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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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11 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

How is this sort of derogatory comment ever conducive to promoting genuine, intelligent discussion?


It was a witticism, a wind up, a comic interval, a bit of satire, mirth ?

11 hours ago, SgtRock said:


You assumed wrong :thumbsup:


No. You are wrong. 


It was a jest


You are so f%#in miserable to see humour in anything. ?

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34 minutes ago, Grouse said:


It was a witticism, a wind up, a comic interval, a bit of satire, mirth ?


No. You are wrong. 


It was a jest


You are so f%#in miserable to see humour in anything. ?


He'll be a happy bunny when the world comes to an end.


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Do you Remainers genuinely fail to understand the real reason that the "numpties" as you like to refer to them voted to Leave? You know it had nothing to do with Boris posters, right? So assuming you know that much, what do you think the real reason was...? (this will be interesting...)


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16 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

Do you Remainers genuinely fail to understand the real reason that the "numpties" as you like to refer to them voted to Leave? You know it had nothing to do with Boris posters, right? So assuming you know that much, what do you think the real reason was...? (this will be interesting...)



Xenophobia ... a resentment of people from eastern europe coming to live in their towns and villages and changing the culture. Concerns about whether they can get to see a doctor, get their kids in a suitable school, get access to housing ... with all those people coming in. Feeling they have no say in the matter, that they are disenfranchised from the political system.


Not a criticism, some genuine concerns ... just don't think the solution was Brexit, a pyrrhic victory ... costs outweigh the benefit.


Now we could talk about sovereignty, global trade opportunities ... but without the immigration concern above these issues would not have got the vote past the post. 







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"But it turns out that both Brexit and Trump's election could actually help save the European Union.

In five of the union's six most populous countries, E.U. approval is on the rise. The only country where support has fallen is Spain. In Britain, a majority of the population would now vote to stay in the European Union, new data by the Bertelsmann Foundation suggests".


I expect a full apology from Sgt Rock, but only after he's been to change his underpants! :cheesy:



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11 hours ago, AlexRich said:

If you don't believe anything said what would be the point in voting?

I hold my nose and vote for the party that seems to be the more likely to govern competently, unless there's an over-riding factor. I couldn't vote for a rapist so I didn't vote Trump, and Sanders like Trump is an opportunist. Equally in the UK I couldn't vote Labour as Corbyn is unlikely to govern competently, and the neither the LibDems nor UKIP will have a majority. So I'm left with the monstrous regiment of women - May in the UK, Carpetbagger Clitoris in the US.

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On 17/11/2016 at 2:18 PM, AlexRich said:


A publication by Deloittes? Who do you think they are? A student blog? They are one of the biggest audit and consultancy companies in the world, who have close links with and work extensively with Government and businesses in the UK. 


I was less interested in where it came from, more concerned with the content. The question you should be asking is the view expressed accurate? They have stated that business believes that the Government are more interested in staying in power and have no strategy on brexit ... given Deloitte's extensive links to both business and Government you might want to sit up and take notice. The report was not fake and the opinions expressed were very real. 



Yours is the sort of response that Deloitte was hoping for when the report was "leaked". To be clear, Deloitte, like many other companies have taken positions on this in order to protect their fee income, no more no less and are acting accordingly. Deloitte client reports don't make it into the wider domain by accident, I know these things because I worked for them for many years.

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4 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


Yours is the sort of response that Deloitte was hoping for when the report was "leaked". To be clear, Deloitte, like many other companies have taken positions on this in order to protect their fee income, no more no less and are acting accordingly. Deloitte client reports don't make it into the wider domain by accident, I know these things because I worked for them for many years.


Never thought I would see myself agreeing with any you on anything.


Well said Changers

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Next headache coming up for the EU



You clamoured when 50,000 refugees came to Kapikule, and started wondering what would happen if the border gates were opened,” Erdogan said in a speech on Friday at a women’s rights conference, referring to a Bulgarian border checkpoint where refugees massed last year.

“If you go any further, these border gates will be opened. Neither I nor my people will be affected by these empty threats,” he said. “Do not forget, the west needs Turkey.”




Another fantastic example of the EU's ability to act in a clear and concise manner in the event of a crisis.


Back door deals with a scumbag like Erdogan, who is now holding the EU to ransom.


But the 3 wise monkeys tribute act above, will hear nothing bad about the EU, see nothing bad about the EU or speak nothing bad about the EU.


It is enough to make you think that they are all on the EU payroll.

Edited by metisdead
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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:

Next headache coming up for the EU





Another fantastic example of the EU's ability to act in a clear and concise manner in the event of a crisis.


Back door deals with a scumbag like Erdogan, who is now holding the EU to ransom.


But the 3 wise monkeys tribute act above, will hear nothing bad about the EU, see nothing bad about the EU or speak nothing bad about the EU.


It is enough to make you think that they are all on the EU payroll.


I am sure you must be mistaken here as a very reliable source informed me that Turkey was actually joining the EU.

