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i am looking for some information about reliability of sending visa application documents from the uk to thailand by post.i am considering sending all of the required documents to thailand by post in march 2007, but i am wondering, does anyone know , how reliable is this ? i am worried about all of the documents not arriving in thailand. does anyone know how long the documents would take to get to thailand?

also i have searched high and low on this site but i can not find any examples of a sponsor letter for a settlement visa for uk anywhere. i found an example of a sponsor letter for a visitor visa. i wonder if anyone could post an example of a seccesful sponsor letter?

GU22 if you are reading this , you know that i am planning to apply in march because my lady would like to travel to the uk in june BUT i am still concidering making the application in january simply because i will be in thailand in january. i have many thoughts on the subject.i am thinking that when i go to thailand in january i can take some of the documents with me for the application ie. certified copies of passport, employers letter, filled in application form etc, but all of these will then have decembers dates on them and i worry that when the application goes in march then the embassy will not be happy about the dates. also i worry that if i take some of the documents now and give them to my lady and then i post the other documents in march, ie. febuary bank statements, or letter from employer dated march 2007 , then my lady will have the paper work and it will be all over the place and not very well organised.she does not read english too well.

so i keep thinking maybe i should apply in january because it will be much less stressful.

1. i know that i will have all of the documents that will be up to date in january

2 when i come back to uk in febuary then i wont have to start gathering up the documents again

3 i just want it over and done with as i am begining to get stressed

i have considered flying back to thailand in march to make the application but the cost of the flight will defeat the whole object of applying in march so as my lady will have the visa in june so as she will have been in the uk for the 2 years to apply for the indefinite leave to remain

SO i am thinking why not apply in january and for instance she gets the visa in january but does not come to uk untill june i guess this will mean that i have to apply for the further leave to remain at a cost of £335, but for all the stress and hassle it will save me maybe i dont mind paying the £335. but here is where i would like some advice about applying for the further leave to remain.

is it highlly probable that it would be granted if we have lived together for appox 18 months or can it sometimes not be granted? iwould also like to take a look at a FLTR application form.

to be honest im so confused i still dont know what to do for the best .Maybe i could still apply in march and send the full application package to my lady from the uk but , what happens if it gets lost in the post ?nightmare.

anyway as ever thanks for any advice



i am looking for some information about reliability of sending visa application documents from the uk to thailand by post.i am considering sending all of the required documents to thailand by post in march 2007, but i am wondering, does anyone know , how reliable is this ? i am worried about all of the documents not arriving in thailand. does anyone know how long the documents would take to get to thailand?

Fair comment to be concerned about the normal post. Why not use a courier like UPS they have offices in Thailand and UK and parcels must be signed for. Should only take days. or do you know a friend coming over to Thailand who can hand carry for you?


Hi scooty

have you thought about emailing them?

Ive sent loads of docs to my wife and she just prints them off over there.. at least u know theyve arrived in minutes instead of waiting days/weeks for thai post



E-mailing is fine for copies of correspondence, phone bills etc; but for wage slips, bank statements etc it is better to submit originals or certified copies. This is because photocopies etc. can be easily altered.

I have used the Post Office international track and trace in the past, and one time the item didn't arrive. The post office could tell me the exact time and date it had been placed on the aeroplane at Heathrow, but after that they said it was out of their hands and they had no idea what had happened to it! As already suggested, a courier such as UPS or FedEx would be safer and more reliable.

Up to you if you feel the expense of making a FLR application is worth it. It would almost certainly be granted.

Form FLR(M) is for an extension of stay as the spouse or unmarried partner of a person present and settled in the UK.

Form SET(M) is for indefinite leave to remain as the spouse, civil partner, same sex or unmarried partner of a person present and settled in the UK.


Thanks for the replies,

i have just studied the FLR form. they seem to give plenty of information about how to send money to them but i cant find the information that i wanted. i am wondering and would assume that the period of leave to remain would be to make up the time to two years that the applicant would have been in the uk. would this be right or would the FLR be for example for 1 year ?


The FLR would last from when her visa expired until she was time qualified for ILR, i.e. had been in the UK for 2 years.

