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Hi all


I will be going to the States in a few weeks for about half a month, and would like to get data.  Last time I was there I was usually somewhere that had Wifi so I would use Skype or Line to make my phone calls and internet.  There were a few days however where I needed it but didn't have wifi access, so did the data roaming deal through True.  True charges 500 Baht/day for unlimited access, which is fairly outrageous, but I sucked it up and used it for a few days.


Just wondering if there is another cheaper way to get data in the States by applying for it here first, or whatever.  I'm sure this has been covered before in the forum but I went a few pages back and couldn't find anything.  Your advice would be appreciated!


go to any walmart, radio shack, or another store when you arrive.  Purchase a pay as you go sim card from ATT, or Verizon and then you are good to go.  No real hoops to jump through.  No need to apply before hand.  You can choose the amount of data you need and base it upon that.   Enjoy your trip to the states. 


Ok great, will do that.  I remember the last time I tried to do that, several years ago, it wasn't that open.  I think things must have changed a bit since.


You can't just do this though- you need to check that your phone is network compatible.


I have a feeling that Verizon uses frequencies that many international phones don't work on.


 T-mobile do a $30 tourist SIM card that is active for three weeks and you can pick up at any T-mobile store, but again check device compatibility.


Assuming you have a compatible phone (make/model?), and don't mind getting a local SIM, you could get a decent plan with unlimited voice, text and 5 GB of 4G data for $50/30 days. There have been many, many threads here on this topic with details. You can usually get a SIM for $5, then just register, manage the account on line, very, very easy and simple. No need to register in person, you can choose a number in any area code/exchange - not that this is important. In the U.S. you 'pay' for both in-coming and out-going calls.


There are many, many, many providers in the U.S., most are MVNOs reselling service on T-Mobile and AT&T.


You could go direct with one of these providers, or through one of their MVNOs, like Simple, Straighttalk, etc.


I usually recommend T-Mobile https://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/prepaid-plans-individual


I usually don't recommend the tourist plan as it has limitations, but if it works it's fine https://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/prepaid-international-tourist-plan


Thanks all!  I should have done a look on the net first, for some reason I thought it was more of a hassle than it actually seems to be.  That's a relief.


T-Mobile is good but check on compatibility of your phone or tablet before you go.  Some devices sold in Thailand will only give you 3G speeds when connecting to T-Mobile's 4G LTE network, others will drop all the way back to GPRS speed, and still other (generally newer) devices will give you full 4G LTE speeds.  3G speeds are generally good enough for me but you probably won't be happy if it turns out that you can only get GPRS speeds.


Assuming you have the correct lte band for tmobile go to ebay. Find offers from sellers like toy77jon or percos_l4naunjha for tmobile for 1/2 or less the list price including sim card. I use them at least twice a year

Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk

7 hours ago, Jeffrey346 said:

The best plan is a TMobile 30 day SIM.. 1000 minutes and unlimited data for $30.


7 hours ago, suzannegoh said:

T-Mobile is good but check on compatibility of your phone or tablet before you go.  Some devices sold in Thailand will only give you 3G speeds when connecting to T-Mobile's 4G LTE network, others will drop all the way back to GPRS speed, and still other (generally newer) devices will give you full 4G LTE speeds.  3G speeds are generally good enough for me but you probably won't be happy if it turns out that you can only get GPRS speeds.

Great, thanks all.  Found the shop one block away from my hotel, easy to go and get it when I get there.  I have the iPhone 6+, it worked fine when I was there last time for data, so shouldn't be a problem.  IF not there are a ton other options.  Want that 4GLTE though!

Great, thanks all.  Found the shop one block away from my hotel, easy to go and get it when I get there.  I have the iPhone 6+, it worked fine when I was there last time for data, so shouldn't be a problem.  IF not there are a ton other options.  Want that 4GLTE though!

IPhone 6s+ and Moto X style (xt1572) are 2 of only 3 phones that will give you world wide coverage on 4g lte. Check willmyphonework dot com

Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk


Yup, the AT&T GO PHONE is simple to get and to use.....any Wal*Mart will hook you up.....costs about $40 for a month or so.....works pretty good as long as you have a 3G or better phone...?


