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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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Well if you have ever visited Chester-lee-street, Gateshead or Darlington you would know what I mean. Don't even have to go that north, take a trip to Corby they should be dropping dead like flies in that cesspit of an excuse called a town.



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Well if you have ever visited Chester-lee-street, Gateshead or Darlington you would know what I mean. Don't even have to go that north, take a trip to Corby they should be dropping dead like flies in that cesspit of an excuse called a town. Haven't checked out the Brexit vote and I could be proven wrong but I would take a punt those shitholes are Brexit breeding ground.
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10 hours ago, Khun Han said:


You keep posting hysterical nonsense about the finance industry leaving London. It isn't. The banks and finance companies are doing the bare minimum to enable them to operate in post-brexit Europe, and the article you linked confirms this (along with confirmation that a Dutch bank is moving some jobs to London).

You can live in denial all you want but even Brexit press like The Express are starting to see the coming tsunami. If you think E.U. politicians will allow a "bare minimum" so the U.K. can retain the jobs and profits from THEIR  Financial & Insurance Industries your nuts. 


"Frankfurt has emerged as a winner of the Brexit vote, with Standard Chartered, Nomura, Sumitomo Mitsui and Daiwa Securities picking the city as their EU hub in recent weeks. Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are weighing a similar move."



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On 7/8/2017 at 5:20 AM, Kwasaki said:

Old  :laugh:  l would put my hand up on some serious issues and be labelled as a racist but it usually comes from people who are hypocrites.  :laugh:


When we talked about :- frogs,  krauts,  spics,  niggers,  w&gs  etc  it is and was and still is a derogatory term but was done in a joking neither the less, that's all l'm saying.   

Some people, when they put their hand up, there is an odour, which is not successfully disguised by the funny ha ha joke.

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1 hour ago, pegman said:

You can live in denial all you want but even Brexit press like The Express are starting to see the coming tsunami. If you think E.U. politicians will allow a "bare minimum" so the U.K. can retain the jobs and profits from THEIR  Financial & Insurance Industries your nuts. 


"Frankfurt has emerged as a winner of the Brexit vote, with Standard Chartered, Nomura, Sumitomo Mitsui and Daiwa Securities picking the city as their EU hub in recent weeks. Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are weighing a similar move."




I'm not living in denial and I'm not the one who's nuts (or a drama queen). The first four banks you quote are doing exactly as I described. And the story in the hilariously mis-named Independent about Deutsche Bank moving a large chunk of it's operations is based entirely on the ubiquitous "unnamed source", which means it's been made up by an Indy staff writer.

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20 hours ago, nontabury said:

To be fair, the EU will still have to pay very large pensions to those Ex-EU Buerocrats,who would struggle on their House of Lords  allowances and expenses.





Of course they will - but its irrelevant as the UK will pay its share towards pensions until it leaves. (Same as any company/govt. pension - leave the company and the payments are invested towards a future pension for future claimants.)


And there is no 'backlog' - pension provisions for EU staff only started when the EU started.


Its not like the UK state pension, where the government uses current taxpayer income to pay for current claimants - even though its had many decades to save towards current pensions....


I'd add - towards EU/UK  pension entitlements that are only provided to 1% of  the people in their countries?

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Some welcome news from deep within the tory ranks and who worked with David Davies at the Brexit Dept before the election. Chaps like him know the reality of the situation straight from the horses mouth so to speak and he certainly doesn't mince his words. Once May is back from her hols we will have a longish transition period (3 years +) and some variant of the EEA thereafter with the EU modifying some of the free movement rules (but not by much) so that face can be saved somewhat. What we most certainly won't have is a 'hard Brexit' with Britain 'uber alles' against the world. So all this hassle, angst and expectations needlessly raised will pretty much be for nowt.



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18 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Some welcome news from deep within the tory ranks and who worked with David Davies at the Brexit Dept before the election. Chaps like him know the reality of the situation straight from the horses mouth so to speak and he certainly doesn't mince his words. Once May is back from her hols we will have a longish transition period (3 years +) and some variant of the EEA thereafter with the EU modifying some of the free movement rules (but not by much) so that face can be saved somewhat. What we most certainly won't have is a 'hard Brexit' with Britain 'uber alles' against the world. So all this hassle, angst and expectations needlessly raised will pretty much be for nowt.




