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Life with the farang abroad - no bed of roses, says German's wife


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1 hour ago, jamesbrock said:


Good post. Thanks for taking the time to do this. From your translation is appears that she is issuing a warning as a public service announcement rather than whining. If that is the case, I retract my earlier including comments.


That being said, her main problem is that she's still converting the price of everything she buys to baht, and using that as a comparison - but no sign of hubby's income or bank balance converted to baht. When my wife began working (the day she received her Bridging Visa B, that allowed her to legally work) she quickly stopped converting prices of everything to baht and was much happier.

Yeah from my best guess I don't think she's working yet.  But that is my assumption.  Like you said she's talking Thai baht for food but never talked about wages.  Her message was vague about her personal situation.  She was generalizing what it was like to share with other Thai woman as to what to expect.  She was definitely in the realization phase and partly towards the end of the video kinda acceptance of what is needed to happen.  Either way I wish the best for the couple.  It is no easy task to bring your bride to the western world so I honestly do hope it works out.  It's tough bringing a Thai woman to the west.  Beyond all the paperwork there was the problem of culture shock.  I have first hand experience.  My dad is American and brought my mom and I to the states.  man alive.  she talked about going back to Thailand for years.

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the german guy has grey hair in the karaoke bar in isarn when he met her, when she was 17, then on the beach, a few years later, when she is pregnant he has no grey hair.   this looks like some poor journalism to me   :)              the girl in front of the german car, doesn't look like any of the other photos to me,  also her hair is red [emoji6]

Come on, man. Asians are pretty good with makeup. Have you never seen pictures on FB of 40 year old Thais on that look underage?

That being said I don't know how the German guy did it.
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18 hours ago, R123 said:

In otherwords, she has to actually do a bit of work for a change apart from  just opening her legs.......and of course we already know why this race are  considered by many as the laziest in the world....

I presume you have facts to back that statement up.Nar,didn't think so.

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18 hours ago, fruitman said:


I had it in our garden and it grew well, also tasted the same as in Europe. But my misses forgot to water them so they died. I still wished i knew where to buy it though, and also pine-nuts and parmesan cheese (that one i know where to buy). 

Do you know where the garden hose is?

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In my country the total taxes you have to pay to the government, have been calculated in a 45% after that you start to be able to pay all other life expences....if are enough to cover the basic needs.....

But if income are 600 euros then cant live more than 15 days a month....

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17 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

They seem to think we were all born on a mountain of money, I wish.

Nothing annoys me more than farangs giving excessively large tips and other misguided generosity, only reinforces the belief.


More to do with their ego or lack of.

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16 hours ago, Oishii said:


£2,300 per month is feasible for working in a post office.  Depends on her grade.  Remember there will be at around 1/3 in stoppages out of that.



Really, let me have the vacancies if you see any, personally i think it's <deleted>

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R123 said:

In otherwords, she has to actually do a bit of work for a change apart from  just opening her legs.......and of course we already know why this race are  considered by many as the laziest in the world....


10 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

I presume you have facts to back that statement up.Nar,didn't think so.

it doesn't make much sense to waste time on stupid comments Louse. this thread is hard evidence what kind of poor and frustrated souls are dominating the forum. one minute high and mighty "bwana judgments" a couple of minutes later whining that beer prices as well as baked beans are up and their home currency buys 50 Satang less.




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16 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

Ah, yes, but did he have  "performance motor" there?  Prestige cars are so cheap (away from Thailand) and they are so important to some TV F members especially when saying that Thailand is NOT cheap.   


BTW, Gosh she looks real young to have had 4 kids.  Is that meant to be her picture?  Who would agree to let her live in the lap of luxury in Germany (or wherever) while also paying the upkeep of 4 kids, (in Thailand or Germany or wherever????)  none of which were presumably his, without saying "you will need to contribute some by having a job of some sort."  I am sure there is a lot to this story we have not been told.    It would be nice to hear the German hubby's side.

