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Voter turnout 'explodes' among blacks, Hispanics in US


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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

African-Americans are failing to vote at the robust levels they did four years ago in several states that could help decide the presidential election, creating a vexing problem for Hillary Clinton as she clings to a deteriorating lead over Donald J. Trump with Election Day just a week away.



As tens of millions of Americans cast ballots in what will be the largest-ever mobilization of early voters in a presidential election, the numbers have started to point toward a slump that many Democrats feared might materialize without the nation’s first black president on the ticket.




Nice try. That's old news with a byline of Nov 2.  Here's the latest news from Florida. You've heard of Florida?

As of Saturday, 565,000 Hispanics have voted in person in Florida, a 100 percent increase over the close of early voting in 2012, according to Daniel Smith, a University of Florida professor who tracks voter turnout.

“Over the past few days, we’ve seen black turnout explode, with more African-Americans voting early in-person than in 2012, and we still have ‘Souls to the Polls’ numbers from today to add to the running total,” Smith told AFP.

A total of 777,000 blacks have already voted in Florida, he said.



You're so right, I'd definitely believe a story from a click-bait website like Raw Story over the New York Times.

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12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


It's they, they, they, they....who the heck is "they?"  Well "they" is the rest of America who aren't braindead and can see Trump for what he is.  Just a lying conman with almost no socially redeeming value.  The paranoia of the far right in America is beyond the pale.  


"They" is The Clinton Machine, man. Get yer head outta yer ass and smell the gasoline.


"They" got her off Whitewater, murder, Clinton Foundation, BENGHAZI! and EMAILemailEMAIL! Criminal scandals. (But somehow failed to get a spunk stain off a blue dress...whatevers, man).


It's all a coverup. The FBI were in on it, then they weren't, now they're in again. Wheels within wheels within wheels, man.



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34 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


It's they, they, they, they....who the heck is "they?"  Well "they" is the rest of America who aren't braindead and can see Trump for what he is.  Just a lying conman with almost no socially redeeming value.  The paranoia of the far right in America is beyond the pale.  

Calm down old boy no need to blow a fuse. They I was referring to was the establishment, who will ensure that HC will get in the white house.


In fact if it was not for the establishment HC would never have been allowed to run for the presidency. She has been protected from the scrutiny she fully deserves. I still believe that if a sensible candidate for the republicans was chosen, HC would have lost.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
To cement my point.
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8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Calm down old boy no need to blow a fuse. They I was referring to was the establishment, who will ensure that HC will get in the white house.



Oooo...the "establishment"! The ones that have been in power since the birth of America 240 years ago. Or maybe the Illuminati. Or maybe the world bankers. Oh, I know. It is the Five Controlling Families!



Huh, wait a minute. The Bushes are listed in the 5 Controlling Families, yet Jeb lost...strange.


Oh, but the Bushes are now for Clinton. I get it.

Edited by Silurian
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It is sad to me that Trump has made it this far.  Blatant racism and sexism, a lack of anything resembling qualifications or policy positions, and constant, well-documented lying hasn't stopped him from nearly gaining the votes needed to be elected.  It's a sad testimony to just how stupid half of all Americans really are.  


If Trump wasn't obviously the most unqualified and unsuitable major candidate the US has ever seen--rejected by half his own party for that--he might have pulled it off, and he still has some chance.  Hillary is just more of the same related to Bill and Obama's Presidencies, not ideal, not solely focused on the best interests of the country, but as I see it all the negative spin is nothing but justification for people resonating with the racism and prejudice. 

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14 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:



The Democratic Party has been fooling minorities for decades. The only difference between them and the other party is that they focus on telling the minorities what they want to hear


Sure, unlike DT who calls one of his own black supporters a "thug" and kicks him out of the rally. Guess DT is used to "telling it like it is". Just be glad someone didn't yell "gun" otherwise it would have billed as another "assassination attempt".


Donald Trump Calls A Black Supporter A Paid Thug and Kicks Him Out of His Rally



 BTW - the supporter (Cary), is a longtime fan of DT and has been corresponding with DT for many years.

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21 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


A typical uneducated Trump supporter.  Hispanics now make up over 20% of the U.S. population.  The problem for Republicans is that the border states in the West, traditionally bastions of Republican conservatism (except for Cali), have also seen dramatic increases in their Hispanic populations.  The Hispanic populations of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas now exceed 30% of the total populations.  Hispanic population is also growing in Nevada (28%).



I don't either but Id like to see this. How did you obtain a copy...torrenting?


I don't like Michael Moore, but I found his recent video on explaining the popularity of Trump to be quite enlightening:  




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1 hour ago, Silurian said:



Oooo...the "establishment"! The ones that have been in power since the birth of America 240 years ago. Or maybe the Illuminati. Or maybe the world bankers. Oh, I know. It is the Five Controlling Families!




The "Establishment" is in favor of Clinton. That's why "they" made sure Trump was the Republican nominee. Most of Trump's negatives are his own past actions and pronouncements as well as things he's said during the campaign. That's why so many Clinton ads are just clips of Trump saying things.


Trump is a stooge of The Clinton Establishment Machine. 


Which makes Trump supporters: chumps.


Wheels within wheels, dude.



Edited by Thakkar
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9 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Old fart? Nothing wrong with Old Farts. I love Old Farts. I will be one soon. Please relish being an old fart but the sad old pensioners, the Condell Bigots, the Trump Deplorables, the Farage Asswipes - don't be one of them.