There is no Walmart in the airports though. They have sim vending machines in many US airports now. Contact your destination airport and ask. I need phone service as soon as I'm there so works better for me then trying to find a T-Mobile at 3 am


T-Mobile (U.S.A.) has 700 MHz, 1700/2100 (AWS) and 1900 MHz spectrum, with services ranges from 2G up to LTE/CA on that spectrum (5 MHz for 3G, 10 MHz for 4G, on the same spectrum, for example).


Most phones do not support AWS on 3G or LTE, unless you have the U.S. version of a particular model. iPhones may have the most comprehensive spectrum support, but there are still variations within model (6, 6S, 7) families. Neighbors just returned from a 2 week trip, one with a 6, the other with a 6S+; the 6S+ seemed to perform better in more locations, but I didn't have enough detail to trouble-shoot remotely.


Very generally speaking, 3G on 1900, which many phones support, will work well in the U.S. on T-Mobile, and is more than adequate for nearly all applications. As a pre-paid subscriber you may be at/near the bottom of the pecking order (along with MetroPCS subscribers, and MVNOs) re: 4G/LTE service.


I usually use my Nexus 6 (U.S. version) on T-Mobile in the U.S. and often have LTE; my plan is limited to 200 MB of LTE per day, but 3G is fine. Certainly faster than hotel WiFi.


I'm not certain that 7/11's sell SIM cards, some may? Activating it may require internet access?


I think T-Mobile and Wal Mart recently altered their agreement, not sure how that impacts that retail channel. http://www.tmonews.com/2016/10/t-mobile-sells-walmart-family-mobile-tracfone/


Assuming you can get a SIM starter kit - you don't physically need to have it in hand to activate it - you can activate it from Thailand before beginning your trip. But if you need the SIM on touch-down, then you'll obviously need to have the SIM mailed to you in Thailand. I buy ~ 5 starter kits each trip, they're $5 each to have to for Thais traveling to the U.S.


I usually get these: https://www.amazon.com/T-Mobile-Prepaid-Complete-SIM-Kit/dp/B00LPPHHFK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477708694&sr=8-1&keywords=t-mobile+starter+kit

(make sure it includes an activation code, if you already have a T-Mobile SIM you can buy a new activation code for a couple of bucks)


In one of the many other similar threads, one member recommended WIND, which is a Canadian MVNO for T-Mobile, so U.S. service. They seem to make it easy to get a SIM mailed to Thailand and activate it. https://www.windmobile.ca/


MetroPCS is part of T-Mobile, so if you see that brand it will work fine.


You could have a Starter Kit or other similar package sent to your hotel, or family/friends.


T-Mobile, and AT&T, have many MVNOs  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_mobile_virtual_network_operators



Would Roam Mobility work for you?  Can't recall now if they ship to Thailand.  I know I had a Canadian friend mail me the SIM, but can't remember why we did it that way.  It may have been a problem with the billing address (in the USA) on my credit card? (see note below)


With Roam Mobility you can order a package online and specify when to have it start.  I ordered mine to start two hours before my scheduled landing time in SFO, and as soon as we landed I switched on my phone with the Roam Mobility SIM and instantly had connectivity.  I started with a two-week plan, but ended up staying longer, so extended (online) while I was there.


[edited to add:]


I just noticed on the Roam Mobility web site that they do ship worldwide.  I think it must have been a problem for me with a USA-based credit card that they would only ship to the billing address in the USA, so I had my friend in Canada buy the SIM and send it to me in Thailand.


I'm currently in the US and purchased a T-Mobile SIM.  It works with no problem in my Xiaomi Note 2, purchased online from China while in Thailand.  It also works on  cheap Homtom HT7  purchased through Ebay.

Getting good 4G coverage (Boston) and speeds.

"Best Buy" has a good selection of Pre-Pay providers and will set the account up for you.

This can sometimes be unnecessarily daunting so nice to have it done for you.


Activating a T-Mobile SIM is a very simple and straightforward process. Obviously having internet access and a credit card are required, although you could buy refill card to avoid needing a credit card.






The instructions are also included in the Starter Kit.


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