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US Election 2016: Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


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US Election 2016: Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


NEW YORK: -- Two women have told the New York Times that Donald Trump touched them inappropriately, but the Republican candidate's campaign denies the report.


One woman said the White House hopeful grabbed her breasts and attempted to put his hand up her skirt on a flight three decades ago.


The second woman said Mr Trump kissed her on the mouth against her will at Trump Towers in 2005.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37639839

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-10-13
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2 women tell paper Trump touched them inappropriately


WASHINGTON (AP) — Two women tell The New York Times that Donald Trump touched them inappropriately — groping a woman in one instance and kissing a woman in another — during separate encounters that took place as long as three decades ago, the newspaper reported Wednesday.


Trump told the Times there was no truth to either of the claims. In a statement, Trump's campaign spokesman, Jason Miller, said "the entire article is fiction" and accused the newspaper of launching "a completely false, coordinated character assassination."


Another newspaper, The Palm Beach Post in Florida, reported Wednesday night that a woman said Trump groped her at his Mar-a-Lago estate 13 years ago. Trump's campaign said her allegation "lacks any merit or veracity."


The women's stories come less than a week after the publication of a 2005 recording in which the Republican nominee boasted of groping women. Trump apologized for his comments, but also dismissed them as "locker room talk" and a distraction from the campaign.


Both women who spoke to the Times said they were coming forward with their stories because of the recording and Trump's response to questions about it at Sunday's presidential debate. The New York businessman said then he had never done the things he bragged about on the recording.


Jessica Leeds, 74, of New York, said she sat beside Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York more than three decades ago. After less than an hour in the air, he lifted the armrest separating them and began to touch her, she said, and grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.


"It was an assault," Leeds told the newspaper. She said she fled to the back of the plane and sat in the coach section.


A second woman, Rachel Crooks of Ohio, told the newspaper she met Trump as a 22-year-old in 2005 — the same year he was recorded bragging in vulgar terms about grabbing women's genitals.


Crooks said she was a receptionist for a real estate investment and development company located at Trump Tower and met Trump outside an elevator in the building one morning. She introduced herself to the celebrity businessman, she said.


They shook hands but Trump would not let go, Crooks said, and he began kissing her cheeks and then kissed her on the mouth. "It was so inappropriate," she told the newspaper. "I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that."


Crooks said she recounted the incident that day to her sister by phone and to her boyfriend that night, both of whom spoke to the Times. In the case of Leeds, the Times reported it had interviewed four people who said she had told them more recently of her encounter with Trump.


Leeds said she did not complain to the airline at the time because such unwanted advances were common for businesswomen in the 1970s and early 1980s, the newspaper reported. She said she encountered Trump at a charity event a few years later and said he had seemed to remember her and insulted her with a crude remark.


Both women told the paper they support Hillary Clinton's campaign for president. In a statement, Miller rejected the women's accounts as "fiction."


"It is absurd to think that one of the most recognizable business leaders on the planet with a strong record of empowering women in his companies would do the things alleged in this story, and for this to only become public decades later in the final month of a campaign for president should say it all," Miller said.


The Palm Beach Post reported that Mindy McGillivray, 36, of Palm Springs, Florida, did not report to authorities her 2003 encounter with Trump at the time but had shared the story with close friends and family. A man who had accompanied her to Mar-a-Lago that day, Ken Davidoff, told the newspaper he vividly remembers McGillivray telling him Trump had groped her.


Davidoff said he had brought McGillivray with him when he joined his father to shoot pictures during a concert by singer Ray Charles on Jan. 24, 2003. After the show, as people were saying goodbye to Charles, McGillivray felt "a pretty good nudge, more of a grab" close to the center of her bottom, she told the newspaper.


"I turn around and there's Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I'm stunned," she said.


McGillivray said she considered making a scene at the time but decided "to stay quiet." Trump's remarks at the second debate in which he denied groping women changed her mind, she said.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-13
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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Who is surprised? Would you let your daughter, wife, sister .....get within 4 feet of that man?  I wouldn't



Can we see some proof of this sexual assault? 

Up to this point is all we have is hours and hours of soundbites from 24 hour news networks showing video of allegations with not one shred of proof.

If there is proof, the man needs to be charged and stand trial.

But of course to you and many others,  24 hour news networks playing these soundbites is proof.


Not sure what country you come from, but in America there is something called the Constitution, and within that constitution there is a thing called the Bill Of Rights. They are the fist 12 amendments in this Constitution.

