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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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5 hours ago, dcutman said:

Of course there is also reporting that Weiner is cooperating with the FBI and possibly gave them permission to review any information they like on this computer so no warrant necessary.

So dont get to excited.



Ole  Carlos Danger just might have some hard feelings for his estranged wife.


Yup, could be interesting if at the base of this is a domestic dispute between Mr. Weiner dog and his wife. Maybe Weiner copied files from his wife's computer snooping on her, and that's how they ended up on his computer. Later, they were discovered or he disclosed them to discredit her.  Wild stuff.  

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13 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Yup, could be interesting if at the base of this is a domestic dispute between Mr. Weiner dog and his wife. Maybe Weiner copied files from his wife's computer snooping on her, and that's how they ended up on his computer. Later, they were discovered or he disclosed them to discredit her.  Wild stuff.  

"He’s shamed by the media, his wife is ditching him, and he’s facing serious prison time. What else does he have to lose? Some are saying he might as well expose the people that made his life a living hell."


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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


the emails appear to include some that


Nobody knows the contents of the subject emails. It is impossible for them to appear to say anything at this point. To claim otherwise could be written up as dirty tricks.


As the TVF poster and distinguished occasional legal counsel pro bono has noted, if Comey does know the contents of the emails, then the only possibility would be that his knowledge was illegally obtained, which would make him subject to prosecution.


Speculation the Weiner gave others permission to view the emails comes at us from out of the blue as does this entire attempted political and election coup by Comey et al.


As I just queried in another post, I think it's unreasonable to expect that at least somebody at FBI has not peeked at those emails, in spite of not being legally entitled to do so absent the warrant. Therefore, there is indeed either damaging material in there to Clinton or absolutely nothing, but SOMEBODY at FBI knows what's in those emails.

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5 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


As I just queried in another post, I think it's unreasonable to expect that at least somebody at FBI has not peeked at those emails, in spite of not being legally entitled to do so absent the warrant. Therefore, there is indeed either damaging material in there to Clinton or absolutely nothing, but SOMEBODY at FBI knows what's in those emails.


There is no warrant needed and they have had the computer for weeks. Anthony Weiner is cooperating. Someone certainly does know what is in there and the chances are that it is damning. It makes no sense that Comey would have come out otherwise.

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13 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

"He’s shamed by the media, his wife is ditching him, and he’s facing serious prison time. What else does he have to lose? Some are saying he might as well expose the people that made his life a living hell."


650,000 emails, there is a good chance the rest of the Clinton Crime Family will be living life in a federal prison. I hope they have this perv under protective custody, it would be a shame to get this close  and he got put on the Clinton body bag list.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


There is no warrant needed and they have had the computer for weeks. Anthony Weiner is cooperating. Someone certainly does know what is in there and the chances are that it is damning. It makes no sense that Comey would have come out otherwise.


There is a warrant needed (now obtained I just read) for those emails pertaining to the Clinton investigation.


**sort of like we've all seen in the movies when the FBI is tapping someone's phone. They have to quit listening at certain points as required by law. In this case, Weiner's case does not encompass Clinton's case, so a new warrant needs to be obtained regarding any material pertinent to Clinton case.

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6 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


There is a warrant needed (now obtained I just read) for those emails pertaining to the Clinton investigation.


**sort of like we've all seen in the movies when the FBI is tapping someone's phone. They have to quit listening at certain points as required by law. In this case, Weiner's case does not encompass Clinton's case, so a new warrant needs to be obtained regarding any material pertinent to Clinton case.



I think we can be pretty sure that the investigating agents have seen a number of them already. Otherwise, how would they know they are there.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



I think we can be pretty sure that the investigating agents have seen a number of them already. Otherwise, how would they know they are there.


Sure, the issue is whether these agents are being overzealous and mis-characterizing the contents. Comey probably doesn't want to actually read anything because his career and staying out of jail requires this. So, he is depending on what these agents have told him likely, and we shall soon see.


*now that a warrant has been obtained, I doubt Comey is getting much sleep tonight at 9pm Washington time, and I'm sure they have ordered in coffee and sandwiches in the war room for a long night or 3.

