.00) in the morning asking for money, i gave them 20 baht each, 1 monk threw it on the ground demanding i gave them NUNG roi baht.

Next after my accident my wife begged me to go to a monk near Manja kiri, he could fix my broken back with herbal massage,.

To keep my wife happy i agreed to go, what a total waste of time.

To this day my wife refuses to tell me how many thousands of baht he conned out of her, but other people have told me he demands a minimum of 30.000 baht.

Next a year later another monk convinced my wife he could fix my back with Thai massage, after 3 sessions he told us my back was getting better he could feel it.

Again another lie from a monk.

My back was broken 4th, 5th vertabrae , spinal cord snapped, 4 titanium rods and 40 screws holding me together.


You have the audacity to say i know nothing about cheating corrupt lying monks.

I think i have seen, been involved enough to be able to comment.

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17 hours ago, colinneil said:

You think i am going to repeat myself,  sorry wont happen .

I have posted on here before about several incidents with monks over the last 20 years.


Yes, in order to attempt to justify your unjustifiable remark I  would expect you to repeat yourself but as you haven't it is clear that what you said was probably exaggerated and certainly vindictive.

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16 hours ago, johnhw said:

You are a poster child for arrogance, myopia, xenophobia, illogic, Arguments from Ignorance, bigotry and selective self-centered reasoning. Folks like you often make me embarrassed to be a farang

 No! sounds like he is spot on, bunch of charlatans  the lot of them

they are just men in orange frocks, at best adequate but maybe should get a real job and not be supported by others at worst well we can see!

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Well i said i would not post about very bad experiences with monks, but after your stupid offensive posts i will.

It appears that you no nothing have learned nothing so you choose to insult others, grow up baby.


First bad experience near Buriram,  i was at a temple with my ex-wife, i went into the wrong door, monk sucking ladies breasts, others playing cards, drinking etc. Spoke to my ex it caused big problems for us. 

Next 4 years ago when we were staying at Mai hong son, we went to a local temple, my wife had cooked food at 4.30 in the morning, wife went in the temple to give alms to the monks, i went walk about, behind the temple were 3 monks, throwing unopened bags of food donated by villagers to the temple dogs ( disgusting behavior )

Next at our home i was in the garden 2 monks stopped at our gate (11.00) in the morning asking for money, i gave them 20 baht each, 1 monk threw it on the ground demanding i gave them NUNG roi baht.

Next after my accident my wife begged me to go to a monk near Manja kiri, he could fix my broken back with herbal massage,.

To keep my wife happy i agreed to go, what a total waste of time.

To this day my wife refuses to tell me how many thousands of baht he conned out of her, but other people have told me he demands a minimum of 30.000 baht.

Next a year later another monk convinced my wife he could fix my back with Thai massage, after 3 sessions he told us my back was getting better he could feel it.

Again another lie from a monk. 

My back was broken 4th, 5th vertabrae , spinal cord snapped, 4 titanium rods and 40 screws holding me together.


You have the audacity to say i know nothing about cheating corrupt lying monks.

I think i have seen, been involved enough to be able to comment. 

"... at a temple with my ex-wife, i went into the wrong door, monk sucking ladies breasts, others playing cards, drinking etc. Spoke to my ex it caused big problems for us."    Is just playing cards bad?  Drinking what?  1 monk on the tit is bad, of course, but it seems so extreme for you to stumble on this den of iniquity accidentally, 'through the wrong door", that some may not believe you.


"...behind the temple were 3 monks, throwing unopened bags of food donated by villagers to the temple dogs ( disgusting behavior )" Old food, perhaps, or excess?  Some would say very compassionate behaviour and monks feeding their own temple dogs doesn't make them bad people.


"...Next at our home i was in the garden 2 monks stopped at our gate (11.00) in the morning asking for money, i gave them 20 baht each, 1 monk threw it on the ground demanding i gave them NUNG roi baht."  Real monks never ask for money, (someone as well-informed as you would know that) and they certainly would not throw a picture of the King to the ground, so that alleged demand for 100 baht can't count as real monks being bad.


"Next after my accident my wife begged me to go to a monk near Manja kiri, he could fix my broken back with herbal massage, To keep my wife happy i agreed to go, what a total waste of time."  Your letting him try doesn't make him 'bad' unless you consider the doctors who couldn't fix your back either  just as bad.  "To this day my wife refuses to tell me how many thousands of baht he conned out of her, but other people have told me he demands a minimum of 30.000 baht." So hearsay and irrelevant, then, maybe she paid nothing, if you've no idea what it cost.


"Next a year later another monk convinced my wife he could fix my back with Thai massage, after 3 sessions he told us my back was getting better he could feel it. Again another lie from a monk."  Or, rather, another unsuccessful attempt that you allowed him to try, 3 times, but not behaviour that makes him 'bad'.


So, to recap, you are illogically generalising.  You have, allegedly, seen one monk sucking a woman's breast (very strange that he didn't stop the moment the unlocked door unexpectedly opened).  None of what you had the audacity to describe as cheating, corruption, or lies really carries much weight. When you were at the temples on the numerous occasions that you have attended did you not see the scores of other monks just being monks and doing nothing bad at all or did you prefer to blinker yourself against their good behaviour?

Edited by gdgbb
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