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UK to accept children from Calais Jungle camp 'within days'


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4 minutes ago, Fithman said:


Maybe ---- The first of these very Large "children" have arrived in the UK.


4 minutes ago, Fithman said:


Maybe ---- The first of these very Large "children" have arrived in the UK.


         Correct ,   they  are  now  playing in  English Premier  League football, 

        with  names i can not pronounce .

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Whether or not a country wishes to have refugees and migrants is up to the government.   If you are unhappy with how they handle it, talk to your representative.  


This thread is about unaccompanied minors, and like all children, they grow up.  The Calais camps have been in existence since 1999 in one form or another.   None of the children in question arrived there because they choose to go there.   They were sent by someone.


I worked with unaccompanied minors who arrived in camps when they were 12 years old and aged out.   At 18, they still were awaiting screening and resettlement or return.   When they are classified as a minor they will be screened as a minor even if they age out.


Whether you are pro or anti the situation, quick action is needed when dealing with children.   If you think they are a potential problem now, years of living in a camp with no education, no family and no stability will do nothing to make them a productive part of any society, whether in a western country or when they are returned.



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Should I cry or laugh when reading some of the painful and plain silly comments such as that "children are <12 not teenagers" (newsflash: below 18 you are a minor and thus a child) , "one or two might grow out to be extremists" (nothing in life is free of risk, including when providing some basic humanity) or "we don't need ecomic migrants" (well yes, but these are refugees).


I do think that many if not most people in the Calais camps are not genuine refugees. Afterall they can apply for asylum in France. Those which don't are looking for more than shelter and safety. Though I also think that the entire Dublin agreement is failing. The EU/EEA should process asylum applications together and distribute those who are identified as refugees fairly across the EU/EEA by BNP, population etc. Sadly most memberstates would scream bloody murder that "Beussels is acting like a dictatorship" since when it comes down to it many wish to benefit as much they can from the union with contributing as less as they can and cherry pick the bits that they like. So much for a two way street and the common good. The "refugee crisis" is not much of a crisis if you see the number of asylum immigrants to Europe and would be a total joke (totally neglectable) if all members pitched in evenly.


How difficult can it be to take in minors with confirmed  refugee parents or other direct family? And those people that come to Europe without papers and who falsly claim to be refugees: most can be filtered out by things such as dertermining their language, accent, knowledge of where they claim to have fled from etc. Some may sneak through, nothing is perfect but most won't. Imagen being a Briton and trying to pass as a German or being Thai and trying to pass as Birmese... Most will fail due to accent, lack of knowledge of the area and events etc. 


Simply take in the minors with refugee family in the UK. Let France deport all those who refuse to seek asylum in France or whichever European country they entered first. Those who refuse shelter in France are almost certainly not refugees and will need to be removed from Europe. That is not always easy such as some countries refusing to take nationals back. But getting rid of these dispicable jungle camps in a humane way should be entirely possible.



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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Lets send them back to wherever they came from and support them there- what is wrong with that? Why do they HAVE to come to the UK?

We are trying to do so, trying to fix Syria etc. Never mind that the US and it's allies are for the most part responsible for the giant mess in that and other areas that allowed IS etc to be created. But we are in this mess so we are trying to fix the region. In the mean while most refugees are in the region (around 90% and up or so?) and we are trying to help them via the UN and such. Leaving a relatively small number that comes here and is given temporary shelter. The sooner we fix things the better but that takes time and we can do multiple things at once by helping people here (which is only a handfull) and there (where the vast majority still resides). And sure, if it takes many more years many refugees who we gave shelter here may have settled in and build a new life here. Nothing we can't handle and next time around the US and it's allies might wish to be less eager to go to war in that area to find WMDs and such... 

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2 hours ago, Fithman said:


Maybe ---- The first of these very Large "children" have arrived in the UK.

5555 thin foil hat alert, you do realize that this is statiscally impossible right? Muslims will not be a majority or even significant minority in numbers. And in politics, law and such it will be the same. There are enough not to go by unnoticed but far far far from ever leaving a dominant mark unless going apesh*t if a Muhammed plays in the national football or rugby team is counts as such and is already "too much to handle". 555

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1 minute ago, Donutz said:

5555 thin foil hat alert, you do realize that this is statiscally impossible right? Muslims will not be a majority or even significant minority in numbers. And in politics, law and such it will be the same. There are enough not to go by unnoticed but far far far from ever leaving a dominant mark unless going apesh*t if a Muhammed plays in the national football or rugby team is counts as such and is already "too much to handle". 555


What on earth are you ranting about?  


