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First and second attempt 90 day reort KORAT IMMIGRATION

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Hi All,

First attempt i was told money in bank was a few days short and that when we return next time to have letter from bank confirming the balance., told to do border run, then the wife was told that we should have reported in to KORAT immigration the same day we landed from the UK to register where the ALIEN is living, we were fined 800 baht. I protested saying how on earth is that possible and how would we have known that, officer said `it`s the law`.

Second attempt, reported with letter from bank and showed pass book, officer says not correct, i say look at letter, he says the dates aren`t the same day, the bank letter date has to be the same date as the last entry in passbook. If you request a confirmation letter from bank , they type it one day and the next day you collect it, then you go to immigration same day, but the dates can never be the same !


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That is simply outrageous, it's the worst blatant attempt by far that I've ever read on the subject of extortion by immi. Sorry that I can't help but no doubt Ubonjoe will be along in a moment to advise, I just wanted to offer some support for a dire set of circumstances.

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This whole thread seems to be a mess. Are you sure what you are talking about really. 90 days report and you start to show money in the bank and supporting letter.


You are way off, yes lets Joe bring this thing ashore until it is too late

I think that you were trying to do a extension of stay??



Edited by glegolo
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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

I am confused.

No financial proof is needed to do a 90 day report unless you are actually trying to extend a 90 day entry from a non-o visa for one year.

I arrived 4 months ago with 12 month multi o retirement visa.

Just before the first 90 days i went to immigration.

What happened is as my first posting.

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1 minute ago, STARGASA said:

I arrived 4 months ago with 12 month multi o retirement visa.

Just before the first 90 days i went to immigration.

What happened is as my first posting.


What were you trying to achieve/obtain.?

Your visa requires that you leave the country every 90 days. 90 day reports to immigration are not required.  

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2 minutes ago, STARGASA said:

I arrived 4 months ago with 12 month multi o retirement visa.

Just before the first 90 days i went to immigration.

What happened is as my first posting.

If you have a multiple entry non-o visa you are only allowed a entry of 90 days. If you you did not leave and re-enter the country for a new entry you are now on an overstay.

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2 minutes ago, Fithman said:


What were you trying to achieve/obtain.?

Your visa requires that you leave the country every 90 days. 90 day reports to immigration are not required.  

Ok,  so why do others do 90 day reports ?

I was advised when i obtained my 12 mth visa that just before the first 90 days you have to report to immigration.

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If you have a multiple entry Non "O" visa you MUST leave the country every 90 days and return to be granted another 90 day stay.


As UJ observed if you have not left the country since you arrived you are now on overstay. 


As overstay attracts a fine of 500 Bht  day you should leave as soon as possible. The fine will be payable at the border or airport.





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multi entry non immigrant ' O' visa gives 90 day permission to stay stamp. so no 90 day report required, but a border crossing and reentry for a fresh 90 days is required.


multi entry non immigrant 'O' A'  ( please note the additional A, only issued by embassy in home country) gives a one year permission to stay stamp , and requires a report every 90 days


Op what do you have

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I looked at his previous posts, it seems like he and the Mrs. came here from UK to live long term/retire.  Talk of buying a car and adopting a child, etc., he's touched based with UbonJoe as late as August this year.


I think he means to apply for an extension of stay based on retirement or marriage, but got his wires crossed.  Hence the money in the bank, which ended up not seasoned long enough, along with the common gaff with bank letter and bank book dates. 


So right, OP.... what is your intention? 

Edited by 55Jay
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7 hours ago, 55Jay said:

I looked at his previous posts, it seems like he and the Mrs. came here from UK to live long term/retire.  Talk of buying a car and adopting a child, etc., he's touched based with UbonJoe as late as August this year.


I think he means to apply for an extension of stay based on retirement or marriage, but got his wires crossed.  Hence the money in the bank, which ended up not seasoned long enough, along with the common gaff with bank letter and bank book dates. 


So right, OP.... what is your intention? 

Hi 55 Jay,

Thanks for helping.

There`s no panic on overstay as i did what imm asked and did border run {lucky its only 2 hrs down the road),  so now i understand the difference between single and multi entry, this isn`t explained clearly on any embassy website, i thought the multi entry would be better.

So,  when i visited the imm office they misunderstood thinking i wanted to change the visa , whereas i thought you had to report to imm before the first 90 days ran out. I suppose if i had a single entry visa i would have to report ?

My intentions are to stay here as i am retired and have family here.

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if you had a single entry non 'o' and then extended, that application as it is the first one, would count as a 90 day report. yourn90 day reports would then start and continue, only trips out the country would break that cycle.

