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Amid talk of 'rigged' election, experts say fraud is rare


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I have seen a documentary on PBS on exactly how this programmer shoed the procedure you can use to rig a voting machine.

I am not saying this was ever done, but this program showed step by step how it can be done by tose who have access to the mahine and can make a few quick alterations in the program of the voting machine.

if you have access to the voting macchine rigging the voting program can be done in less than 5 minutes by a person who knows exactly what to do.


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Gambling is illegal in Thailand.   I think we can dispense with this type of discussion, even by PM and even if anyone is speaking in jest.   I also suggest you not play bridge or dominoes.  

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What little voter fraud exists or has existed was there to influence local elections.   


To influence a presidential election would require voter fraud of epidemic proportions and would have to affect many states.   It's important to remember that the one with the highest number of votes may not be the winner.   It is the electoral college that ultimately elects the president.   

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

News Flash: Trump is calling on all his supporters to don tin foil hats on election day to offset the media bias and also because he believes it makes you impervious to hearing the truth. 


Put some ear plugs in and you will not hear any lies, put on a blind fold and you will not read any lies...

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28 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

The James O'Keefe video on voter fraud is now no1 trending video on YouTube. Let's hope the dam bursts washing away all the lies and bullshit the Clinton campaign is based on.

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P.s Wikileaks is no1 and the FBI Clinton updates no4.


And Donald Trump is drawing huge crowds.  Eh.

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

The James O'Keefe video on voter fraud is now no1 trending video on YouTube. Let's hope the dam bursts washing away all the lies and bullshit the Clinton campaign is based on.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


P.s Wikileaks is no1 and the FBI Clinton updates no4.



I wouldn't get your hopes up. That stuff doesn't get much traction in the sane community.

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I wouldn't get your hopes up. That stuff doesn't get much traction in the sane community.

The classic liberal ad hominem when they can't refute an argument. By the way Bob Creamer who resigned from the DNC as a result of the election fraud video is himself a convicted felon ($2.3 million loan fraud). It is hugely damaging that such a character should visit the White House no fewer than 340 times during the Obama administration, out of which he met the POTUS himself 45 times. Seeing as you used the word 'sane' I would argue the trail of criminal behavior points to the very top, but as we know the head of the FBI appears to be bought. In other words the U.S voters are the only hope For preventing the accelerating decline of their nation.

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30 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

The classic liberal ad hominem when they can't refute an argument. By the way Bob Creamer who resigned from the DNC as a result of the election fraud video is himself a convicted felon ($2.3 million loan fraud). It is hugely damaging that such a character should visit the White House no fewer than 340 times during the Obama administration, out of which he met the POTUS himself 45 times. Seeing as you used the word 'sane' I would argue the trail of criminal behavior points to the very top, but as we know the head of the FBI appears to be bought. In other words the U.S voters are the only hope For preventing the accelerating decline of their nation.

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You seriously expect people to dignify this stuff with a response? This whole 'rigged election' thing is so transparently just Trump preparing his ego for the blow of defeat that it's amazing to see anyone actually take it seriously.


Occam's razor time. You put up an unelectable candidate. It's not exactly a surprise that he's losing.

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

The classic liberal ad hominem when they can't refute an argument. By the way Bob Creamer who resigned from the DNC as a result of the election fraud video is himself a convicted felon ($2.3 million loan fraud). It is hugely damaging that such a character should visit the White House no fewer than 340 times during the Obama administration, out of which he met the POTUS himself 45 times. Seeing as you used the word 'sane' I would argue the trail of criminal behavior points to the very top, but as we know the head of the FBI appears to be bought. In other words the U.S voters are the only hope For preventing the accelerating decline of their nation.

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Well, they always resort to the Racist label do they not?

We are all aware of Crooked Hillary's behavior so the Left lashes out with the Racist label once again.  :saai:

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Breaking news, police investigating voter fraud in Indiana, thousands of 'rare lol' irregularities.


