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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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55 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Your guess is wrong but I do remember that you have slated papers like the express before. You have to admit that a poll online by the paper is hardly credible.


Parliament is having its say but what I don't agree is that they are trying to undermine the PM's positioning on getting the best deal for the UK.


Yes, parliament should have its decision-making powers transferred to 'er Royal Prerogative if it doesn't behave. :glare:

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Scotland and Switzerland to swap places after Brexit

Edinburgh, Bern (dpo) - The governments of Scotland and Switzerland have taken a historic decision: before the end of summer, the two countries are to swap their current state territories. This means that Switzerland will finally cease to be surrounded by EU member states, whilst Scotland will move right into the heart of the EU in the wake of the disappointing Brexit vote. Read more »




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No, entirely incorrect
TM doesn't give a damn about what's best for the country as a whole. She cares only about the Con Party.
WE, however, want what is best for our economy in general.
Parliament MUST have the final say.
I fear that what the Con Party REALLY want is a low cost, low tax, low benefit state which will be great for some but awful for most ( including, Ironically, the numpties and Cornwall)

May I ask, what is wrong with the UK being a low tax status country?

It would certainly put Junker's nose out of joint, Hammond has made it totally clear....if the EU fails to ensure the UK receives a fair, credible and strategic deal then the UKG will use whatever processes possible to ensure the UK is more globally competitive & damn right.

As for low benefit state, the UK, still after recent revised amendments 'has one of the most generous benefits system in the EU'

Lastly, TM is hardly focusing just on the Conservative party, if she and the Brexit team don't get the best deal for the whole UK the party is more or less finished..... or at least rated in the same category as the shambolic Labour Party & SNP.

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13 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Gravy, you have to understand that the remainers 'we have accepted brexit' mantra is a sham, a distraction. They are doing everything they can think of to undermine brexit, and the large sections of media that support them are doing their bit too. Thankfully, we appear to have a Prime Minister who sees through these scams and is determined to carry out a genuine brexit.


I said the exact same thing some 100 pages back.  First order of business is to attempt to scupper or rather scuttle the result and until '50' is invoked they will continue to do so. I say call article 50 and get these self physical manipulators to do something rather than snooze in a comfy green sofa after a rather a large lunch at the expense of the tax payer.  

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5 hours ago, citybiker said:


May I ask, what is wrong with the UK being a low tax status country?

It would certainly put Junker's nose out of joint, Hammond has made it totally clear....if the EU fails to ensure the UK receives a fair, credible and strategic deal then the UKG will use whatever processes possible to ensure the UK is more globally competitive & damn right.

As for low benefit state, the UK, still after recent revised amendments 'has one of the most generous benefits system in the EU'

Lastly, TM is hardly focusing just on the Conservative party, if she and the Brexit team don't get the best deal for the whole UK the party is more or less finished..... or at least rated in the same category as the shambolic Labour Party & SNP.

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I think this really is the key point.


Some of us actually "civilised", more egalitarian, socially democratic societies as seen in many European countries that have relatively high taxes but great services.


The American system is not attractive to me. It's uncivilised with violence just below the surface


Are the happiest countries low tax?

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So the house of lords true to itself and in the pockets of the EU have voted again, against the will of the people. I look forward to the government over turning that decision. Glad TM has sacked Hesteltine as an advisor. Long over due.
Once Article 50 is triggered (it will be ) and Brexit talks begin, I would hope a serious look at the structure of the House of Lords is taken and then streamlined. So many of the Lords are part of the Euro gravy train and are voting for self interest and nothing else.

There are definitely some bad eggs in the HoL


Appears he was also on the 'Euro gravy train' in the past as well though they weren't too happy about it


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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

"Ah" come on L.G. Your not insinuating that these unelected representatives of the people, only attend in order to collect their £300 per day allowance.Surely there must be other reasons.






:cheesy::cheesy: I am pretty sure they go to the HoL to get their medication on the cheap too. These so called Lords have a lot to answer for and are an embarrassment to democracy.

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20 hours ago, rockingrobin said:

The poll was conducted by BMG research, who have in the past been featured by Sunday Express



6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Does that somehow give it any more credibility? I think not.

Your opinion about the poll is based upon who commissioned it rather than the evidence it presented

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

:cheesy::cheesy: I am pretty sure they go to the HoL to get their medication on the cheap too. These so called Lords have a lot to answer for and are an embarrassment to democracy.

This crew of Brexiteers above: Law Courts Bad, House of Commons Bad, Supreme Court Bad, House of Lords Bad Vs Royal Prerogative Good. So much for the 'embarrassment to democracy'. :guitar:


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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

This crew of Brexiteers above: Law Courts Bad, House of Commons Bad, Supreme Court Bad, House of Lords Bad Vs Royal Prerogative Good. So much for the 'embarrassment to democracy'. :guitar:



At least we're not sticking up for a genocidal war criminal who happens to support remain, unlike some in the remain camp. How can anyone stoop that low?