For example. Her visa expires 14th Feb 2009. She doesn't enter the UK until 1st June 2007. She would need to apply for FLR on or before 14th Feb 2009 and her FLR would last from the 15th Feb 2009 until 1st June 2009. She can submit her ILR application up to 28 days before 1st June.

Whatever the length of the FLR, the cost is the same; currently £335 by post or £500 in person. You would then have to pay the same fee again a few weeks/months later when she applied for ILR!


Hi scooty

I've just sent all my papers by Royal Mail using their International Signed For service...I sent two packages, one on Friday and one yesturday. So I don't know how far they've got yet and they contain originals and certified copies for a Fiance Visa.

I'm hoping they'll be fine as earlier in the year I sent another 2 packages each containing gold jewelry, one arrived within 5 days but the other my girlfrield was told to go to BKK to collect. When she arrived they demanded Bt 9k import tax which she refused because it was already her gold bought in Thailand.

After three weeks it arrived back to my door in UK.

I was certain it was gone forever.

Anyhow, it proved to me that the service must be relatively secure.

I'll let you know later if these latest ones arrive.

As for the letter for sponsorship...I'll see about posting this later when I get back from work. However, it maybe useless as it hasn't proved it's worth yet :o

Best of luck to you mate

PS...Just a quick mention to all you guys on here...I have never felt the need to use an agent before as the info given on this site I concider to be 'second to none' and I thank you all for your unknowing help in my girlfiends previously successful applications.

Thank you all

jgbc :D


Sawasdee jqbc,

Thanks for the information , i really hope that your package arrives in Thailand for you.I have decided to apply in January when i am in Bangkok because at least i will know for sure that i have given the documents in. I think i would go mental if i posted the documents and they got lost , its enogh hassle gathering them up once without having to do it all again.

I would love to see the example of the settlement sposor letter, even just to give me some ideas as i cant find an example of one anywhere on this site.

I wish you the best of luck with your application



Hi scooty

ok here is a copy of my letter, obviosly tailored to just me but I don't mind sharing as it's nothing I wouldn't discuss over a beer with someone.

I don't don't claim that this format is the right one to follow, nor do I claim to know what I'm talking about :D

The only thing I know to be true is that it's similar to the others that we submitted before and we were successful...only based on that, do I think it might be ok

I would be happy to see some feed back on this...it's not about me...it's about the format and being clear about intensions (without being loved up) and that you have provided relevant evidence to go with each part.

It's not about what job you do or how much you earn...people live to different means

The copies of every page in my passprot and the divorce certificate were certified by the way and I have enclosed original bank statements and kept copies for myself.

Anyway, here you have it and if it helps anyone on TV then at least I've been able to give something back.

enjoy :o

UK Visa Application Centre Mr XXXX XXXXXXXXX

Regent House, 2nd Floor, XX XXXXXXX Road

183, Rajdamri Road xxxxxxxx

Kwaeng Lumpini, xxxxxxxxxx

Khet Pathumwan, XXXX XXX

Bangkok 10330

Letter of Sponsorship

Concerning; Miss Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx

xxx/x Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx

Xxxxx Xxxx


Nakhon Ratchasima


December 2006

Dear Sir/Madam

This is the forth application for Xxxxxxxxx to visit the UK but this time to be as my fiancé.

As Xxxxxxxxx and I continue to hold a strong relationship despite the distance and the lengthy time we have been apart this year we still wish to be married and able to make a family together. Although no date has been set for us to take our vows, we will decide together when to book the registrar within the 6 month period allowed for on the fiancé visa.

Unfortunately because of work, finances and my waiting for the long process of selling a property, we have not applied for a fiancé visa until now and it is approximately 11 months since we last saw each other.

However, the sale of another property I have is due to be completed in the following week leaving me to be able to pay off my debts and leave just a small mortgage (approx £xxx per month) on the property which I live in now and is the address stated at the top of this letter and where we will also be living together as a couple. This ground floor flat consists of 2no bedrooms (one of which I use as an office), and a comfortable lounge. Front and back gardens with the front soon to be made hard standing for off road parking.

Mortgage statement and solicitors confirmation of the other property sale is enclosed.