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13 hours ago, dcutman said:

How could anybody (besides Publicus and Jingting) vote for a POTUS candidate that has been investigated and or indicted by the FBI and DOJ a dozen times

or has a couple of dozen close friends, relatives and business associates investigated, prosecuted and imprisoned?


It appears we have another one of the Trumpeteers who can't be bothered to even read their own posted link.


A dozen times?

Dozens of close friends?


Nowhere, in that article is there one iota to substantiate your bloated erroneous numbers.



Just making stuff up.

Perhaps the title claiming: "22 scandals" fired you up?


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FBI does not know what it has. Comey's letter indicated it unmistakably.

As a European, and no lawyer, I don't know the legalities behind the FBI activities and I am surprised when you, a very knowledgeable man, competent in almost everything and very well travelled, claim that the American law enforcement , talking about the content of the device.

There is official examination of evidence, done in a formal way, to let the evidence presented before the court and being admitted by the court.

There is also an intelligence angle in any investigation , when the data is gathered from different sources and analyzed outside the formalities on a preliminary stage, before the law enforcement agents dare to go to the higher authorities with their findings. Usually this information is not intended to be known to the public.

A law enforcement official, in my limited experience dealing with them, would have an idea what is inside the beforehand, based on the analysis of the information provided. I believe that FBI and other agencies are aware of the content of the device at this stage already.
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ooooops - now even the liberal rags are starting to turn on Hillary: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-hillary-clinton-emails-kass-1030-20161028-column.html



If ruling Democrats hold themselves to the high moral standards they impose on the people they govern, they would follow a simple process:

They would demand that Mrs. Clinton step down, immediately, and let her vice presidential nominee, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, stand in her place.

Democrats should say, honestly, that with a new criminal investigation going on into events around her home-brew email server from the time she was secretary of state, having Clinton anywhere near the White House is just not a good idea.


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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Apparently, 650,000 related emails on Weiners computer. :whistling:


And hillary, podesta and a certain nut job on here want them on the table right now.


The indictments will land with a reounding thump on the table when mr comeys boyz have broken down the evidence and constructed a watertight case….no slipping away this time for crooked hillary.



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45 minutes ago, Gene1960 said:

As a European, and no lawyer, I don't know the legalities behind the FBI activities and I am surprised when you, a very knowledgeable man, competent in almost everything and very well travelled, claim that the American law enforcement , talking about the content of the device.

There is official examination of evidence, done in a formal way, to let the evidence presented before the court and being admitted by the court.

There is also an intelligence angle in any investigation , when the data is gathered from different sources and analyzed outside the formalities on a preliminary stage, before the law enforcement agents dare to go to the higher authorities with their findings. Usually this information is not intended to be known to the public.

A law enforcement official, in my limited experience dealing with them, would have an idea what is inside the beforehand, based on the analysis of the information provided. I believe that FBI and other agencies are aware of the content of the device at this stage already.


exactly…you cant rush a soufflé…..or a good  indictment.

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


It appears we have another one of the Trumpeteers who can't be bothered to even read their own posted link.


A dozen times?

Dozens of close friends?


Nowhere, in that article is there one iota to substantiate your bloated erroneous numbers.



Just making stuff up.

Perhaps the title claiming: "22 scandals" fired you up?


Geez man I dont have to make stuff up to find dirt on criminals. Its as easy as google the name Clinton. and heres what pops up. I could go on all day long providing you links to the Clinton Crime Family, there is literally hundreds of books, documentaries and other reference for you, but whats the point. If you want to vote for a criminal, go ahead. Unlike yourself, there are plenty of intelligent people that knows these are evil people. just for the sake of argument I here are a few more links for ya.




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There is no warrant needed and they have had the computer for weeks. Anthony Weiner is cooperating. Someone certainly does know what is in there and the chances are that it is damning. It makes no sense that Comey would have come out otherwise.

If he cooperates, there shall be a forensic research already done. His hard disc and various storage devices and services have been examined by experts and a written report is being prepared or reedy.

