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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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In a developing story and the never ending saga of corruption with Hillary, her Clinton Foundation and the  U.S. Govt. 

Read the whole article, you just cannot make this stuff up.


WSJ: FBI Agents Allege DOJ Ordered 'Stand Down' on Clinton Foundation Investigation


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10 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

Trump is going to win this election.  Its time to drain the damn swamp and get back to America for Americans again.   Oh I am going to enjoy watching all the SJW's pack there back packs and head north to Canada, french fries in schools again, english as the official language.  A decent supreme court for the rest of my life anyways.  Yes, this is one happy Roo.  



Trump's problem is that he charged in to the swamp with all his pumps and lines but suddenly found himself up to his arse in allegators.


By the time youse guyz over there haul him out of it, his arse will be gone.

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Again, this action by FBI director Comey is extraordinary, with what seems to be a great expansion of FBI powers if it is to set a new precedent. Comey is a guy who thinks he has no real boss.  He is the boss.  J. Edgar Hoover II.


Thumbing his nose at the President, daring him to challenge him, which will be seen to compromise Obama, he has found the perfect seam in a power grab...for now.



“Comey has made it clear for some time that he doesn’t believe he works for the attorney general,” said Matthew Miller, former Justice Department spokesman for then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. “When your boss tells you what to do, she shouldn’t have to give you a direct order. Comey believes he alone is the paradigm of ethics and judgment. He has a 10-year term, and he has decided if he wants to violate the rules, he’s going to violate the rules. And if they don’t like it, the president can fire him.”




3 Former Attorneys General (including two Republicans appointed by Reagan and served under George W., have blasted Comey for exceeding authority and ripped him a new one:



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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Don't you just love the kangaroo pictures!? They certainly add a whole new level of authenticity to the posts.



Unfortunately, we now have to put up with this thread being polluted with total crap.

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24 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Again, this action by FBI director Comey is extraordinary, with what seems to be a great expansion of FBI powers if it is to set a new precedent. Comey is a guy who thinks he has no real boss.  He is the boss.  J. Edgar Hoover II.


Thumbing his nose at the President, daring him to challenge him, which will be seen to compromise Obama, he has found the perfect seam in a power grab...for now.





he has found the perfect seam in a power grab...for now.


Succinct, precise, to the core of it. Yes, Comey has done this. However, as you clearly imply, the big boyz are gathering and circling. The thump of the hammer slamming down to make a new blot in the capital is coming soon.


A tale of three cities: Los Angeles is about glamour and money. New York revolves around its culture and personal fortunes. Washington is strictly and exclusively about power (and btw other people's money).




Washington is about power. And no one -- no one -- arrogates to and for himself the power this gumshoe flatfoot bureaucrat lawyer with a badge is out to assert and to self-assign. To openly and brazenly set himself up to choose the 45th Potus.


Yes, J. Edgar Hoover II. Everyone in Washington has lived in fear of it since the arrogant rat himself died. Beyond making any partisan comments, and looking at it strictly from the Washington ethos of power, power, power, Comey's allies in the House have taken the guy by the nose. The political novice Comey went ahead on his own to stick his neck out.



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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Again, this action by FBI director Comey is extraordinary, with what seems to be a great expansion of FBI powers if it is to set a new precedent. Comey is a guy who thinks he has no real boss.  He is the boss.  J. Edgar Hoover II.


Thumbing his nose at the President, daring him to challenge him, which will be seen to compromise Obama, he has found the perfect seam in a power grab...for now.





3 Former Attorneys General (including two Republicans appointed by Reagan and served under George W., have blasted Comey for exceeding authority and ripped him a new one:




What's missing is a letter from the current Attorney General stating the FBI Director is exceeding his authority, and let's face it, that's the one that matters. In fact, prior to Comey's July recommendation to not prosecute anyone over the email debacle, Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated that she "would fully accept the recommendations of the FBI regarding the probe". I take that to mean she has given the FBI full authority to investigate all pertinent facts as they become known and recommend charges, or not, as warranted. Do you think her stance has changed? 

Edited by lannarebirth
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25 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


What's missing is a letter from the current Attorney General stating the FBI Director is exceeding his authority, and let's face it, that's the one that matters. In fact, prior to Comey's July recommendation to not prosecute anyone over the email debacle, Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated that she "would fully accept the recommendations of the FBI regarding the probe". I take that to mean she has given the FBI full authority to investigate all pertinent facts as they become known and recommend charges, or not, as warranted. Do you think her stance has changed? 


Lynch has been emasculated (if that's possible of a female), humiliated, and cornered. There is a lot of analysis in the news. She is a weak sister. She has painted herself into a corner. Will also go down in time.

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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Lynch has been emasculated (if that's possible of a female), humiliated, and cornered. There is a lot of analysis in the news. She is a weak sister. She has painted herself into a corner. Will also go down in time.


Yeah, I do believe she has been painted into a corner. It would not surprise me if some who had been granted immunity from prosecution in this investigation don't also find themselves in that corner.

