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I've been here 16++ yrs. I was a soldier [sF] before coming to Thailand and two years in "Cambodia" one in Burma working for the Thai government now...zip

But I've been involved in many ethnic/religious confrontations........This is a beautiful place to be and now I suggest a thought........if this continues in the south it is like a disease.........I hope all bleeding hearts have time off from procrastinating and go for a holiday down south khun Taksin's not the best thing since sliced bread but anyone looked at the alternatives?

having "worked" with Thai military I have found them both compassionate and merciless..........I sincerely hope nobody lets this continue........I don't have a solution.......may I suggest don't turn this country into a shooting gallery.

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The southern provinces stir up some sh1t every few years and the army goes in and whacks a few head & things cool down for a little while. With all the Muslim extremists going "postal" lately, gives 'em an excuse to also... :o


i dont think this will cool down for a while yet, my guess is it will get much hotter.

over 100 muslims shot in one day by the army down there,35 of them in a mosque, there is bound to be a response to todays events and it wouldn't surprise me if the response was somewhere outside of the three southern provinces.

its all quite worrying.


How many of you think that megaBaht investments in the three southern most provinces in Thailand will solve the issues the Muslims living there have? Does it go beyond poverty there?


if it is purely local dissatisfaction that is the cause then mega-investment may help to convince the local headmen/leaders/people with a vested interest to call for a reduction in the number of people willing to "take up arms".

if the problems down there are co-ordinated from outside thailand, by larger terrorist networks then i shouldnt think any amount of money will stop them.

they have their agenda and they will want to see it through.

the fact that todays raids on the police and army were carried out by poorly armed and equipped amateurs would suggest that it was a local,albeit well co-ordinated operation. the next one may be different.



The last time a raid in the South got away with a load of guns, the press and the internet were full of condemnation, for the government, for the military and for local leaders.

This time the raid was stopped.

Now people are complaining about it being stopped so violently.

I'm not a fan of Taxin and his government but I do support the Thais right to defend their nation against thugs, terrorists or who ever these people might be.

My wife is telling me she is real happy that the government has acted, my guess is most Thais think that way.

And since when was poverty an excuse.... if we accept that them Issarn should have been up in flames years ago.

The diifference between Issarn and the South of Thailand is the presence of Muslims and the religious agenda they have where ever Muslims are.

I saw the Thai police and military on the TV tonight, like the OP says, the can merciless.

It appears they are just as meciless as their enemy.

Take up arms and you have to accept that you make yourself a target...

My view is there are 120 less of these people to worry about....


Hi Taxex,

Worrying? I feel that's an understatement..............take the world's best boxer's what ethnic groups do they come from?..........the bottom of the food chain in every country. I'm sure you appreciate what I'm saying here. I just hope these clowns in BKK put the wefare of all of this country before perusing the latest benz demo drive catalog. "let them eat cake" is not an axiom that's gonna make this go away.

"Religion is the opium of the people"...........yea, when nothing else fills the food bowl..........I have respect for this part of the planet........various previous incumbrents in high positions appreciated this...........if this continues I want no part of it again........I'll be off jack........somewhere that needs reconstruction without religion dominating the issue.........and we have that on 3 borders now with no religious inetrference.

These F----wits don't even have constructive goals.........Pls. consider the Thai Army.........they're not perfect but they believe it or not they do care.

Compared to other places they've been very restrained. Using them is not I agree the answer but I've lived down there it is extremely financially stable I don't care who says what........there's an abundance of opportunity & work.....look at the average age of "combatants" 18-25 ! did we know what we were doing at that age?

Let's see what magic comes out the "thinktanks" on this one.

Hi Goat,

You don't need money or religion you just need real people........I lived and worked on farms in Issan for 5-6 years they've got nothing yet they strive, respect each other and one hand washes the other.

Hi Boon Mee,

You're not wrong but who want's this sh-t?

Strange, but I feel very protective towards a country that has let me be me. To me this is my "home" away from all that crap and I know the cops and army are not always perfect but they are a neccesary evil.

I've lost count of the times they've extended help to me rather than the less pleasant alternatives.

I may not be the world's No1 pacifist but let's all try caring.


Hi "Guesthouse"

We share an attitude here, having {I hope by now} awareness of Thai people they won't put up with this.........you're not wrong.......tote a weapon an' you're a legit target. Maybe, just maybe the more people stay out of this the better, fire needs fuel. Global agenda? for what?..........OK they/them/us/you/me get to the top then what???????...................Qoute from the Matrix: "humans are a plauge on this planet they destroy everything everwhere they go".


