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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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" Here’s what we don’t know: Does Mr. Trump propose this collaboration with a regime obsessed with thwarting and weakening American power out of ignorance and naivete, or because of personal and business interests he has not disclosed? Mr. Putin surely knows the answer to that question — but U.S. voters do not."






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I notice in the posts that the Trumpsters on TV are adjusting their posts somewhat now calling the process corrupt rather than saying that Trump will win.  With that in mind are there any Trump supporters here who still thinks he will win?


Not expecting too many replies....

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Liberal media's hateful rhetoric led to North Carolina GOP fire bombing


We have no idea who did that crime either. Indeed, given the nature of the trump fascist movement, don't rule out a trumpian false flag or even a foreign power being behind it, now that it's crystal clear that Putin has infected the USA election with his dirty tricks, which obviously aren't over.

trump moronically has accused Clinton's campaign with complicity based on zero evidence. 


Edited by Jingthing
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49 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

With that in mind are there any Trump supporters here who still thinks he will win?



I do not consider myself a supporter. I will not vote for him and would much prefer another candidate. However, I prefer him to Hilary. 

I never thought he would win with the dishonest MSM, the democratic party and the Obama government against him. Mainstream Republican politicians constantly attacking him, make his chances even worse.

He is correct about the election being rigged.

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11 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I do not consider myself a supporter. I will not vote for him and would much prefer another candidate. However, I prefer him to Hilary. 

I never thought he would win with the dishonest MSM, the democratic party and the Obama government against him. Mainstream Republican politicians constantly attacking him, make his chances even worse.

He is correct about the election being rigged.

So you concur with Trump when he said large numbers of illegals were crossing the borders to vote in the upcoming election


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These two guys don't belong to any organised political party...they're Republicans.



“We will absolutely accept the result of the election.”

— Gov. Mike Pence, quoted by Bloomberg.



“The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary – but also at many polling places – SAD.”

— Donald Trump, on Twitter



Donald Trump is how fascism comes to America. Fortunately, he won't have been around long enough to have any lasting impact. He'll do his joint rightwing tv venture and all the whingenuts will spend their time together right winging it. Keep 'em off the streets. 

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We know Trump will cry foul, that was predicted months ago.  Let's just stick with reality.  Even he knows now that he hasn't got a hope in hell.  I know the passion is more about Hillary now, rather than the initial fervour seeing Trump as "getting our country back".

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"Trump's claim, made without evidence, undercuts the essence of American democracy, the idea that U.S. elections are free and fair, with the vanquished peacefully stepping aside for the victor."


In the media's progressive liberal dream-world the above statement might be true, but the US has enough cases of documented election tampering and outright voter fraud that Trump's claim is not without merit.  Actually, the current presidential race should be Trump and Sanders. 

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I do not consider myself a supporter. I will not vote for him and would much prefer another candidate. However, I prefer him to Hilary. 

I never thought he would win with the dishonest MSM, the democratic party and the Obama government against him. Mainstream Republican politicians constantly attacking him, make his chances even worse.

He is correct about the election being rigged.


Bottom line is Scotus may fairly soon have a majority of women justices. Howzzat grab you?

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I do not consider myself a supporter. I will not vote for him and would much prefer another candidate. However, I prefer him to Hilary. 

I never thought he would win with the dishonest MSM, the democratic party and the Obama government against him. Mainstream Republican politicians constantly attacking him, make his chances even worse.

He is correct about the election being rigged.


because sane people are against him its rigged?? lol


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10 minutes ago, connda said:

"Trump's claim, made without evidence, undercuts the essence of American democracy, the idea that U.S. elections are free and fair, with the vanquished peacefully stepping aside for the victor."


In the media's progressive liberal dream-world the above statement might be true, but the US has enough cases of documented election tampering and outright voter fraud that Trump's claim is not without merit.  Actually, the current presidential race should be Trump and Sanders. 



 cases? how many is enough?

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9 minutes ago, connda said:

"Trump's claim, made without evidence, undercuts the essence of American democracy, the idea that U.S. elections are free and fair, with the vanquished peacefully stepping aside for the victor."