Heaven forbid,2 sides to the story.Stories like this are always slanted a certain way on TVF ,as most of the members bite.Come in spinner.

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15 hours ago, Robbman2000 said:

I speak Isaan so I took the time to translate this.  Poor girl's getting ripped on in farang forums.  This is pretty much word for work.  the best I can do.  It should be spot on minus a couple sentences.




Hello,  I just wanted to let you know what it is like to live in the west verses Thailand.  Living in the west is not as relaxed as living back home.  What we have, we eat together, all of us like family.  Whoever it is we call them uncle, aunty, brother and sister.  Everyone.  (some sentence I didn’t understand about getting food from the farm?)


We spend 100 or 200 baht back home and we get many things.  Back home if we spend 1000 baht the entire table is full.  Here is not the same.  If we walk anywhere all we can do is say hello to someone and smile.  That’s it.  If you want to buy anything it is not reasonable.  Expensive.  To go buy a handful of basil is 200 baht.  Little bit.  Why would you do that?  I want it but I do without.  It’s not like back home where we can go out to eat.  In our house we have 4 children.  Then me and my husband.  Together 5…6 of us.    We eat one time and it’s 5000-6000, maybe 4000-5000.  If we don’t eat very much maybe it is 2000 baht or more.  Why would we spend that much to eat?  Wouldn’t it be better to save that money? 


Why it is in the west we have to do for ourselves?  I thought that if I was a farang’s wife I could live relaxed.  Not true.  There isn’t a single farang wife living relaxed.  You have to make your own.  You cannot wait to use your husband’s money forever.  They do for themselves and find work for themselves.  It’s not like marrying a farang means you can be lazy.  You are thinking wrong.  You cannot rely on someone forever.   If you are looking for a rich farang it is dangerous thinking and you should look at yourself.    That’s why they relax so much in Thailand because here in the West they work very hard. 


Why do I have to work?  Why do I have to cook?  Why do I have to work so hard?  It’s not hard.  It is something we need to do.  Why is it that in Thailand we can just spend money?  Because it is cheaper.  100, 200, 1000 baht  is a lot but here it doesn’t buy anything.  Here you have to know what you are doing.  It’s not like you can use someone else forever.  You have to know how to live our life, know how to cook and take care of yourself, raise your children, take care of your husband , family, and yourself.  We stay together because of love, understanding, and trust.  If you think you’re going to find someone to take care of you, you are thinking wrong.   I just wanted to say this to share with you.  I want you to know so we understand each other.  Ok?  Understand.  Bye bye.


Good onya Robb.Sounds like the girl is switched on.As usual on TVF posters let their own predudices get in the way of the truth.

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15 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Ive seen several examples of old Brit guys selling a story to some Young Thai girl and then she marries the old git and gets to the UK, she finds that he lives in a Council house, lives off his pension, lives in some seedy part of a town and hasn't got a pot to piss in. She can't go back and lose fa ce with her family, so she's stuck. IT happens a lot! 

I met a girl whose ex showed her a picture of a merc outside a supermarket,claiming they were both his.In actual fact he lived in a caravan at Coober Pedy and dug holes for a living on the off chance of finding opal.

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8 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

Not disagreeing, but how does this "brainwashing" come about?  What/who is doing it?  The parents just hoping against hope they'll be in for a piece of the pie?   Uninformed peer pressure?  Urban myth?  Pure desperation?  Dissolute Thai manfolk?  Why do they all seem to reach adulthood believing this so implicitly?

It's all Harold's fault.

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The translation of the true opinions the Isaan wife living in  Germany gave in her viral video was a great contribution to the discussion. Thanks. She came across as sweet-natured, loving and a generous heart. So typical of Thai females. I wish her every happiness for the future.

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There's a tradition of parasitism here. Farlang this farlang that. Rich stupid loud sweaty etc. And its often a certain type of thai (female) who thinks about farlang like that. And often they are right as longnose barstools are indeed loud, stupid and sweaty due to alcohol intake...

