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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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As a historian I can assure you the myth of American Democracy as a shining example to the world was always a joke.

In the past 200 years or more Negros, Women, and immigrants were often denied the righr to be registred and to vote.

To say nothing about vote rigging.

In fact as the biography of Lyndon Baines Johnson states, when Johnson ran for his first term as Congressman, he must have been very popoular.

because according to the official Texas electoral records over 2000 mexicans arose from their graves and voted for Johnson accoring to the voting records.

And more amazingly according to the voting records they did all that in alphabetical order.



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1 hour ago, Silurian said:

And so it begins... DT supporter charged with "electioneering" by the voting booths.


Trump voter in Texas arrested over 'deplorable' T-shirt




If he wants to go bitching about Texas state laws, he knows who to go to.


He provoked his own arrest - he was asked to take off the Trump hat and put the Trump T-shirt on inside out, and refused.


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16 hours ago, Linzz said:


Dunno. Trump doesn't email. Only Tweets!


His campaign does, people around him do. Same goes for people that did/do business with him.

And yet, only the HRC related emails are exposed.

Given that Trump is, potentially at least, the next POTUS, seems like Wikileaks are oddly quiet about him. And of course, again, always, not a word on Putin.

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The Clinton campaign has not said they are fakes, which is significant. Their only defence seems to be to try and imply Russia is behind them when they have zero proof that that is true.

However, they do seem to be having success in diverting people from talking about what the e mails say to who might be behind them.

I'd say whoever is behind them, if not the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, or a nerd in his mother's basement ( because he can ) hates HRC, so there's only millions and millions of suspects to check.

There would be nothing strange about WikiLeaks being partisan when they are obviously anti establishment, and she is the embodiment of the establishment.


As said in an earlier post - sometimes ignoring an issue is a better strategy. Obviously, no matter what proof will be produced, diehard Trump supporters will not accept it anyway. Publicly addressing each and every potential issue stemming from these emails would both give the emails too much credence, and as the issues involved aren't black and white - unlikely to be resolved in a manner which will convince voters.


I don't think that "zero proof" describes the allegations that Russia had something to do with the emails being released. Perhaps lack of concrete proof is more like it. Same goes for the connections between Wikileaks and Russia.


If the criteria was number of haters, we'd have exposed emails of Trump, Putin and many other leaders and politicians. This is not the case. At least not when it comes to material released by Wikileaks.


"Establishment" is a cop out. Not a term that can be used accurately. Seems there is only a US (or Western) "establishment", no such thing in Russia, or China. Right.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


We're sure that's just the tip of the iceberg...:sleep:

Who is we Boon Mee? It's only you and a few other Trumpeteers that are posting all this noncense about a rigged ellection!

But you are right about the iceberg, better get off the Trumptanic when you still can.

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20 minutes ago, Morch said:


As said in an earlier post - sometimes ignoring an issue is a better strategy. Obviously, no matter what proof will be produced, diehard Trump supporters will not accept it anyway. Publicly addressing each and every potential issue stemming from these emails would both give the emails too much credence, and as the issues involved aren't black and white - unlikely to be resolved in a manner which will convince voters.


I don't think that "zero proof" describes the allegations that Russia had something to do with the emails being released. Perhaps lack of concrete proof is more like it. Same goes for the connections between Wikileaks and Russia.


If the criteria was number of haters, we'd have exposed emails of Trump, Putin and many other leaders and politicians. This is not the case. At least not when it comes to material released by Wikileaks.


"Establishment" is a cop out. Not a term that can be used accurately. Seems there is only a US (or Western) "establishment", no such thing in Russia, or China. Right.

The e mails are irrelevant now. Nobody cares about them anymore.

The big deal is the FBI reopening the investigation on HRC's server. This time she can't use the Russians as a sidetrack either. Good ol' Weiner did it again 55555.

Trump is on FIRE- he got his mojo back.

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Get used to it. If HRC loses by a small margin, expect the same from her supporters.

I fully expect that if he loses he will make it his mission in life to destroy the GOP establishment ( because they lost it for him ) and will do his best to sabotage everything she does as president.

I could be completely wrong of course, and he might concede graciously and go back to making even more billions.


HRC supporters might, though its doubtful. HRC herself, however, did not resort to such claims. Trump did. His supporters did. And that's prior to the elections taking place, even.


The GOP "establishment" did not lose the elections for Trump. Trump lost the elections. If he managed to alienate the GOP "establishment" it is his own doing. Seems like everyone but Trump is to blame in case Trump losses.


That Trump got a vindictive streak and that he can be tenacious with unfounded accusations is a given. I don't think that the elections outcome will change much with regard to his attitude toward the GOP or HRC.