You should read it.

No where in these amendments says a 24 hour news network is a judge and jury. Not even  the first amendment.


Edited by dcutman
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Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately


The New York Times


NEW YORK: -- Donald J. Trump was emphatic in the second presidential debate: Yes, he had boasted about kissing women without permission and grabbing their genitals. But he had never actually done those things, he said.


“No,” he declared under questioning on Sunday evening, “I have not.”


At that moment, sitting at home in Manhattan, Jessica Leeds, 74, felt he was lying to her face. “I wanted to punch the screen,” she said in an interview in her apartment.


More than three decades ago, when she was a traveling businesswoman at a paper company, Ms. Leeds said, she sat beside Mr. Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. They had never met before.


Full story: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/13/us/politics/donald-trump-women.html


-- The New York Times 2016-10-13

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20 minutes ago, Strange said:

Impeccable timing for these women to reveal themselves. 


When a major incident (Pussygate) is shown on all the media, it's human nature for others who have experienced the same thing to have their synapses jangled and think of similar things that happened to them also.  For example, if a beheading hits news headlines, anyone who has had a loved one beheaded will likely get their memories jangled by the news.


Also: All the smut that's coming out on Trump now, is not all the smut there is on the smutty man. Who is so naive to think that, if he were elected prez, that the smutstorm would abate in the ensuing months/years?  Just because someone is a president-elect or an actual president, doesn't mean that incriminating videos and testimonials won't continue to surface.  From my view; anyone who is still a Trump supporter after this, must be a secret America-hater.  



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23 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Can we see some proof of this sexual assault? 

Up to this point is all we have is hours and hours of soundbites from 24 hour news networks showing video of allegations with not one shred of proof.

If there is proof, the man needs to be charged and stand trial.

But of course to you and many others,  24 hour news networks playing these soundbites is proof.

Not sure what country you come from, but in America there is something called the Constitution, and within that constitution there is a thing called the Bill Of Rights. They are the fist 12 amendments in this Constitution.

You should read it.

No where in these amendments says a 24 hour news network is a judge and jury. Not even  the first amendment.


Some of the smut escapades of The Divider are on video.  Others are peoples' first hand accounts.  You can choose to discount either or both.  I tend to believe accusations against Trump, because he's got such a thick reputation of being a sexual predator.  This isn't a court of law.  Incidentally, some of Trumps' sexual assaults will come to a court of law, if Trump's high paid lawyers can't continue to keep it out.  Namely: the alleged rape of a 13 year old which he (allegedly) accompanied with hits from his hands and threats to harm her family if she told anyone.  There is another 13 year old (with a Latina name) who disappeared at that time, when Trump and his convicted-pedophile buddies were luring little girls up to their penthouse parties and allegedly drugging and raping them. There are witnesses also.  It makes Cosby's transgressions look tame in comparison.  

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Who is surprised? Would you let your daughter, wife, sister .....get within 4 feet of that man?  I wouldn't

Bill Clinton neither, but one of them will be in the Whitehouse

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


There isn't any and women will be coming out from the woodwork with such claims. No way to know who is lying and who is telling the truth.


Yep, and its naive to believe that there is not more going on in the background as well but people will run with it regardless. Whatever they can do to deflect from their own shortcomings (Corruption, lying, misleading, adultery...)




But hey, what difference at this point does it make?

Edited by Strange
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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

There isn't any and women will be coming out from the woodwork with such claims. No way to know who is lying and who is telling the truth.


There is quite a bit of details in each of the women's stories about being sexually predated upon by Trump.  Surely, at least some of it can be substantiated, if you want.  Of course, no amount of proof will satisfy a Trump fan, as they will always say it's a political smear.  


It's almost funny: Trump fans take the 180 degree opposite attitude toward Trump's transgressions as they took toward Bill Clinton's transgressions.  


Also: what's in it for the women.  It's no fun for them to speak up in the spotlight about being groped.  And, there are the numbers.  Who else, besides Cosby, is getting a bevy of women stepping up to speak about these sordid things?  There will be more.   Crank up your excuse/diversion machinations, Trump fans, .....you're gonna need a lot of them.



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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


It's almost funny: Trump fans take the 180 degree opposite attitude toward Trump's transgressions as they took toward Bill Clinton's transgressions.  


 Much more evidence about Bill's crimes, including lying about it under oath.

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14 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


There isn't any and women will be coming out from the woodwork with such claims. No way to know who is lying and who is telling the truth.