Previously our time together in the UK (2no 6mth Tourist Visa) was successful as this gave Xxxxxxxxx time to adjust to the way of life here as I know how hard this can be as I have now seen the huge difference in society and cultures. Although sure of my feelings toward Xxxxxxxxx I always look to be cautious for the both of us and last December 2005 we were refused a 3rd Tourist Visa on the grounds that we applied too soon. We were advised to reapply in 5-6 weeks time or alternatively we could qualify for a Fiancé Visa on the information already provided.

I refused the Fiancé Visa as my plan was to fix my finances and to be in a more stable position to support my partner. Unfortunately, 11 months have now passed and after 2no potential sales having fallen through I have now a date of completion.

With this sale now secured for the first week of December 2006 and that Xxxxxxxxx and I have waited so patiently I can only see that the next logical step for us is to be together permanently.

Xxxxxxxxx and I maintain contact through a cheap rate phone number and we speak daily. Other than that I will receive an occasional package of photos of Xxxxxxxxx and her son whom I adore and at this moment is the closest I have to my own child.

The future living arrangements for Xxxxxxxxx son has yet to be decided although I feel he can achieve a better education and lifestyle in Thailand. However, this remains to be seen and for the foreseeable future will remain with Xxxxxxxxx parents with regular schooling.

Previous 6 months of phone statements are enclosed with number used highlighted.

Also enclosed are copies of this years money transfers to Xxxxxxxxx, along with 6 months of bank statements. You will see my outgoings have been high this year but that will dramatically reduce before Xxxxxxxxx arrives in UK.

I have enclosed my ID as far as copies of my passport, driving licence, birth certificate and a letter of confirmation from a company I regularly sub-contract for stating my daily rates of pay with them and my potential earnings.

My National Insurance number is xx xx xx xx x

NHS Number xxxxx xxx

I have been previously married from 1995-2003 of which two of those years we were separated.

I have enclosed a copy of my decree absolute.

We have included copies and originals of ID for Xxxxxxxxx, including land ownership papers if you would kindly return the originals when they are no longer required.

Overall, we have known each other for approximately 4yrs and have been very happy together. So we now wish to not be apart for any longer as this does put a strain on any relationship, also my immediate family all love Xxxxxxxxx and we miss her very much.

We enclose photos of us together and Xxxxxxxxx with my family and friends.

We first met in February 2003 which was the start of our relationship and although we were apart for a further 8mths after that, I then came to Thailand where we lived together for several months. From then until now we have been together as much as the 6mth Tourist visas and my stays in Thailand would allow. All this information regarding our history together is detailed in our previous successful applications for Xxxxxxxxx Tourist visas.

Although we have no assets in joint names we do however have two properties in UK in my name (one to be sold as stated above) and two plots of land (1rai and 5rai) in Xxxxxxxxx name which we purchased for ourselves over the last few yrs with plans to eventually build our home.

We enclose copies of the purchase of this land.

I continue to work in IT and Electronic Security and receive a reasonable income which is more than enough to keep both Xxxxxxxxx and myself without the need for public funds which I have never previously required.

Although Xxxxxxxxx does wish to find some means of employment eventually.

We respectfully ask you to grant Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx a Fiancé Visa to enable her to come to the UK to be with me as soon as possible. Of which I will be responsible for her wellbeing and all the costs for us to live in the UK as husband and wife.

Yours faithfully


i am looking for some information about reliability of sending visa application documents from the uk to thailand by post.i am considering sending all of the required documents to thailand by post in march 2007, but i am wondering, does anyone know , how reliable is this ? i am worried about all of the documents not arriving in thailand. does anyone know how long the documents would take to get to thailand?

also i have searched high and low on this site but i can not find any examples of a sponsor letter for a settlement visa for uk anywhere. i found an example of a sponsor letter for a visitor visa. i wonder if anyone could post an example of a seccesful sponsor letter?