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Stargasa, it seems that you do not get it enough yet. You like to stay,, you are retired,,, so why not just simply when the upcoming period of stay is close to end (1 month ahead is OK), and then apply for an extension of stay based of retirement.... And then you never have to go out of the country to get new days...

Ask U joe about the demands and try to get out of this shit with living on a VISA here....


And your question about single entry VISA... leaving the country it has nothing special in coming with a 90 days report, they are two completely different things.... When leaving on your VISA you get a new period/permission to stay....


90 days report is acually a kind of confirmation of address in Thailand, which shall be done in Thailand if you are here on extensions, (which I suggest) and also if you have a Non Immigrant O-A VISA.


Good luck


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11 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Stargasa, it seems that you do not get it enough yet. You like to stay,, you are retired,,, so why not just simply when the upcoming period of stay is close to end (1 month ahead is OK), and then apply for an extension of stay based of retirement.... And then you never have to go out of the country to get new days...

Ask U joe about the demands and try to get out of this shit with living on a VISA here....


And your question about single entry VISA... leaving the country it has nothing special in coming with a 90 days report, they are two completely different things.... When leaving on your VISA you get a new period/permission to stay....


90 days report is acually a kind of confirmation of address in Thailand, which shall be done in Thailand if you are here on extensions, (which I suggest) and also if you have a Non Immigrant O-A VISA.


Good luck



Nope, you get a new permission to stay when you ENTER the country.

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13 hours ago, chiang mai said:

That is simply outrageous, it's the worst blatant attempt by far that I've ever read on the subject of extortion by immi. Sorry that I can't help but no doubt Ubonjoe will be along in a moment to advise, I just wanted to offer some support for a dire set of circumstances.


Where in the OP's post do you see him mention money/tea money/money under the table/extortion ?

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12 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


Where in the OP's post do you see him mention money/tea money/money under the table/extortion ?

"was told that we should have reported in to KORAT immigration the same day we landed from the UK to register where the ALIEN is living, we were fined 800 baht"

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3 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

"was told that we should have reported in to KORAT immigration the same day we landed from the UK to register where the ALIEN is living, we were fined 800 baht"


The house possessor did not comply with the law, how is the fine for that extortion ?

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2 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


The house possessor did not comply with the law, how is the fine for that extortion ?


There is no requirement for the OP to report on the same day hence the fine was not really a fine.


And if you look at the exchange that follows where he's told the bank letter must be the dated the same day as the last entry in the passbook, that also is untrue and seems to be leading to yet another fine, payment.

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7 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


There is no requirement for the OP to report on the same day hence the fine was not really a fine.



Had the same issue arise while assisting an expat at Immigration last week, filing a TM28 and TM30.

They tried to fine him 1,600 for not reporting the day he arrived.

I pointed out he arrived on a bus at 7pm the following evening and the law states 24 hours, not the same day.


They admitted I was correct, so dropped the fine.

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6 hours ago, STARGASA said:

Hi 55 Jay,

Thanks for helping.

There`s no panic on overstay as i did what imm asked and did border run {lucky its only 2 hrs down the road),  so now i understand the difference between single and multi entry, this isn`t explained clearly on any embassy website, i thought the multi entry would be better.

So,  when i visited the imm office they misunderstood thinking i wanted to change the visa , whereas i thought you had to report to imm before the first 90 days ran out. I suppose if i had a single entry visa i would have to report ?

My intentions are to stay here as i am retired and have family here.


Do yourself a favor, for the moment, put the term "90 day report" out of your mind.  You seem to be confusing yourself needlessly with that. 


Your next milestone is, about 30 days before your new, current 90 day permission to stay expires, submit your request at Korat Immigration to extend your stay in Thailand for 1 year, based on "retirement".   You can ask the guys here on ThaiVisa for the requirements or visit Korat Immigration in advance and pick up the documents "check list" from them. 


I presume the money you've already deposited in your Thai bank account to satisfy the funds requirement for "retirement", is still there.   Leave it alone, it will be well and properly "seasoned" when you submit your 1 year extension request.


With regard to the bank letter problem you had, get a new letter on the day you plan to submit the extension request at Immigration.  While you are at the bank, also make a small transaction (deposit 50 Baht for example) and have it logged in the relevant account passbook.  That will synchronize the last entry date in your passbook, with the date on the bank letter. 


Meet all the requirements, be organized, display a positive attitude at Immigration.  If you run into a hiccup, don't get too frustrated/angry.   Stay cool, deal with it, and you'll be fine.   Good luck.

Edited by 55Jay
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41 minutes ago, 55Jay said:


Do yourself a favor, for the moment, put the term "90 day report" out of your mind.  You seem to be confusing yourself needlessly with that. 


