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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't recall that Perot was INSANE. trump if he didn't have money would be in a padded room. 


That's exactly my point.  Perot wasn't insane.  But by the time of the election. he looked like a paranoid lunatic regarding the safety of his family.


If they can do that to an intelligent,  grounded, ethical guy like Perot, I have no doubt that they're doing it to Trump.


Edit:  To remind, Perot was the CEO that hired a team to successfully rescue his employees from Iran during the hostage crisis.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:







We recall in the second debate Trump and HRC didn't shake hands. Trump's statement was that they entered the stage and stopped too far apart for him to have extended his (bacteria infested) hand. They did shake hands at the conclusion of the debate. Couldn't escape it. 



If you don't know why they didn't ( mutually ) shake hands at the start you know less about human nature than you think. I'm amazed they shook hands at the end.


Edited by thaibeachlovers
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6 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Unfortunately The Donald's has pisspoor record in lawsuits that actually get to court, his success in this regard is in the threats against less lawyered-up/capitalled-up parties.

This time it's personal. To save his family's reputation Trump has to destroy them in public. IMO he won't settle, unless it includes an admission of lying.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This time it's personal. To save his family's reputation Trump has to destroy them in public. IMO he won't settle, unless it includes an admission of lying.

Well if he will not settle he will lose. If he goes to court every single bit of his sleazy life is going to be able to be brought up in public and I imagine each woman will ask the other 10 to testify. The evidence in court along with Trumps own admissions of what he 'does' and the videos would see him crash and burn in every court case.


He has damaged his brand and reputation more than could have been imagined. He will go broke after this little adventure.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:



Donald Trump Is a Germaphobe

We recall in the second debate Trump and HRC didn't shake hands. Trump's statement was that they entered the stage and stopped too far apart for him to have extended his (bacteria infested) hand. They did shake hands at the conclusion of the debate. Couldn't escape it. 


The second debate took place after the release of the pussygate tape. I suspect it was Hillary that didn't want to shake *his* hand because she knew where that hand had been!



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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

This time it's personal. To save his family's reputation Trump has to destroy them in public. IMO he won't settle, unless it includes an admission of lying.

Kind of my point too... The Donald, for all his self-claimed billions, won't be able to even come close to getting a lawsuit filed, much less 'destroy her' re this once the HRC machine hold the whitehouse coupled with the legal and financial backing of the DNC and her deep pocketed donors. He cannot win this battle.

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11 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes I am, but what has that got to do with it. For two years at least, I flew two flights a week


In the womans case, for a sales rep traveling back and forth all over at a time on domestic flights when 'first' would just have been better food and a flexible ticket (needed for a sales work schedule)


 The women coming out now are doing so at considerable risk to themselves. They can see Trump lashing back at them


Trump wants us to attack Hillary because she attacked the accusers of her husband, calling them bimbo's and threatening them, yet here we have Trump HIMSELF as the accused and HE is attacking the accusers calling them fat, ugly and threatening to sue and destroy them.

Quote edited for brevity


Nothing to do with Trump. Just wondering about your memory.


How many sales reps travel first class? Must have been a very high flyer.


Better believe that Trump is going to get them, in court.


I never heard him call any of them fat. You must be getting confused with what he said about that awful O'Donnell woman.

I would think it was a promise, not a threat, to sue them. They'd better have some real evidence to back up their tales of woe, or they are done, big time.


However, if Trump can't come up with his "evidence", the fat lady really has sung.

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America truly is a great country. It is a country where, truly, anyone can become president. The positive example of this is Obama—half black son of a single mother and Muslim* father with the middle name of "Hussain" and a first name that sounds suspiciously like "Osama" and who doesn't come from an elite background. The negative example is Trump, the very embodiment of white male privilege, a no-nothing racist blowhard a-hole bafoon with a history of misogyny and objectification of women. He may not become president, but he's come close enough.


I suppose the former could not be possible without also exposing the world to the risk of the latter. It is a scary, but exhilarating thought.


*I only mention his father's religion because 2008 was just 7 years from 9/11 and we were in the midst of a war waged between a self-professed representative of Islam and a US leader proudly wearing the mantle of Christiandom, and because America is a Religious—overwhelmingly majority Christian religious—country.

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5 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Kind of my point too... The Donald, for all his self-claimed billions, won't be able to even come close to getting a lawsuit filed, much less 'destroy her' re this once the HRC machine hold the whitehouse coupled with the legal and financial backing of the DNC and her deep pocketed donors. He cannot win this battle.

I don't know US law, but I reckon the W H getting involved in a civil case would be illegal.