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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Yeah, I do believe she has been painted into a corner. It would not surprise me if some who had been granted immunity from prosecution in this investigation don't also find themselves in that corner.


Here's a good article from the WSJ today on her and the meltdown at Justice. It really seems as if the sky is falling at both FBI and DOJ. A government in tatters.



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11 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Here's a good article from the WSJ today on her and the meltdown at Justice. It really seems as if the sky is falling at both FBI and DOJ. A government in tatters.




Remember the brick by brick building of the wall in the Doonesbury comics during the Nixon administration? That's what a Clinton White House is going to be like.




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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


Remember the brick by brick building of the wall in the Doonesbury comics during the Nixon administration? That's what a Clinton White House is going to be like.





We are headed for a Clinton Presidency, with a President under fire like no one since Nixon. It will be a full out battle in Washington and in the press.  I can't imagine what kind of governance we are going to see for the first year or two of this Presidency. May as well just wall off everything inside the beltway and see who emerges from the bloodshed.

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On 10/30/2016 at 10:20 PM, Ulysses G. said:


There is a well known media bias to the left. That is a proven fact. 


Don't know what your "amateurs" remark refers to.  Are you confusing me with someone else?




Even if the media was biased as claimed (and I do not recall Trump or his supporters whining about it during the earlier stages of his campaign), it would still come short of being responsible for Republicans failing to win the elections on the last 8 years. There is a point where a party needs to take stock and admit that there are some standing issues with its candidates, policies and its appeal to voters. Blaming the media doesn't cut it.


The "amateurs" remark referred to the original post I was replying to.  Perhaps would be easier for you to follow without cutting bits of posts.

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The Tribune says Hillary should step down and Joe Biden replace her.If Hillary is elected she will be the most investigated and scandalized President in history. She should think of the country first, not her personal ambition to become first woman President which is the cause of all her problems from the top down.



“It’s obvious the American political system is breaking down. It’s been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they’re properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause, Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect.”



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48 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Here's a good article from the WSJ today on her and the meltdown at Justice. It really seems as if the sky is falling at both FBI and DOJ. A government in tatters.



... and melted-down and tattered before but it's still there (from 2007):




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6 minutes ago, Linzz said:

The Tribune says Hillary should step down and Joe Biden replace her.If Hillary is elected she will be the most investigated and scandalized President in history. She should think of the country first, not her personal ambition to become first woman President which is the cause of all her problems from the top down.



“It’s obvious the American political system is breaking down. It’s been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they’re properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause, Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect.”




Starting with Bill, the Clinton's solicited and embraced Big Money. That's when things accelerated to the downside. It's a damn shame because I still maintain Bill is the most skillful American politician of the past 50 years. They squandered what that ability could bring for personal enrichment through influence peddling and lots of trailer park tail.

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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


Even if the media was biased as claimed (and I do not recall Trump or his supporters whining about it during the earlier stages of his campaign), it would still come short of being responsible for Republicans failing to win the elections on the last 8 years.


Another one of your opinions that I very much disagree with and Trump's supporters have been aware of media bias from the get go.





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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Another one of your opinions that I very much disagree with and Trump's supporters have been aware of media bias from the get go.






You can disagree all you like, but Trump was not nearly as anti-media during the primaries. Quite the opposite at times. And again, a lot of what Trump complains about is simply the media reporting things he actually said. The link provided refers to voters perceptions, not to actual bias.

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Trump has had far more coverage than any candidate in history.

If it's perceived as negative, it's because he keeps opening his stupid mouth.


Notice how things have gone a lot better now that he just reads Kellyanne's fairy stories off a teleprompter.


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Hillary will likely win the election. With all the professional welfare "clients" and the redundant government employees plus the black vote she already has more than half the votes needed. Rabid democrats would vote for her even if she were in prison.

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10 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Hillary will likely win the election. With all the professional welfare "clients" and the redundant government employees plus the black vote she already has more than half the votes needed. Rabid democrats would vote for her even if she were in prison.


There are women that will still vote for Trump.

Some things are beyond comprehension.

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37 minutes ago, Morch said:


You can disagree all you like, but Trump was not nearly as anti-media during the primaries. 


So what. He was anti-media and his supporters were too. That contradicts your claim of what you "don't remember" and your opinion that the biased media are not responsible for Republican losses is simply that - an OPINION. Nothing more.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It shouldn't surprise anyone, except maybe the mindless leftwing liberal zealots who are totally in Hillary Clinton's camp and fixated with her being the next US President, that Ms Clinton and the Democratic party were in collusion with CNN to cheat their way to the White House. During Ms Clinton first debate there were pics posted that showed she clearly had a tiny ear bud in her ear during the debate and she undoubtedly was being relayed answers to questions posed by the mediators. Ms Clinton's entire political career has been fraught with lies and deceptions and corruption and it is no wonder she was fired from the Watergate Hearings due to her unethical behavior. There is a saying that folks who sleep with dogs get fleas and maybe now the chickens are finally coming home to roost and Ms Clinton will FINALLY be exposed for the phony she really is.

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