Your next milestone is, about 30 days before your new, current 90 day permission to stay expires, submit your request at Korat Immigration to extend your stay in Thailand for 1 year, based on "retirement".   You can ask the guys here on ThaiVisa for the requirements or visit Korat Immigration in advance and pick up the documents "check list" from them. 


I presume the money you've already deposited in your Thai bank account to satisfy the funds requirement for "retirement", is still there.   Leave it alone, it will be well and properly "seasoned" when you submit your 1 year extension request.


With regard to the bank letter problem you had, get a new letter on the day you plan to submit the extension request at Immigration.  While you are at the bank, also make a small transaction (deposit 50 Baht for example) and have it logged in the relevant account passbook.  That will synchronize the last entry date in your passbook, with the date on the bank letter. 


Meet all the requirements, be organized, display a positive attitude at Immigration.  If you run into a hiccup, don't get too frustrated/angry.   Stay cool, deal with it, and you'll be fine.   Good luck.

Well luck is what you need at Korat Imm at the moment as they dont seem to be helpful, on the last two visits they immediately start talking thai to the wife like i am not there . After being confused by wife`s explanation i ask if anyone speaks english as it is an imm office and i get the look as if i truly am an alien.

Also i forgot to mention that when they told me to return to bank and syncronise dates with bank letter then return to imm office if i leave Thailand and return i have to immediately return to imm office and report where i have been,     every time.

Thanks for your very clear and helpful advice.

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1 hour ago, STARGASA said:

Well luck is what you need at Korat Imm at the moment as they dont seem to be helpful, on the last two visits they immediately start talking thai to the wife like i am not there . After being confused by wife`s explanation i ask if anyone speaks english as it is an imm office and i get the look as if i truly am an alien.

Also i forgot to mention that when they told me to return to bank and syncronise dates with bank letter then return to imm office if i leave Thailand and return i have to immediately return to imm office and report where i have been,     every time.

Thanks for your very clear and helpful advice.

Pardon if I'm making an incorrect assumption but when I read your posts last night, and again just now about the kind of treatment you're getting at a mostly "friendly" Korat Immigration,  I get the impression you may not have put your best foot forward during your visit there?


If my assumption is correct, may I suggest you make an genuine effort to reverse the impression you may have left? 


At your next visit, explain to the same officer (in you can) that your behavior was due to your  inexperience and lack of knowledge and confusion, and apologize for conducting yourself impolitely.   Don't lay it on too thick, you don't need to grovel.  Your wife, speaking Thai, will be very helpful and if the officer is receptive to the offered genuineness, it will pay you dividends for years to come and your wife will be very relieved by the release of underlying tension.


If I'm way off the mark and talking out my arse, please disregard.  :smile:

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On 10/14/2016 at 2:27 PM, STARGASA said:

... on the last two visits they immediately start talking thai to the wife like i am not there . After being confused by wife`s explanation i ask if anyone speaks english as it is an imm office and i get the look as if i truly am an alien. ...


This is "normal" - everywhere - at banks, Imm Offices, etc.  Yes, it can be frustrating, confusing - but you need to know this is "just how it's gonna be" in many situations.


You can try to work out all the details with your Thai wife in advance, and make sure she has a good command of the relevant terminology.  If her English simply won't make the cut, you should bring a translator - maybe a friend of hers whose English you have tested and found to be competent for the job.  An agent solves all this, but that is expensive.


Last advice, do your very best acting job that you are not frustrated - and definitely not angry - anywhere, anytime, in Thailand - especially not in the presence of govt officials.  I would repeat what 55jay said above, on that front.  There is no rule, here, that says they must accommodate you even if you tick them off, as exists, to some extent, in Western countries. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/15/2016 at 3:05 PM, JackThompson said:


This is "normal" - everywhere - at banks, Imm Offices, etc.  Yes, it can be frustrating, confusing - but you need to know this is "just how it's gonna be" in many situations.


You can try to work out all the details with your Thai wife in advance, and make sure she has a good command of the relevant terminology.  If her English simply won't make the cut, you should bring a translator - maybe a friend of hers whose English you have tested and found to be competent for the job.  An agent solves all this, but that is expensive.


Last advice, do your very best acting job that you are not frustrated - and definitely not angry - anywhere, anytime, in Thailand - especially not in the presence of govt officials.  I would repeat what 55jay said above, on that front.  There is no rule, here, that says they must accommodate you even if you tick them off, as exists, to some extent, in Western countries. 

Just to let you know that i now have my 12 month extension obtained at korat imm.

They have extra staff to advise and check documentation, and i have learned about the essential re entry stamp.

Thanks to everyone who advised me.

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