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Trump pressing into Democratic territory in final days


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15 minutes ago, evadgib said:


Are newbies exempt from the usual rules or  "is it because I is British?"


Trump is the only candidate seeking the sad old racist British pensioner vote. He invited the failed UK Parliamentary Candidate Farange to spread his particular brand of small mindedness around. The sad old Brit pensioners have contributed to the final and ultimate destruction of the UK into what will be a third rate nation after showing it doesn't have the basic skill or intelligence to work with others.


Neither you or Condell have  vote in the election. The message of little englander racism has no relevance to America. You lot should relish your demotion in status to a bunch of nobodies whose opinion no longer counts in world affairs and leave the real world to those who have a clue.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

This is an Apple

That is an Orange.

We're not comparing Justin Beber but comparing to Crooked Hillary? :sleep:



Time once again to cite the classic Peggy Noon screed in which she invokes the size of Mitt Romney's rallies to predict a win.

"I think they are and I think it’s this: a Romney win. Romney’s crowds are building—28,000 in Morrisville, Pa., last night; 30,000 in West Chester, Ohio, Friday   People came, they got through security and waited for hours in the cold."

You can read the whole sad ignorant thing here.  http://blogs.wsj.com/peggynoonan/2012/11/05/monday-morning/


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12 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Neither you or Condell have  vote in the election. The message of little englander racism has no relevance to America. You lot should relish your demotion in status to a bunch of nobodies whose opinion no longer counts in world affairs and leave the real world to those who have a clue.

Straight from the Trump school of debating skills, or are you the clown himself?

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59 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Straight from the Trump school of debating skills, or are you the clown himself?


Brit racisms presume to comment on the elections in a country that is founded on immigration, whose constitution provides equal protection to all and has a system that is based on liberal rationalism.


Really, who cares what gobbledegook you lot come out with, to wit: the above garbled nonsense. You have no vote. Condell has no vote. Farage has no vote. Little englander chauvinism is so far removed from the American experience that it is entirely meaningless. As your your paltry efforts at insult.

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21 hours ago, Chicog said:



Hey Chicog that should tell you something. Funny how Comey did another flip flop on the eve of the election. Stock futures went through the roof yet again after the announcement looking for any nuggets of information that propel them onward and upward. Other things are at play here as well fortunes could be made or lost. 

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While all Americans are riveted on the election bruhaha, the Chinese are quietly tightening their grip on Phil territory.  Of course Duterte isn't helping the Fil cause.  He'd sell his mother's kidney for a good price.


It's what happened during the many months of Bill Clinton's witch hunt.  Americans love a soap opera, and are easily deflected from more important things:  like whether Arabs are clandestinely learning to fly large aircraft in Florida, while not bothering to learn about take-offs or landing procedures.


What nefarious things are going on, which American's aren't aware of, by being so fixated on Trump's daily blurtings?    Oh, almost forgot, the FBI is hard at work, trying valiantly (but failing miserably) to dig dirt on one of the presidential candidates.  

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On 11/6/2016 at 2:35 PM, boomerangutang said:

Trump spent 1/40th of his worth on the campaign.  That doesn't sound like much.


Boomer do you know how much Hillary spent of her own money? Or is it none of hers and just all her investors who expect a return on their investment?

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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump is killing Crooked Hillary in Minnesota!

To wit:

There are over 12,000 people in the hangar area for Trump, and thousands and thousands and thousands outside. Lots of fellow deplorables with me!

At some point, the hangar was full and they stopped letting anyone in, but people kept coming anyway. My Facebook feed is full of pictures from the Trump rally. Here are a few:





The enthusiasm gap between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is palpable. Hillary has endless money at her disposal, but she can’t buy a crowd. The symbol of a corrupt status quo, she is the candidate of entrenched interests that are willing to support her, but can’t pretend to be proud of it "


And these are the #deplorables that didn’t get inside!






Hillary can buy Hollywood, pop stars to prop up her crowds. Basically anyone who is not hurting. If Trump wins they're all going to leave the country. I'm sure they will not be missed. 

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For all of Boon Mee's hopeful postings, the fact is that Donald has destroyed his own campaign.


All those Mexican rapists don't seem to want his wall....





As of Saturday, 565,000 Hispanics have voted in person in Florida, a 100 percent increase over the close of early voting in 2012, according to Daniel Smith, a University of Florida professor who tracks voter turnout.

In another sign of voter enthusiasm, of the 911,000 Hispanics who have already voted this year -- whether in person or by mail -- 36 percent did not vote in the last presidential election.





If the Democrats were worried about getting the Hispanics out to vote they can relax.



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6 hours ago, Linzz said:

Boomer do you know how much Hillary spent of her own money? Or is it none of hers and just all her investors who expect a return on their investment?


         No, but I know HRC's campaign outspent Trump's, and her organizational skills ran circles around Trump.  He is to organizing an election campaign what he is to running the 110 meters high hurdles.


        Do you remember a year ago during the Rep debates?  Trump was lambasting the others, particularly Jeb, for spending taking in PAC money.  Trump kept saying he himself was so rich, he would never need any outside funding.  Later, he switched tracks (as he does on all issues) and accepted donations - indeed, his people even went begging to big Republican donors like Koch Brothers, but to little avail.   Trump was so busy funneling campaign funds into his personal holdings (Trump Towers, golf courses, his jet, paying rents on his lavish residences in FL and NY, as well as channeling money to his children for all sorts of reasons) .....that he forgot to keep campaign offices open in key states like VA, NC and CO.   He thought his dazzling personality would make up for any deficits of smart planning.  He was wrong.

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Latest and last electoral map by US's NPR.org.  Heartening news for Trump fans:  of the 9 states which changed status since Comey made his recent announcement, eight are leaning closer to Trump !  Only one (Nevada) has leaned a bit better for HRC.    It's proof that some of HRC's support is flaccid.



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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He doesn't understand U.S. politics. 

  Who does , understand U.S, politics, ?? 

 the US  electorate , no way .

    Triumphant Trump .

     We have nuclear capabilities ,  lets use them .

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