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Can Someone Tell Me Why This Forum Is So Self-cent

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Can someone tell me why this forum is so self-centered?

In the IT-MGR case (AKA David) there were 16 pages of about David, yet no one talked much about his kids or victims. Not one person even thought of trying to help out he kids. Really makes me wonder why most of you are in Thailand.

You keep complaining about things and know how to get things done without upsetting the Thai. Yet I never see anything posted that really matters. Living up to the Thai government perception of us.

It goes without saying we all love Thailand yet it seems few of you do anything to make a change for the better.

Personally I am in the states now for business reasons; I did not see what was going on until it was to late. I even Sent George a PM saying that I can help with some high level contacts. Yet I never heard a reply back.

It really makes me sad to see how much most people just take from the Thai. It seems the only time letters are written is when it affects you. Such as visa issues, land ownership etc?

There ways to help! why not start make this board a sounding block for helping the Thais. Most of you are overly intelligent and have a lot to give. I ask you to start giving back to the people.

We will gain respect if we start to do things that are good for the Kingdom. In addition to really helping the people and land we love


Randy I suggest you read more carefully in future.

help kids

Most people are not sure what to do or how to even find them.

If you also read George's signature it says please dont PM me start a topic.

If you got some good contacts I suggest you start a positive topic "How can we help the kids", there are a lot more needy kids than the ones that IT was "helping".

Mouse has got a venture going at the moment I'm sure he could use some sponsors.




I appreciate that you are trying to do something good, but you can't really complain about people only posting questions about their Visa problems on a site called Thaivisa.com.

I'm sure there are many sites that have information about charitable work in Thailand, maybe you could post some here.

I appreciate that you are trying to do something good, but you can't really complain about people only posting questions about their Visa problems on a site called Thaivisa.com.

I'm sure there are many sites that have information about charitable work in Thailand, maybe you could post some here.

Put a bit of effort into working out how you'd get medicines and foodstuffs into Myanmar.


I shall start the ball rolling with the site bronco was refering to:


Which as the previous member has stated was started by the member mouse.


Well in many ways he is right, the subjects are self centered, but then again this site is called

THAI VISA, just in case he missed that. In the first 3 yrs I came here to live, I certainlty wished I had found the site then. As for helping Thais, well we all do that by our presence here. For my self, I support five Thai nationals, I go to the local school and teach once a week(Non paid) I pay out for my wifes family, poor farmers, to have the rice machine come, instead of doing it by hand. I bought small machines to help them, I put money into the Temple, money to the school.

I feel sure many of you out there are doing the same, just on going, every day. But here, on line its enough we talk about the Thai visa issues which very much affect us, our security here, and to get feed back how the system may interfere with our life in the Kingdom.

Can someone tell me why this forum is so self-centered?

In the IT-MGR case (AKA David) there were 16 pages of about David, yet no one talked much about his kids or victims. Not one person even thought of trying to help out he kids. Really makes me wonder why most of you are in Thailand.

You keep complaining about things and know how to get things done without upsetting the Thai. Yet I never see anything posted that really matters. Living up to the Thai government perception of us.

It goes without saying we all love Thailand yet it seems few of you do anything to make a change for the better.

Personally I am in the states now for business reasons; I did not see what was going on until it was to late. I even Sent George a PM saying that I can help with some high level contacts. Yet I never heard a reply back.

It really makes me sad to see how much most people just take from the Thai. It seems the only time letters are written is when it affects you. Such as visa issues, land ownership etc?

There ways to help! why not start make this board a sounding block for helping the Thais. Most of you are overly intelligent and have a lot to give. I ask you to start giving back to the people.

We will gain respect if we start to do things that are good for the Kingdom. In addition to really helping the people and land we love

How do you know some of us are not helping - your guessing!

Charity should be something that is done on the quiet, otherwise it is called self promotion......


