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Brexit hits speed bump as court rules lawmakers must get say


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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:


Close to the last 'nail' in the concept of democracy :sad:.


The question was clear, the pre-referendum rhetoric was clear (the govt. will abide by your vote), and yet this has been over-turned by the courts.


Great for everyone other than those who actually voted and 'won' the referendum.


No wonder this court decision was reported and then largely ignored in favour of further 'discussions' about what may happen in the future with EU negotiations!

You are correct the residing government did state they would implement the vote. However like any manifesto pledge or policy , whilst it may be the government intention , the government still needs to secure its passage through parliament to be implemented 

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It would seem that There's a May, there's a speed bump. Brexit seems to have more speed bumps than a Thai Moo Baan


Goldsmith ex-mayoral candidate was from a dynastic family campaigning on a NIMBY ticket re the airport extension yet all this counted for nought against the anger at Brexit.

The victors - the LIb Dems were a lame duck party until this issue revived them.....

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