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German bomb plot suspect kills self in Saxony prison cell 


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German bomb plot suspect kills self in Saxony prison cell 
DAVID RISING, Associated Press


BERLIN (AP) — A 22-year-old Syrian man arrested in Germany for a suspected Islamic extremist bomb plot killed himself Wednesday in a prison cell in Leipzig, Saxony's state Justice Ministry said late Wednesday.


Justice Ministry spokesman Joerg Herold told The Associated Press that Jaber Albakr killed himself sometime in the evening, but that the incident was still being investigated.


The development was sure to add to pressure on Saxony state authorities, who already had been criticized for allowing Albakr to slip through their fingers as they prepared to raid an apartment where he had been staying in the city of Chemnitz on Saturday.


Albakr, who had been under surveillance by German domestic intelligence since last month, was observed exiting the apartment building and authorities fired a warning shot. He nevertheless was able to elude police on the scene and flee the city. Inside the apartment they found highly volatile explosives and a home-made bomb vest.


Albakr, who had been granted asylum after coming to Germany last year, was finally arrested Monday in the city Leipzig after three fellow Syrians tied him up and alerted police.


Earlier Wednesday, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that Albakr had undergone a security check last year, but it did not turn up anything suspicious.


"There was a check against security authorities' data in 2015, but without any hits," he said. "It's not clear when he was radicalized."


German authorities have said they believe he had links to the Islamic State group and was thought to be planning to attack a Berlin airport, possibly as soon as this week.


German media have reported that after his initial arrival, Albakr later returned to Syria through Turkey and then came back to Germany. De Maiziere said that was part of the investigation and would not comment.


Federal prosecutors also refused comment.


The three Syrians who captured the suspect have already been granted asylum, de Maiziere said in response to calls for their applications to be fast-tracked due to their heroism.


He said, however, that their "behavior deserves praise and recognition."

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-13
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Shot while trying to escape used to be common in darker times in Germany but this looks especially inept: under 24 hour surveillance and still manages to suicide. Whatever useful information he might have shared about networks/cells is gone.


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3 hours ago, DM07 said:

Reading all of your comments, I get less and less surprised, about a baboon like D. Trump, still in the race for US- president!

"Using brain" seems a bit out of fashion lately!

@#$% the information, we could have gotten out of that guy!

Another "muzzy" dead- let's celebrate!

Amazing stuff!:bah:


Yep, I really won't loose any sleep, pity there were not more of them with him 

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

Why would anyone need to feel sympathy for a would-be suicide bomber who killed himself, with the added benefit of not killing anybody else?


Because the  cornerstone of western civilization, the  group of beliefs  commonly referred to as the Judeo Christian ethic teaches us to show compassion, restraint and maturity. If we are the view that all life is important, we must not celebrate  when the lives of others are  lost, even when they are our those of our enemy or  people who seek to do us harm.

Remember the teaching of Jesus, about turning the other cheek? This does not mean that we stand aside  and allow people to harm us, but instead means that we do not bathe in the  blood of those we defeat. The people who cover themselves in blood, and who dance  when terrorist bombs explode, or hijacked airplanes crash   are not graced by the Judeo Christian philosophy.  That being said, I am allowed to hoist a cold beer accompanied  by a ham sandwich as  I say to the deceased, job well done.

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On 10/13/2016 at 8:49 AM, SgtRock said:

The sacrificial lamb ensures that he will not spill any beans.


Anyway, well done for saving hard working taxpayers a fortune.


Now we have



Authorities in Germany reportedly believe Jaber al-Bakr, the suspected Isil bomber who committed suicide in prison last week, may have been part of a larger jihadist cell.




One day you will get it into your heads that none of these Jihadi's are working alone.

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