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Sickening beating of sobbing young Buddhist monk caught on camera in vile temple video


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5 hours ago, Johnniey said:


Are you saying Buddhism is for the weak-minded? That has to be the strangest thing I have read for years on this forum.


You are very misguided! 

so hows the rebirth going then, show me the evidence or  keep believing the fantasy, the only real way youre going to be reborn is some of the atoms maybe 1 or 2 in you may one day become something else but not "you"

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52 minutes ago, fruitman said:


He probably deserved this, only some red stripes not even black bruised skin.


When my mum wanted to hit me as a kid i couldn't be bothered at all, she would hurt her hands/wrists while i wouldn't even feel it. So she had to ask my dad to punish me when he came home which was a different story.


Most (not all) people you see in Thailand who look (very) poor or make you feel sorry for them have deserved their lot...IF you're new here you might not understand their society and traditions but many things are not what they seem. I've been here long enough to see through them.


The injuries shown are unjustifiable to anyone other that a delusional  sociopath. I'm sad for the damage you have clearly incurred to your mental state,  thankfully this type of child abuse is decreasing in modern times.


Personally I've  been here over a decade and find your highlighting of 'tradition' in regard to this level of abuse to be entirely false,  the actions of this monk are way beyond the 'normal' level in Thailand.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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31 minutes ago, kannot said:

so hows the rebirth going then, show me the evidence or  keep believing the fantasy, the only real way youre going to be reborn is some of the atoms maybe 1 or 2 in you may one day become something else but not "you"

I'm not a Buddhist.


Just answer my question please -  do you really think  Buddhism is for weak willed people?

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12 hours ago, BrainLife said:

It should NOT happen in a temple by a monk, for me end of discussion.

Parents disciplining their kids with a spanking when young or reason when older, I am OK with.


Doing stuff like this is always a No No No No No

to beat childrens is a no go....discussion end

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2 hours ago, Acharn said:

No, I was not there. That's why I was asking. What is this garbled cliche about making an assumption? Are you perhaps indulging in some recreational substances (this is also a question, not an assumption)? My assumption is that English is not your first language.

There is really nothing more annoying than an idiot or a lobotomy patient that doesn't realize their limitations. Does that sound first world and sobering enough for you?

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Child abuse, plain and simple. 


The monk will apologize, all will very forgiven, and he will make sure no one is recording him the next time he beats a kid with a stick . 


I also wouldn't be surprised if some buggery is going on at the temple as well with some of the boys. 



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14 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.


Thai tradition. My girlfriend's younger brother served as a monk for a few of weeks when he was 14 years old. It's supposed to bring honour to the family. He still attends the monastry and serves as a monk for two or three weeks a year even though he's in fulltime work now.



The Thai tradition supports laymen to go into a monastery, dress and act as monks, and study while there. The time line is based on threes, staying as a monk for three days, or three weeks, or three months or three years, or example of three weeks and three days. This retreat is expected of all male Thai, rich or poor, and often is scheduled after high school. Such retreat brings honor to the family and blessings (merit) to the young man. Thai make allowances for men who follow this practice, such as holding open a job. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_in_Thailand#Ordination_and_clergy



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2 hours ago, fruitman said:


He probably deserved this, only some red stripes not even black bruised skin.


When my mum wanted to hit me as a kid i couldn't be bothered at all, she would hurt her hands/wrists while i wouldn't even feel it. So she had to ask my dad to punish me when he came home which was a different story.


Most (not all) people you see in Thailand who look (very) poor or make you feel sorry for them have deserved their lot...IF you're new here you might not understand their society and traditions but many things are not what they seem. I've been here long enough to see through them.


The expert on the culture and socio-economic realties of Thailand and Southeast Asia has spoken.  Let's hope he doesn't have kids. 

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I searched in Thai for 'monk hit student'. Then opened images up. Saw this similar if not the same boy who knows with similar injures caused by a cane. But this happened August 13th 2015 in Cambodia. I don't know if this is the same incident or not. Please be warned of some nudity and a upset beaten up kid.
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1 hour ago, kannot said:

so hows the rebirth going then, show me the evidence or  keep believing the fantasy, the only real way youre going to be reborn is some of the atoms maybe 1 or 2 in you may one day become something else but not "you"


Actually every single atom will be part of something else after you die as they were a part of something else before you were born, they don't just vanish, they form parts of new molecules, we mostly consist of 13 billion year old atoms.  The atoms we consist of are in a relationship that we call life, after death it is assumed that this relationship ends, as there is no evidence that there is any ongoing relationship, and Buddhism agrees with this.  The rebirth concept is rather vague, it is not much like more simplistic Hindu concept of reincarnation, rebirth is the belief that an eternal energy links the conciouness to the physical being, and after death this energy continues to another life, but ultimately "you" die.

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27 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Some Cambodian with the 15 month old mobile film of this tragic beating has made a fortune selling this film to the Daily Mirror. Now the Daily Mirror are red faced. Oh well you live and learn.


Nah, they just reported it as it was claimed on Facebook, no payment necessary to link to an already posted story and video.  As for being left red-faced, I doubt the Mirror is going to feel much shame from getting a story wrong, it's how they make a living.

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*Edit: the video in the email shows one lash. I'm told the extended version is a different story, so I'm redacting my post comment.

