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France moving more than 6,000 migrants, destroying huge camp 


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1 hour ago, minimoi said:

Did you stop to the first country?

Know a bit before saying this : 400,000 refugees in countries bordering the places they flee. Did you have a look at the "camps"?

By the way why did you come to Thailand? I bet there are other countries closer from yours, is it because you wanted a BETTER LIVING?

I bet you did!



Well i "fled" here after having a buisness in Bangkok for 8 years (i ran the uk end) with my Thai wife and our son, i brought all my own money and i pay for everything here out of my own money or money my wife earns ,i also still pay some tax in the UK , so i paid for my better living all my life ,and i do not want to pay for someone elses , especially some guys who are pretending to be 14 when they are nearer 34 .

so if i have answered your question , you can go off and hug Lilly Allan , or that bloke who adertizes crisps if thats more up your street , i am not predugiced

even if my spooling is rubbish when i type fast .

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6 minutes ago, minimoi said:

Know a bit before saying this : 400,000 refugees in countries bordering the places they flee. Did you have a look at the "camps"?

Learn a bit about the countries bordering the ones they leave...

Did you stop to the first country? Are you thai? Did some international company brought you here?

Why did you come to Thailand? I bet there are other countries closer from yours, is it because you wanted a BETTER LIVING?

I bet you did!

And if you create troubles in countries you bomb and mess with, it is fair to pay back in a way or another

Reason I came to Thailand is, I thought I would get a free house, free medical treatment and free handouts, oh I'm so disappointed.

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Just now, i claudius said:


Well i "fled" here after having a buisness in Bangkok for 8 years (i ran the uk end) with my Thai wife and our son, i brought all my own money and i pay for everything here out of my own money or money my wife earns ,i also still pay some tax in the UK , so i paid for my better living all my life ,and i do not want to pay for someone elses , especially some guys who are pretending to be 14 when they are nearer 34 .

so if i have answered your question , you can go off and hug Lilly Allan , or that bloke who adertizes crisps if thats more up your street , i am not predugiced

Looking at your Post History, it seems you come here mostly to enjoy a better living, right?

"14 when they are nearer 34 ." this is plain Bullsh!t and you know it.

Somebody is actually paying for your retirement in UK while you re in Thailand, you know that right?

You know that with all your money you re a part of the "privileged" do you had a look at the countries they flee?

I m not fan of Lilly Allan, but you re still a migrant in Thailand and nobody asked you to come here in the first place....

By the way in the vast majority of countries : migrant brings more money than they cost...have a look at this bfore ranting about people coming to countries which are not their own : UK in thailand complaining for migrants in UK.

You cam here for the business opportunities right? certainly not for a house in Pattaya instead of London, not for girls 20 yrs old younger than you, not for the cheap life, not for the cheap labor cost....

Now you can go kiss  and hug Nigel farage

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

Reason I came to Thailand is, I thought I would get a free house, free medical treatment and free handouts, oh I'm so disappointed.

Not the cheap labor cost, not the cheap price of daily life, not the girls, not the cheap red label at 7/11, not to enjoy a better retirement with  the pension? why the hell are you here then? 

I bet you were called by Prayut himself to come save this country....

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Just now, minimoi said:

Not the cheap labor cost, not the cheap price of daily life, not the girls, not the cheap red label at 7/11, not to enjoy a better retirement with  the pension? why the hell are you here then? 

I bet you were called by Prayut himself to come save this country....

God you're a right charmer, do you have any social skills? 

I paid money into my country before I left that seems to be benefiting others who haven't paid in a penny, in this country I am putting money in their coffers, not sponging off the Thai people. What have you done?

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Seems like you can't make a point without getting personal.


The vast majority of posters on this forum are foreigners, and those living in Thailand do so in accordance with local rules. There are no government handouts and benefits afforded for most of us living here.


The comparison to the migrants in question does not hold, no matter how many times this nonsense is posted,



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of course it holds :
when someone is leaving a country for another without being invited by this country they become migrant:

and most of the foreigners here are not coming because there was a war in their country but because they wanted to enjoy a better living than in their own country.

Personnal or not I think it is amusing to see people ranting  against migrants in a country they left. Espcially when the ones pointed at in UK are living in poverty and probably have lost people in wars provoked by Occident.

Look at the HUGE cost of migration in UK :

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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

God you're a right charmer, do you have any social skills? 

I paid money into my country before I left that seems to be benefiting others who haven't paid in a penny, in this country I am putting money in their coffers, not sponging off the Thai people. What have you done?

