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US election: Trump makes his last pitch to voters


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US election: Trump makes his last pitch to voters




On the final day before the US election Donald Trump has made his last pitch to voters. Polls show a tight race, though tilted towards Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, suggesting the New York businessman has it all to do.


Barring a miracle, Florida will be crucial to outcome, and that is where the Republican nominee kicked off his last push on Monday to win the White House.


“Florida is my second home. A state I love so much, and by the way, Hillary, once this is over, she’ll never come. In one day, we are going to win the great state of Florida and we are going to take back the White House. With what’s happening with our justice, our country is a laughing-stock all over the world, they’re laughing,” Trump said.


Last month Trump drew widespread criticism for claiming the election was rigged, something he once again claimed in Florida, as he lashed out at his rival after the FBIsaid it was bringing no criminal charges.


In addition to Florida, Trump was set to blitz the key battlegrounds of North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, ending with a late night rally in Michigan.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-08


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Trump Lead Widens To 2, His Biggest Yet, Despite 'November Surprise': IBD/TIPP Poll





With one day to go, Donald Trump extended his lead over Hillary Clinton, 43% to 41%, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll. That comes after a third bombshell from FBI Director James Comey, who announced Sunday he would not indict Clinton for her email scandal.

Trump's two-point lead now matches his largest so far during the 20 days of polling.

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Trump's  core supporters probably see nothing "uncomfortable" in this situation- as they did not either with D. Trump mocking a journalist with disability i a rally - something he denied anyway.




It tells a lot about the kind of soul HE has, and what he - in fact - deeply shares with his supporters parroting him   : hate and anger.  


" Be a killer - Be a king"









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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Last month Trump drew widespread criticism for claiming the election was rigged, something he once again claimed in Florida,

Brings back memories of Bush vs Gore in Florida. Bush proved himself to be about the worst president ever. Its another reason the Republicans want to stack the Supreme Court. It did not let them down then. Hello Chad how are they hanging?

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1 hour ago, smudger1951 said:

What is it with all the Trump haters ? The likelihood is USA will elect a serial congenital liar and bestow the leadership of the country and the free world on this corrupt woman. You've got four years to regret it and a lot more national debt. !

She's a normal politician.

He's a horror show.

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

In his concession speech, Trump will not call HRC derogatory names.  That will be seen by Trump fans as gentlemanly.  The bar is set so low for him, that if he doesn't spew garbage out his mouth, that's considered sage behavior.

That's PRESIDENT Crooked Hillary to you!:partytime2:

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1 hour ago, smudger1951 said:

What is it with all the Trump haters ? The likelihood is USA will elect a serial congenital liar and bestow the leadership of the country and the free world on this corrupt woman. You've got four years to regret it and a lot more national debt. !

Have you ever fact checked what Trump has said and  and compared it to Clinton?  had the misfortune to listen to him speaking live this morning and the lies were rolling off his tongue with ease. I've attached the link to the Washington Post fact checker for your convenience. Have at it.


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15 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Brings back memories of Bush vs Gore in Florida. Bush proved himself to be about the worst president ever. Its another reason the Republicans want to stack the Supreme Court. It did not let them down then. Hello Chad how are they hanging?

How well I recall the aftermath of the 2000 election. If I recall correctly the vociferous voices of the Republican party and their associated media wing were in unison in saying "you lost, get used to it". I wonder if they will be saying the same thing tomorrow with, of course, the substitution of "you" by "we".

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2 hours ago, Neurath said:

How well I recall the aftermath of the 2000 election. If I recall correctly the vociferous voices of the Republican party and their associated media wing were in unison in saying "you lost, get used to it". I wonder if they will be saying the same thing tomorrow with, of course, the substitution of "you" by "we".

Well said. But I am afraid this Bush mentality "either your with us or against us" will continue long after the election is over. There is no middle America anymore. 

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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump Lead Widens To 2, His Biggest Yet, Despite 'November Surprise': IBD/TIPP Poll





With one day to go, Donald Trump extended his lead over Hillary Clinton, 43% to 41%, according to the latest IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll. That comes after a third bombshell from FBI Director James Comey, who announced Sunday he would not indict Clinton for her email scandal.

Trump's two-point lead now matches his largest so far during the 20 days of polling.


I will be interesting to see how will the wingnuts spin today's Republican election disaster, the landslide loss. For them to lose so badly, obviously the fix was in, no?  

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3 minutes ago, Pinot said:


I will be interesting to see how will the wingnuts spin today's Republican election disaster, the landslide loss. For them to lose so badly, obviously the fix was in, no?  



Read and weep...

Bottom line: When you adjust the polls for real voters in 2016, you get very different results.

You get:

Trump: 315 electoral votes

Hillary: 200

Toss up: 23

That’s what real polling numbers show.

They’re showing a Trump landslide!


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BM, enjoy the DELUSION just a little bit longer because VERY SOON that delusion is going to blow up BIGLY in your face. Have fun while it lasts though. 


To add, 315 electoral votes is NOT anything even close to a landslide. Either way. 

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I did not think this would be an exciting election but........

Watching coverage I must say it is actually.

Listening to supporters from both sides is entertaining

(not the ugly ones but the sincere from both sides)




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Well we are very nearly done now and I think everyone will be glad when it's over and Trump is history.  The delusional  Trumpsters are running out of excuses so all that is left is the plaintive cry of "rigged election".


What on earth are we going to bicker about tomorrow?  I guess the beaten Trumpsters will still be crying in their beer for a few days and blaming everyone else and the rest of us will have to come to terms with having a very unsuitable President for the next four years.  No winners here, just the best of a very bad job

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The last pitch as did the first pitch (Mexicans -- "they're RAPISTS") STINKS to high heaven.

Dump the clown now!





Anti-Semitism is no longer an undertone of Trump’s campaign. It’s the melody.

In the final hours, the mask came off.

Donald Trump and his surrogates have been playing footsie with American neo-Nazis for months: tweeting their memes, retweeting their messages, appearing on their radio shows. After an Oct. 13 speech in which Trump warned that Hillary Clinton “meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty” and that “a global power structure” is conspiring against ordinary Americans, the Anti-Defamation League urged Trump to “avoid rhetoric and tropes that historically have been used against Jews.”





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American democracy 2.0 ?


Three parties?



David Brooks: “The Republican Party will probably remain the white working-class party, favoring closed trade, closed borders and American withdrawal abroad. The Democratic Party, meanwhile, is increasingly dominated by its left/Sanders wing, which offers its own populism of the left.”


“There has to be a party for those who are now homeless. There has to be a party as confidently opposed to populism as populists are in favor of it.”



Instead of blowing up the system let's let it find its equilibrium. Try to stay within the Constitution. (USA is a republic under its constitution with a democratic system of politics and government -- I edit the post to note this before the information bugs take it upon themselves to step in it.)

Edited by Publicus
Preclude the foreign experts.
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