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Five die in horror smash on their way to a funeral


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23 hours ago, kannot said:

97!!!  way to go.......

Had an idiot  right  up my  arse yesterday in single  file traffic, roadworks speed 80kmh,  looking for everyway to pass despite signs saying no overtaking and  bollards down the centre  line, could see the bogies up  his  nose he was that close.

Tug  of the handbrake had an effect for all of 5  minutes as the squealing of his  tyres echoed round me................they dont care and they dont learn.

Yesterday was pretty heavy rain here so I guess it  will be the rains fault anyones but the peanut brain behind the wheel


fine example of appalling driving behaviour by a farang. why is it that so many foreign drivers think they are superior to Thai people and are not subject to normal mores of road use?

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I prefer NEVER to see tickets issued for speeding. Would become simply a designed source of income. Instead, and especially here, WRECKLESS DRIVING. DRIVING TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS.  Requires simply observation which is exactly what YOU do and report on/about  Problem is too few police on the highway. But they can do more than they do. I repeat. Sick of over emphasis on demanding following the LETTER of the law such as in the West.

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7 minutes ago, angelman said:

I prefer NEVER to see tickets issued for speeding. Would become simply a designed source of income. Instead, and especially here, WRECKLESS DRIVING. DRIVING TOO FAST FOR CONDITIONS.  Requires simply observation which is exactly what YOU do and report on/about  Problem is too few police on the highway. But they can do more than they do. I repeat. Sick of over emphasis on demanding following the LETTER of the law such as in the West.

Put out as many police as you want but what's the point if they don't do their job ?

The Highway Police main job seems to be escort duties for a convoy of civil servants on their ' works outing ' and of course VIPs / would be VIPs.

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21 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


That's Interesging SM.  I've never seen a cop handing out a speeding tic ket In Australia, but I'm sure It happens.

Different technology/techniques here, e.g., speed cameras and radar guns, remove a lot of cops from the roads.

Thailand really needs to get on topof speeding and traffic violations.


no speeding ticket seen being issued in Australia, really!

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2 hours ago, namoi said:

no speeding ticket seen being issued in Australia, really!


Really!  I've never actually seen police stop a car for what I could definitively say was speeding, and only ever a couple inspection

of times have I seen cops 'going over' a vehicle, possibly a mechanical/roadworthy Inspection.


I cam't efit 'Inspection' after 'couple', mor 'can't', or 'efit'.  I hope TV fixes the glitch soon.

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22 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

People don't drive like this in Korea or Japan b/c they have proper gov controls in place: driver education enforcement stiff fines loss of driving privileges monitoring physical road repairs proper monitoring and statistics...


it's a nationalistic and cultural problem b/c of a weak and non-effective gov... They are clueless in   Program and behavioral management...


people in thailand are controlled By cultural beliefs and traditions. Regulations are not respected nor enforced...


taking your your shoes off or wearing a school uniform to code is more important than tailgating or crossing a double yellow line...


stupid is what stupid does....





I understand Thais have less than zero respect for us "farangs," but you'd think they'd at least be open to learning a thing or two from some of the developed Asian countries.

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On 10/28/2016 at 2:49 AM, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

Speed?  When will police ever enforce limits?

Speed never never killed anybody. It is the incompetent drivers of motor vehicles that kills the people. 90% of all drivers on Thailand's roads are incompetent of driving any kind of vehicle.

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10 hours ago, Rough Rider said:

Speed never never killed anybody. It is the incompetent drivers of motor vehicles that kills the people. 90% of all drivers on Thailand's roads are incompetent of driving any kind of vehicle.

which would you rather do? Walk into a tree or hit it at 60kph?

Crashing is all about absorbing energy and the faster you go the more energy has to be dissipated - this includes anyone in the vehicle and their internal organs.

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On 30/10/2016 at 10:38 AM, Jip99 said:



"especially after not looking right when joining traffic."


Is what I was talking about, and you replied  " I think you should realise that the general rule is that priority in Thailand goes to traffic on the left....so looking rigt, whilst a good idea isn't felt necessary as they have priority"


What were you talking about - or were you just trolling again?


It is perfectly true as you have been shown in the Thai highway  code...you ignore this at your peril

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