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8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well if he will not settle he will lose. If he goes to court every single bit of his sleazy life is going to be able to be brought up in public and I imagine each woman will ask the other 10 to testify. The evidence in court along with Trumps own admissions of what he 'does' and the videos would see him crash and burn in every court case.


He has damaged his brand and reputation more than could have been imagined. He will go broke after this little adventure.

You really are dreaming. He might take all his money and go to another country, but he won't go broke.


HRC will be tainted for her entire term as POTUS, as will Bill and Obama's reputations, while Trump will be living the dream that only money can buy.


Trump has least to lose in the race to the bottom.

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35 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


What I do know though, is if Trump can't come up with the promised proof that they are lying before the election he is toast, because Pence would no doubt denounce him personally, given that he has committed to the Trump version in public. I just hope he saw the evidence himself, and didn't just trust Donald's word.


I'm just speculating here, but it could be that Pence could just be manufacturing his own get outta Dodge ticket by going high profile on this proof thing. It's hard to prove  a negative. When the proof doesn't materialise, he'll have the reason he needs to distance himself from his own running mate. If so, the bizarreness of this election just keeps cranking up.



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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't know US law, but I reckon the W H getting involved in a civil case would be illegal.

Of course the WH won't be involved officially, but it sure can exert influence on DAs and judges and other actors in the case(s). If you think The Donald's legal team can lean hard on regular citizens imagine the weight of the WH, the DNC, and her donors leaning on him...

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The whole and only reason the Dems are pushing this woman thing, where a lot of women make unprovable claims, is to divert attention from all the very damaging stuff on WikiLeaks that is being released.

They also know that there is no time for Trump to prove otherwise before the election.


I'm sure Trump will retaliate against them after the election though, and they will be sorry as he destroys them in court.


THERE IS NO DAMAGING WIKILEAKS "STUFF". Assange pimped everyone on crazy Alex Jones' middle of the night show 10 days ago. Assange had nothing and made fun of the wingnuts. THERE IS NOTHING THERE. Jeesh. Make up some new crap. 


8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You really are dreaming. He might take all his money and go to another country, but he won't go broke.


HRC will be tainted for her entire term as POTUS, as will Bill and Obama's reputations, while Trump will be living the dream that only money can buy.


Trump has least to lose in the race to the bottom.


HRC will be tainted from what? What are you talking about? As will Obama and Bill's reputation??? Anybody? 


You've got nothing and so you're cheering on Trump's race to the bottom now? 


The best part of "Trump's race to the bottom" is he's taking the aimless Republican party with him. The GOP is dying  dead. 


So many great things are going to come out of this election. Election day will be a wonderful, joyous occasion. New Supreme Court majority. New Senate majority. New Congressional majority. The first woman elected President of the United States. And the Republican base, that nominated the worst candidate in history, banished to the netherworld of wingnuttia for good. Oh so good. :clap2:









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54 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity


Nothing to do with Trump. Just wondering about your memory.


How many sales reps travel first class? Must have been a very high flyer.


Better believe that Trump is going to get them, in court.


I never heard him call any of them fat. You must be getting confused with what he said about that awful O'Donnell woman.

I would think it was a promise, not a threat, to sue them. They'd better have some real evidence to back up their tales of woe, or they are done, big time.


However, if Trump can't come up with his "evidence", the fat lady really has sung.


47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You really are dreaming. He might take all his money and go to another country, but he won't go broke.


HRC will be tainted for her entire term as POTUS, as will Bill and Obama's reputations, while Trump will be living the dream that only money can buy.


Trump has least to lose in the race to the bottom.


I am not the one that is dreaming.


As I said, if she was a busy sales rep, on domestic flights at that time, 'first' was a simply a fully flexible ticket!


Trump CANNOT sue these women, get that in to your head. He has said on video and audio that he does things to women that are at leat kissing and touching without invitation. HE admitted it. He can only sue the women if they are damaging his reputation, Trump by his own admissions has damaged his own reputation. Please try and understand the law before making comment on legal issues.


Trumps money is in his assets, which are 95% owned by the banks. He has no where near the amount of money he says. he is NOT a billionaire. He has lost a lot of support with his actions in this campaign and if the banks call his loans in due to a lack of trust then he is done and will be selling hot dogs before you know it.

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2 hours ago, pitrevie said:


So could you provide a link to the statement where this person names the plane she was flying on.

Rush has already addressed this and it's been found that the woman is a flagrant liar.  

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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Rush has already addressed this and it's been found that the woman is a flagrant liar.  

There are about 10 of them. He brags the accusers aren't hot enough for him to assault. You get how damaging that is to him? It's basically a confession that he DOES assault women, but just "10s". Sure he keeps his DEPLORABLE misogynist base, but now every time he opens his pie hole he loses more DECENT voters, especially WOMEN. 