Yes TRAKKER I agree 100% .If we look around,there is no balance enymore

Poverty that's al we see .a salary of 5000 baht,a new car of 100 million

but this is ongly my opinion


Hi, it's T/O for now let's hope these people stop before the powers that be get really upset.

If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism. - Thomas Sowell

With 3000 years of examples behind us we have no excuse when fighting, for not fighting well.

- T.E. Lawrence


I for 1 think it is just great what the Thai army and the police did today.

Now if they will just keep it up until the towel heads get the idea that they might not be able to pull the crap that they are pulling all over the world.

Leave Thailand to the BUDA and if you do not like to speak Thai or do not want your kids educated in Thailand,then get your asses south of the border where you belong, you have intimidated those people til they will put up with you,but the Thai will not.

If you have a cancer,cut it out or it will kill you.

I for 1 think it is just great what the Thai army and the police did today.

Now if they will just keep it up until the towel heads get the idea that they might not be able to pull the crap that they are pulling all over the world.

Remember, they're not towel heads or rag heads...that's a little sheet atop their noggins. Call 'em Sheet Heads! :o


Hi Guys,

What's it gonna take? Sorry, I have the greatest respect for this country but where's the next Jet airliner gonna be flown into before everybody wakes up?..........baiyoke 2?..........A tourist centre?.......there's been postings about the effect on the tourist biz..........so, what do we do? sweet nothing ? I like the food respect the religion but don't ram it down my throat..............Question for all brain surgeons out there.........what has been over thousands of years the root cause of war?........if you can't figure that out..........nothing like a bit of conceited selfishness on the part of spectators to keep the fires stoked.

Visit from the comfort of your keyboard any website re. taliban/guetamala/beirut/bagdad/pol pot/North Korea et.al.

Lotta people talki'n criticising when some f---------r blows up Foodland who you gonna call?

Not me anymore Jack.

I wish all good luck with post traumatic stress therapy.

I'm caucasian but I'd never "play" for an "Ideology" of any description this place is worth taking care of and if you've got your heart in the bank you're on the wrong team.


does anyone believe the premise that people that live in southern Thailand are ethnic malays and may not want to be part of Thailand due to racial, cultural and religeous differences? I got this either from local press or from BBC On-line.

So maybe not just a raghead phenomenon. Would be nice to have accurate information in this regard.


> My wife is telling me she is real happy that the government

> has acted, my guess is most Thais think that way.

Yup.. If we had a flag, I bet my gf would have been waving it. ;-) And frankly I agree; in January the military lost face big time in a similar attack; lots of soldiers got killed and weapons stolen.

This time they were ready.. and did the job.

Even Southern religious leaders seem to have no sympathy for the attackers..

*Congratulations to Thailand & Taksin for good action taken*




> I got this either from local press or from BBC On-line.

I thought the BBC World news item on this was pretty dumb.. Keep in mind that on the topic of Thailand, they're about as knowledgeable as any of us, possibly less. And the report was just corny... 'bla bla bla trouble for a country that advertises itself as the land of smiles' (with pictures of a wounded policeman or soldier) Give me a break.

Thai police and military did exactly the things that police and military are supposed to do when under attack.




After living more than 30 years in Muslim countries around the Middle East I'm sorry to say that this typical muslim thinking, they believe that killing non believers is going to give them a seat next to Allah, how stupid can you be ?


recently reported on BBC that the Thai government attributes todays violence in the south to criminal gangs. Criminals everywhere are a self serving bunch and are hardly likely to arm themselves with machetes and hand guns to attack heavily armed soldiers and police. Something doesn't sound right? Or maybe Thai crooks are just fukcin' stupid and a few cans short of a six pack when compared to their counterparts in the US, Colombia, Mexico and Russia.

Curiouser and curiouser...


I agree, the Thai Military did a ###### of a job yesterday and I hope they stay locked and loaded, seems like someone told me one time regarding an armed enemy, "If in any doubt empty your magazine," Shoot the ###### out of them and try to ask a few questions later, seems right to me :o:D:D


IMHO I don't think the military got it right at all.. the one thing they did get right, was transferring the General who sent the troops into the mosque, out of the area & back to Bangkok.

The Israelis have been doing this for the past 30 years ite not improved things there has it ?

Referring to other people as ragheads, towel heads or sheet heads (whether tongue in cheek or not) is highly disrespectful if not offensive.

Violence doesn't resolve anything - but where do you draw the line when people oppress you, steal your land & leave you in economic ruin - as in the case of Palestine.

I'm not saying that Thailand will go that way & I hope it doesn't, but what happened yesterday will not make things any better.