By the way, only one of the institutions you listed is subject to genuine democratic procedure. And an elected government using royal prerogative wins hands-down re democracy, versus the Upper House.

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46 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


At least we're not sticking up for a genocidal war criminal who happens to support remain, unlike some in the remain camp. How can anyone stoop that low?


By the way, only one of the institutions you listed is subject to genuine democratic procedure. And an elected government using royal prerogative wins hands-down re democracy, versus the Upper House.

And what was the Lords voting on? That any Brexit agreement should be subject to the scrutiny of the Lower House. Well fancy that! PS A Government is appointed subject to its ability to command a majority in Parliament. It is not an elected dictatorship with the authority to wield Royal Prerogative as a tool to bypass Parliament. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this. Try another ploy.

Edited by SheungWan
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6 hours ago, nontabury said:

"Ah" come on L.G. Your not insinuating that these unelected representatives of the people, only attend in order to collect their £300 per day allowance.Surely there must be other reasons.

Largest attendance in the House of Lords for over 200 years.

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Just now, nontabury said:



 That does not get away from the FACT that they are non representative of the people. Completely out of touch from the general population.



Suggest you ask the next UKIP government to put up a motion in the House of Commons abolishing the House of Lords. In the meantime just add them to your list of Enemies Of The People: High Court, Supreme Court, House of Commons and now coming in 4th, the House of Lords.

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58 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

And what was the Lords voting on? That any Brexit agreement should be subject to the scrutiny of the Lower House. Well fancy that! PS A Government is appointed subject to its ability to command a majority in Parliament. It is not an elected dictatorship with the authority to wield Royal Prerogative as a tool to bypass Parliament. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this. Try another ploy.


And subject to further scrutiny by the unelected Upper House. The government is not behaving like an elected dictatorship when it's trying to carry out the direct will of the people, as stated in a referendum, in the most efficient, obstacle-free manner: that's nothing more or less that democracy working at it's best. The supreme court made it's call with a majority decision, which is hardly a convincing ruling. Brexiters can live with it. It allows remainers with varying degrees of dishonest agenda to try to put spanners in the works, and it will slow things down a bit. But they won't succeed. No ploy on my part, clearly one on your's and the rest of the remain camp.

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On 08/03/2017 at 3:20 PM, Khun Han said:


At least we're not sticking up for a genocidal war criminal who happens to support remain, unlike some in the remain camp. How can anyone stoop that low?


By the way, only one of the institutions you listed is subject to genuine democratic procedure. And an elected government using royal prerogative wins hands-down re democracy, versus the Upper House.

Genocidal? Who?

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23 hours ago, Khun Han said:


And subject to further scrutiny by the unelected Upper House. The government is not behaving like an elected dictatorship when it's trying to carry out the direct will of the people, as stated in a referendum, in the most efficient, obstacle-free manner: that's nothing more or less that democracy working at it's best. The supreme court made it's call with a majority decision, which is hardly a convincing ruling. Brexiters can live with it. It allows remainers with varying degrees of dishonest agenda to try to put spanners in the works, and it will slow things down a bit. But they won't succeed. No ploy on my part, clearly one on your's and the rest of the remain camp.

How silly.


You people do not see that The Lords are acting in YOUR interest. I really don't think you understand the Con Party master plan! They must love people like you!

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How silly.
You people do not see that The Lords are acting in YOUR interest. I really don't think you understand the Con Party master plan! They must love people like you!

Electorates interest?????

Having viewed a fair amount of the Lords EU debate I find that summary highly questionable.

The Governments critics will never cease to amaze me in reference to the rhetoric & unbiased arguments.....
Which part of unknown territory is still falling on in denial ignorant ears?

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27 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Electorates interest?????

Having viewed a fair amount of the Lords EU debate I find that summary highly questionable.

The Governments critics will never cease to amaze me in reference to the rhetoric & unbiased arguments.....
Which part of unknown territory is still falling on in denial ignorant ears?

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Do you know what noblesse oblige means?


These are people of privilege, but I genuinely believe that a majority truly want whatever is best for the country. They are in the autumn of their lives typically and want to do "what's best"


I think that they (like I) sense that the "executive" see how to better themselves at the expense of everyone else.


I do not see any down side in insistence on parliament having the final say. And without this, the rogues will implement policies to ensure their own enrichment at the expense of the masses


They were right to give the education proposals both barrels also. TM wants to give some of the finest universities in the world, bronze, silver, and gold stars! How excruciatingly embarrassing! What badge will they give the top milk monitor??


And finally, I reverse my previous support for T Levels. There are 15 streams including hairdressing! Jesus, can we not get anything right? I could suggest 15 streams of engineering!!!

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