Hmm I paying more Tax than the average Thai earns in three years, I also support the government by visiting waterfalls for 200 baht, and no, I can not use free medical care. Thailand strives towards being a first world country, they can take care of their own problems. Thailand does not appreciate foreigners 'helping' the Thais, giving 'free' advice.' What do foreigners actually get for living here and paying taxes?

After living here for about five years I do not have that much to complain about, I am though highly sceptical of 'helping the Thais'. I know people who professionally help the Thais and earn between two and three hundred thousand a month. With that kind of salary I would seriously consider helping the Thais based on the goodness of my soul. But for now, the Thais take care of the Thais and I will take care of my situation. I have to as the Thai government doesn't want foreigners to become a 'burden to the state', whatever that may mean......



I think that a lot of us do what we can,and others never hear about it, I know that I do.

I have a little thing going that folks from another forum in the states put money in my US bank acct. and once a year I draw it and buy shoes,socks and coats for the school where my wife teaches in the mountains and the students are very poor, but I never come on Thaivisa forum and brag about it but the kids know,and so do the people in the hills. Also I do things and help the student aquire spoken english as that is my wife's subject. :o

Can someone tell me why this forum is so self-centered?

In the IT-MGR case (AKA David) there were 16 pages of about David, yet no one talked much about his kids or victims. Not one person even thought of trying to help out he kids. Really makes me wonder why most of you are in Thailand.

You keep complaining about things and know how to get things done without upsetting the Thai. Yet I never see anything posted that really matters. Living up to the Thai government perception of us.

It goes without saying we all love Thailand yet it seems few of you do anything to make a change for the better.

Personally I am in the states now for business reasons; I did not see what was going on until it was to late. I even Sent George a PM saying that I can help with some high level contacts. Yet I never heard a reply back.

It really makes me sad to see how much most people just take from the Thai. It seems the only time letters are written is when it affects you. Such as visa issues, land ownership etc?

There ways to help! why not start make this board a sounding block for helping the Thais. Most of you are overly intelligent and have a lot to give. I ask you to start giving back to the people.

We will gain respect if we start to do things that are good for the Kingdom. In addition to really helping the people and land we love

Ask Mr. McDaniel how happy the Thai government is to have foreigners interfere in internal affairs. Ask your average Thai person how they feel having foreigners interfere in their affairs.

Think globally, act locally. Ever heard that phrase? I suspect most of the foreigners on this website practice this.


Randy.....the Thais dont need help. But people need to be a good memebr of the community they live it. I think that most of the people onthe forum are just that. Sure there are some dim wits here but that just adds to the challenge and the fun.

No it's not self centred. It is an anonymous web based forum and thats all. Some people may be in a postion to help but not all.


I agree with all of the above posts, we all do our own bit and contribute in our own ways in our daily lives, no need to tell you that I rescued 12 buffaloes from the 15th floor of a burning condotel, thats not what Thaivisa is about.

Thaivisa is many things to many people, a most useful resource and for me a handy kick-the-cat facility that I like to use to let off steam after a hard day's taking shiit from tuk tuk drivers, petty beaurocrats, bent coppers, et al, allowing me to get up the next day in search of sick motorbikes to heal.

Mouse has got a venture going at the moment I'm sure he could use some sponsors.
Thanks Bronco for the numerous plugs!!!! Although I injected a sense of humor into Michelonia, the intent is real and I think that as a group of more than 9,000 members we can really do something with this. If every member from this forum alone joined we would have $90,000. That does not include the response form press releases and other things that I want to do.

The money is safe and will be kept in the Thai Visa Accounts until we transfer it directly to our actual projects.

I want to also take this time to thank Dr. Pat Pong and George for giving me the free domain, web space and assistance in getting this site off the ground. Thanks George for the countless email on technical concerns.

Charity should be something that is done on the quiet, otherwise it is called self promotion......

He is right you know. Therefore Michelonia keeps all received data confidential. Unless you want to be the next President or something.

Come on!!! At least take a look at it at http://www.michelonia.com

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