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34 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The e mails are irrelevant now. Nobody cares about them anymore.

The big deal is the FBI reopening the investigation on HRC's server. This time she can't use the Russians as a sidetrack either. Good ol' Weiner did it again 55555.

Trump is on FIRE- he got his mojo back.


Where have we heard this before?

Pretty much with the onset of any inquiry related to things HRC.

Results to date? Nada.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's just the ones they found. There are more out there.


Yup, when I read your emails I think "oh god, its so scary, there really are more out there"


Is it true that "Trump is on fire"?


Pity that's so premature, when there must be lots of posters going "damn and I wanted to be there to tell him that I would not p... on him".



Edited by MiKT
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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



Brush up on your reading ability. His codes ARE needed and if he is fired the codes are passed on to the assistant SOD.

The president cannot do it alone. He has to convince someone in the chain of command to go along with him and he would be stopped by the cabinet and Congress by then. Nukes are protected against a president going postal.




The madness in the post is being rattled off because Donald Trump is the nominee of the 2016 Republican Party.


No one had to talk in these mad ways about the Republican nominee in 2012, or in 2008, or in 2000 etc back to when the nuclear codes were created during the Eisenhower administration (a Republican).


It is incredulous that the Republican Party of 2016 has given us a wildman radical ignoramus nutcase as their guy for Potus. However, Trump is the Republican Party of 2016 and Trump has his legion of same same Fanboyz. 


Which is why you're all going to get the Bum's Rush by the general electorate in less than a dozen dayze.


Crackpot nutcases.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Three New Charges of Vote Fraud Filed in Florida and Virginia




Authorities in two states have filed vote fraud charges against three separate suspects, just 11 days before the November election, reports say.

Two women in Florida, and a suspect in Virginia, face vote fraud charges of tampering with ballots and voter registration.

In the case in Virginia, a man faces four felony charges for voter registration fraud, according to Washington D.C.’s NBC affiliate.

The woman in Miami was caught trying to illegally vote for one of the candidates for city mayor, nothing to do with the presidential election.  I'm don't know what the person in Virginia was up to, but he wasn't able to cast an illegal vote. 


Voter fraud would have to occur on a massive scale to affect the Presidential election.  There isn't even a hint of such fraud.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



Brush up on your reading ability. His codes ARE needed and if he is fired the codes are passed on to the assistant SOD.

The president cannot do it alone. He has to convince someone in the chain of command to go along with him and he would be stopped by the cabinet and Congress by then. Nukes are protected against a president going postal.



"Nukes are protected against a president going postal."


The only protection requires the military to stage a full-blown mutiny.  I prefer the added security of a stable president who knows something about the how nuclear deterrence works and the consequences of an attack involving one or many nuclear weapons.

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

I prefer the added security of a stable president who knows something about the how nuclear deterrence works and the consequences of an attack involving one or many nuclear weapons.



Either candidate fits that profile - no matter how the left wants to pretend otherwise. 

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


The madness in the post is being rattled off because Donald Trump is the nominee of the 2016 Republican Party.


No one had to talk in these mad ways about the Republican nominee in 2012, or in 2008, or in 2000 etc back to when the nuclear codes were created during the Eisenhower administration (a Republican).


It is incredulous that the Republican Party of 2016 has given us a wildman radical ignoramus nutcase as their guy for Potus. However, Trump is the Republican Party of 2016 and Trump has his legion of same same Fanboyz. 


Which is why you're all going to get the Bum's Rush by the general electorate in less than a dozen dayze.


Crackpot nutcases.


You may well be right about Trump. But it was the establishment who created him. The Dem establishment, GOP establishment, Washington seat warmers, power mongers, banksters, academia, career politicians et al who ignored the plight of those whom he represents who propelled him to where he has the distinct possibility of gaining the Presidency. He is the symptom of what is wrong with America and as I've said before, no amount of derision or inflammatory name calling is going to change that, but rather reinforce the class distinction.

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4 minutes ago, Linzz said:


You may well be right about Trump. But it was the establishment who created him. The Dem establishment, GOP establishment, Washington seat warmers, power mongers, banksters, academia, career politicians et al who ignored the plight of those whom he represents who propelled him to where he has the distinct possibility of gaining the Presidency. He is the symptom of what is wrong with America and as I've said before, no amount of derision or inflammatory name calling is going to change that, but rather reinforce the class distinction.


Nobody likes a nihilist-anarchist.


They cause such a horror every time, everywhere.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


No one likes a corrupt government official either - especially one that keeps evading justice because of political considerations and friends at the top.


thats the definition of american politics and folks must like it because they have been voting for the two wings of the one party state for decades. and dont pretend trump isnt corrupt, the attorney general of florida fiasco is just one example.