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20 minutes ago, maicotai said:

Usually peoples marry because they love each over and not for riches or get easy life.....and whatever everybody have to work for survive .

Not in this part of the world. Safety net through marriage is the local tradition, also in burma or khmen.

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22 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


Laziest In the world?


Have you spent any time In the Pacific Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa??


There would be some serious contenders for that title out there.

Yeah but everyone expects them to be lazy dreamers. They do not aspire to find a foreigner to take them away.


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1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

Yeain but everyone expects them to be lazy dreamers. They do not aspire to find a foreigner to take them away.



Any experiemce?? I worked In Fiji and Fijian women are chasing foreign men, chasing a meal ticket.  I think that anywhere local Incomes are way less than those paid to foreigners that situation occurs.


Can't edit typos

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9 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Good point. The comments in Thai on the link from Thai woman says it all, they treat as not as human but a meal ticket.


Sure, we may be a "good farang" or a "rich farang" but that is a bonus. 

Actually in Australia thais refer to Australians as farangs and when I point out to my wife and her friends they are actually the farang in Australia they say it is a racist and offensive term.  

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30 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Actually in Australia thais refer to Australians as farangs and when I point out to my wife and her friends they are actually the farang in Australia they say it is a racist and offensive term.  

But Australia is a Plural society, unlike Thailand. Also, like the USA, everyone is immigrant apart from the Native peoples.


But good point. 


I went up to a Thai woman in the UK when I overheard her saying she was "scared of farnag" on the phone. I said, "no need to be scared we don't bite"(in Thai) and she almost had a heart attack. She was visibly offended and when I asked her where she came from, she said, "Aberdeen"!


Mind you the other day at my fitness centre, I asked a whitey where he came from and he said, Udon, I'm an oldtimer, been here 8 years. I said, "what a complete tosser" under my breath. Reminded me of that Thai lady.

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7 hours ago, Naam said:

i don't talk peasant slang and i never mention the size of my pecker in a public forum. derogatory comments from people like you are part of my daily entertainment.


by the way, this dictionary translates the german word "kleine Zehe" into English "pinky toe". now go back to your dark corner and weep :smile:



Derogatory! A bit of the "topf calling the kessel black" 

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On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 2:55 PM, prakhonchai nick said:

If thats a picture of the girl, she looks like jail bait to me. 4 kids???

Look all photos in the Link. 

Maybe you not used to the young looks and young pregnencies of Isaan women.

Just got to know a 22 year young with 2 boys, one 5 already.

And she was already in S. Korea on "business trip" for some month until they found her and banned her for 5 years,

as well as in Singapore where she was denied entry.?


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23 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:

Look all photos in the Link. 

Maybe you not used to the young looks and young pregnencies of Isaan women.

Just got to know a 22 year young with 2 boys, one 5 already.

And she was already in S. Korea on "business trip" for some month until they found her and banned her for 5 years,

as well as in Singapore where she was denied entry.?


Amazing what a bit of makeup can do.

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13 hours ago, Ricardo said:


Good for you, it's a necessary and valuable public-service, I myself worked for a couple of years at one of their competitors, TNT-Mailfast who helped (25years ago) force international postal-rates to become more in line with costs. I'd do a day's work in the accounts-office, then help sort that day's outgoing-mail for despatch on the truck to the airport before heading home.


But presumably you're quoting  before-tax-rates ? One of the things which IME truly shocks Thais, when they move to live & work overseas, is the percentage of their gross-income which they never even see, due to tax & social-security payments, something which they rarely experience here at home.

Exactly!  I paid more taxes than anyone.  I wasn't even able to claim "head of household."  No tax write -offs.  And, having to pay child support for 15 years, again while living in Silicon Valley.  I rented and lived in a garage for five years at $800 a month!  Not proud of it, but true.  San Jose is expensive!

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