Edited by cncltd1973
*Edit: the video in the email shows one lash. I'm told the extended version is a different story, so I'm redacting my post comment.
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10 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

"Netizens' of the world are outraged, but here in Thailand that doesn't even make the radar. The monk was clearly in control of his emotions, and it was one solid lash and some tears of contrition.


Funny how it was posted on a Thai Facebook account and viewed and commented on by Thais then.  And if you watch the full video he hits him 10 times and the screams from the boy are of pain and fear, nothing to do with contrition at all you horrible child abuse apologist.


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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:



I searched in Thai for 'monk hit student'. Then opened images up. Saw this similar if not the same boy who knows with similar injures caused by a cane. But this happened August 13th 2015 in Cambodia. I don't know if this is the same incident or not. Please be warned of some nudity and a upset beaten up kid.

Google translate Daily Mirror, just type, copy, paste and click search. If an idiot abroad can do it, so can you. 555

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6 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

"it caused me no long term troubles"

That's not really for you to judge.  I expect most pedophiles don't recognize that they have "troubles"

I hope you are not making a comment linking me to those rock spiders

My only trouble was having to listen to the mightier than thou group, that maybe you belong to

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16 minutes ago, monkey4u said:

I hope you are not making a comment linking me to those rock spiders

My only trouble was having to listen to the mightier than thou group, that maybe you belong to


No of course not, I was just making a point.  How many people will tell themselves they are good people, people of good conscience etc.  I imagine Hitler probably thought he was a good person, as does your average jihadi.  I don't know even myself whether or not I'm good person.  I mean I think I am, but who am I to judge myself?  I didn't intend to say that you were a kiddie fiddler at all.  Sorry mate. 

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The Buddhist virtue of Ahimsa refers to non-violence   

All living beings contain a part of the Divine,  so to injure another is to injure oneself.

Not that all Buddhists have adhered to this over the centuries

This guy is obviously a great Buddhist teacher.  

The youngster will now understand that violence is acceptable,  if you are a big aggressor.


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14 hours ago, Acharn said:

No, I was not there. That's why I was asking. What is this garbled cliche about making an assumption? Are you perhaps indulging in some recreational substances (this is also a question, not an assumption)? My assumption is that English is not your first language.


There we go. From people that were there to fill in the blanks instead of getting all emotional sopping up innuendo and convicting on granted, apparently compelling information just like an old fashioned lynch mob of peers. I hope that's not being too civilized for you with my conviction that it's better seeing 10 get off before hanging or incarcerating one for life and then learn you were wrong. 

I guess the probable balance of the the difference between first and third world thinking lies somewhere between the immediate presumption of guilt and falling victim to what ASSUME is the acronym for. (Although i think I can safely assume that kind of thinking is far beyond your level of assumptions).

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21 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

I don't remember seeing the words meta data in your post.


Just what part of



Is there no GPS location in the uploaded video?


don't you understand. Where is the GPS location stored? In the meta-data of course. Plagiarizer.


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2 minutes ago, Keesters said:


Just what part of



don't you understand. Where is the GPS location stored? In the meta-data of course. Plagiarizer.



3 minutes ago, Keesters said:


Just what part of



don't you understand. Where is the GPS location stored? In the meta-data of course. Plagiarizer.


Maybe if you were a little more explicit what you actually meant would have been understood. I can not help it if you can not be lucid in your writing

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Just now, gandalf12 said:


Maybe if you were a little more explicit what you actually meant would have been understood. I can not help it if you can not be lucid in your writing


I think you'll find many more people will understand 'GPS location' than 'meta-data'. Android has 'Location mode' & 'using GPS', nothing about meta-data.


Do not assume people are as tech-savvy as you think you are. KISS.


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The novice can be heard repeatedly sobbing,  "ฉันกลัว" (chan klua) "I'm scared" .       Just the wrong thing to say to a sadistic control freak armed with a weapon.


'Let them hate, so long as they fear' - Caligula




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On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 7:23 AM, Wilsonandson said:

Let's hope the father of the young boy novice monk beats the evil monk with a stick. This is the 21st century, not the 19th century. Brutal.

Violence, begets violence. Seems like a matter for the criminal justice system to handle..whatever that is. Hard to tell at times.

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Little Monk Tortured by Head Monk With Electric Wire
Postby CEOCambodiaNews » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:57 pm
Little monk seriously injured all over his boy after the head monk hit him with electric wire

Kampong Chhang: According to Koh Santepheap Daily News, a little monk seriously injured all over his body after the head monk tortured him by hitting him with electric wire. The head monk was mad at him as he took the head monk book and wanted to write something on it. However, he didn’t manage to write something on it yet, but the monk knew it and started hitting him immediately.

This event happened in the evening on 13, August 2015 at Thomvan pagoda, located in Svay Chrom commune, Rolea Phaear district, Kompong Chhang province.

According to the source: The little monk name Van Virak, 11 years old. He had been brought by his parents to the hospital. The head monk name Den Pen , the one who is responsible in teaching younger monks.

It is not sure for what is the punishment that will be given to the head monk for his act.

Source:- http://www.cambodiaexpatsonline.com/newsworthy/little-monk-tortured-head-monk-with-electric-wire-t6016.html

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