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11 hours ago, Morch said:


His campaign does, people around him do. Same goes for people that did/do business with him.

And yet, only the HRC related emails are exposed.

Given that Trump is, potentially at least, the next POTUS, seems like Wikileaks are oddly quiet about him. And of course, again, always, not a word on Putin.


HRC was the only one using an insecure, illegal server is probably the reason.

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7 hours ago, heybruce said:

"Nukes are protected against a president going postal."


The only protection requires the military to stage a full-blown mutiny.  I prefer the added security of a stable president who knows something about the how nuclear deterrence works and the consequences of an attack involving one or many nuclear weapons.


6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



Either candidate fits that profile - no matter how the left wants to pretend otherwise. 

Really?  Are you ready to bet your life, and the lives of your children and grandchildren upon that assumption?


When provoked, candidate Trump goes on irrational rages that work against his candidacy.  There is a lot at stake, what will happen if President Trump is provoked?

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Here's an option for Americans and therefore the World. Why not vote for Dr. Jill Stein? She seems to be the most reasonable, balanced human being in the Presidential race. Just what's needed right now.

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1 hour ago, MJP said:

Here's an option for Americans and therefore the World. Why not vote for Dr. Jill Stein? She seems to be the most reasonable, balanced human being in the Presidential race. Just what's needed right now.

Throw away vote and she's a fool anyway. So is Johnson.


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1 hour ago, heybruce said:


Really?  Are you ready to bet your life, and the lives of your children and grandchildren upon that assumption.


Whoever gets in office, we are making that bet. There is plenty of evidence that Hillary is mentally unbalanced as well as being a serial liar. There is no way to be sure that she won't do something irrational in office.

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Surprise, Surprise, Donald Trump’s Supporters Are Trying To ‘Rig’ The Election


"The GOP presidential nominee has repeatedly called for his supporters to watch polling places throughout the election and intimidate voters."


"His supporters are doing just that. Some groups have vowed to conduct fake “exit polls,” videotape voters

and use fake identity badges to pose as voting officials."


"One supporter told it like it is, just like his hero Trump does, and revealed to The Boston Globe who he’d be looking for at the polls:

“Well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American.”



The ignorance of the Deplorables is mind boggling...

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That’s a big topic, as Minnesota’s same-day registration scheme is notoriously subject to–in fact, invites–abuse. But a group called Minnesota Voters Alliance has brought to light another problem: substantial numbers of felons, among others, are illegally being allowed to vote, because Minnesota’s Secretary of State refuses to follow the law. Yesterday, lawsuits were commenced by three election judges:


Read the whole thing here:  http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/10/voter-fraud-in-minnesota.php

It's real and it's happening all over the country..:saai:



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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Whoever gets in office, we are making that bet. There is plenty of evidence that Hillary is mentally unbalanced as well as being a serial liar. There is no way to be sure that she won't do something irrational in office.


Please reply to my full post, not an edited down portion:


5 hours ago, heybruce said:


Really?  Are you ready to bet your life, and the lives of your children and grandchildren upon that assumption?


When provoked, candidate Trump goes on irrational rages that work against his candidacy.  There is a lot at stake, what will happen if President Trump is provoked?


How many times has Hillary 'tweeted' about fat beauty contestant winners in the early morning hours?  How often has Hillary compared her sacrifices to that of parents that lost a son in Iraq? How many times has Hillary told Howard Stern it is ok to refer to her daughter as a "piece of ass" http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/08/politics/trump-on-howard-stern/


Do you really want a man like this in charge of nuclear weapons?  Do you think a person who speculates about letting Saudi Arabia acquire nuclear weapons should be responsible for keeping these weapons out of the hands of terrorists?


For all of Hillary Clinton's many faults, she is by far a better choice than the self-serving, clueless, erratic, thin-skinned narcissist Donald Trump.  She also knows how government works, as opposed to Donald Trump who has never had to deal with separation of powers, checks and balances, and other things that distinguish between being president vs being dictator. 


As the Republican author P.J. O'Rourke put it:


"I endorse Hillary Clinton for president. She is the second-worst thing that could happen to America.

I endorse her. And all her pomps. And all her empty promises.

Better the devil you know than the Lord of the Flies on his own 757. Flying to and fro in the earth, with gold-plated seatbelt buckles, talking nativist, isolationist, mercantilist, bigoted, rude, and vulgar crap. "


I'm being kind in quoting P.J. O'Rourke, he has a much higher opinion of Donald Trump than I do. 


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