In the media's progressive liberal dream-world the above statement might be true, but the US has enough cases of documented election tampering and outright voter fraud that Trump's claim is not without merit.  Actually, the current presidential race should be Trump and Sanders. 


Your side would need to produce something now.


Something significant occurring, or something significant uncovered that was planned to occur. Again, the key word is 'significant'. The present. 


Things occurring in the present to bust the voting. The only stuff the U.S. Government has found is a malicious interference by Wilileaks-Putin-Trump. 

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8 hours ago, MiKT said:

Yes, its very clear to non-Americans (the US type) that the upcoming presidential elections will without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely certainly be rigged and that millions of potential Republican voters will be abducted by Aliens wearing fake Elvis Presley costumes, to try to entice them away from the booths and onto the flying saucers.


Many more will be dazzled by long lines of anti-Trump supporters doing the hokey-kokey around the polling booths to prevent the fanny snatchers supporters getting in to vote multiple times.


Its a sad reflection on the State of the Union that anybody, repeat anybody could support this Semi-Epsilon as a POTUS.


The damage being done to US credibility around the world by this moron is getting so bad it may never recover to its true role as a defender of democracy - and that will be bad for everyone.


Sad, Sad, SAD. 





Agree with the we are all laughing at the Murican presidential race and the thick as pig Sh!t baboon Trump. Mind you along with the Cartrashcans and the like we are not expecting high standards from modern Murica. 

But the US as defender of democracy? Now you are kidding. You may have the best of toys to invade other countries as such but Murican democracy and diplomacy sucks both internally and internationally.

It anything is coming out of all this absolute clown show it is the need to completely overhaul the business funded election process which is no where near democratic. It is a major flaw, and one could debate corrupt, right at the start of the whole process when how much money you can muster decides the candidates running ability. But will anything ever change? Certainly one can understand the Trump supporters frustration but a moron who's only interest is what he can screw the system for is not and never was the answer. 

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 No problem with women as long as they are not Nancy Pelosi/ Elizabeth Warren clones. :sick:


The huge number of us have no problem with a black person on the Court either. Problem is, there hasn't been one since Thurgood Marshal died. Clarence Thomas doesn't cut it cause his votes and opinions leave the Court solid white -- and right. 


Thomas was one of 5 justices in the year 2000 election fraud that required all nine Scotus members to vote twice in that election -- once at the voting precinct in their neighborhood, then a second time as the Court. Only nine Americans got to vote twice for Potus.


That was the biggest voter fraud I'd ever heard of and it was perpetrated by justices appointed by Republican Potus. Only four of 'em left now and counting.

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10 hours ago, MiKT said:

Yes, its very clear to non-Americans (the US type) that the upcoming presidential elections will without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely certainly be rigged and that millions of potential Republican voters will be abducted by Aliens wearing fake Elvis Presley costumes, to try to entice them away from the booths and onto the flying saucers.


Many more will be dazzled by long lines of anti-Trump supporters doing the hokey-kokey around the polling booths to prevent the fanny snatchers supporters getting in to vote multiple times.


Its a sad reflection on the State of the Union that anybody, repeat anybody could support this Semi-Epsilon as a POTUS.


The damage being done to US credibility around the world by this moron is getting so bad it may never recover to its true role as a defender of democracy - and that will be bad for everyone.


Sad, Sad, SAD. 







The damage being done to US credibility around the world by this moron is getting so bad it may never recover to its true role as a defender of democracy - and that will be bad for everyone.



Barack Obama quickly made great strides to get US credibility back after the GW Bush and his Dick Cheney debacle (to include the Nobel Peace Award).


A Potus Hillary Clinton will do the same concerning Donald Trump who not only won't in fact be Potus, but will on Election Day get whacked over the head by the general electorate and given the Bum's Rush by 'em -- straight through the big window of the saloon.


Politically tared and feathered and run out on a rail in the old fashioned way.

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5 hours ago, connda said:

but the US has enough cases of documented election tampering and outright voter fraud that Trump's claim is not without merit. 

