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22 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Europhiles keep their heads determinedly in the sand over Germany's long-term (and long time) ambitions. It's foolishness personified.


Quite clearly your understanding of typical German psyche is utterly incorrect. Ever lived there?

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21 minutes ago, jpinx said:

Anyone who refuses to look at the juggernaut of the right-wing resurgence across Europe is in denial. They try to stop anyone else from seeing it, but all the news channels are carrying stories based on the same facts and polls.  2017 could easily be the demise of the EU.  This is not a forecast or a prophecy - just a statement based on the information available.


And you clearly don't see the danger! Are you mad? You seem to welcome this! Insane! Read some history for goodness sake.

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5 hours ago, jpinx said:

The UK tried to get better terms several times, considering the amount of money they were pumping into the EU.  The Dublin agreement was meant to do something, but it was in reality a PR exercise to allow Harold Wilson an opportunity to have a referendum which would produce the result he needed to not consult the electorate again, and thereafter the EU basically had a free hand in drafting some of the stupidest regulations ever known - anyone remember "square tomatoes? standard eggs? straight bananas?  


Cameron tried the same trick, but fortunately the great unwashed UK electorate said -- "Hang on a minute - - they've tried this trick before!"  ; )


We were 9th biggest contributor based on GDP per person. 0.4% of GDP net. Peanuts. Value of UK Ltd in USD has fallen by 20% (600 billion USD). Fools

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5 hours ago, jpinx said:

For those of us who have read how Germany created a huge war-machine prior to 1934, coming back from their defeat only 16 years before, the EU army proposal, heavily backed by Merkel, sends shivers down the spine.

Codswallop! You're going to rely upon Trump? Read some history books please. I can't be bothered to explain O level history!

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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Codswallop! You're going to rely upon Trump? Read some history books please. I can't be bothered to explain O level history!

There is no reference to Trump in the bit of my post that you quote...

Edited by jpinx
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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:


And you clearly don't see the danger! Are you mad? You seem to welcome this! Insane! Read some history for goodness sake.

One is well-advised to look *both* ways before crossing the street.

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16 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Should it be any clearer?


"Mr Johnson said: "I would respectfully say to my beloved European friends and colleagues that it's time that we snapped out of the general doom and gloom about the result of this election and collective 'whinge-o-rama' that seems to be going on in some places."

He added: "He is after all a deal maker. He wants to do a free trade deal with the UK.


"I believe that this is a great opportunity for us in the UK to build on that relationship with America that is of fundamental economic importance for us but also of great importance for stability and prosperity in the world."




Haha! You think Trump wants to build plants in the U.K.?


You think he will want to import steel from us? Ships? Shortbread maybe!


You want us to buy USDA prime corn fed antibiotic laced beef? American cars?


Let's get real here...

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Trump is isolationist. I doubt we can rely 100% on USA to support NATO if Russia invaded Lithuania for example. Get it now?

I did not mention Trump -- that part of the dialogue is you arguing with yourself :)

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20 minutes ago, Grouse said:


And you clearly don't see the danger! Are you mad? You seem to welcome this! Insane! Read some history for goodness sake.

If you care to look back, you will see that I have proposed all politicians should be made to pass an extensive history test before taking office.  Not the "conquerers history" but the true history of facts. 

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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:


Haha! You think Trump wants to build plants in the U.K.?


You think he will want to import steel from us? Ships? Shortbread maybe!


You want us to buy USDA prime corn fed antibiotic laced beef? American cars?


Let's get real here...

There was a trade agreement with US before the Common Market days - but we didn't see too much of the american stuff mentioned.  Perhaps the trade was more to do with UK's exporting, but that will need someone to do some research ; )  Why not import steel?  UK imports steel already - no reason for it not to come from USA if the price is right ; )  Trumps mum comes from Lewis -- so Trump might like to build plants in Scotland : )  There's nothing basically wrong with the british beef industry. 

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55 minutes ago, jpinx said:

If you care to look back, you will see that I have proposed all politicians should be made to pass an extensive history test before taking office.  Not the "conquerers history" but the true history of facts. 


The Sleepwalkers is an Excellent account of the years leading up to WW1 (and thus WW2). Be interesting to see on here who blames whom for causing WW1 ?

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56 minutes ago, jpinx said:

There was a trade agreement with US before the Common Market days - but we didn't see too much of the american stuff mentioned.  Perhaps the trade was more to do with UK's exporting, but that will need someone to do some research ; )  Why not import steel?  UK imports steel already - no reason for it not to come from USA if the price is right ; )  Trumps mum comes from Lewis -- so Trump might like to build plants in Scotland : )  There's nothing basically wrong with the british beef industry. 


I was talking about UK exporting steel to USA! Clearly Trump wants to bring all that business back home.


We don't want American beef (wouldn't pass EU regs!)


Why would Trump build plants in Scotland? He's isolationist. He is changing tax policy to force American companies to manufacture at home. AND what's the point if we're outside the EU? Eire MIGHT be OK with their "friendly" tax policy!

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:


The Sleepwalkers is an Excellent account of the years leading up to WW1 (and thus WW2). Be interesting to see on here who blames whom for causing WW1 ?


Oh dear. I can sense more fawning over Germany coming from Grouse.

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:


I was talking about UK exporting steel to USA! Clearly Trump wants to bring all that business back home.


We don't want American beef (wouldn't pass EU regs!)


Why would Trump build plants in Scotland? He's isolationist. He is changing tax policy to force American companies to manufacture at home. AND what's the point if we're outside the EU? Eire MIGHT be OK with their "friendly" tax policy!

Trump has strong family connections with Scotland - as I pointed out already 4 or 5 times in this and other threads......