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1 minute ago, Orac said:

I am sure you must be mistaken here as a very reliable source informed me that Turkey was actually joining the EU.

Turkey has applied but its acceptance of the application is subject to showing compliance with EU standards on human rights. At the moment Turkey is failing conspicuously and Erdogan has also said (I think) that it's not a priority. Plenty of information if you care to google for it

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12 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Turkey has applied but its acceptance of the application is subject to showing compliance with EU standards on human rights. At the moment Turkey is failing conspicuously and Erdogan has also said (I think) that it's not a priority. Plenty of information if you care to google for it


Apologies but I was being sarcastic there.


One of the key argument over Brexit was immigration and the official Vote Leave played on the Turkey situation to imply that their joining was imminent and, by emphasising that they had a population of 76 million, that these people would then have freedom of access to the EU/UK. 


Of course this was never likely to happen though I find it ironic that an ardent leave campaigner on here is now trying to make out that the EU parliament effectively trying to close the door on Turkey and thus not allow the right wing xenophobes to use the same lies and distortions to swing election/referendums coming up in the EU over the next year is now trying to make out this is some sort of disaster.


As a reminder, this is what we were being to by the official leave campaign (the unofficial one had another one with 'Breaking Point" on it)





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11 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


10/10 for effort, Sarge.


No need honestly. There is no effort on my part, you make it so easy for me.


As you are 1 of the very first people to try and deride another poster ( Nontabury ) for doing exactly as you have done, you cannot be surprised when you get called out on doing the exact same thing.


So please provide the source of the picture you used. I think that this is fairly easy for anyone to understand.


Alternatively, you could leave this thread, as it is crystal clear that it is way beyond your capabilities. From your previous postings it is clear that you have still not grasped why the SNP, despite campaigning for nearly 80 years, could not deliver the Independence that you are craving for. If a small Country of just over 5 million is too much for you to understand, this thread is way over your head.


Perhaps that should be the focus of your attention,

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24 minutes ago, Orac said:

Of course this was never likely to happen though I find it ironic that an ardent leave campaigner on here is now trying to make out that the EU parliament effectively trying to close the door on Turkey and thus not allow the right wing xenophobes to use the same lies and distortions to swing election/referendums coming up in the EU over the next year is now trying to make out this is some sort of disaster.




Still confused I see.


The right wing xenophobic Guardian :whistling::whistling:



Turkey’s president has threatened to tear up a landmark deal to stem the flow of refugees into Europe a day after the European parliament urged governments to freeze EU accession talks with Ankara.



“You clamoured when 50,000 refugees came to Kapikule, and started wondering what would happen if the border gates were opened,” Erdogan said in a speech on Friday at a women’s rights conference, referring to a Bulgarian border checkpoint where refugees massed last year.

“If you go any further, these border gates will be opened. Neither I nor my people will be affected by these empty threats,” he said. “Do not forget, the west needs Turkey.”




It helps considerably if you have a little knowledge before hitting the keyboard.


The EU and Merkel made promises to Turkey, and paid bribes, in return for Turkey's assistance in the migrant crisis.


It is not wise to dance with the devil, payback will be a b!tch.

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It helps considerably if you have a little knowledge before hitting the keyboard.
The EU and Merkel made promises to Turkey, and paid bribes, in return for Turkey's assistance in the migrant crisis.
It is not wise to dance with the devil, payback will be a b!tch.

Yes they did and it did stop the the flow of refugees to some degree at the time but what it also did is give Vote Leave a platform to lie through their teeth about Turkey joining the EU (possibly by 2020 according to Michael Gove) and hopefully the EU learnt a lesson from it in how such things can be twisted to get a result.

As a reminder, here is the "right wing, xenophobic" Guardian on the claims that were made by Vote Leave prior to the referendum:

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4 minutes ago, Orac said:


Yes they did and it did stop the the flow of refugees to some degree at the time but what it also did is give Vote Leave a platform to lie through their teeth about Turkey joining the EU (possibly by 2020 according to Michael Gove) and hopefully the EU learnt a lesson from it in how such things can be twisted to get a result.

As a reminder, here is the "right wing, xenophobic" Guardian on the claims that were made by Vote Leave prior to the referendum:




No it did not stop the flow of migrants ( Try getting the terminology correct ) It just changed the route to Italy.


The deal: November 2015



Turkey promised to help stem the flow of migrants to Europe in return for cash, visas and renewed talks on joining the EU in a deal struck on Sunday that the Turkish prime minister called a "new beginning" for the uneasy neighbors.





German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered Turkey the prospect of support for faster progress on its bid to join the European Union on Sunday in return for cooperation in stemming the flow of migrants and taking back those rejected by Europe.




Clear and unequivocal.


Spin away.

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Impossible to spin something when I haven't got a clue what the point is you are trying to make and you change your position at a ridiculous rate.

To remind you, 2 hours ago your 'EU disaster of the day' post was about how Turkey was going to open the gates and let 50,000 'migrants' into the EU and now you are claiming that the deal Merkel reached did not stop the flow of migrants - make your mind up.