31 cases of suspected fraudulent ballots out of 1 billion ballots for primary and general elections of which about 5 were deemed truly fraudulent.

As you say - ENOUGH!

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15 minutes ago, Publicus said:

then a second time as the Court.

Probably a troll lead in but ... no the SCOTUS did not get to vote twice for POTUS. You only get the ballot once. What the SCOTUS voted on was whether the Florida Supreme Court decision to deny an extension to the state certification of voting results beyond what was allowed in the Florida state constitution violated the US Constitution. It did not. SCOTUS upheld the validity of the Florida state constitution. The ruling was correct to not take into account who would win or lose the election.


If the Florida electorate disapproved of the certification provisions in the state's constitution, they can start a process to amend it. They haven't which seems to indicate that the electorate has been satisfied with the current provisions.

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17 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Probably a troll lead in but ... no the SCOTUS did not get to vote twice for POTUS. You only get the ballot once. What the SCOTUS voted on was whether the Florida Supreme Court decision to deny an extension to the state certification of voting results beyond what was allowed in the Florida state constitution violated the US Constitution. It did not. SCOTUS upheld the validity of the Florida state constitution. The ruling was correct to not take into account who would win or lose the election.


If the Florida electorate disapproved of the certification provisions in the state's constitution, they can start a process to amend it. They haven't which seems to indicate that the electorate has been satisfied with the current provisions.


The ruling was correct to not take into account who would win or lose the election.




Scotus stopped the vote count which was going back and forth when GW and the Bush Family running Florida were 537 votes ahead. No more back and forth because no more vote counting. That was the operative order by Scotus.


The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals only minutes before Scotus stopped the count had ordered the count to continue. Scotus one minute after the appeals ruling vacated it (dismissed it) and made their own ruling. Americans know Scotus isn't always or necessarily right, it's just the last place a suit in the courts go for the final word period. Nothing more than that.


The long and the short of it is that it was Scotus vote fraud -- by the Republican appointed justices, 5-4. Blatantly, in broad daylight.


We did not revolt. We didn't threaten to assassinate anyone. We didn't holler and jump up and down flapping our arms. We complained, yes. However, we did not reject the Court nor did we reject the process.


We sucked it up which was the right thing to do. Trump and his fanboyz threatening, rejecting, menacing the voting and the outcome of citizens voting at the polls are something else, fundamentally and entirely.


Trump and his fanboyz are the contemporary equivalent of the brown shirts and the black shirts. Given that at election time they always go low, Trump and his fanboyz can suck it up down there.

Edited by Publicus
Change the suck word.
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8 hours ago, Phuket Man said:

The man is a head case and need psychiatric help.

Is this really the best that the yanks can do for a Presidential candidate?

To answer your Q:  No. Americans can do better.  Just look at HRC or Jill Stein.



Some inconvenient facts for ever-shrill Trumpsters:

Since 2001, ....834 million American votes have been cast.  Out of those, 35 were suspected of voter fraud. 



Also:  there were a few 'dead people' who voted in Colorado.  CO officials have ID'd the addresses where those ballots went.  Most of those dead voters were registered Republicans.


In sum, if the BS that Trump is spouting is even remotely true, it's more likely Reps are cheating the system than Dems.



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The dead people voting that the rightwhinge is carrying on about was primarily a city political machine thing from the late 19th century with some spillover into the early 20th century. 


It was one of the corrections made during the Progressive Era in the USA, as it's called in the History books --1880 to 1920 -- when a lot of things got cleaned up, to include the vital issue of voting. This was the pre WW II Era USA.


Republicans who are the entire right sector of American society need to produce something now, in this election. And fast.


Otherwise put a lid on it.

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      I'll say it again:  Trump's unsubstantiated claims, based on nothing but him being an ugly loser, is denigrating to the tens of thousands of good people who strive to keep elections reliable.


      I've met some of the multitudes who work to facilitate elections.  Most are elder women who sincerely want to contribute to their community in a positive way - to ensure elections are free and fair.  I admire them for volunteering to assist the community. They do an admirable job.