You're right, there will be many, many more women coming out of the woodwork.  I'm sure Trump has been a busy little bee...throughout his sordid life.  The Trump people will be busy denying it all and threatening lawsuits.  But it'll keep coming.  How about those teenage beauty contestants who said Trump just walked in on them when they were undressing?  Donald, Donald, Donald.  Once a sexual predator.....  

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Much more evidence about Bill's crimes, including lying about it under oath.


Perhaps because Ken Starr got millions of dollars to investigate an incident which took a few minutes.  Bill's transgression with Monica was consensual.  Trump's many transgressions were forced upon women.   Bill is generally a gentleman who stayed married and didn't trash-speak about women - and he certainly never called himself 'a bitch' in the sense of repeated unwarranted sexual predations upon married women.


In case you didn't notice; Bill's wife is running for prez, not Bill.   If you want to also drag Cosby or Ailes into the discussion, you can, but it's not to the point.


Americans are having to decide what sort of person they want in the top power seat.  That person who will also be Commander in Chief and will be meeting many diplomats and their daughters/wives/assistants over the next four years.  Imagine a foreign diplomat invited to visit the US, with a meeting with the prez.  Now imagine if that diplomat (ambassador, PM, President, FM, etc) had to decide whether to bring his pretty wife or daughter.   He might do so, but it's doubtful he'd let his wife or daughter out of his sight, if the Trumpster were anywhere nearby. 



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11 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Much more evidence about Bill's crimes, including lying about it under oath.


You've proven you've lost the argument when you can't address the OP but continue to point your aggression/accusations toward the spouse of one of the candidates.


The OP is about Trump and how there are now additional women speaking out about how he groped them.  

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:


You've proven you've lost the argument when you can't address the OP but continue to point your aggression/accusations toward the spouse of one of the candidates.


The OP is about Trump and how there are now additional women speaking out about how he groped them.  


That boat sailed a long time ago my friend.

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Just now, Strange said:





Impeccable timing for these women to reveal themselves. 


"BBC"? What is that supposed to mean?


I'm sure no one else carried the story... :whistling: 


And to your second point:


Welcome to the Big Leagues (again and again) for the Clown, the Amateur, the Crass, the Ignorant Bloviator.


This Buffoon will never sit in the Oval Office.

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1 minute ago, iReason said:

"BBC"? What is that supposed to mean?


I'm sure no one else carried the story... :whistling: 


And to your second point:


Welcome to the Big Leagues (again and again) for the Clown, the Amateur, the Crass, the Ignorant Bloviator.


This Buffoon will never sit in the Oval Office.


Welcome to the Big Leagues? So its about how well you cover up and lie or who is better at slandering the other? 


I mean I get it, you don't like trump, your liberal/ultra progressive values cause you to fight tooth and nail (regardless of logic nor the good of americans) for what you believe in, but at least TRY to stay objective. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Some of the smut escapades of The Divider are on video.  Others are peoples' first hand accounts.  You can choose to discount either or both.  I tend to believe accusations against Trump, because he's got such a thick reputation of being a sexual predator.  This isn't a court of law.  Incidentally, some of Trumps' sexual assaults will come to a court of law, if Trump's high paid lawyers can't continue to keep it out.  Namely: the alleged rape of a 13 year old which he (allegedly) accompanied with hits from his hands and threats to harm her family if she told anyone.  There is another 13 year old (with a Latina name) who disappeared at that time, when Trump and his convicted-pedophile buddies were luring little girls up to their penthouse parties and allegedly drugging and raping them. There are witnesses also.  It makes Cosby's transgressions look tame in comparison.  

Anybody that harms or abuses children should be in jail, including Trump if found guilty. However the only real proof to this day to the story you are talking about is that Bill Clinton and  Prince Andrew are linked to this disgusting pedophile ring with Jeffry Epstein. 

There are 26 flight records showing Clinton being on Epstein's Lolita express and going to his so called orgy island.

Again if Trump is linked he should certainly go to Jail with Bill and the rest of these disgusting people.


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How about this one:


[In an “Entertainment Tonight” Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of young girls and said he would be dating one of them in ten years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.]





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3 minutes ago, iReason said:




You seem to have a tendency for ending up in the wrong forum with your topical replies...


How convenient for you right? Shielded from logic and facts you can do and say as you wish without logical rebuttal from opposing views. 


Liberalism - tolerance - hypocrisy 

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