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18 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I was talking about UK exporting steel to USA! Clearly Trump wants to bring all that business back home.


We don't want American beef (wouldn't pass EU regs!)


Why would Trump build plants in Scotland? He's isolationist. He is changing tax policy to force American companies to manufacture at home. AND what's the point if we're outside the EU? Eire MIGHT be OK with their "friendly" tax policy!


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3 hours ago, Grouse said:


Chauvenist is a better word





It is that attitude of calling people racist, xenophobic, chauvinist, numpties, stupid, uneducated, ignorant, that is creating the populist uprising  across Europe and the USA. Keep saying things like that, not respecting peoples opinions on caring for themselves first. Note, caring for themselves first. I care about the other European countries but like caring for your own children first, then others second is a natural instinct.

Keep going with that mentality and the rest of Europe will follow with the populist uprising. Well done Grouse, totally out of touch with the people.:thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


All those snide remarks about Gravy's spelling and grammar, and all the comments about remainers being better-educated, and he can't even spell chauvinist :laugh:.

You see Khun Han, people often do that to overcome their own short comings and to try and come across as better and even more educated than others. Obviously the psychologist would come back and say it was issues with their childhood. Personally I just think it be  a sign, of self importance.

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Italy, Hungary, Austria, France, Holland are all very uncertain about their future in the EU, along with a few other countries. You would have thought that any numpty (sic) would have realized, it was time to reform and change the way the EU is operating. A bit like blockbuster video still trying to force people to buy videos, when everybody hates them, finds them obsolete, out of favour and can get a better product and service elsewhere.

What happened to Blockbuster videos? They are history and a distant memory. People may have an old membership card but glad they are not open for business.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
Edit before certain people start creaming their pants
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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Italy, Hungary, Austria, Franch, Holland are all very uncertain about their future in the EU, along with a few other countries. You would have thought that any numpty (sic) would have realized, it was time to reform and change the way the EU is operating. A bit like blockbuster video still trying to force people to buy videos, when everybody hates them, finds them obsolete, out of favour and can get a better product and service elsewhere.

What happened to Blockbuster videos? They are history and a distant memory. People may have an old membership card but glad they are not open for business.


Not a bad little analogy. Just like the EU, Blockbuster fell for their own hype, and stubbornly refused to adapt to changes in their cicmumstances.

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18 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Italy, Hungary, Austria, France, Holland are all very uncertain about their future in the EU, along with a few other countries. You would have thought that any numpty (sic) would have realized, it was time to reform and change the way the EU is operating. A bit like blockbuster video still trying to force people to buy videos, when everybody hates them, finds them obsolete, out of favour and can get a better product and service elsewhere.

What happened to Blockbuster videos? They are history and a distant memory. People may have an old membership card but glad they are not open for business.

I've been banging on about next years elections for some time now, but everyone has their head deep in the sand.  Merkel has not even declared she's going to stand!

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2 minutes ago, jpinx said:

I've been banging on about next years elections for some time now, but everyone has their head deep in the sand.  Merkel has not even declared she's going to stand!

The truth often hurts and whilst people do have their head in the sand, it is their ass that is stuck in the air exposed. Merkel knows she will get destroyed at the polls. The interesting thing is, who will succeed her and will they have enough to prevent the far right, from gaining a massive political ground. Now that is interesting.

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7 minutes ago, jpinx said:

I've been banging on about next years elections for some time now, but everyone has their head deep in the sand.  Merkel has not even declared she's going to stand!

I agree, the elections in EU countries next year are going to be very interesting.


Those running the EU will realise this too, and so I suspect will come up with some EU reforms.  If they don't - then they truly are "numpties"!


Assuming they do come up with reforms - will those reforms be enough to head off the potential calamity of those EU countries' elections?

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3 hours ago, jpinx said:

Trumps mum comes from Lewis -- so Trump might like to build plants in Scotland : ) 


2 hours ago, jpinx said:

Trump has strong family connections with Scotland - as I pointed out already 4 or 5 times in this and other threads......


If you think many people in Scotland trust Trump I suspect that you are vastly mistaken.


Particularly in Aberdeenshire!


Even his ex mate Salmond, whose constituency the development is in and who, as Scottish First Minister, made sure Trump got to build his golf course on a SSSI despite the county council refusing planning permission, fell out with him when Trump objected to an offshore windfarm because it spoilt his view.

Why did it take Alex Salmond so long to turn on Donald Trump?



Another local resident, Susan Munro, explained to me on camera how she had been forced to spreadeagle over the bonnet of her car by Trump security guards, while attempting to reach her home. At the crack of dawn, an army of diggers lurched into action to build a massive wall of earth around the home of resident David Milne, whose house Trump said he wanted to get rid of. While all this was going on, Salmond was nowhere to be seen, despite driving by the development every week en route to the Holyrood parliament in Edinburgh from his constituency.


In the summer of 2010, we discovered that Trump’s workers had accidentally cut off the water to the homes of Michael Forbes and his wife Sheila, and of Michael’s mother Molly, which is served by a private well. During an interview at Trump Tower in New York, Trump told me that Molly “reminds me of my mother”. Yet Molly, who is now 91 years old, was forced to retrieve her water from a nearby stream with a bucket and push it to her home in a wheelbarrow.


Despite claims from the Trump Organisation that it would restore the Forbes’ water, this appalling situation continues to this day, as I discovered recently while filming for a new documentary. For five years, the widow Molly, whom Trump previously threatened with legal action, has been denied a safe and reliable water supply. And what has Salmond done to help her? Nothing. The Trump Organisation claims it is not their problem. So does the Scottish government.


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