A lot of stuff is being done out of spot lights to gather the relevant info, analyze its validity and construe the findings.
I won't be surprised if other agency's ppl are involved in the background. Human sources most probably are used behind the scenes.

In my view , an assumption that FBI know nothing is a bit of wishlist thinking.
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Bombshell, eh? More like a smoke bomb. When the smoke clears nothing but an empty shell.


Newly Discovered Emails Unlikely to Change FBI Decision Not to Charge Clinton, Experts Say



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11 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Bombshell, eh? More like a smoke bomb. When the smoke clears nothing but an empty shell.



Let's get this straight. These phoneys have not seen the emails, but are making predictions based on nothing. The cover-up is over. Clinton is losing support already.



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1 hour ago, Dagnabbit said:

ooooops - now even the liberal rags are starting to turn on Hillary: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-hillary-clinton-emails-kass-1030-20161028-column.html



From Wikipedia:   Though the paper retained its Republican and conservative perspective in its editorials, (The Chicago Tribune) began to publish perspectives in wider commentary that represented a spectrum of diverse opinions, while its news reporting no longer had the conservative slant it had in the McCormick years.



Note that John Kass is a columnist i.e. opinion writer.

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Not having crooked hillary in the oval office is the first thing. 

According to many Americans, I am not allowed to have an opinion about presidential election because I am not an American. However, just this one time, may I ask if Hillary would be a better president than Obama? That guy brought poverty to middle class Americans.
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9 hours ago, dcutman said:

I could go on all day long providing you links to the Clinton Crime Family, there is literally hundreds of books, documentaries and other reference for you,but whats the point. If you want to vote for a criminal, go ahead. Unlike yourself, there are plenty of intelligent people that knows these are evil people. just for the sake of argument I here are a few more links for ya.


What's the point?


You gotta be kidding.

Or, delusional.


"For the sake of argument" doesn't cover it bubba.


For starters:















Time for your homework... 


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Let's get this straight. These phoneys have not seen the emails, but are making predictions based on nothing. The cover-up is over. Clinton is losing support already.


"Of the 48 percent who think more will be revealed that’s damaging to Clinton, most were Republicans."


Here's how that goes: "I wasn't going to vote for crooked Hillary, and now I'm even LESS likely to!"

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And to follow up on my post from the day this news broke: This is STILL not trending on any social media that I can find.  Here's Facebook's "What's Trending" feed:




People just aren't talking about this.  The only people who are going to be outraged are those who are already outraged and need to feed their rage.  But for those of us who don't carry shovels around with us, this "bombshell" seems to be all shell and no bomb.


When you think about it, it makes sense.  What's there to talk about?  Even Comey admits he doesn't know if there's anything there - so what is the media supposed to report?  If there is any story here at all, it's Comey's failure to follow DOJ policy in a transparent attempt to swing some voters.


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7 hours ago, Linzz said:


I'm sure that if Obama declared martial law citing Putin's interference in the American elections via Wikileaks, you would be the first to support him.


Youse guyz are cute when you're at your nuttiest, as youse is now that your long anticipated October Surprise came in as the email fix all of you'd been needing during your recent political DDTs.


Confused, but cute. Specifically, this one had nothing to do with the impotent Vladimir Putin or his Wikileaks propaganda arm.


Rather, you'll find this radical Coup d'etat Central located in the office of the late J. Edgar Hoover at the DoJ Building, where sits his contemporary incarnation, J. Brien Comey. 


Enjoy these bizarre final dayze because the madcap lunatic right is currently undertaking its Last Hurrah. And do keep posting about the Coup. The Comey Coup -- the coup that is real.


Putin and his Wikileaks have been relegated to becoming bewildered onlookers. Your red white and blue guy Comey the Republican gumshoe flatfoot found a way Putin the old hand KGB Chekist couldn't and never could.


FBI directors have it all over KGB and its successors in Putin's Russia. Comey is the guy writing the new and definitive book. One suspects Comey will finish it from behind bars.

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KGB Chekist
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8 hours ago, tuktuktuk said:

Maybe you're right. Looks to me like Comey just fell on the sword in one last gasp attempt to block a Clinton presidency. I suspect he was planning to indict her back in June, but the higher ups said no. Maybe he is from the dark side, but your boy Obama put him there. 




your boy Obama put him there. 