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54 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity


Nothing to do with Trump. Just wondering about your memory.


How many sales reps travel first class? Must have been a very high flyer.


Better believe that Trump is going to get them, in court.


I never heard him call any of them fat. You must be getting confused with what he said about that awful O'Donnell woman.

I would think it was a promise, not a threat, to sue them. They'd better have some real evidence to back up their tales of woe, or they are done, big time.


However, if Trump can't come up with his "evidence", the fat lady really has sung.


You keep banging on about how you remember what type of aircraft you were on 20 years ago, and 5 years ago, and "certainly if you were in 1st class" and demanding that all others must do the same. Certainly you can realize that all people are not the same as you?  I have been a frequent flyer at many periods of my life and I can tell you that I don't give a damn about what aircraft I am on and if I am on one tomorrow, I won't know the type.  I memorize the airlines/flights I like, and the seating configuration and that is about it.  For many years I was always upgraded to first class due to my mileage status on every flight I flew.  I sometimes sat next to celebrities, like once Joan Rivers, OJ Simpson, Jacqueline Bisset ...do you think I remember anything specific about those flights, those days, other than I met them?  What I wore, what I ate, what I read, what I was thinking, doing? I remember nothing.  I would however, remember if they stuck their hand up my dress, kissed me, or other such shocking things!!  Your arguments are flat out ridiculous!!



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14 minutes ago, Pinot said:


HRC will be tainted from what? What are you talking about? As will Obama and Bill's reputation??? Anybody?

Crony capitalism, extreme hawkishness (Kissinger... REALLY?!!), zero transparency, pro Citizens United, low approval rating vs high untrustworthy rating, Clinton Foundation misdeeds, latecomer to LGBT rights, latecomer to realizing superpredators was a lie, poor public speaker - she cannot energize a bunny with an Energizer battery in hand, as establishment as it gets, unmitigated supporter of trade deals, pro fossil fuel forever, DNC/Wassermann-Schultz scandal... I could go on for a very long time...

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There are about 10 of them. He brags the accusers aren't hot enough for him to assault. You get how damaging that is to him? It's basically a confession that he DOES assault women, but just "10s". Sure he keeps his DEPLORABLE misogynist base, but now every time he opens his pie hole he loses more DECENT voters, especially WOMEN. 

Oh dear, there are a lot of not decent women in the USA, starting with HRC and, IMO, the DNC ( not to forget DWS ). Or do you think all women good, all Trump supporters bad?


BTW, you keep saying Trump said things he didn't say. You aren't convincing anyone that wasn't already anti Trump of your case if you continue to do so.


If you are so convinced that she is going to win, why the continuing diatribes? I'm waiting till Nov 8 as I'm not psychic.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The whole and only reason the Dems are pushing this woman thing, where a lot of women make unprovable claims, is to divert attention from all the very damaging stuff on WikiLeaks that is being released.

They also know that there is no time for Trump to prove otherwise before the election.


I'm sure Trump will retaliate against them after the election though, and they will be sorry as he destroys them in court.


In a court of law? In the United States?  That would be funny if Trump weren't obscene, grotesque and gross.


Libel laws exist to protect one's reputation. Donald Trump however has spent 40 years bragging about being a degenerate sex maniac. He's spoken in raw sexual terms about his daughter.


Given Trump and his self-created reputation, any jury in a Trump libel law case against the media would give the MSM a standing ovation on the jury's return from its sitdown then stand right back up again verdict.  


What reputation. The only reputation Trump has concerning women is as a letch and a braggart about it.


And your post makes absolutely clear you want to see Trump destroy these women in court after the election. That's not anti-HRC. It's pro Trump. It is pro Trump the degenerate sex maniac Republican Party crackpot nominee. This is from the guy who says he doesn't like Trump. Maybe you can't keep up with your posts over there but we can from over here.

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54 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Rush has already addressed this and it's been found that the woman is a flagrant liar.  


So in

7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:



I got to about the third sentence in which the author claims that planes of that era did not have armrests that lift. I think you need to do better than that. Also I asked you to link me to the source where this woman actually identified the plane she was travelling on. I cannot even recall the type of plane I was travelling on in August but I will remember that particular journey to my dying days for one outstanding event. 

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Well, this is shaping up as the largest, most pervasive, global conspiracy of all time - larger than area 51, Roswell, aliens, Oswald, even bigger than that Elvis never really left the building. Mother Jones has assembled this stunning list, getting longer by the day of this massive conspiracy, where obviously all the world's press and political elite are in it to destroy this patently decent highly prospective Presidential candidate. :shock1:


The Stunningly Long List of Women Who've Accused Trump of Sexual Assault


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