I avoid providing personal information since there are very few people on TVF who would use it in good faith, but I will reveal that I am not a millennial. In fact I am on the cusp of the transition from Baby Boomer to Gen X'er. But young people, new people, different people don't scare me. They used to when I was young and ignorant but I learned how to beat my own racism brought about by my heritage.


When you learn to embrace diversity and new people with different ideas, then you will find that in fact I am saying quite a lot as well as using a lot of words. Don't worry if you don't understand what I am saying at the moment. It requires some progress on the path to enlightenment to appreciate the meaning of what I say. Of course, you can stay un-enlightened. That is your choice. But then you just be a sad old reactionary with to whom no-one but other sad old reactionaries pay attention.


And believe me, I am often up to my elbows in reality confronting different ideas and dealing with different peoples and cultures. If I didn't show them some respect, then I would get nowhere with them. So no, I can faithfully reject your accusation of being imprisoned in an ivory tower.


America took a leap to the left with the SCOTUS decision on marriage equality. President Hillary Clinton's SCOTUS choices will entrench and expand this. A liberal SCOTUS will recognize diversity and enforce the Constitutional Rights of equality under the law for all. This will not divide America. It will unite America because the new America - the next generation - primarily rejects the old culture warriors. The new generation has an entirely different set of values and issues. The sad old pensioners can get with the program or sit it out on the sidelines. Once the Republican Party rebuilds itself and rids itself of the old Reagan Cold Warriors then it will become a fitting party to compete with the Democrats for office. But we have to let the Republican Party self destruct under Trump first.


So please be an old fart. Just don't be a miserable old sod getting in the way of the new generation by pushing a value system that diminishes others. But it takes a special type of old fart to do this.

Thank you for a thoughtful, well written post. It doesnt matter which side of the fence you live on, you provide us with  commentary.  we can debate. rare, here.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


"They" is The Clinton Machine, man. Get yer head outta yer ass and smell the gasoline.


"They" got her off Whitewater, murder, Clinton Foundation, BENGHAZI! and EMAILemailEMAIL! Criminal scandals. (But somehow failed to get a spunk stain off a blue dress...whatevers, man).


It's all a coverup. The FBI were in on it, then they weren't, now they're in again. Wheels within wheels within wheels, man.



Great avatar, btw.

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17 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Neither will his women

His daughter is already fighting a rear guard action to try and protect her "brand" while distancing her "brand" from her fathers electoral aspirations. After tomorrow he can go back to the Trump "brand" branded with defeat. Somehow I feel the Donald will pin a medal on his ego board and move on chuckling to himself and maybe watch the movie "The Man Who Wanted To Be King"

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17 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

What are Trumps independently verified misdeeds? Why do people from other countries have such negative opinions about him? Could it be that they have been indoctrinated by their mass media?

I think you will find them filed right next to the independently verified misdeeds he constantly shouts about Hillary Clinton. Quote  Why do people from other countries have such negative opinions about him? unquote Answer because they listen to what comes out of his lips. Quote Could it be that they have been indoctrinated by their mass media? unquote You get a cigar on this one. 

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:


Quote  Why do people from other countries have such negative opinions about him? unquote Answer because they listen to what comes out of his lips. Quote Could it be that they have been indoctrinated by their mass media? unquote You get a cigar on this one. 


And now it's a genuine Cuban cigar. 


Thanks, Obama!



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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:

The first result is in!


Dixville Notch

Hillary: 4

Trump: 2

Johnson: 1

Romney (write in): 1



I didn't knew there were such easter eggs hidden in the US elections. That's good and funny.


Now that we have the data, it's time to make the country wide predictions based on first results! :)

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1 hour ago, honu said:

It is sad to me that Trump has made it this far.  Blatant racism and sexism, a lack of anything resembling qualifications or policy positions, and constant, well-documented lying hasn't stopped him from nearly gaining the votes needed to be elected.  It's a sad testimony to just how stupid half of all Americans really are.  


If Trump wasn't obviously the most unqualified and unsuitable major candidate the US has ever seen--rejected by half his own party for that--he might have pulled it off, and he still has some chance.  Hillary is just more of the same related to Bill and Obama's Presidencies, not ideal, not solely focused on the best interests of the country, but as I see it all the negative spin is nothing but justification for people resonating with the racism and prejudice. 

The most positive outcome of the Trump campaign has been to show that the "racism shield" has little to no affect on thinking Americans anymore.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Now Hispanic voters are turning out in record numbers precisely because of Trumps bigoted comments about them. Some shield.

You're misunderstanding my use of the term (nothing new there) but I'm not gonna expound on it now...I'm sure most understand the term. As for Hispanic-Americans voting in large number...good on them. Their views on who should govern the country are as important as anyone else's.

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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You're misunderstanding my use of the term (nothing new there) but I'm not gonna expound on it now...I'm sure most understand the term. As for Hispanic-Americans voting in large number...good on them. Their views on who should govern the country are as important as anyone else's.

I decided to look up the term on the internet.  Couldn't find any citations.  So if you're going to invent a term, i don't think it's unreasonable to expect you to define it. Unless of course, you're just talking to yourself.

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22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I decided to look up the term on the internet.  Couldn't find any citations.  So if you're going to invent a term, i don't think it's unreasonable to expect you to define it. Unless of course, you're just talking to yourself.

You have to expand your search beyond The Guardian, MSNBC, and the Clinton News Network  :stoner:

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