I hope the police who got so little support from the current administration mount fraud investigations in several states.

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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Your reading skills...?

Exchange as follows:

SEN. BARACK OBAMA: Well, I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we’ve got Democrats in charge of the machines. But, look, I come from Chicago. Some want to be honest, it is not as if it is just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes Democrats have, too."



Let me start off by saying, vote rigging goes by both ways, specifically politicians trying to make as many invalid votes as possible due to various reasons that they can come up with in each state.


Obama's statement of "in charge" didn't meant Democrats rigged the machine. He was talking in context how software can by manipulated in voting machines. That Democrats were in charge in Ohio to prevent that from happening, not that they were physically in control of the machines. Because years earlier Republican Congressman Tom Feeney was outed for hiring Clinton Eugene a programmer to write a software hack to rig the voting machines. And that Ohio in 2004 was one of the states that effected the presidential results where Bush won and there was a huge scandal about the vote counts. Obama was talking how how to prevent vote rigging!  Trump supporters are just twisting his words around. He was talking about more accountability and have paper trails so there will be additional proof if the machines are hacked. 


The previous voting machines are made by Diebold, and the owner leans towards Republicans. If you read about voting machines, its a secretive business where codes are highly confidential and all, yet the owner is a outspoken Republican supporter. It does make people wonder if there is a conflict of interest. Investigattion have found the voting machines are very insecure, and that there is no way to double check voting machine results.  I'm guessing both sides of the party are probably hacking the machines now due to how easy it can be done and with todays technology.


So like many Trump supporters, you are trying to mislead other by taking what someone say out of context, either that or you don't know how to analyze / read properly, or that you don't know enough to try to comment about a subject.



Edited by mike324
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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, they always resort to the Racist label do they not?

We are all aware of Crooked Hillary's behavior so the Left lashes out with the Racist label once again.  :saai:

You want evidence?  Here's evidence:

 "April, when the Pew Research Center asked Republicans for their views on Trump, and their opinions on the US becoming majority nonwhite by 2050, they found that Republicans who thought a majority nonwhite population would be "bad for the country" had overwhelmingly favorable views of Trump. Those who thought it was a positive or neutral development were evenly split on Trump.

By contrast, John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012 got less primary support from voters with high racial resentment and anti-immigration scores than they did from less racially resentful or anti-immigrant voters"


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“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”

Edited by SoiBiker
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22 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:



“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”


A secondhand - supposed - quote from a disgruntled employee, who claimed it years after it was - supposedly - uttered and denied by Trump. Never believe anything in the HUFFINGTON POST. 

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13 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


A secondhand - supposed - quote from a disgruntled employee, who claimed it years after it was - supposedly - uttered and denied by Trump. Never believe anything in the HUFFINGTON POST. 


There were 13 examples in that article.  Most were hard facts and video from his own mouth, not what a disgruntled employee said, on top of that he never denied what the disgruntled employee said back when that issue blew up, in fact he admitted it. The employee was the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino. This is a direct quote from an interview Trump did when he was asked bout the issue


" “Nobody has had worse things written about them than me,” Trump says. “And here I am. The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true. The guy’s a <deleted> loser. A <deleted> loser. I brought the guy in to work for me; it turns out he didn’t know that much about what he was doing. I think I met the guy two or three times total. And this guy goes off and writes a book about me, like he knows me!” "


On the list one included Trump being sued by the Federal Government! Unbelievable how you still can deny the facts...

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On October 18, 2016 at 7:15 AM, Ulysses G. said:

The fraud is the lies and distortions about Trump published in the MSM.


Please provide some links to support your unsubstantiated claims that you state as facts.

Please feel free to itemize some examples for us will you?

Should be easy for you. No?


You sound so confident.

After all, it's not simply an opinion is it?

Sounds like you got the goods to back up your assertions.


Fire away.

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