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Neighbours Burning Plastic - Cold Season Annoyance


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Well said, Chownah. When will they finally build industrial sized incinerator facilities in remote areas so that this carcinogen threat is finally out of sight and out of mind?


A properly designed, built, and run state of the art incinerator can do the job without releasing carcinogens.....but.....if it is not maintained and run properly then anyone living down wind from it will be constantly dosed with carcinogens. Evidentally (I don't have any links to support this and I don't know where I heard this) in the US some facilities that were touted as being able to do the job pollution free did not actually deliver on their claim and the cause was indicated to be improper maintenance and operation. So.....if done the right way this is an option.....what do you think the odds are that a state of the art computer monitored and computer controlled incinerator would be properly built, maintained, and operated in THAILAND????


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