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Sickening beating of sobbing young Buddhist monk caught on camera in vile temple video


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2 minutes ago, fruitman said:


At least i don't steal or cheat/scam, don't run into people in malls, don't cry loud in public places, don't drive against traffic, am not selfish , have good manners and don't offend other people on the internet ( like you as we all can see)...So i conclude it works to punish young boys this way.

Every adult, who beats a kid (with a stick nonetheless) has lost all arguments and just shows, that violence is a solution to problems!

What a valuable lesson to learn!


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Just now, DM07 said:

Every adult, who beats a kid (with a stick nonetheless) has lost all arguments and just shows, that violence is a solution to problems!

What a valuable lesson to learn!



Your avatar shows me you didn't get spanked enough, or maybe you liked it to show your butt in public? It's lowclass dude....show us some more respect before you open your mouth.

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26 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:


I can relate to what you're saying because the limited amount I have learnt about Thai Buddhism it seems to me that it's more about me me me -concentrating on the individual attaining nirvana rather than seeking improvement for the world as a whole which is different from the Buddhism the Dalai Lama  teaches. I wonder what the DalaiLama would think of this Monk's behaviour?

HHDL practices a form of Mahayana Buddhism that stresses the importance of helping all beings attain enlightenment. Thai Buddhism is part of the Theravada school which places greater importance on the individual path and is closer to the original practice as it was developed  in India and Sri Lanka. The Dalai Lama would tell you himself that both paths are equally valid.

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Reminds me of my school days. . Where being hit by Charlie Chaplin type canes, legs of broken chairs etc. , were common practice, on the back of the hands and the face of the hands. . . All executed by the "Christian Brothers" . 


If that was a Catholic Christian brother think yourself very lucky you only got whacked with a stick!


Seriously, what's wrong with the religions in the world? All preach love, peace, forgiveness - and are the opposite themselves.

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1 hour ago, tezzainthailand said:

Some of those CB's were cruel sick bastards,  I was lucky, I was taught by nuns, some of them could be cruel but the stories you heard about the so called Christian Brothers, very un-Christian like in the way this monk is so un-Buddhist like.


My older brother went to Catholic school and was taught by nuns. One Monday they were asked who didn't go to mass yesterday, he owned up. There had been a huge blizzard the day before. She rapped him across both sets of knuckles 6 times with the edge of a metal ruler. My old man threw a wobbly when he saw his swollen and bruised hands.


He took my brother and me to the school the next day and gave the nun a verbal working over, took my brother out of the school and none of us ever went to church again.


How many wars, conflicts etc in this world are caused by religion? It does far more harm than good.


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54 minutes ago, Somtamnication said:

Well, unfortunately in this country, the video taker will be prosecuted, not the monk. :post-4641-1156693976:


Unfortunately that is likely. Twisted justice (if there is ever any justice) seems to reign supreme.


Did Buddha, in his teachings, allow this barbaric practice by his monks? I would doubt it. Too many evil men clothed as monks.  :sad:



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10 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

SHAME on you.
You don't have to hit children. You have to raise them with TLC. Educate them.


That's what the Thai do, boys can do ANYTHING they want.....ohh and don't ever horn to them cause you might get shot.....

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

It's the only way to make young boys listen well, should be done more in Thailand...I also had plenty of it.

I agree, in my early high school days I would be at the head masters office most Monday mornings to collect 6 strokes of the cane

I cant say I liked it but it caused me no long term troubles, just taught me not to get caught doing stupid things 

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1 hour ago, Ratcher said:

A lot of the Thai youth is out of control today. Gangs acting like animals attacking both Thai and foreigners alike. I blame the parents and the society. Something needs to be done. However, I dont condone what this so called religious man did. I went to an only boy's C of E schlool in England. The cane was the rule of law there.  

I went to a private school in the early '60s and the headmaster would come in to the class with all the maths homework books open and atop were Percy the small cricket bat , Billy a bamboo rod and a gym slipper , the name of which I can't recall.  All got used on boy's backsides including mine but when I got married and had kids they never got physical pain as a punishment even though at school I usually deserved it.

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Utterly horrifying. 


I really don't understand why anyone would wanna hit a kid. The most vulnerable people in the world, yet it seems socially acceptable to give them a whack if they get out of line. This could seriously scar the child emotionally (and otherwise).


Here's a novel idea for the future - 'talk to the kid'. That's right. Sit down and actually talk to kids and try to work out the problem. Kids are not born bad, they become bad because of lazy and feckless adults who use excuses like "I don't have the time to talk to him".


And to make it worse, Buddhism is very clear on not harming any living thing. I really wish most so called religious people would take the time to read up on their religion. 

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4 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.

Does it really matter? If the parents put the boy there. Is it okey to beat him then? If he is an orphan, does that make a beating okey? If he go there to hounor his parents, then the beating is okey?

However! This does not look good at all. At first not for the people inside Thailand. At second definitely not a nice view of the monkhood. As a third reason it will upset people outside the country as well as it goes against the UN Child Convention that is signed by Thailand if I am not totally misinformed. Just wonder how they will handle this mess. It´s really time for a big clean-up and much of the cleaning need to be done is unfortunately made by the one we should be able to trust.

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1 hour ago, Canceraid said:

Yet common people support local temples by going there and praying and giving alms. In truth, there is no divinity, spirituality or sancity in these places except materialism, misconduct, etc and distorted teachings of real buddhism, nor can one really attain any merits there. Thai buddhism and real buddhism are two different things. Thais have a flair of "bastardizing "all religions or things and claiming it as their own as in the case of the ramayana and now in thailand, the "bastardizing" of hinduism and hindu deities like Lord Ganesha, etc. May karma catch up with them and their loved ones

Agree with most everything you say here, except the last sentence.

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

It's the only way to make young boys listen well, should be done more in Thailand...I also had plenty of it.

Probably not enough, because you only learned that violence is the solution for educating.

Feel sorry for you Fruitcake.

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My older brother went to Catholic school and was taught by nuns. One Monday they were asked who didn't go to mass yesterday, he owned up. There had been a huge blizzard the day before. She rapped him across both sets of knuckles 6 times with the edge of a metal ruler. My old man threw a wobbly when he saw his swollen and bruised hands.
He took my brother and me to the school the next day and gave the nun a verbal working over, took my brother out of the school and none of us ever went to church again.
How many wars, conflicts etc in this world are caused by religion? It does far more harm than good.

If it had been Catholic priests he would have been bummed.
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Just now, chinostar said:

Probably not enough, because you only learned that violence is the solution for educating.

Feel sorry for you Fruitcake.


Fine with me Chinostar, at least i'm not as selfish and bad-mannered as a Chinese. (Here's a spit on the floor for ya after i pushed you aside because i won't wait for you).

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1 hour ago, tonysilly said:

None of us know what the kid did. I'm sure it had to be really bad. We need more if this. 

This is a short version of the video. the full version shows him lashing another boy with 5 strokes the boy in this video got beaten across the legs and body . The monk is obviously getting great pleasure in doing so. He is a sadist 

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There was at least two boys beaten. This video only shows a fraction of the original video.The full video is absolutely sickening and the monk must be a sadist. This is a photo of one boys beating. He was hit repeatedly while laying on the floor pleading for mercy and none was given.14724601_708074942678714_5544190372355438500_n.jpg

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