The UK media has photographs of 'children' said to be newly arrived from Calais.  These 'children' are not small and could pose the same risk,  particularly to women and girls,  as those 'children' allowed into Sweden who then committed sexual assaults and murder. The facts are easy to find.

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7 hours ago, 7by7 said:


The family they have in the UK are not their parents; the children cannot apply to join parents who aren't here!


Where their parents are I cannot say, but can speculate.


Many are probably still at home or in a camp somewhere, having used all their savings to get their child out.


No doubt some are dead.





As most are from countries not at war, I fail to see why their parents would be dead.

I do not know why the answer is to bring them to the UK when it would be better to support them in their own countries and in their own culture.


It is claimed that the smugglers charge thousands of $. Yet we are told the people of their homeland are too poor to survive there.

Like I said, it does not add up.

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2 hours ago, Donutz said:

We are trying to do so, trying to fix Syria etc. Never mind that the US and it's allies are for the most part responsible for the giant mess in that and other areas that allowed IS etc to be created. But we are in this mess so we are trying to fix the region. In the mean while most refugees are in the region (around 90% and up or so?) and we are trying to help them via the UN and such. Leaving a relatively small number that comes here and is given temporary shelter. The sooner we fix things the better but that takes time and we can do multiple things at once by helping people here (which is only a handfull) and there (where the vast majority still resides). And sure, if it takes many more years many refugees who we gave shelter here may have settled in and build a new life here. Nothing we can't handle and next time around the US and it's allies might wish to be less eager to go to war in that area to find WMDs and such... 

Erm. Syria is about the only M E country that wasn't stuffed up by the US. The blame for it lies elsewhere.

Also, it is a situation that the crusaders can NEVER fix. America has been in Afghanistan for about 15 years and it is getting worse. Getting involved in Syria is not a good idea, and will not have a happy ending.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As most are from countries not at war, I fail to see why their parents would be dead.

I do not know why the answer is to bring them to the UK when it would be better to support them in their own countries and in their own culture.


It is claimed that the smugglers charge thousands of $. Yet we are told the people of their homeland are too poor to survive there.

Like I said, it does not add up.

In my previous work with unaccompanied minors, there were about 10% that were orphans.   Many don't start the journey as orphans, but along the way some bad things happen.   Parents die or are killed.  


Of those that are sent out by the family, none are coming from safe countries, so the fact is, the life expectancy for those in the home country isn't as good as in the West.  


Some children are from single parent families where the mother has remarried and the new 'father' will not allow children from an existing relationship.  


All the things that happen to families in the West also occur in these countries.  


The majority of the children being considered for resettlement in the UK have existing family members living in the UK.  


Children being considered for resettlement would be those who cannot be returned to their family for one reason or another.   If they can be returned to the parents, that is the best solution.   Even if the family is poor as a church mouse, children are better off with their own family.   There are lots of NGO's who will help them and the family if it is safe for them to return.  

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I have no problem in the slightest with helping chidren but if those in the papers today are"children" then things have changed from when i was a lad , it was not just a joke but obscene to even pretend they were "children" i would safely say not one was under 20

Edited by i claudius
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37 minutes ago, Fithman said:


From that link

They are understood to include ...................... stateless Bidun children who originated from Kuwait.


Why are stateless children from Kuwait being considered? Kuwait is not an unsafe country, and it has plenty of money to care for them. Britain spent enough blood and treasure saving Kuwait from Iraq to insist that they take them.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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34 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


From that link

They are understood to include Afghans, Syrians and stateless Bidun children who originated from Kuwait.

ergo some are not, ergo some are not fleeing war and persecution. 

Why are stateless children from Kuwait being considered? Kuwait is not an unsafe country, and it has plenty of money to care for them. Britain spent enough blood and treasure saving Kuwait from Iraq to insist that they take all the Muslim refugees that seek to live in the UK, that would be far better off in a country of their own religion.

