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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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4 hours ago, Richard W said:

You should have heeded Enoch Powell.  He and Tony Benn knew full well that power was being transferred from the member countries to the union.  Mind you, the member countries have retained ultimate sovereignty - in the form of Article 50.  The tragedy has been that the European Parliament has not been taken seriously.

I think that people were wary of being associated with what Powell had to say so soon after his "rivers of blood" speech. That the EEC was to be much more than a common market was not broadly explained or admitted by most so-called politicians.

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17 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

Can politicians be more disgusting than this character. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jul/22/jacob-rees-mogg-cold-reactionary?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

No, I think that Catherine Bennett is far more disgusting. 

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This is food for thought


And on that topic, I suggest "What The Health" documentary? OK it's a bit of a vegan polemic but I would not want American food imports. EU regs are important to us in this area for sure ?



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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

some of the people, by no means an overwhelming majority and even it had been I reserve the right to disagree. You are right about the general feeling of dissatisfaction with the way society is becoming, my feeling is that it has always been this way but over population and better means of communication (internet) has just made it more apparent, if anything the unbridled greed of European and American businessmen in the 1800's was worse but hidden, the positive effect was that great progress was made which benefited the general population as a whole even though that was a by product. Today, progress which will benefit people is nebulous, in the first and second world most have enough to eat and have reasonable housing so progress is now about quantum computing, finding new building blocks of the universe etc. all very interesting stuff but Joe Bloggs would prefer to watch 'Love Island' and wants a bigger car and better holidays unfortunately so do hundreds of millions of other Joe Bloggs but the elite aren't going to give up their share of the loot or their influence. In a way large blocks like the EU have a way of reducing the elites influence by reducing their number,they get shut down (though not completely) in individual countries and a reduced EU elite take the reigns over a vastly increased population which is for the elite somewhat restricting. Just my view. 

Many points you make I can agree on. But then you say that the E.U have a way of reducing the influence of the elite. I think you've put that the wrong way round.

That is one of the reasons for Brexit. For too long the so - called elite/establishment have arrogantly ignored the wishes of the people. They have over- ride the wishes of the people of France, Denmark, the Netherlands and the Irish Republic, when those countries voted against the Brussels Beurocrats.

Is the same going to happen with the U.K.Possible, but if the establishment do try to cheat the British people, do not be surprised if this will cause a growing resentment for generations to come. 

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3 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


the above are the views expressed by my brand new kitten,

it only learnt to walk this morning and can now walk over the keyboard, have problems locating the <return> key though

And there's me, thinking this is your most intelligent contribution So far.

Give the cat some milk.

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3 hours ago, Momofarang said:

I couldn't agree more. I had a German mum and a French dad, German was my mother tongue, got a French (Alsatian) education, am proudly Australian, have a Korean boy, a Vietnamese girl, a Thai wife and two half Thai girls. I have a lot of contempt for borders, as they exist only within the simple minds. When I look at the future I see the massive resource management issue we will all face, and borders (nationalism) won't help, as the solution may lie, only in global management.

Good points,that I can agree with. But I cannot agree or accept dictatorship, as we have at present in Brussels.

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Just now, nontabury said:

Many points you make I can agree on. But then you say that the E.U have a way of reducing the influence of the elite. I think you've put that the wrong way round.

That is one of the reasons for Brexit. For too long the so - called elite/establishment have arrogantly ignored the wishes of the people. They have over- ride the wishes of the people of France, Denmark, the Netherlands and the Irish Republic, when those countries voted against the Brussels Beurocrats.

Is the same going to happen with the U.K.Possible, but if the establishment do try to cheat the British people, do not be surprised if this will cause a growing resentment for generations to come. 

What I meant was they reduce the number of the elite by reducing the elites power in their own country and so concentrating power for fewer elites in the block. This is more efficient for all concerned and if the different countries forming the block would show sufficient interest in the block they could together compress the power that the elite could use, making it in the end more democratic than their own countries where there are different power groups in different countries competing against each other and against the so called democratic societies. I say so called because the establishment rules no matter where you put your cross, if Labour was to rule instead of the Tories then things would change but only on the surface, where the establishment has to give in one area they will take in another, they have had thousands of years to learn whereas democracy is just taking its first steps.

This is why the saying, 'taking back our country' is just stupid, if you as a citizen really had any power then the nurses would get a pay rise, food banks would be unnecessary, the money you pay into road tax and the NHS wouldn't get siphoned off, the civil servants wouldn't get gold plated pensions etc. 

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On 7/22/2017 at 9:41 AM, soalbundy said:

The only people who should be worried about brexit are those relying on a British pension


On 7/22/2017 at 9:59 AM, nauseus said:

weirder and weirder

soalbundy - you basically admitted your 'dog in this game' in this one post .....

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1 hour ago, Johnyo said:


You really have no idea what a dictatorship is. Franco, Castro or Kim Jong-un those are dictators. Brexiteers really have been brainwashed to spout utter lies and just because you go on and on and repeat them continually it won't make them true.



Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

They don't all take the same form. Ask the Thai P.M. 

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3 hours ago, Johnyo said:

Can politicians be more disgusting than this character. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jul/22/jacob-rees-mogg-cold-reactionary?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

"OH" I do like unbiased Guardian reporting, especially when it's backed up by the Bard of Glastonbury, Jon Snow.





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lots more positive news where that came from but I am now boarding my flight to that wonderful country that  soulbundy loves so much and cannot hide his enthusiasm for...God save the queen. 

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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24 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:



lots more positive news where that came from but I am now boarding my flight to that wonderful country that  soulbundy loves so much and cannot hide his enthusiasm for...God save the queen. 

Safe trip  bring me some Wensleydale!

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37 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Cable stirring the pot again:




This pillock should be concentrating on making the party he now leads more appealing to voters (their anti-brexit stance didn't exactly go down a storm at the last general election), instead of actively trying to ferment trouble in the two main parties. What a grotty little man he is.

I fail to to see anything in that article that a rational person could reasonably object to. Maybe one would have to be a "grotty little man".

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9 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:



lots more positive news where that came from but I am now boarding my flight to that wonderful country that  soulbundy loves so much and cannot hide his enthusiasm for...God save the queen. 

beware of acid and knives, not too many police about these days as the force is being reduced although crime is soaring. Have a safe trip.

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 1:35 PM, SheungWan said:

You might not be pleased that I used to wear one of these:


corbyn hat.jpg

What a 'Peaky Blinder"? I have never worn one. We don't were I am from. Come to think of it that's a 'Trotsky cap'. Suitable for the clown Corbyn is. He played a blinder on TV yesterday showing that he has no idea what he is on about but I am sure the students don't care that they were well and truly shafted by him.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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1 hour ago, vogie said:

The LibDems are the most undemocratic party in the land, it proved it at the last election. How can they win the hearts of the electorate when they are going againgst everything they voted for. You only like him grouse because he is saying things 'you' want to hear, the rest of us, yes the majority of the country just want the government to get on with it and get out!

Using expressions like "They may not know it yet but they will want another vote." does not do their cause any good, what an arrogant party they are. "They" do not want another vote.

Cable and the LibDems will be a long time in the wilderness till they get to grips with reality.

Using expressions like "They may not know it yet but they will want another vote." 


The same sentiments expressed by the anti EU membership campaign on the 1975 referendum night, 

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