The Grauniad.....remainer ex-aide.....need I say more?


The new party.....Grant Schapps (:shock1:).....George Osborne.....all we need now is for Blair to throw his lot in with them, and it can be named the Walter Mitty Party :laugh:.

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7 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


The Grauniad.....remainer ex-aide.....need I say more?


The new party.....Grant Schapps (:shock1:).....George Osborne.....all we need now is for Blair to throw his lot in with them, and it can be named the Walter Mitty Party :laugh:.

:post-4641-1156694606: Damn wrote a long screed and seem to have lost it - never mind. I'm sure you will all cope.

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12 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Some welcome news from deep within the tory ranks and who worked with David Davies at the Brexit Dept before the election. Chaps like him know the reality of the situation straight from the horses mouth so to speak and he certainly doesn't mince his words. Once May is back from her hols we will have a longish transition period (3 years +) and some variant of the EEA thereafter with the EU modifying some of the free movement rules (but not by much) so that face can be saved somewhat. What we most certainly won't have is a 'hard Brexit' with Britain 'uber alles' against the world. So all this hassle, angst and expectations needlessly raised will pretty much be for nowt.



Given the giant and premeditated web of involvement that the EEC/EC/EU has spun for its members over the years, the exit process was always going to be the most difficult job for any government. Chapman is just another tool in the works, who wants to ignore the the referendum and delay or even stop the UK leaving the EU. No wonder he is an ex-employee of Mr. Davis! Nice once David. 

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On 8.8.2017 at 1:47 PM, nontabury said:

To be fair, the EU will still have to pay very large pensions to those Ex-EU Buerocrats,who would struggle on their House of Lords  allowances and expenses.








presumably the UK red-tapers in Brussels have already worked for their pensions


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24 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:




presumably the UK red-tapers in Brussels have already worked for their pensions


To give Tony Blair his due he was the only PM who made any attempt to reform the HoL. Today we haven't got that bloc of Tory hereditary peers who would turn up at the beck and call of the Tory government. Wonderful that those who criticise the undemocratic nature of the EU and the UK still chugs along with this anachronism. Hopefully in time we will get rid of the un-elected chamber and replace it with a fully elected body. 

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20 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

To give Tony Blair his due he was the only PM who made any attempt to reform the HoL. Today we haven't got that bloc of Tory hereditary peers who would turn up at the beck and call of the Tory government. Wonderful that those who criticise the undemocratic nature of the EU and the UK still chugs along with this anachronism. Hopefully in time we will get rid of the un-elected chamber and replace it with a fully elected body. 


that would be smth, UK stepping into this century, maybe even harder than going metric


although there are arguments for an unelected upper house,

the UK way of composing hers is somewhat medieval


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Wow - just wow - hard Brexiteers are now an embittered rump on a sinking ship about to go down. When the Telegraph prints an article ostensibly about the perfidy of the Europeans against the British negotiators and then does an insert of the seven types of Brexit with the hard Brexit options highlighted as a disaster you know the 'Brexit is now officially off' memo has been been received loud and clear. This follows on nicely from the Mail on Sunday Vince Cable op-ed. I expect only Dirty Desmond's head banging Express will keep the faith now and some of the more enfeebled minds here. You were never going to win , and thank the lord you didn't and won't. The pound and your pension will thank you for it even if your head can't yet see the wisdom of the path we are now on.


What does Brexit mean Mrs May - it means business as usual by the back door. Cue irrelevant tired mantras from those whose fox has just been well and truly shot. And at last we have got their hands off the steering wheel where we were heading for a crash. Now if only the US can sort Trump out we can have a double win. I feel like a Cameron cheery whistle as he left Downing Street coming on.....





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1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Wow - just wow - hard Brexiteers are now an embittered rump on a sinking ship about to go down. When the Telegraph prints an article ostensibly about the perfidy of the Europeans against the British negotiators and then does an insert of the seven types of Brexit with the hard Brexit options highlighted as a disaster you know the 'Brexit is now officially off' memo has been been received loud and clear. This follows on nicely from the Mail on Sunday Vince Cable op-ed. I expect only Dirty Desmond's head banging Express will keep the faith now and some of the more enfeebled minds here. You were never going to win , and thank the lord you didn't and won't. The pound and your pension will thank you for it even if your head can't yet see the wisdom of the path we are now on.