I have to wonder why the UK accepts them at all, given the above. Once again Europe, which rescued Kuwait along with America, is being given the middle finger.

 Try a bit more understanding. If a person is officially stateless in their country of birth, obviously they are being persecuted. A few minutes research will show the majority of Bidun in Kuwait do not receive any welfare, education from the State etc etc.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Erm. Syria is about the only M E country that wasn't stuffed up by the US. The blame for it lies elsewhere.

Also, it is a situation that the crusaders can NEVER fix. America has been in Afghanistan for about 15 years and it is getting worse. Getting involved in Syria is not a good idea, and will not have a happy ending.

Totally agree and look at Irag and Libya, they are war zones with internal fighting. I firmly believe we should never have interfered and caused this mess. The amount of money the UK spent on those conflicts, could have fixed all the issues with schools and hospitals, twice over.

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A couple more pictures for the Liberal Dafties shouting from the rooftops about children.








Cannot wait to hear your little bleating hearts when it all goes Pete Tong, which it will.




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 Try a bit more understanding. If a person is officially stateless in their country of birth, obviously they are being persecuted. A few minutes research will show the majority of Bidun in Kuwait do not receive any welfare, education from the State etc etc.

And that's Britains problem ,why? Pray do tell and not some luvvie crying about how we have caused it and must take them in,tell that to say,Russia

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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46 minutes ago, i claudius said:

And that's Britains problem ,why? Pray do tell and not some luvvie crying about how we have caused it and must take them in,tell that to say,Russia

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


By UK & EU law admitted entry to the UK, don't like the law lobby your MP

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38 minutes ago, i claudius said:

And that's Britains problem ,why? Pray do tell and not some luvvie crying about how we have caused it and must take them in,tell that to say,Russia

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

It's the world's problem, of which Britain is a part.


Yet again the main factor here is being ignored. These children have family in the UK, possibly the only family they have. Certainly the only family somewhere safe. Anyone with an ounce of compassion would allow them to join that family rather than continue to live in the squalor of the camps.


OK, some of them look over 18; so do many British children in their teens., as anyone living here in the UK can confirm.


Some of them may even be over 18, but as Scott has explained, if they were under 18 when they became refugees they are treated as a child until the process is completed.


He should know, after all he is the only one here who has actual, real experience of working in this area. Maybe you and those like you should pay attention everything he has said on the subject rather than your prejudices and that portion of the media which feeds them.



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10 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Yet again the main factor here is being ignored. These children have family in the UK,


Yes it is.


Where are the children ?


These are adults by any stretch of the imagination.


Of course they have family in the UK, just like my father is the pope.


As for being treated as a minor if they registered as a minor. I should not have to remind you that those that are still sitting in squalor in Calais are doing so because they refused to move elsewhere because it meant that they had to actually register, be fingerprinted etc. They have not registered anywhere.

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46 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Forget EU and UK Law.


Where are the children ?


These are adults, as shown quite clearly by the photo's.


As already said, judging someone's age from their appearance, especially from a photograph, can be very difficult.


Were you to actually spend any time in the UK you would see many young people and find it impossible to tell from their appearance alone whether they were under or over 18; unless they were in their school uniform.

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9 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


As already said, judging someone's age from their appearance, especially from a photograph, can be very difficult.


Were you to actually spend any time in the UK you would see many young people and find it impossible to tell from their appearance alone whether they were under or over 18; unless they were in their school uniform.


Utter garbage.


The people in the above photo's are a minimum of 25 years old.



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8 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Utter garbage.


The people in the above photo's are a minimum of 25 years old.




Thus speaks an expert in assessing age by appearance; NOT!


Even those websites which say they can asses someone's age from a photo emphasis that it is only a guess.

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4 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Thus speaks an expert in assessing age by appearance; NOT!


Even those websites which say they can asses someone's age from a photo emphasis that it is only a guess.

 Well its a very good guess , they got me to within 3 years in every picture same with all the ones it tried , actually apart from 1 picture that made me 3 years older all made us a couple of years younger . 

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On 10/18/2016 at 9:49 PM, Grouse said:

   good night 


  Dentists ,  will examine the kids , false teeth ,

             to determine  their age .

Edited by elliss
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