       By saying they're corrupt, Trump is squatting down on his golden pedestal and shitting brown liquid on all their gray-haired heads.  There is very little proof (0.00001%) that the US voting process is rigged in the US.  What little evidence exists, mostly points to registered Republicans.


        Note:  A man at a Trump rally was interviewed yesterday.  He said, "If Hillary wins, she's got to be taken out."   The interviewer followed up, "You mean physically taken out?"  The Trump fan grinned, but wouldn't specify.  In case anyone is wondering, the term "to take someone out" doesn't involve dating.  It's tough-guy talk for killing someone.  Trump knows that, his mob buddies know that, combat vets know that, and his redneck fans know that.  


       It's a federal offense to threaten to kill a president.   HRC will be the President-Elect in 3 weeks, and already Trump is doing all he can to incite his redneck gun-toting fans to shoot her dead.  He's hinted at that several different ways in recent months.  If Trump fans want to talk about people breaking laws, they ought to look in the mirror.

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23 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Of course it's rigged:


WASHINGTON – “Remember, it’s a rigged system. It’s a rigged election,” said Donald Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday.

The stunned recoil in this city suggests this bunker buster went right down the chimney. As the French put it, “Il n’y a que la verite qui blesse.” It is only the truth that hurts.

In what sense is the system rigged?

Consider Big Media – the elite columnists and commentators, the dominant national press, and the national and cable networks, save Fox. Not in this writer’s lifetime has there been such blanket hatred and hostility of a presidential candidate of a major party.



so if you dont agree with someone and think his election would be wrong and dangerous and say so, youre "rigging" the election?? lol


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3 hours ago, Roadman said:

Agree with the we are all laughing at the Murican presidential race and the thick as pig Sh!t baboon Trump. Mind you along with the Cartrashcans and the like we are not expecting high standards from modern Murica. 

But the US as defender of democracy? Now you are kidding. You may have the best of toys to invade other countries as such but Murican democracy and diplomacy sucks both internally and internationally.

It anything is coming out of all this absolute clown show it is the need to completely overhaul the business funded election process which is no where near democratic. It is a major flaw, and one could debate corrupt, right at the start of the whole process when how much money you can muster decides the candidates running ability. But will anything ever change? Certainly one can understand the Trump supporters frustration but a moron who's only interest is what he can screw the system for is not and never was the answer. 


Would be nice if there'd been there a point somewhere in all of the run-on ramblings.


All the same fear not, because while the situation of the USA is hopeless it is not serious.

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17 minutes ago, Publicus said:

.......restoring America's credibility with its vital treaty allies and partner governments.


     Pardonne moi for just quoting a section of a sentence. But it's key to why a Trump presidency would be very bad for the US.   As important as many other issues, ....is the US's stance in the world.  Trump would hobble it.  He already is.  Already, he's proposing weakening or abolishing NATO.  He's already hinted he would not have the US honor its commitments to debt ("I'm great at debt, believe me.").   He praises Putin (who kills journalists and takes territory from other countries) as a better leader than the US prez.  Trump is anti-science in his disregard for GW.   


      With people and with countries, it takes a lot of time and effort to build up a reliable reputation.  Trump is a one-man steamroller who is trying to denigrate the US - not just in the view of Americans, ....but from a worldwide perspective.


       Woven throughout his rhetoric are put-downs of American institutions (and people).  He says government regulations are all bad.  He wants to abolish the IRS and Dept of Education.  He says the US military is weak and led by inept top brass.  He thinks, by cutting everything and everyone down, that will inflate his popularity - because gullible people will think he's the only solution to America's problems.  Admittedly, his repeated mouth farts have worked, but only with his finite # of die-hard supporters.   Anyone with any bit of reason is turned off to him.  Thankfully.  And that's why he'll lose bigly in 3 weeks.

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26 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

so if you dont agree with someone and think his election would be wrong and dangerous and say so, youre "rigging" the election?? lol


Not at all

You'd have to be completely in the dark to not recognize the heavy media bias in this year's election.

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