FYI I see that this news has its own thread so you might find someone there who has a clue where you are coming from on this.

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4 minutes ago, Orac said:


Impossible to spin something when I haven't got a clue what the point is you are trying to make and you change your position at a ridiculous rate.

To remind you, 2 hours ago your 'EU disaster of the day' post was about how Turkey was going to open the gates and let 50,000 'migrants' into the EU and now you are claiming that the deal Merkel reached did not stop the flow of migrants - make your mind up.

FYI I see that this news has its own thread so you might find someone there who has a clue where you are coming from on this.




There is no change in my position.


My position is very clear.


5 minutes ago, Orac said:

o remind you, 2 hours ago your 'EU disaster of the day' post was about how Turkey was going to open the gates and let 50,000 'migrants' into the EU and now you are claiming that the deal Merkel reached did not stop the flow of migrants - make your mind up.


Are you incapable of reading ? This is NOT what I said to hours ago.


This is what I said 2 hours ago,



Next headache coming up for the EU



You clamoured when 50,000 refugees came to Kapikule, and started wondering what would happen if the border gates were opened,” Erdogan said in a speech on Friday at a women’s rights conference, referring to a Bulgarian border checkpoint where refugees massed last year.

“If you go any further, these border gates will be opened. Neither I nor my people will be affected by these empty threats,” he said. “Do not forget, the west needs Turkey.”




Another fantastic example of the EU's ability to act in a clear and concise manner in the event of a crisis.


Back door deals with a scumbag like Erdogan, who is now holding the EU to ransom.


But the 3 wise monkeys tribute act above, will hear nothing bad about the EU, see nothing bad about the EU or speak nothing bad about the EU.


It is enough to make you think that they are all on the EU payroll.


Now, please point out where I uttered the words  DISASTER or 50,000 migrants


Misquote me again, or attempt to attribute words to me that I have not said and I will report you.

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1 hour ago, Orac said:


Apologies but I was being sarcastic there.


One of the key argument over Brexit was immigration and the official Vote Leave played on the Turkey situation to imply that their joining was imminent and, by emphasising that they had a population of 76 million, that these people would then have freedom of access to the EU/UK. 


Of course this was never likely to happen though I find it ironic that an ardent leave campaigner on here is now trying to make out that the EU parliament effectively trying to close the door on Turkey and thus not allow the right wing xenophobes to use the same lies and distortions to swing election/referendums coming up in the EU over the next year is now trying to make out this is some sort of disaster.


As a reminder, this is what we were being to by the official leave campaign (the unofficial one had another one with 'Breaking Point" on it)





THis is so like Nazi propaganda it's unbelievable



Jewish migration





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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


No need honestly. There is no effort on my part, you make it so easy for me.


As you are 1 of the very first people to try and deride another poster ( Nontabury ) for doing exactly as you have done, you cannot be surprised when you get called out on doing the exact same thing.


So please provide the source of the picture you used. I think that this is fairly easy for anyone to understand.


Alternatively, you could leave this thread, as it is crystal clear that it is way beyond your capabilities. From your previous postings it is clear that you have still not grasped why the SNP, despite campaigning for nearly 80 years, could not deliver the Independence that you are craving for. If a small Country of just over 5 million is too much for you to understand, this thread is way over your head.


Perhaps that should be the focus of your attention,


I appreciate that subtlety is not your forte, but surely even you can recognise now that you are simply blundering around, arms flailing wildly, trying to lash out at anything at all in a desperate attempt to make contact. Still, your posts, with their unintended comedy, often bring a moment of levity to my day so I thank you for that. Please keep up the good work.

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4 hours ago, jaidam said:

Isn't the Trump juggernaut and the Brexit hammering proof enough that polls are made to echo the agenda


Brexit hammering? Only 1 in 4 of the nation voted to leave the EU; only 37% of the electorate? Your definition of a hammering is very different from mine.

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I appreciate that subtlety is not your forte, but surely even you can recognise now that you are simply blundering around, arms flailing wildly, trying to lash out at anything at all in a desperate attempt to make contact. Still, your posts, with their unintended comedy, often bring a moment of levity to my day so I thank you for that. Please keep up the good work.


No answer RR


Here it is again, just for you


1 hour ago, SgtRock said:

No need honestly. There is no effort on my part, you make it so easy for me.


As you are 1 of the very first people to try and deride another poster ( Nontabury ) for doing exactly as you have done, you cannot be surprised when you get called out on doing the exact same thing.


So please provide the source of the picture you used. I think that this is fairly easy for anyone to understand.


Alternatively, you could leave this thread, as it is crystal clear that it is way beyond your capabilities. From your previous postings it is clear that you have still not grasped why the SNP, despite campaigning for nearly 80 years, could not deliver the Independence that you are craving for. If a small Country of just over 5 million is too much for you to understand, this thread is way over your head.


Perhaps that should be the focus of your attention,


You got 1 correct. I do not do subtlety.



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