This kind of development is not particular to any Potus, my 'boy' included. Look for instance at Potus appointing justices to Scotus.


Ike appointed the lifelong Republican Governor of California Earl Warren as chief justice then by the end of his presidency Ike said it wuz the worst mistake of his entire life. Ike btw had yet another big Scotus mistake in Justice Wm. Brennan, another solid Republican who also turned on the Court to become a wild and crazy leftist liberal commie pinko right alongside Warren.


Jump ahead to GHW Bush who appointed NH Supreme Court chief justice and lifelong Republican David Souter who not only went left on Bush et al, but voted with the minority in Bush v Gore in 2000 -- Souter was vote number four of four in the 5-4 decision to anoint and proclaim GW.


Nixon during Watergate appointed the Boston Brahmin Elliot Richardson AG who appointed as special prosecutor Richardson's Harvard law professor and fellow brahmin Archibald Cox, both of whom Tricky Dicky had to fire in the Saturday Night Massacre.


High appointments by Potus turning against him/her is old stuff that goes back to ancient Greece when Socrates for instance was welcomed to teach the young then wuz put to death when the powers that were found out he'd been teaching a liberation philosophy.


Once the dust in the here and now settles after the election, Comey will very likely want to depart as quietly and unobtrusively as possible. Comey however will be dead wrong about that too. :hit-the-fan:

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2 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


According to many Americans, I am not allowed to have an opinion about presidential election because I am not an American. However, just this one time, may I ask if Hillary would be a better president than Obama? That guy brought poverty to middle class Americans.


As a non-American you are of course allowed your opinion. it would be much more creditable if it was an informed opinion and not one based on hyperbole and demogugary. 


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1 minute ago, thaihome said:

As a non-American you are of course allowed your opinion. it would be much more creditable if it was an informed opinion and not one based on hyperbole and demogugary. 


Yes, and these are the (deplorable) sorts of non-Americans that support trump over Hillary Clinton:




The foreign leaders who are rooting for Trump


There are some common themes here. The less committed a U.S. ally is to liberal democracy, and the more hostile to immigrants, the more likely its government is to favor Trump. Allies uncomfortable with subtlety in U.S. diplomacy — whether it is support for human rights in pro-U.S. dictatorships, or a Palestinian state, or outreach to Iran — tend to see Trump as refreshingly one-sided. The ranks of the horrified are mostly restricted to Western Europe and northeast Asia — though Latin Americans, who have endured the destructive populism pioneered by Hugo Chávez, tend to see Trump as a U.S. version of that pestilence.






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1 hour ago, attrayant said:

And to follow up on my post from the day this news broke: This is STILL not trending on any social media that I can find.  Here's Facebook's "What's Trending" feed:




People just aren't talking about this.  The only people who are going to be outraged are those who are already outraged and need to feed their rage.  But for those of us who don't carry shovels around with us, this "bombshell" seems to be all shell and no bomb.


When you think about it, it makes sense.  What's there to talk about?  Even Comey admits he doesn't know if there's anything there - so what is the media supposed to report?  If there is any story here at all, it's Comey's failure to follow DOJ policy in a transparent attempt to swing some voters.


They estimate ( by some reports ) that there may be 60,000 or more e mails. Even Comey can't read them all in 24 hours.


"They" know that Comey won't release anything soon, and they are just trying to make it look like the election is "rigged", LOL.

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16 minutes ago, thaihome said:

As a non-American you are of course allowed your opinion. it would be much more creditable if it was an informed opinion and not one based on hyperbole and demogugary.


As a poster on an anonymous forum you are of course allowed not to answer the question, and use distraction instead.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They estimate ( by some reports ) that there may be 60,000 or more e mails. Even Comey can't read them all in 24 hours.


"They" know that Comey won't release anything soon, and they are just trying to make it look like the election is "rigged", LOL.


Well, maybe the FBI can run them through a filter first. Any email with the phrase penis picture (and it various euphemisms) can be automatically tossed out. That should cut it down to about 600 or so emails.



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