GU22 if you are reading this , you know that i am planning to apply in march because my lady would like to travel to the uk in june BUT i am still concidering making the application in january simply because i will be in thailand in january. i have many thoughts on the subject.i am thinking that when i go to thailand in january i can take some of the documents with me for the application ie. certified copies of passport, employers letter, filled in application form etc, but all of these will then have decembers dates on them and i worry that when the application goes in march then the embassy will not be happy about the dates. also i worry that if i take some of the documents now and give them to my lady and then i post the other documents in march, ie. febuary bank statements, or letter from employer dated march 2007 , then my lady will have the paper work and it will be all over the place and not very well organised.she does not read english too well.

so i keep thinking maybe i should apply in january because it will be much less stressful.

1. i know that i will have all of the documents that will be up to date in january

2 when i come back to uk in febuary then i wont have to start gathering up the documents again

3 i just want it over and done with as i am begining to get stressed

i have considered flying back to thailand in march to make the application but the cost of the flight will defeat the whole object of applying in march so as my lady will have the visa in june so as she will have been in the uk for the 2 years to apply for the indefinite leave to remain

SO i am thinking why not apply in january and for instance she gets the visa in january but does not come to uk untill june i guess this will mean that i have to apply for the further leave to remain at a cost of £335, but for all the stress and hassle it will save me maybe i dont mind paying the £335. but here is where i would like some advice about applying for the further leave to remain.

is it highlly probable that it would be granted if we have lived together for appox 18 months or can it sometimes not be granted? iwould also like to take a look at a FLTR application form.

to be honest im so confused i still dont know what to do for the best .Maybe i could still apply in march and send the full application package to my lady from the uk but , what happens if it gets lost in the post ?nightmare.

anyway as ever thanks for any advice


Hi scooty

I sent all documents by DHL, not the cheapest way to send it by but I found it was very efficient and secure. Parcel / envelope can be tracked online.

Good luck.


clive sorts


Sawasdee jqbc,

Thank you very much for making the effort to type out your sponsorship letter, i appreciate it very much . It has given me some good ideas for when i write my own letter.I hope others will also learn from what you have written.Your letter seems perfectlly reasonable to me. I see your lady is from Korat, i went to Korat earlier this year and was very surprised at what a beautiful and clean city it was. i went to Chok Chai which is near to Korat to go to a friends wedding.

i wish you and your lady the best of luck

take care



For goodness sake, I have read this thread top to bottom and cannot help but think that it's all alot of palavar for nothing too significant.

I went and did this evidence stuff plus support letter and it took me all of 1 hour to do. The other half then went and applied for the visa in the new visa agency at Bangkok and got her visa without even the need for an interview in 2 days flat.

Personally I cannot see what everyone is sweating over and as long as you can write a quick few sentences stating how you will be responsible for all the costs including repatriation back to Thailand and can back up your funds with decent copy bank statements plus a copy of your passport then that was all it took. One thing was for sure and that was that a short life summary similar to the PH.D thesis the OP wrote on this thread was totally not required.

Just follow the guidelines on the Bangkok UK visa agency and you won't have any hassles.

For us, it was a no sweat, no hassle and a complete breeze to do and to be honest we were totally surprised at the ease and efficiency by which it was all done.

For goodness sake, I have read this thread top to bottom and cannot help but think that it's all alot of palavar for nothing too significant.

I went and did this evidence stuff plus support letter and it took me all of 1 hour to do. The other half then went and applied for the visa in the new visa agency at Bangkok and got her visa without even the need for an interview in 2 days flat.

Personally I cannot see what everyone is sweating over and as long as you can write a quick few sentences stating how you will be responsible for all the costs including repatriation back to Thailand and can back up your funds with decent copy bank statements plus a copy of your passport then that was all it took. One thing was for sure and that was that a short life summary similar to the PH.D thesis the OP wrote on this thread was totally not required.

Just follow the guidelines on the Bangkok UK visa agency and you won't have any hassles.

For us, it was a no sweat, no hassle and a complete breeze to do and to be honest we were totally surprised at the ease and efficiency by which it was all done.

Thank you Casanundra

Your post of how easy it was for you to get the visa doesn't help.

Scooty wanted a sample. Maybe if you'd posted yours to be helpful instead of talking about it you could have been constructive in this thread

However, you didn't and you haven't but congrats anyway


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