My social skills are probably better than yours if we just compare empathy.

I have obviously done more than you for thai people than you will ever do.

Cost of migrant is negligeable and can even end in a positive balance, especially after this glorious Brexit!

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58 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So what about Eritiean and Pakistanis and other Africans? Wouldn't a more suitable country be one that is similar to their own culture and religion? Well as you are so upset you can always invite them into your house.


If you do some research, lots of refugees are not from worn torn countries but masquerading as Syrians, Afghans etc.

I would like to see the Saudis and UAE  countries take some of their own people in but knowing how they treat other Arabs and Muslims, I can understand why they don't want to go. They also have the space.


 Lets all go to the UK, free house, free schooling, free medical, free benefits and when we complain, they bend over backwards to do as we say and even make themselves feel guilty for expressing their own culture.


Daily Mail, word for word.

The overwhelming majority of these people aren't planning to claim benefits. As someone else said, the welfare systems in countries like Germany are more generous.

They're coming to WORK because even with very low wages, the money they can send home makes a very real, very significant difference.

They're economic migrants and while I don't believe all of them should be let in, I do find it a bit predictable when people who are economic migrants in Thailand describe other economic migrants in such demeaning ways.


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2 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Daily Mail, word for word.

The overwhelming majority of these people aren't planning to claim benefits. As someone else said, the welfare systems in countries like Germany are more generous.

They're coming to WORK because even with very low wages, the money they can send home makes a very real, very significant difference.

They're economic migrants and while I don't believe all of them should be let in, I do find it a bit predictable when people who are economic migrants in Thailand describe other economic migrants in such demeaning ways.


the old retired chaps here will never understand these facts. As long as the benefits are for them, they don't care!

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4 minutes ago, minimoi said:

My social skills are probably better than yours if we just compare empathy.

I have obviously done more than you for thai people than you will ever do.

Cost of migrant is negligeable and can even end in a positive balance, especially after this glorious Brexit!


I am not a migrant, I am a legal immigrant, I asked the Thai Embassy in my respective country if it was ok to come and live in their country, and guess what, they said yes, as long as you bring plenty of dosh with you.


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1 minute ago, vogie said:


I am not a migrant, I am a legal immigrant, I asked the Thai Embassy in my respective country if it was ok to come and live in their country, and guess what, they said yes, as long as you bring plenty of dosh with you.


Did the Thai government asked you to come here for a specific purpose?

If the answer is no, you re a migrant, legal or not. Nobody was waiting for you to save them, and I am quite sure lot of thais would disagree to have you in their country.

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4 minutes ago, minimoi said:

Did the Thai government asked you to come here for a specific purpose?

If the answer is no, you re a migrant, legal or not. Nobody was waiting for you to save them, and I am quite sure lot of thais would disagree to have you in their country.

Your posts are bordering on the rediculous, go annoy someone else.

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5 minutes ago, minimoi said:

Did the Thai government asked you to come here for a specific purpose?

If the answer is no, you re a migrant, legal or not. Nobody was waiting for you to save them, and I am quite sure lot of thais would disagree to have you in their country.


The Thai government (or whatever government) does not have to invite anyone for his presence in the country to be legal. There are standing rules regulating immigration to most countries. For some reason, certain posters think these should be overlooked in this case.


I am quite sure you have no idea, and no reference with regard to what most Thais think. If this was Trollland, perhaps....

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


The Thai government (or whatever government) does not have to invite anyone for his presence in the country to be legal. There are standing rules regulating immigration to most countries. For some reason, certain posters think these should be overlooked in this case.


I am quite sure you have no idea, and no reference with regard to what most Thais think. If this was Trollland, perhaps....

Working at the BOI give me some hints, which is obviously not your case

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17 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Daily Mail, word for word.

The overwhelming majority of these people aren't planning to claim benefits. As someone else said, the welfare systems in countries like Germany are more generous.

They're coming to WORK because even with very low wages, the money they can send home makes a very real, very significant difference.

They're economic migrants and while I don't believe all of them should be let in, I do find it a bit predictable when people who are economic migrants in Thailand describe other economic migrants in such demeaning ways.



I don't know that figures actually support the "overwhelming majority of these people aren't planning to claim benefits" statement. As others pointed out, some countries are more strict regulating migrants than others, and in some its easier to get a more permanent status.


Were all (or even most) migrants on this camp employed? Were wages sent back to their respective countries? (kinda find it doubtful with some of the places in question).

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1 minute ago, minimoi said:

Working at the BOI give me some hints, which is obviously not your case


Hints which you cannot substantiate. And you are obviously in possession of a crystal ball, knowing so much about other posters.

