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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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5 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

You keep saying we are stupid now that we are dumb , well i dont know how stupid or dumb me or my family are but both my sister and my father have and had honers from the then king and now queen ,my brother owns a rather large business ,and i have enough money to live quite a comfortable life ,while owning(well my wife owns it) a rather large house ,with 3 cars parked outside (although one is my sons the other his girlfriends) both myself and my brother are Brexiteers , my sister cares not a jot either way ,although she does own two houses in Spain as well as rather a large place in the uk . you may not believe anything i have written ,it doesent not bother me one way or the other . but i will leave it to others on here to decide whether i or my Family are stupid or dumb for wanting out of a corrupt club ,that is run for the benefit of its members . and by saying members i do not mean the people of the other country,s in it ,but the likes of Junker Mandelson , Kinnock and family and all the others with their snouts buried deep in the trough . .

But do you exchange currency at the airport?

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9 hours ago, aright said:

You have to watch the S words.

Try googling Sesquipedalian because like Jacob Rees-Mogg that's what I am.

And when it comes to the the subject of the EU, I am indeed guilty of floccinaucinihilipilification! :cheesy:

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

And when it comes to the the subject of the EU, I am indeed guilty of floccinaucinihilipilification! :cheesy:


2 minutes ago, aright said:

Good one! Add to it all Remainers suffer from eleutherophobia.

Looks like the software maintenance guys don't come out on Sundays.

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42 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Given that the OECD is heavily influenced by the EU Commission, it's not really surprising to see this kind of propaganda published by the so-called Independent.

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3 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

You keep saying we are stupid now that we are dumb , well i dont know how stupid or dumb me or my family are but both my sister and my father have and had honers from the then king and now queen ,my brother owns a rather large business ,and i have enough money to live quite a comfortable life ,while owning(well my wife owns it) a rather large house ,with 3 cars parked outside (although one is my sons the other his girlfriends) both myself and my brother are Brexiteers , my sister cares not a jot either way ,although she does own two houses in Spain as well as rather a large place in the uk . you may not believe anything i have written ,it doesent not bother me one way or the other . but i will leave it to others on here to decide whether i or my Family are stupid or dumb for wanting out of a corrupt club ,that is run for the benefit of its members . and by saying members i do not mean the people of the other country,s in it ,but the likes of Junker Mandelson , Kinnock and family and all the others with their snouts buried deep in the trough . .

I remember an old TV series The Beverly Hillbillies.

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this OECD report mentioned above


does it originate from internal think tank amongst OECD emplyoees or is it authorised

for publication by one of the upper level committees in one of the OECD "branches"?

anybody knows?





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