Why don't other Thai's do it -- I don't know, maybe its Buddhism, that mai pen rai attitude, or something else. Maybe most Thai's are happy that universities change their entrance requirements at the drop of a hat, that someone can shoot someone in a crowded club & no-one sees who's done it, that the rich drive around in 10m Baht cars, that someone can demolish a whole block of buildings on one of the busiest roads in the world, & no-one knows who did it, that exam papers disappear.... I can go on. Maybe its apathy that stops the masses from revolting against authority.

Long live the Revolution !!!


My wife couldn't get enough of it on TV, she said it was like watching a movie. She even missed her midday nap so she could watch.

I asked her if she is scared at all. She told me "no problem, no Thailand but near Thailand"

I reminded her that it is actually in Thailand, she said "I know, but no Thailand"

What is with that?

My wife couldn't get enough of it on TV, she said it was like watching a movie. She even missed her midday nap so she could watch.

I asked her if she is scared at all. She told me "no problem, no Thailand but near Thailand"

I reminded her that it is actually in Thailand, she said "I know, but no Thailand"

What is with that?


If you're a Thai from anywhere north of the affected southern provinces, it's the same old business going back hundreds of years.

Central and Northern Thais generally don't trust anyone that's from Phuket on south and the ones that live in Hat Yai etc. may have Thai passports but are not considered to be real Thai by other Thais.

Part of the explaination is Rama V I believe, annexed those southern areas due to cross-border conflicts way back when and they have remained under Thai control ever since.

When my wife & I were posted to Brazil we sponsored an exchange student for a year. The organization that set us up connected us with a girl in her junior year of high school from Phuket. After a couple months went by I mentioned to the missus it didn't seem she and the girl were hitting it off all that well. No overt hassels or anything but my wife said it's just Central Thais don't much trust folks from down that way. I never knew that before...but there you have it. :o


I am still recovering from the shock of seeing the images of all those poor innocent muslim-militant-hardliner-activist types being blown away, I mean don't the Thai government realise that they now make up around 4 % of this countries population so are therefore entitled to own it? Mr Shinawatra should begin by destroying all these bloody buddhist temples and replacing them with mosques. Then he should get to work on raizing BKK to the ground where everyone can have their own cave and a copy of the Koran -after all that is all that we need.


does anyone believe the premise that people that live in southern Thailand are ethnic malays and may not want to be part of Thailand due to racial, cultural and religeous differences?

It is sad to see, that my favorite vacation area since 30 years is again a place of bloody unrest.

Yes, it is true, that a majority of the population in the Southern provinces, especially around Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani are ethnic Malays and would prefer to be a part of Malaysia as before....

The border line was changed after WWII -

Beside that, there are many Muslims, who are ethnic Malays in nearby areas like Satun or Phattalung -

the city of Hadyai has a huge Chinese population related to the Chinese in Malaysia - many people have relatives on the other side of the border.

Most of them are not really so unsatisfied with their lives in Thailand, but would prefer somehow to receive more recognition by the government, which is forcing the Southern areas in all ways of the daily life to act like a Thai. -

But it is a fact, the Southern areas of Thailand are different.....and ethnic Thais are often only 20 percent or less out of the whole population there....

It does not mean, that Thai Muslim are all terrorists there and want to kill all the Thais.... but some radical elements are getting crazy, and this is a danger for ALL moderate people in this area.

Of course, you can live rather independent in the South.... there are private schools for Chinese and for Muslim, private institutes for studies about Thai Muslim related affairs, but you have to pay for that all out of your own pocket, many Thai Muslim people cannot afford that.....

No real support or understandings by the Thai government. This makes people angry.

The best solution by my opinion would be a far more open co-operation between Malaysia and Thailand, in form of labour permits, long-time stays, import-export, general investments, easy border pass by own car and so on, duty free zones, buying own land in Thailand and Malaysia.....

It is difficult to change the border, but new laws and regulations by BOTH, Thailand and Malaysia, are indeed required and overdue....


How many of you think that megaBaht investments in the three southern most provinces in Thailand will solve the issues the Muslims living there have? Does it go beyond poverty there?

It has nothing to do with *poverty* - in fact, comparing South Thailand with NorthEast Thailand, you will see, that NorthEast Thailand is far poorer than all the South.

Investments in the South cannot be done just by Thailand....both, Malaysia and Thailand should much more co-operate with this issue....

Some politicians should do something about it.....

The problem there is that these people involved are not ethnic Thais, they are not Buddhists, but Moslems, and that parts of these areas were parts of the former Malay Foderation and not Thai territory.

People do not feel to be Thais, do not like to be treated as Thais, because they are not Thais....

This is the main-point of all these sad problems ....


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