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47 minutes ago, Morch said:


Hints which you cannot substantiate. And you are obviously in possession of a crystal ball, knowing so much about other posters.

It doesn t need rocket science to see the irony of a bunch of retired westerners complaining about a migrant crisis in a country they left while enjoying a life in Thailand they couldn't afford in their own country. (my crystal ball is the history of the conversations and posts which is visible in the profile of the users)

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6 minutes ago, minimoi said:

It doesn t need rocket science to see the irony of a bunch of retired westerners complaining about a migrant crisis in a country they left while enjoying a life in Thailand they couldn't afford in their own country


You have no idea how many are retired, how many are here for economic reasons, and what they could or could not afford in their own countries.


And there is no irony - if those migrants in the Calais camp would have come legally there would have been no issue.

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2 hours ago, minimoi said:

Looking at your Post History, it seems you come here mostly to enjoy a better living, right?

"14 when they are nearer 34 ." this is plain Bullsh!t and you know it.

Somebody is actually paying for your retirement in UK while you re in Thailand, you know that right?

You know that with all your money you re a part of the "privileged" do you had a look at the countries they flee?

I m not fan of Lilly Allan, but you re still a migrant in Thailand and nobody asked you to come here in the first place....

By the way in the vast majority of countries : migrant brings more money than they cost...have a look at this bfore ranting about people coming to countries which are not their own : UK in thailand complaining for migrants in UK.

You cam here for the business opportunities right? certainly not for a house in Pattaya instead of London, not for girls 20 yrs old younger than you, not for the cheap life, not for the cheap labor cost....

Now you can go kiss  and hug Nigel farage


I do not wish to be rude , but did you take lessons in bullshit ,or does it come naturally?

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Just now, Morch said:


You have no idea how many are retired, how many are here for economic reasons, and what they could or could not afford in their own countries.


And there is no irony - if those migrants in the Calais camp would have come legally there would have been no issue.

Yes I have, I just have to look at the official stats available both on the internet and where I work.

And yes there is a lot of Irony, you just do not see it as you re a part of the studied group.

Because, not like the retired westerners, they fleed their country and are willing to work in the country they come, not just enjoying "benefits" as you say. And one more time : the balance between cost and incomes of the migrants play in their favor, and do cost money. (see the link I posted earlier)

If those migrant in Calais had the choice they would probably like it better to stay in their homecountry if they had any chance to have a job a way to improve their living and were not bombed on daily basis.


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2 minutes ago, i claudius said:


Well if you think i write it , then you are so far superior to me in it , i bow to your far greater knowledge of it ,

At last..it was about time...

Don't bow too much..some nasty migrant could use this opportunity 

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2 hours ago, minimoi said:



I think it quite funny for someone living in a country which is not his own criticizing the refugees who come to countries for better living. Ring any bell?

Did you flee your native country because of war ?


Quote edited for brevity.


Are you serious? Nobody on TV living in LOS is here illegally, and we all pay our own way. None of us arrived on a rubber boat and demanded to be fed, accommodated and educated at Thai expense.


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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity.


Are you serious? Nobody on TV living in LOS is here illegally, and we all pay our own way. None of us arrived on a rubber boat and demanded to be fed, accommodated and educated at Thai expense.


None of them neither used thai names to create their company. Nobody here living while in overstay, none of them coming here because their life was so shitty in their own country thei decided to come here to enjoy a better retirement...no all the people here are perfectly legal, play by the rules and do not cheat the system....dream on dream on..

I was wondering if you  would have help the jewish fleeing Germany during WW2, or even fleeing during the war in Northern Africa (yes plenty of westerners went to North Africa to avoid the bombings....)

It is good to be old, but it plays a bit on the memory, right?

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3 minutes ago, i claudius said:


So at last you admit it ,you are the master of bullshit ,all hail the master

Well with a teacher like you it was a piece of cake...I m number one but History will keep you as the beacon of bullshitting here

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Well I don't give a to55 if they think they are going to be the next Richard Branson I still don't want them. Besides I thought it was EU ruling that they sought whatever they are after in the first country they arrive at? Which quite clearly is not the UK, thankfully

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just now, Caps said:

Well I don't give a to55 if they think they are going to be the next Richard Branson I still don't want them. Besides I thought it was EU ruling that they sought whatever they are after in the first country they arrive at? Which quite clearly is not the UK, thankfully

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

you don t want them but you re not there neither and your previous post as well as this one show the "migration" is not the problem, it is racism the problem

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