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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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3 hours ago, evadgib said:

My conclusion some months ago was:




It hasn't changed!


3 hours ago, Flustered said:

If you look at his posting history, you will find that he sometimes comes up with very good points but then destroys his own arguments with irrelevant content.


In fairness,  English is obviously not his natural language and I would imagine he is very young and has not had much experience of life so allowances have to be made.


I sometimes understand what he is trying to say but his English is so bad that I am not sure.



I have noticed on a number of occasions that there appears to be a certain nasty strain in the Brexiteer camp which appears to pop up now and again. Whether this is, as Grouse has suggested previously, due to a lack of education resulting in an inability to follow an argument and thereby retreating to personal insult, I am not fully certain. However, lack of comprehension is a problem rather than a badge of honour or even a T-shirt to be worn with pride.

Edited by SheungWan
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3 hours ago, lungbing said:

Quote Grouse  "We and the Americans utterly destroyed German cities, latterly out of spite."


I think the people of Coventry and parts of London might have a reply on that point.

Not to mention the people of Rotterdam and Warsaw.

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I wonder if those posters who claimed that nobody is out to ensure the UK will be punished or treated harshly will apologize or continue to live in La La land.


Coming from the idiot himself.


“The UK will need to prepare itself to be treated as a third country,” he said.

Mr Juncker told the newspaper that none of the other 27 remaining countries would ever consider leaving the EU when they see how harshly Britain will be treated in negotiations.




I also keep hearing this word divorce bill. We were not in a marriage it was a friendship.  I hope TM tells him to go and do one.

Is this not acceptance of the UK gov. position Brexit means Brexit

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4 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

Is this not acceptance of the UK gov. position Brexit means Brexit

And brexit means brexit at any cost.


Brexit ministers are demanding that Phillip Hammond provide them with “hundreds more” members of staff after departments have been forced to make cuts. 


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I have spoken to a few supporters of Brexit lately and I have read a few comments on these forums whereby they really are hoping that the European Union implodes. What has it got to do with them? You got what you wanted, so why this need for wishing bad things on the rest? A lot of people have savings, pensions and investments in EUR, so why wish them harm?  So far their wet dream hit the first wall with Holland rejecting a Xenophobe and France will do the same.

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7 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

I have spoken to a few supporters of Brexit lately and I have read a few comments on these forums whereby they really are hoping that the European Union implodes. What has it got to do with them? You got what you wanted, so why this need for wishing bad things on the rest? A lot of people have savings, pensions and investments in EUR, so why wish them harm?  So far their wet dream hit the first wall with Holland rejecting a Xenophobe and France will do the same.


Maybe it's something to do with the Beurocrats in Brussels threatening the U.K.


As regards Holland, you do realise that the anti-Muslim PPV increased their seats from 15 to seats to 20. While the P.M's VVD party ONLY lost 8 seats,thanks to their strong language with Turkey. Meanwhile the Dutch equivalent of the Labour Party,who are very pro EU, lost 29 of their 38 seats.





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14 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

I have spoken to a few supporters of Brexit lately and I have read a few comments on these forums whereby they really are hoping that the European Union implodes. What has it got to do with them? You got what you wanted, so why this need for wishing bad things on the rest? A lot of people have savings, pensions and investments in EUR, so why wish them harm?  So far their wet dream hit the first wall with Holland rejecting a Xenophobe and France will do the same.

This forseen train wreck is inevitable and doesn't need any help.

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

This forseen train wreck is inevitable and doesn't need any help.

i find it very strange that this is inevitable because i have not seen of any big shorts of the €UR nor any shorting of south European government bonds. there's a fortune to be made if the EU implodes but obviously the gloom&doomers don't put their money where there mouths are.


yawwwnnn... :coffee1:

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Maybe it's something to do with the Beurocrats in Brussels threatening the U.K.


As regards Holland, you do realise that the anti-Muslim PPV increased their seats from 15 to seats to 20. While the P.M's VVD party ONLY lost 8 seats,thanks to their strong language with Turkey. Meanwhile the Dutch equivalent of the Labour Party,who are very pro EU, lost 29 of their 38 seats.






And what has the bureaucrats got to do with ordinary Europeans and even British expats with investments in EUR? If the EU implodes they will be the ones that feel the pain.


Both parties are threatening each other, or have you forgotten May and her Tax haven U.K. It's part of the negotiations.



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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46 minutes ago, Naam said:

there's a fortune to be made if the EU implodes but obviously the gloom&doomers don't put their money where there mouths are.

The best way to avoid a bear trap is to get off the prairy.


The second best is to insert a pause between brain & keyboard allowing time to properly articulate.


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39 minutes ago, vogie said:

But in all fairness, without SheungWan the game bird wouldn't get any likes. 

I don't give a stuff about likes


However, if you check my profile, I seem to receive a few


But let's be honest here, people ignore me because they don't have the intellectual horse power to keep up


BTW, feel free to use PM to discuss me behind my back ?; maybe as team you can assemble a cogent response?


Pip! Pip!

Edited by Grouse
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18 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I don't give a stuff about likes


However, if you check my profile, I seem to receive a few


But let's be honest here, people ignore me because they don't have the intellectual horse power to keep up

Statistically not that many if you look at it as a scientist. If only we all had your intellect and IQ:smile:. Regardless I have thick skin too and don't take it too personally. We clearly see things differently. It has nothing to do with horse power.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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22 minutes ago, evadgib said:

The best way to avoid a bear trap is to get off the prairy.


The second best is to insert a pause between brain & keyboard allowing time to properly articulate.


a lame way is to divert from the subject with a personal attack when cornered and lacking an answer :smile:

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Yes that is a sentiment shared by many and really made clear by Kenneth Clarke in  a commendable speech in the Commons recently. Many of us think this is a bad mistake but nevertheless accept the decision and wish our country well. Of course we cannot now expect to enjoy the same deal as we had when we were members of the EU but it is not in the interest of the EU for the UK to implode anymore than it is in the interests of the UK for the EU to collapse or the Euro to collapse. 

Also not to forget there are some small groups who supported Brexit who would quite happily see the destruction of both the UK and the EU though, I would hasten to add, none I have seen posted on TV

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Statistically not that many if you look at it as a scientist. If only we all had your intellect and IQ:smile:. Regardless I have thick skin too and don't take it too personally. We clearly see things differently. It has nothing to do with horse power.

Statistically, there are likely to be more numpties than intellectuals on here. Did you expect anything different? That is obviously the case in the U.K. and  I don't see Thailand as being a particular magnet for top tier people do you? If people want to lik each other, go right ahead ?


I really do not mind being ignored. I come here to learn things and be entertained. I don't miss those who ignore me because their contributions were rather thin anyway. I have noticed a few valued frequent contributors have disappeared from the forum completely. Anybody know if they're OK?

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

Roll on 12th August :smile:





Good god! Is that how you would present a pheasant? What's in the tumbler? Coke? Where are the game chips? And the cutlery! Where are you? America? ?


Actually, the best way is to rip the breasts off, seal in butter and olive oil and then simmer in a decent red with shallots. Drink with the best claret you can afford....


( and then buy a chicken vindaloo!)

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