What does Brexit mean Mrs May - it means business as usual by the back door. Cue irrelevant tired mantras from those whose fox has just been well and truly shot. And at last we have got their hands off the steering wheel where we were heading for a crash. Now if only the US can sort Trump out we can have a double win. I feel like a Cameron cheery whistle as he left Downing Street coming on.....





Nicely said sir! I'd take my hat off if I had one ?

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:



This is just terrible


The dunderheeds won't understand but they are in the majority. What to do ?

Absolutely. We can of course train up a British student to Nobel Peace Prize standard- can't we ? What the dunderheads just don't get it how international the UK has become and a world-class vibrant hub for the world's greatest and good to live and prosper in. A rising tide lifts all boats and all that.  Brexit threatens all of the gains we have made post-war. The vote should be seen for what it was which was I think a cry of despair for those left behind in a shrinking , globalised world. We need to get them back on board and away from the backward looking golden age fantasists spun by likes the spiv wrecker puppet masters of Farage et al. Hopefully the pragmatic signals coming from on high will solidify into more certainties in the direction of travel and Professor Geim and others of his ilk can be persuaded to stay.


Thailand is a country writ large as to what happens when you close your society from the world and treat the outside world as a threat. Brexiteers in Thailand take note !


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2 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Wow - just wow - hard Brexiteers are now an embittered rump on a sinking ship about to go down. When the Telegraph prints an article ostensibly about the perfidy of the Europeans against the British negotiators and then does an insert of the seven types of Brexit with the hard Brexit options highlighted as a disaster you know the 'Brexit is now officially off' memo has been been received loud and clear. This follows on nicely from the Mail on Sunday Vince Cable op-ed. I expect only Dirty Desmond's head banging Express will keep the faith now and some of the more enfeebled minds here. You were never going to win , and thank the lord you didn't and won't. The pound and your pension will thank you for it even if your head can't yet see the wisdom of the path we are now on.


What does Brexit mean Mrs May - it means business as usual by the back door. Cue irrelevant tired mantras from those whose fox has just been well and truly shot. And at last we have got their hands off the steering wheel where we were heading for a crash. Now if only the US can sort Trump out we can have a double win. I feel like a Cameron cheery whistle as he left Downing Street coming on.....





You should read the comments that follow this before you get too demented!

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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

The underclasses will always be jealous. Nothing wrong with corporate jets speeding things up. Used to be Lear Jets in my day ? ( bit cramped Actually)

Back into full arrogance mode again, eh Grouse?

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4 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Wow - just wow - hard Brexiteers are now an embittered rump on a sinking ship about to go down. When the Telegraph prints an article ostensibly about the perfidy of the Europeans against the British negotiators and then does an insert of the seven types of Brexit with the hard Brexit options highlighted as a disaster you know the 'Brexit is now officially off' memo has been been received loud and clear. This follows on nicely from the Mail on Sunday Vince Cable op-ed. I expect only Dirty Desmond's head banging Express will keep the faith now and some of the more enfeebled minds here. You were never going to win , and thank the lord you didn't and won't. The pound and your pension will thank you for it even if your head can't yet see the wisdom of the path we are now on.


What does Brexit mean Mrs May - it means business as usual by the back door. Cue irrelevant tired mantras from those whose fox has just been well and truly shot. And at last we have got their hands off the steering wheel where we were heading for a crash. Now if only the US can sort Trump out we can have a double win. I feel like a Cameron cheery whistle as he left Downing Street coming on.....






Oh dear. Mr Bitter and Twisted is spitting his venom again.

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18 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Just one example as to why the EU is known to be wasteful of tax payer money and a 'gravy train'.


I particularly liked (:saai:) "Campaigners have spent several years trying to obtain detailed information about officials' expenses, with the commission arguing that collating it poses a big administrative burden." :laugh: 


Edit - And the EU response is yet more proof that they have zero intention of reforming.


on a Friday morning humerous note one could say that this is an example of the Commission not being wasteful with

taxpayer's money, it spares the taxpayers money through not taking on the burden and its associated costs


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